Chocolate (NSFW, Male Reader)


Might want to check out the fluff part first: …Weird that she didn’t turn back time to patch herself up… Actually…

“…Did you want me to notice you—”


She worked really hard; you understand that much. You go back to hugging her before she gets upset.

After she shows off another one of her wins, she puts her controller down.

“…You wanna… do something else?”

She’s fidgeting for some reason.

“What’s on your mind?”

She grabs the gift she made and stands up. “Please don’t throw them away…” She looks at you with a smirk.

“I’m not throwing away my own work, you know.”

She walks towards you room. “Just shut up and come over here.”

You follow her, you notice her doing something with her outfit, but you can’t see what. Her tone of voice has been somewhat alluring, she couldn’t be planning on doing… that, right?

“Are we… going to sleep now?”

Kronii giggles. “You could say that.” She opens the box, grabs one of your chocolates and places it… Wait, where did she put it?

You stop to process what just happened, meanwhile Kronii opens the bedroom door. When she realizes you’re not walking anymore she taps her finger on the door.

“…Don’t make me repeat myself.”

You shake yourself off of your trance. “Right, sorry.” You go inside with her.

Not knowing what to expect, you look around your entire bedroom. You don’t see anything out of the ordinary except for… a few bottles. They’re resting on the bedside table. One of them doesn’t have a label and the other is… whipped cream.


You gulp from the realization of what’s about to happen. Kronii still has her back against you, you notice her ribbon’s on the bed now. She takes a deep breath and turns around.

“…E-eat up…”

She undid a part of her outfit and placed the chocolate right on top of her breasts. The heat of her body made it start to melt. She brings her arms together to try to keep the chocolate in place. There’s an awkward smile on her face, you can easily tell she’s nervous about this.

“D-didn’t you hear me?”

As much as you want to ravage her right then and there, it’s better to take it slowly for now. You walk up to her and lean over. Feeling your breath on her skin makes her tremble a little, you grab her arms and bring her closer.

“Thanks for the meal.” You tell her as you lick the chocolate that melted between her breasts. You start from what dripped on her arm and work your way up. She flinches when you reach the middle of her cleavage.

Where’d all the confidence go? You lightly laugh and kiss her breasts.

She tries to lead you with her hand. “The chocolate’s still there…”

“I know, I know.” You grab it with your teeth and face her. She understands what you’re trying to do and opens her mouth. You put the chocolate in and kiss her. The chocolate keeps melting as your tongues intertwine. You end up taking a piece for yourself and stop kissing her. She leans in to keep the kiss going but ends up eating what you left in her mouth.

“It’s nice to share, right?”

She covers her mouth as she feels some chocolate spill out because of the kiss.

“Shut up.”

Kronii stares at you while you finish up your treat. “I guess you already know what I want to do...”

“Why are you being so serious?”

“Because I’m nervous, stop talking!”

She pushes you. You kinda deserve that one.

“I’m sorry. Let’s do this slowly, okay?” You pat her head, she nods.

“But let’s put some towels around.”

“Why do we…”

You point at the bottles. “You’ll be extremely bothered after this if we don’t.”

She blushes a little and looks away.

“…I knew that.”

Definitely ruined the foreplay there, but it’s worth it so she’s not upset when you’re done.

As you leave to get the towels, you hear her moving around. Are those her clothes you hear getting dropped? You grab what you can and you’re pretty sure you just heard the bottle of whipped cream being used.

You go back inside your bedroom, your girlfriend’s lying on the bed completely naked, awkwardly trying to pose. She put some whipped cream on her breasts, but she has to stay perfectly still so it doesn’t drip. Seeing as that plan isn’t working, she sits and waits for you.

“H-heyyyy…” The mix of her alluring voice with a tinge of nervousness almost makes you laugh.

You lay towels around the bed and everywhere you think might be in danger of spills. You walk up to her. The whipped cream she put on covers part of her breasts and her nipples. She stares at you with a smirk. She squishes her chest trying to invite you.

“Want more dessert?”

Who needs reasoning at this point? You’ve done more than enough of that these past few days. You bring her down to bed and enjoy your meal. You start eating the whipped cream from the top of her chest and slowly work your way down. Kronii realizes how embarrassing this actually is and tries to cover her face.

