Meanwhile, there was lots of laughter as people were busy getting the ballroom ready for the prince's wedding. Adonis and Katerina were also preparing for their wedding. Adonis had taken her to one of the luxurious bedrooms, where her maids came running to her, all excited. 'Oh miss, where have you been all this time, we have been worried sick, but look at you now, and about to marry your prince.' She held her hands out grasping Katrina's, 'Beautiful, just beautiful and you're now milking!' Katrina smiled saying to her, 'I'm going to have to get used to all this splendour, aren't I?'
'Get used to it miss,' she gave Katrina a look, then happily told her she was going to get her ready for her wedding. As she was bathing her, she asked 'What do you mean, you're going to have to get used to this splendour, this has been your home for many years.' Katrina looked at her with a quizzical look on her face, 'My home, do you know me already?'
'Oh yes miss, I was your maid that prepared you for your first wedding, but you just disappeared, no one could find you anywhere, we searched and searched for you. Adonis was broken-hearted, I couldn't and still don't understand what could have happened,' smiling at me while she was combing my hair and preparing me for my wedding.
What's your name, and can you tell me what happened, I need to understand, I ask 'her.
'My name is Tia miss; I have been your maid ever since you first arrived here. You were being prepared for your wedding, just like you are now when I was summoned to the king. There was a guard outside when I left, I smiled at him and went to see the king. When I entered the king's room, he was surprised to see me, as he was also getting ready for the wedding, as was everyone else. Well, you can imagine, I rushed back to you, but you had gone and so was the guard; you were nowhere to be found and neither could the guard. Although, saying that, we do have shapeshifters and you know how they can change. What if after you are wedded, you get Adonis to have you try and find out?'
'Yes I think that would be a good idea, as some things do seem so familiar to me, but I don't remember anything, the only thing I do know is that Adonis is the love of my life. Hopefully, they will help me remember, now let's get finished.' She finished by putting my adornments on and a clear robe that covered my whole body yet covered nothing.
When Tia looked at me she had tears in her eyes, 'ahh miss, you look beautiful, Adonis is a very lucky man indeed.' We walked out only to find Eros waiting for us. 'Oh, your majesty' and I immediately curtsied, as did Tia. The king placed his arms around Katrina, saying, 'No need to curtsy today, as it is yours and Adonis's day, they shall all bow and curtsy to you both, shall we my dear one, you look beautiful.' He placed her arm in his and walked her down the long corridor to the ballroom.
When they entered they walked towards the alter. Adonis couldn't take his eyes off her, Grace's eye's filled with love and tears as she mouthed 'at last.' Eros gave Adonis Katrina's hand, then stepped back standing next to the queen, taking her hand in his, kissing it with passion.
The wedding service went without any problems; when they turned around the ballroom was packed full, as everyone wanted to see their union. Adonis walked Katrina to where there was a long-padded table, he picked her robe up and took it off her, so she was now as naked as everyone else; he saw bells attached to her nipples and every time she move they jingled. He gently laid her down standing between her thighs; he saw another bell attached to the hood of her clit; his cock rock hard. He held her legs high and wide as he pushed his cock deep into her showing everyone to whom she now belonged. The ballroom came alive, everyone was clapping and cheering, and they all started dancing waiting for Adonis to fill his new bride with his seed.
An hour later a thundering bellow came from Adonis, 'cum for me my angel,' with that Katrina came as she had never cum before, squirting all over Adonis's chest. When he saw this he filled her full of his seed. When they had calmed, he lifted Katerina off the table telling her they had to go around the ballroom thanking everyone for attending their wedding and allowing everyone who wished to touch her could do so.
As they were walking around greeting their guests, they came upon a group of people, all smiling and enjoying themselves; Adonis had his arm wrapped around Katerina's waist, the bells attached to her nipples and clit were constantly jingling, but when she looked at one of the men a shudder went through her, as he went to touch her, making her whole body stiffen making her step back, her hand clasped Adonis's tighter; this made him look at her and her face had gone ashen white. He turned to look where the king and queen were, the king had seen her face turn white and he was by their side immediately.
'What's the matter Katrina you've gone very pale,' the king quietly asked her but kept a smile on his face. She looked at him nodding her head, with this both Adonis and the king looked in the direction she was looking, and both noticed she was beginning to tremble.
Two of the king's trusted guards went to stand behind the man, as the king told them to take him to a holding cell, they would deal with him later, as no one was going to spoil their wedding day. A chair was placed behind Katrina, and she literally flopped down onto it.
