Assessment from PP

In my personal opinion, PG's brain has become rather paranoid about protecting old lore and enforcing canon to the extreme that he is blinded to outside sources a lot. As an autist, I get this totally. I am here to help him too, because I don't think his mindset right now is healthy.

Regarding Retro
Retro is particularly upset about how PG seemingly gloated about the Haganon situation right now. That's why he is upset along with other things.

I don't think PG personally takes pride in that, I think that he is just feeling defensive of old lore because of the reasons I mentioned before, such as meat's place in the world, his fear about what he is saying being ignored, his view on the world logically being somewhat of an issue, and the state of meat as a thread likely taking a toll mentally on him.

Assessment from Alice

I don't know PG enough to really diagnose this. I still have trouble understanding his newfag adaptation canon stuff even with the one example with Haganon because I don't entirely remember how that went down. To me, PG comes off too strong and is really stubborn about things he shouldn't be. Like for example, with the raids on Moon or Risu Warlord situation where people that understand military science like PP or Warsuner are told they are wrong because they don't understand how meat works enough even though they are trying to explain the human factors. To me, he thinks like a mathematician hard and this impacts how he sees things too much. If i had any advice for him, I think he should be more open to learning from others about aspects he personally is not familiar with, going back to my example with Military Science. I also don't think it's possible to have a world that 100% makes sense considering our own world doesn't.

I also know he takes no pride in the negative situations, but PG I feel has a tendency to lock on to people he doesn't particularly like (or it seems that way) such as Rosemaiden, Haganon, and Newsuner that is harmful.

Assessment from Emma

Just going to be brief. PG really needs to not come in like a bat out of hell, and easy himself into conversations. Asking questions such as "Clarify please." or even "Have you thought this out yet?" would be helpful.

Assessment from MB

While PG had been providing ideas for the world as a whole, he is very particular when it involves magic lore and /meat/ lore. A sacred cattle that must not be touched by infidel hands. As shown when Warsuner tried to write a /meat/ story, or as Hag anon's curse idea, or when Rumina anon provided his interpretation of theology. I understand that he refuses to let his creation besmirched by those deemed unworthy, however his aggressiveness as of lately have been scaring people, or in Retro's case, aggravate them.

First Retro Post

same with that you think you are at best "partially" at fault with what happened to /hag/anon when that whole misudnerstanding was based on meatheads shitpsoting at a new writer that didn't knew their way around yet or that their magic was wrong because it didn't fit your view of chuubanite despite other chuubanite "experts" you named yoruself agreeing with it being fine or how you keep insisting on yoru own ideas for lore with that foddtalk when you were told repeatidly that they didn't want your idea and you have the ego to tell them they are wrong because they haven't properly considered it.

PP: Now, let me say this much. I do not like how PG in particular handles things with new writers at all. I think he comes in way too strong, and I think he doesn't let them get their feet wet per se. To me, I see it like this. This man here (3beat) is the perfect man for handling new anons ventures into Chuubanite, but PG is the advanced course. What PG needs to do is show restraint here.

Alice: Umm, I think a lot of the problems here are that PG jumps at full power level instead of just asking simple questions first. But it's not just him, others do it too.

and there is also a poinnt where if a magic system si meant for the thread to use and everyone, EVERYONE, is fine with how someone uses it but YOU and that you demand it to be changed unntil it fits YOUR view of it then its not a magic system for the thread anymore, its your personal toy that you are only willing to share on the right conditions

PP: Now, to me, there may be some truth in here and really all of what retro says has truth in it. One of the biggest complaints about Chuubanite usually comes from the PG aspect of it more than the 3beat or Comfy aspect of it. I will use Alice as an example since she has ranted about this. When she made her Zeppelins with Chuubanite, she was held to an unreasonable standard that she had to explain how it worked in detail when the doc says otherwise. I know it is also true that she has asked for help, and PG really hasn't provided good help to her. That latter part seems to be PG just being poor at communication. The problem with Chuubanite comes down to that it is intimidating for a lot of new writers because of PG in my opinion.
same with how you demand everyone to have a full understanding of /meat/ at every time when your lore archive is a mess and half your stuff is talks in.