While eating, you make sure to lick thoroughly every spot she put cream on. She flinches every time you reach her skin with your tongue. She doesn’t make any effort to stop you, she’s starting to moan so you keep going with the same rhythm. You caress the rest of her body while your tongue is busy.
When you reach her nipples, you lap up the cream that was hiding them and twirl your tongue around them. Kronii brings her legs up, reacting to you. As you’re about to bite, she stops you with her hand.

“Not so fast, hotshot…” She brings you close. “No need to rush…”

“I’ll have some more here, then…” You kiss her, putting your hands around her face. She embraces you and presses you against her body. You lick her, kiss her, suck her tongue and bite her lips. She responds in kind, gently biting you with her fangs.

“Can’t have enough, huh~?” She asks you while you’re taking a breather.

You smile at her. “Don’t think I ever will.”

She blushes and looks away. “…Smooth.”

As you kiss her once more, she starts taking off your clothes. She makes a proud smile as she finally manages to unbutton your shirt without problems. Her face quickly turns into a frown when you headpat her as a reward; it wears off little by little with each kiss, though.

Now fully naked, you reach out and grab the other bottle, it feels warm. “Okay, what does this one have?” You try to pour whatever it is onto her, but nothing comes out.

“It’s chocolate syrup.” She grabs the bottle. “I tried melting some chocolate… but there’s no way you’re putting that cold on me.”

She moves her hand around the bottle, and you can see the syrup moving now. “Did you really stop time for this so it stays warm?”

“I don’t have the patience to warm it up again…” She pouts and gives you the bottle. “Do whatever you want.”

“Yes, ma’am.” You respond and get to work. You drizzle a path starting from her clavicle and you go down, making swirls at spots you want to focus on, her nipples, her stomach, her navel. Once again, she covers her face, thinking about how you’re going to eat her up.

“This is… actually so embarrassing, wow…”

You poke her cheek. “You were the one who came up with this.”

She kicks you. You grab her leg and drizzle some syrup on her thigh.


She tries to pull back, but it’s already too late.

“Your fault.” You lick her leg, doing your best to clean up everything you drizzled on her. Luckily, some of the syrup drips down to her inner thigh. She almost crushes your head when you clean her there.

“You’re unbelievable.”

Her face is completely red, she’s begun to breath a little heavier too.

“Wanna try after me?”

She nods. “Hurry up.” She kicks you again.

“No need to be so grouchy.” You lean over to face her and give her another kiss. You slowly move to her right and gently blow on her ear.

Kronii flinches a little.

“But you didn’t put anything the— Ahn…"

You bite her ear and lick it. You nibble on it a little then move on, you receive a light slap on the head as a reward. She’s covering her mouth surprised she even moaned because of her ear.

Going back to your original plan, you start to eat the chocolate you poured on her. The feeling of your tongue going all over her makes her shiver. You kiss her and bite her whenever you feel like it, you probably won’t have another chance like this in a long time, so you make the most of it.

You finish up licking the swirls you made on her breasts, and only her nipples are still covered in chocolate. She won’t stop you now. You twirl your tongue around, getting rid of all the syrup.


She moans as you clean her up and yelps when you suddenly bite her. Dealing with a few more hits here and there isn’t much of a problem while enjoying your meal. When you reach her stomach you focus on kissing her as you go down. Your lips have almost turned into chocolate at this point.
You haven’t forgotten about caressing her while doing all this, she’s stopped putting much resistance when you try to move her around to reach places you want to touch. Kronii uses her hands to ruffle your hair, almost telling you you’re doing a good job.

As you lap up the last of the syrup that was on her belly button, you look at her. She has a satisfied face, and her eyes are closed. Guess she enjoyed this a little bit more than you.

She opens her eyes. “O-oh, are you done?”

You nod.

Kronii smirks as she makes you lie down. She rubs her pussy on your dick. You were so focused on eating all the chocolate you failed to notice all the blood going to your nether region. She giggles as she grinds against your rock-hard member.

“…My turn, now.”

She grabs the chocolate syrup bottle and pours some on her hands. She lets it drip on your face and parts of your body. She runs her fingers down your cheek and rests them on your lips.


She pushes her fingers against you.

“What are you waiting for?”