Adonis was kneeling in front of her, she looked at him whispering, 'That man, who is he, because as soon as I saw him, he scared me, it's as though I know him from somewhere, I'm sorry for making such a fuss but, but he's not a very nice person.'
The king placed his hands on Adonis's shoulders, as the queen was making everyone disperse from watching them, telling everyone to carry on with the celebrations, they would be joining them shortly. The king said to them both, we will get to the bottom of this for I will not have this sort of thing in my realm. 'I want you to see a seer, she is one of the queen's maids, she will help you to remember,' he rubbed her arms telling her not to worry as he was going to have a couple of his trusted guards, guard her at all times. He patted Adonis on his shoulder, 'All will be well my son, you will see.'
The queen came in with her most faithful and trustworthy maids. She curtsied in front of Katerina, 'Your royal Highness, it's a pleasure to meet you this time. I will help you remember. You will never be alone and there is no need for you to fear anything or anyone,' she curtsied again, then stepped back watching her carefully.
Adonis wrapped his arm around her waist, 'Come, my love, we need some privacy' as he guided her through a door that was partially hidden, with the queen and her maid following. She sat down panic showing on her face, 'Please you royal Highness sit quietly with your mother till I am finished, it won't take long.'
She sat opposite Katrina, placing her hands in hers; this caused Katerina to instantly calm down, Telling her what she intended to do and that she wanted her to relax, so she could see why that man frightened her so much. Katerina told her, she couldn't remember anything. She told her not to worry as she placed her fingers on each side of her head telling Katerina to close her eyes. Katerina closed her eyes, her mind instantly returning to the time her trouble started, letting the seer do what she had to do.
Within seconds, the seer found what she was looking for, and from what she saw she understood why Katrina was so feared of him. Before she took her fingers away from her head she told Katerina she would remember everything, but nothing would scare or frighten her anymore concerning this man and she would stay calm; for he would get his just rewards. She slipped her fingers down from her head and down her arms to her stomach, smiling. She then caressed her cheeks, saying 'You will make an excellent, just Queen one day.' She then turned so she was facing the prince, waiting for Katrina to come and sit by her.
'I remember everything now, and it wasn't your fault I ran away Adonis,' taking his hands in mine; it was that man. He came into our rooms, but he looked like one of our guards saying the prince had to deal with something and he was to look after me while he was gone, but when he approached me, he unexpectedly grabbed my hair pulling me out of my seat placing his hand around my mouth saying quietly, that he was taking me to the auction and selling me to the highest bidder after he had fucked me raw, and no one would know. He looked up and down my body, squeezing my breasts and pinching me hard. I couldn't do anything for he had handcuffed my wrists and taped my mouth closed. His cock was lengthening with everything he was saying and the way he was looking at me, made me shiver with fear. But what he didn't realize was, I still had the use of my legs, and I brought my knee up sharply right into his cock and ball sac. He doubled over with the pain I had caused and fell to his knees, this caused his face to change, and he wasn't one of your guards, he was a shifter, I then ran and kept running, making sure no one could find or see me, and I didn't feel safe until I was far away from him.'
They all sat silently, listening to everything I had told them. I saw the anger on their faces. Eros and Adonis both stood at the same time saying, we shall deal with him severely, for he won't hurt another female in my realm ever again.
I stood saying to them both, let me deal with him, but I want you both to be with me,' I kept looking at them when Eros said, 'Are you strong enough to do this?' I told him yes, I was now, with the help of the seer; I turned to look at her smiling. She nodded her head, then stood to leave, the queen went with her leaving just the three of us together. 'Adonis, please let me do this, for you know how long I have been running
from that vile man, and he needs his punishment and I want to be the one to give it to him.' Eros and Adonis looked at each other, then back to me, 'only if we both stay with you,' Adonis replied.
'Yes you must stay with me but watching him get some of his punishment will be sufficient, then we can carry on with our lives,' she said as her fingers brushed down the front of his body tenderly. Adonis looked at her and she heard him growl deep in his throat, coughing he said, 'Very well, come, let's get this over with, but tell us what are you going to do to him?' he gave her a look that told her he was going to ravish her as soon as he could. This made her nipples stand on end, milk dripping just at the thought.