Alice: being honest, i get disillusioned with the magic system not from PG but others because of the whole zeppelin thing and how i have been treated with it since i started. i talked about acceleration making us construct things faster, and was immediately shot down by others, not PG. Not for a minute do i believe its just for him but I think there is an oldfag bias to it.

the thread that are unarchived and instead of explainign things just demand them to do their reps or that you are unwilling to even understand that your nation isn't fucking perfect and cannot do every little thing

PP: We all agree that this is true to some extent. I really take great issue with the whole "Do your reps" aspect because I personally struggle to understand things when I read them. It is not fair to expect that.

Alice: I really hate this personally. This really pisses me off with PG and others expecting newfags to know how everything works when they come in. I remember how I was treated when I joined, and I was so pissed off about how I got attacked (not by PG, PG has been very nice to me) but by others for merely trying to figure out how things work. I HATE unwritten rules, or ideas like the hyperwar so much.

Second Retro Post

or maybe you are just a dickhead that doesn't even begin to try and understand other people and the way you mockingly use the way explicitly in this or went on a tangent about me being german kind of proofs that to me.

PP: I really need PG to explain why he went after Retro for being german.

Alice: Same

MB: I believe PG fell for the 'Germans cannot understand english semantics' mindset. But that's just my theory.

as for the canon stuff, your view and mine differ a lot, yes. but what you want with your absolute supercanon that all have to abide to is just absolute nonsense. this is a collaborative project with several different people having different experiences and views and whatnot. you cannot singlehandily demand from all to be exactly 100% on the same page about everything and know everything.and you yourself have proven yourself in the past that its not possible when you couldn't even properly respond to people about things in regards to their lore. with how much has been written at this point its just impossible to read it all and understand it all correctly, to demand new writers to come in and needing to basicly spend hafl a year just reading to catch up with every piece of lore is absolute entitle

PP: This is true, Comfy pointed this out. I agree fully, and PG needs to work on some things here

Alice: Canon is frustrating to me because I come to this project to have fun, and it's not fair to anyone to be 100% perfect with canon. I don't think PG expects though what retro said at all, I think PG just gives off the wrong impression about it.

and while i agree that old canon should not jsut be overturned on a whim, it should also not be upheld as untouchable and unchagneable form the getgo. best example here is the current situation of the cliamte and the prosed new model of it. by your logic this shouldn't be allowed on principle because for nearly a year people have worked under the old model and the cliamte it dictated and to change it now would mess with canon of who knows how many pieces of lore jsut to achieve a more "realistic" model for it

PP: I also agree, but my personal opinion is that PG is just one of many who think this way.

Alice: Yeah, old canon needs to be respected but its not sacred. The whole aspect of being perfect canonically has caused me stress.

and you also have not been selected as the arbiter of canon by others either. for one, you /meat/heads at this point cannot even properly decide on a canon for your own nation and have done thigns that contradict itself. on one hand you guys are in magical exile on the other you make trade deals with nations. "but trade deals can happen in the past!" except that was not what was talek dabout or presented form the site of /meat/. "but we got cultist all over the world that can keep the trade goign instead." yeah except your nation is not meant to be some super powerful nation of unlimited power and some cults hidden in other nations should not be able to handle nationalwide trade with other nations.

PP: KEK, yeah that is something that has irritated people like Moonafic. That's a problem I want to address personally with you meatbro

Alice: I get irritated from this too because it's lazy and out of touch. This isn't PG as much as meatbro and founder though. No real clue on cults.

MB: This is a case of overgeneralisation. Yes we have cults but they're not like a worldwide super network that makes us indestructible.

you complained about /hag/anons curse and blessings being weapons of mass destruction but the assumption that you have so many cultists all over the world that you can keep national level trade up with several other nations at the same time while your main nnation is in magical fuck off land sounds way more liek a superweapon to me.

PP: I cannot say because I don't know the details of the curse nor the exact details of the cult.

Alice: Same as PP.

and i am not the only personn that thinks some fo these things either, i am just the one that has no issues telling you things in the face. the fact agent 41's message to you read liek he had half a fuckign heart attack just adressing you with his concerns already shows just how much people have begun to think of interacting with you has become nothing but a hassle.

PP: This made me laugh my ass of for no reason.

Alice: It's funny because Meatbro was having a heartattack with PP screaming at him to do it.

MB: I was. I really do not know what to write because I do not want to hurt him badly.

Pub: 05 Feb 2023 13:35 UTC
Edit: 05 Feb 2023 18:44 UTC
Views: 440