You open your mouth and start sucking on them. You twirl your tongue around her fingers, she lightly moans. Halfway through, you slow down.

…Wait, wasn’t she injured?

You don’t feel any band-aids or anything of the sort while sucking her finger.

…Did she patch herself up after showing you?

You take her hand to kiss it and take the chance to examine for yourself. Sure enough, any cut she had a while ago is completely gone now.

You’re such a dork.

You lick what’s left of the chocolate from her hands.

“I could get used to this…” She smiles as you finish your work.

“You literally only have to ask.” You tell her while lightly biting her finger.

“Hehehe…” Kronii takes her finger out of your mouth and brings it to hers. “I’ll think about it.”

“Mmm…” She licks her finger like a lollipop. “You missed some spots.”

Your dick twitches some more after witnessing that. Even more so when you notice how wet she’s gotten, covering your cock with her fluids as she keeps rubbing herself on you.

“Now, what to do?” She starts to draw some preliminary sketches on your chest with her finger. “A clock? No… Maybe a ribbon…”

“Take your time I’ll just…” You reach out and grab her breasts. “I’ll just have my fun.”

“Hey!” She swats your hands off. “I can’t write like that.”


“Hmmm…” She ends up tracing circles around your chest. “Oh!”

She grabs the syrup bottle. She leans on you and begins writing something.

“First the O… Yeah, perfect.” She makes a circle and crosses it. “…uro… oh, this is harder than I thought.”

Is she… making an autograph?

“The K… and then…” She’s smirking to herself while writing. “ronii… and we finish it offfff…” She makes a quick trail at the end.

Kronii gets back up to admire her creation. She gives you a proud smile. “Perfect!”

You look down to see the signature. “…Guess I’m yours?”

She pokes your nose.


You can’t help but blush at that response. “So, uh… Am I going to stay like this now?”

“What? No, of course not.” She laughs and holds her hand up. “Just watch.”


You suddenly feel a rush coming over your body. You receive feedback of everything she did to you in an instant. Licking, kissing… are those bite marks you see?

You can tell she cleaned you up completely, you can feel she licked and kissed your face as well.

How many kisses did she give you?

She kept grinding on your dick the entire time, too. You can barely hang on and stop yourself from cumming. You look at her, she’s got a smug look on her face as she licks her hand.

“Thanks for the meal~.”

“You know…” You try to catch your breath. “I would’ve preferred if you didn’t do that.”

“Why~?” She leans in to kiss you, “I love watching you squirm~.”

“I kinda wanted to actually...” –She barely gives you a chance to talk,— “see what you were doing.”

She bites your lip.


You keep playing with each other, pouring whipped cream and more syrup on different parts of your bodies. Your neck, ears, chest, arms, stomach… Everywhere you wanted to lick you were able to. Eventually, all the stimulation leaves the both of you gasping for air.

“Ha… ha…”

“What’s wrong?” She grabs your dick. “Had enough yet?”

“Are you kidding? I haven’t even—”

She starts stroking it.


“Haven’t even… gotten started…”

She smirks at you.

“You suuuure?”

She pins you down and grabs the syrup bottle.

“Super duper suuuuure?”

“…What are you doing.”

“Isn’t it obvious?” She pours some right on the head and lets it drip down. “Getting another snack~.”

I’m going to die.

She places her tongue at the base of your cock and laps up the chocolate that spread around.

“Okay that’s not… ah…”

You feel tingling all over your body. All you did before did a number on you. You can barely hang on.

“Not whaaat?”

You take deep breaths trying to calm down.


“Okay then~.”

She starts licking all the way up to the head of your dick.


She puts it inside her mouth.


And it all goes in. She twirls her tongue around cleaning the entirety of your shaft.



She laughs while continuing the blowjob. She closes her eyes as she jams your dick inside her throat.

Up and down.

Up and down.

She makes sure you can clearly hear all the noises she makes. There’s no way you can hold it in.

“Kronii you— MM!"

You cum, shooting your seed inside her mouth. Spurt after spurt, she drinks it all. It almost feels like she’s draining you.

You’re left gasping when you finish. She looks up to you, your dick still all the way inside. It looks like she’s smiling.


She goes up and stops right at the head. She jerks you off a little to make sure you let it all out.