They entered the holding cell, both Eros and Adonis were on each side of her and the guards were close by. She held both their hands slightly squeezing them; she raised her head; her voice was firm when she began speaking. 'You have given me years of pain and what you intended to do to me is unforgivable and you deserve the severest punishment, a punishment you will never be able to forget. She told one of the guards to fetch the doctor. Hearing this the shifter looked up at her saying, 'And what is he going to do to me, he is one of my kind, you stupid fucking bitch, you don't even belong here.'
'You'll be surprised at what he can and will do,' she told the other guards to completely tie his arms and feet apart in readiness for the doctor. A few minutes later the doctor appeared. Katrina looked straight at him and told him what she wanted him to do to the prisoner; everyone should know what he tried to do.
The prisoner started shouting, 'You can't do that, tell the stupid fucking bitch, your highness,' he looked from Adonis to Eros, but neither said a word, only looked at him.
After a few minutes, Adonis said 'just be thankful she is not having you executed for I can assure you if it were up to me or your king that is exactly what would happen. Maybe this will be a more fitting punishment, it will tell everyone exactly what kind of person you are.' His open hand caressed the small of her back as if telling her she was doing a good job.
'B-but she wants to have my balls cut off and then marked as a rapist who then sells his prey to the highest bidder.' Both men glared at him nodding their heads.
'What do you expect, you must have known we would find her, and that the truth would eventually come out.' The king looked at the doctor, telling him to proceed with the punishment. The doctor had no option but to obey the king, but if he were honest he agreed with them, they couldn't have anyone thinking they could do something as severe as he had done and expect to get away with it.
The shifter now began to beg, telling them it was all her doing and that she had come on to him. Katrina couldn't believe what she was hearing, and Adonis could feel her start to shake inside. He placed his arm around her shoulders, as she looked up at him, 'I most certainly did no such thing, ask the seer, she will tell you what happened and what she saw.'
'It's ok my love, we know you have spoken the truth, we can feel it. Now, do you wish to go while the punishments are carried out,' he asked her.
'No, I am staying until the punishments are done to my satisfaction, I have no intention of running away. I don't want any other female to feel how he made me feel, and he will have to spend the rest of his life searching for forgiveness.'
The doctor kept hesitating. The king noticed this, telling him to begin, 'We haven't got all day.' The doctor went to inject him so he would feel no pain, Katrina asked him what he was using. He told her 'It is something, so he won't feel any pain'. He began to administer it when Katerina snatched it out of his hand. 'No, he will suffer, like he has made me suffer for all these years. Now get on with it.' The doctor had no option but to begin, he was as quick as he could have possibly been, dropping his ball sac into a bowl and sewing him back up. When he had finished, the shifter had passed out with the amount of pain he was receiving. His head slumped onto his chest, the doctor checked his pulse, and he was beginning to calm down and come around.
'Now ink this on his face, I want every woman here to know exactly what he is and how he treats women, he is someone who thinks he can do and say whatever he pleases.' Again, the doctor looked at the king, not really knowing if he should. The king looked at him as he told the guards to fasten his head so he couldn't and wouldn't move. When they had finished the guards stepped back but close enough in case the shifter tried to break free. The doctor scribed his face with what Katrina had given him; when he read it his face coloured a deep scarlet.
When he had finished, Katerina walked up to the doctor and thanked him. She then turned to the shifter who was now coming around and stated, 'Now everyone will know exactly what and who you are,' she turned around and looked at the king and Adonis, curtsied then walked out, leaving them to deal with the shifter.
The shifter bellowed, 'What has she done to me, show me, let me see.' The king walked up to him with a mirror in his hand, he then placed it in front of the shifter showing him what it was that had been inked on his face, 'nooooooo,' he roared.
The king and Adonis both started speaking at the same time. Adonis went to stand by his father, Eros put his hand on his son's shoulder, as Adonis carried on speaking; 'it's no more than you deserve, if it was up to me, you would have been executed, so be thankful you are still breathing, with what you tried to do to my wife and what you made her go through, you deserve far, far more. Show him what else the doctor has done father.' The shifter looked at both men, then followed the king's hand as he lowered the mirror to where his ball sac used to be. The king then said, 'You will no longer be able to ever hurt another woman, and everyone will know what you have done and what you are, for I will not have anyone in my realm doing what you tried to do to the princess, how she survived I don't know, but am thankful she did. Oh and one more thing, you no longer have the shifter privileges, you will stay as you are from now on. Now, as soon as the guards release you, you are free to go, but be warned, the guards will always have you in their sights from now on and will report any misdemeanour you cause.' They then turned their backs and walked out, going back to the ball.