“Are you kiddi— Fuck…”

One more spurt satisfies her. “Puah!” She finally lets go.

A little bit of cum manages to drip down her mouth. She wipes it off with her finger and eats it.

“I can’t believe you’re such a quickshot today~.” She gives you a smug smile. “What happened?”

You stare at her.

“What? No comment?”

The smile reveals her fangs.

You get up to grab her.


You push her down to bed.

“Woah, woah, woah wai— AH!"

You give her as little respite as she gave you. You put her breasts together and bite her nipples.

“HEY! YOU— Mmm…~”

Right as she starts complaining you rub her clit.

“S— Stop…"


As you slide your fingers down her pussy, you notice she’s even wetter than before. You could tease her, but you also want to reward her for draining your soul.

You insert your fingers and immediately press her G-spot. You draw circles around it.


She tries to grab you to make you stop but the pleasure is too much for her. Instead, she hugs you tight.


You can feel her shivering. Her walls contract and press against your fingers. Her legs close hard, trapping your arm. When she’s done, she slowly lets you go.

“ Ah… ha… not fair…”

She covers her face trying her best to ignore the feelings when you take your fingers out.

You smile at her.

“So… quickshot, huh?”

“Shut. Up.”

She pulls you down, the both of you try to catch your breath. F2eeling her heartbeat, her breathing and her skin making contact with yours turns you on again.

As you get another erection, your dick rubs Kronii’s pussy. She shivers again. She stares at you for what feels like an hour, adding more fuel to the fire in your dick.

Without needing to say anything, she slowly opens her legs. You position yourself and insert your cock. It feels so much hotter than when you were using your fingers. She keeps cumming, almost crushing your dick with her walls.

Kronii turns away, avoiding your gaze. She’s probably embarrassed from how sensitive she is. That doesn’t stop you, however.

You pick up her leg.


You thrust inside of her. You start slowly trying to pace yourself so you don’t lose it again.

“Ha… ha…”

You steadily up the pace. You listen as Kronii’s gasps turn into moans. She slowly turns to look at you. One of her eyes is covered by her bangs but you can plainly see she’s still full of lust.

“Mmm~, ah~.”

As you keep accelerating, her moans get louder and louder. You try to change positions but suddenly, she smirks at you.

“My turn~.”

Kronii snaps her fingers and you’re now lying on the bed with her on top of you. She plays with your cock, rubbing the head covered in her juices and your pre-cum, grabbing your shaft and slapping it against her crotch.

She lifts her hips and positions herself. Just as your dick starts entering her pussy again she slams her full weight on you.

“Weren’t expecting that, were you?” She places her hands on your chest as she starts riding you. “Mmm~”

“Pretty— fuck… pretty energetic today, huh…? "

The smirk doesn’t disappear.

“I’m probably on a sugar high~.”

Kronii does the same thing again and again, occasionally grinding in circles to throw you off. You can barely hold back anyways. Now that she doesn’t have to write on your body, you help yourself with her breasts.


She momentarily loses her rhythm thanks to you pinching her nipples but keeps going.

She notices she missed some spots of chocolate on your body. She leans in and laps it all up, very much not helping you trying to hold it in. She holds your face.


She opens her mouth and puts her tongue covered in chocolate out. You open yours to let her kiss you. Kronii feeds you the leftover chocolate while keeping up her rhythm fucking you.

Eventually, the pleasure starts to be too much for her even when she’s in control.


She leans back, getting really close to another orgasm. You take this chance to pin her down.

“But it’s still my tu— Oh, ah, ahh, ahh!"

You fuck her hard without a single care in the world. As much as you’d like to continue this back and forth you’ve been doing the whole night, the both of you can’t hold it in anymore.

Kronii understands what you’re doing and embraces you and leglocks you. You keep up the pace and start gasping. You’ve reached your limit.


You turn to her, she has her eyes closed. She’s in the same state as you. She doesn’t say anything, she only nods.

No more communication is needed. You fuck her faster and faster. She digs her nails into your back.

You keep going until—



The both of you cum. Every spurt you shoot goes deep inside of her. Even though she already made you cum before, you still fill her up just as much. She arches her back but still tries to bite your shoulder to control herself. It’s a futile attempt as you can feel her pussy squeezing every last drop of your semen.

After letting out the last spurt you fall right next to her. You take a few minutes to recover, though you think you could pass out at any moment.

Kronii ruffles your hair as a sort of reward.

“I think we overdid it…”

You turn around to face her.

“Well I’m definitely feeling it tomorrow at work.”

“And I’m definitely feeling the sugar crash right now.”

You laugh.

“Let me get you something then.”

You walk to the kitchen and grab a snack for her. You return and hand her a banana.

“…Am I IRyS?”

You lightly hit her with the fruit.

“Just eat it and give me half.”

Kronii tries to tease you by licking it, but quickly gives up. She’s too tired. She ends up slowly nibbling on the banana as she watches you. Meanwhile, you pick up the towels on the bed and around it.

“Lemme heeeelp…”

“Are you feeling better?”

She pouts.

“I will if I…”

You stop her from snapping her fingers.

“Nope, no time stopping for now.”


You lightly pinch her cheek.

“I feel you’ve used your powers quite a bit today. Mostly in the kitche—”

“Okay!” She interrupts you. “Just… forget anything… involving that place…”


You pat her head making her blush even more. You eat what’s left of the banana since you’re also feeling a little sugar crash.

Thankfully, you clean up the bedroom way faster than you thought. You sit down on the bed with her. Somehow, it doesn’t feel like you should go to sleep right now.

Oh, I know why.

You look at your body, covered in chocolate, cream and Kronii’s spit.

“You wanna take a quick shower?”

She nods. “I’m all sticky for some unknown reason.” She smirks at you.

“I’ll scrub you.”

You walk to the bathroom together. You take some time just standing under the warm water before you clean each other. You run your fingers down one of her bangs to remove some chocolate that got stuck. You carefully scrub her body, removing all the leftover food on her. She does the same to you. You turn around so Kronii can scrub your back, but Kronii hugs you when you try to scrub hers, making your job a little bit more difficult but not any less enjoyable. Once you’re both clean, you hug her from behind and rest your head on her shoulder while you keep enjoying the water raining down on you.

“This is nice…”

She leans on your head.


You dry each other and head to bed. Kronii immediately falls asleep when she lays her head on the pillow after putting on her pajamas. You catch her mumbling what you think is “I love you” before drifting off.

All the exhaustion from today hits you like a truck when you join her. You can barely even cover the both of you with the blanket before passing out. You kiss her forehead and close your eyes.

The next day, the both of you manage to wake up at the same time. You chalk it up to all the sugar you ate yesterday. Or maybe everything you did last night?

Who knows?


She doesn’t want to move so she only caresses your cheek.

“Good morning, Kronii.”

You start to get up with a stretch.

“Where are you going…?”

“I need to go to work.”

She tries to pull you back to bed.

“Do you though?”

You stop, her clinginess does a number to your heart.

“…Kronii I can’t ask for a day off after yesterday.”

“No, I mean… do you have to leave now?”

Confused, you squint your eyes and tilt your head.

“What do you—”

And now you remember.


You internally thank your boss.

“Now come back here, dummy.”

She drags you back to bed to use you as a body pillow. You manage to grab your phone before falling into her clutches. There are some messages you didn’t read from yesterday.

From around 9 pm Bae started messaging you.

Kay we’re done, your store is good to go
Idk why i said go it’s not going anywhere

Around 15 minutes pass.

Bruh you could at least say THANKS
ALSO SCREW YOU for ditching us

She goes on to brag about all the things the group did after the two of you left for around 50 messages.

If you don’t answer in like 10 minutes I’m gonna assume you did the deed

10 minutes pass.


You put your phone down.

“Did something happen?”

…It’s her problem now.

“No, just Bae checking up on us.”

“What a nice girl…”


She snuggles up to you and falls asleep again. You still have some time before you have to leave so you just stroke her hair. You close your eyes now thinking about next month. It’ll be a bit complicated, but maybe she’ll lend you a watch so you can work on the gifts for everyone, especially hers. You start to worry, but feeling her warmth calms you down.

It’s going to be fine.

You already have a few ideas, just have to put your heart and soul into it.

…Just have hope she likes it

t. Nameronii

Edit Report
Pub: 17 Apr 2022 22:06 UTC
Edit: 26 Apr 2022 04:26 UTC
Views: 1086