As they entered the ballroom, Adonis saw Katrina sitting with the queen and her seer. When she looked towards him, she flushed but opened her legs slightly for him, telling him what she needed. The queen patted her hands which were laying on her lap. As they approached them, the king held out his hand, 'Grace my love, dance with me.' Adonis did the same and Katrina practically fell into his arms. 'Did I go too far in doing what I did' she asked him as they danced around the floor.
'No, my love you didn't, if you had left it to me and my father, he would have been executed for what he has done and the consequences he caused, this will make him realise and hopefully admit how wrong he was in doing what he tried to do. The king's father had someone executed for trying to do more or less the same thing. He was far sterner and would not allow any misdemeanours at all, no matter how slight they
The way her nipples were jingling with the sound of the bells as they rubbed against his chest, was making her desire for him grow stronger, and beads of milk were leaking from her growing nipples. He looked down at them, then back up to her eyes, plainly seeing the lust and desire. When the music finished, they went to sit back down at the table and were all making merry. Adonis pulled Katrina onto his lap, his cock sliding into her wet cunt, as he whispered in her ear, you want me to fuck you here in front of everyone don't you, or do you wish for me to fuck you in private?' She looked at him and was about to tell him of her desire when the shifter came out. The people he had been with looked at him, shock written all over their faces. He kept his head down as he passed them, 'hey shifty,' he heard someone shout, but he ignored them going straight to his dwellings. The people he was with just stood open-mouthed staring as he passed them by, and they saw what had been done to him as punishment.
'I'm not surprised, one said, 'have you ever seen him using the girls, virgins especially, then taking them out where someone is waiting to buy them as slaves? The others who were listening to him all shook their heads. 'Oh yes, I have seen it on a couple of occasions, the poor girls didn't know what was happening to them and they were all virgins. One person looked at him, querying, 'How could they be virgins if he fucked them all?' He smiled saying 'Oh come on, he fucked their asses and mouths but kept the twats intact. He had to make sure their throats were open enough to accept all the cocks they were going to get.'
'Oh, I couldn't think of anything more horrendous,' one woman said.
'No, I agree with you, another said, but he has been getting away with it for years now, but no more thank the heavens.' They all slowly moved towards the dance floor and enjoyed the rest of the evening; nearing midnight, everyone began chanting, 'Prince, princess, prince, princess.'
Adonis stood, with Katrina by his side as they walked to the middle of the dance floor, while he quietly told her, everyone wanted to see them dance again before the evening came to an end. Katrina put her arms around him smiling up at him. He placed his open hand on the small of her back pulling her close to him, holding one of her hands he waltzed her around the room, with everyone clapping and cheering. Some of the women were slightly bent over, allowing their partners to have sex with them.
Everything about this realm was open and free of any unease, everyone was open and willing to have sex wherever, whenever and however they wished. Looking at the people as they danced, Katrina's nipples were hardening so much, they were beginning to ache, so she jumped up into Adonis's arms and as she did his cock slid into her cunt, 'Fill me, full Adonis, as you suckle my nipples and milk me. I love you so much,' she said as she pumped herself up and down on his cock; not caring who could see them, she just knew she wanted his cock deep inside her.
They were in a world of their own as they fucked again in front of everyone, hearing all the guests whoop, and holler in delight. Adonis made her cum twice before he said to her, I am going to fill you so full my love, and the guests will want to see. He then came hard his spunk filling her deep inside.
When he had finished cumming, he turned her around still holding her in his arms and he held her legs wide, so everyone could see the love they felt for each other. They arrived at where the king and queen were sitting, the queen being pleasured by the imps, who were making her cum continually; when Katrina saw this her libido started spiking again and saw people putting a table in the middle of the floor. Then hearing shouts of more, more your Majesty. The king looked at Adonis smiling, and Katrina was beginning to squirm again whispering 'More my love give me more.' He carried her to the table, the king was with them, they laid her on her side holding one of her legs high, and they both pushed in, filling her more than full. After the guests had seen this they started to drift away to their homes. Soon there were just the four of them and the guards, the king bent kissing her cheeks, the queen doing the same, 'Welcome home Katrina, welcome home,' then left hand in hand, the king and queen as well as Adonis and Katrina.
As the months went by, Katrina was getting used to finding her way around, everyone she passed had a smile for her, but never was she allowed to go anywhere alone, she always had at least one guard. She enjoyed strolling around the grounds and on every corner you went past, you could see couples making out however they wished, everyone was always naked, as this was their way, but no one ever took advantage of anyone else. I saw the queen's seer with a gentleman whose back was towards her, she was sitting on his lap as he suckled hard on her nipples, she smiled when she saw me, just as she began spurting her cum all over him. I was rubbing my swelling stomach, which had been twinging most of the day, but thought nothing of it as it wouldn't be long now until I brought another soul into this world. I suddenly grasped
the guard who looked at me wondering what was to do.
'I need to get back home, I think the baby's coming,' I told him. He glanced down at my stomach, then lifted me in his arms, marching straight back to the castle; it took him no more than ten minutes, shouting for Adonis and the king, who were at the time in a monthly meeting, but when they heard the guard, they dismissed everyone, telling the guards to clear everyone out immediately. The guard gently placed me on a seat, and I couldn't help but spread my legs wide he then had to jump to the side of me as my waters broke, 'Adonis,' I screamed. A pool of fluid and blood poured from my pussy as I heard them come running toward me. Both Adonis and the king lifted me in their arms, making sure my pussy was on full show. They took me to the nursing room and placed me on the bed, putting my feet in stirrups, the king busied himself preparing me for my birth, while Adonis came to my head running his soothing fingers on my temples, quietly speaking soft soothing words of love to me.
The pains came and went and at that moment another agonizing pain ripped through me, the king holding my pussy lips wide, his fingers opening me more. 'I can see the head, push hard for me Katrina.' Adonis tried to help the king, but I was gripping him so tight, he stayed where he was, gently trying to soothe me. 'Katrina when you feel another pain push down hard' his hands were covered in my blood, and another agonizing pain hit me. I pushed as hard as I could and felt the baby's head pop out.
They gave me a minute, and he then told me to push again, and I could see the king was helping to pull the baby out. 'Hold her head up son so she can see her child being born.' Adonis held my head and all three of us saw the baby being delivered. 'A boy,' shouted Adonis looking down at me, with a big beaming smile, 'we have a son, my love, well done.' He went to stand by his father, who was swaddling the baby then gave the baby to his son, who brought him to rest on my chest. The wailing of the baby filled the room as I held my nipple to his mouth, and he began to suckle. I looked at both men, who were then cleaning me up when I got another sharp pain which made me open my legs wide again, 'another child,' he cleaned me the best he could, but I didn't care, I knew I just wanted to push again and push I did. Again the king helped me to birth my second child; he couldn't believe it when I gave birth to a daughter.
Again Adonis brought the child to me placing the child on my breast and she began suckling too. I was exhausted and closed my eyes feeling my twins both suckling. The king and Adonis cleaned me up, they pulled the children off my breasts and carried me to our bed, where they put the wailing children back to feeding, covering me from my hips to my knees to give me a little dignity.
Looking at the two men who had brought my children into the world, I saw nothing but pride and love on their faces, as they saw the babies feeding; both were suckling hard. 'This doesn't feel normal to me, but I can feel my cunt and butt opening and closing as they are suckling,' I said looking at them both; their cocks hardening in the knowledge of what I needed. My hands gently caressed the children's backs as their tiny hands found each other, they quietened but continued to suckle. Their eyes were the colour of their daddy's eyes, with the same tufts of dark hair, my children were absolutely beautiful.
Adonis came to face me as I opened my mouth, I want him to face fuck me and feed me all he had. I couldn't help it, as I thought about what he had said to me before I began milking, and yes, every time I was suckled, my clitty throbbed and I had to be fucked. The children had fallen to sleep on my breasts, just as the king pushed deep into my butt and fucked me hard. Between them, they were spit-roasting me, I couldn't get enough, I wanted them both deep in my body.
The door burst open, and the queen came running in, 'Oh my beautiful children,' a smile so bright it filled the room. 'Twins, you've had twins; you have truly made us happy,' as she bent over kissing my forehead, just as Adonis shot his load down my throat, feeding me, and the king filled me full of his semen. When he pulled out the queen went to him and kneeling in front of him took his cock in her mouth cleaning him thoroughly.
The twins murmured, finding my nipples again, again suckling deep. Adonis smiled at me, saying, 'I thank the heavens I found you, my angel, you have made our lives complete.'
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