The Holy Nation of Rushia is one of devout faith. Their goddess is everything to them. Despite being a nation showering their goddess with almost comical amounts of gifts, evidently proving the wealth of its people, it rarely engages with other nations. This is a choice made long ago that no one questioned. Everyone lived in peace. Rarely, tourists from anywhere would bother the natives with little success to show for their attempts. While its Goddess entertains good relations with the other 3rd generation goddesses, the people of Her nation care little for anyone else. There have been no armed conflicts that they could have possibly been involved in.
A tourist may not be received warmly, even with no bad intentions. The pious people inhabiting the Holy Nation have no need for people joining their faith. Those who do not understand why their Goddess Rushia is one worth following are not people. Accordingly, gatherings of her believers are often quiet affairs as members spend their time in fervent prayer. It is no secret, however, that there are many believers who hardly speak the sacred language of the Goddess and so the long-time believers occasionally help the learners out and fix misunderstandings.
Some are afraid of the people who live in the Holy Nation. Its people can get rather extreme at times. While in some countries, only the most devout will wake up at 2a.m. time if their goddess shows herself, such a lifestyle is commonly found here. Their Goddess’s human form is common knowledge and no one takes offense if the two identities are muddled, no, it is even practices as though it was common sense. The Holy Nation only bothers with the people who are obviously out of line and speak of the unspoken secret identity. Being isolationist, their otherwise unusual custom bothers no one. It is not uncommon to see people loudly express their love for the Goddess. Every few hours, someone puts up a new sign of an illustration of her.
Nonetheless, if you meet a member of the Holy Nation, you need only speak of their Goddess and they will treat you friendly and with respect as long as you respect their Goddess and their customs. When in the Holy Nation, do as the Fandead do. Many end up staying after making a proper acquaintance.
Though the Holy Nation is called a “split” in name by the globalists, in truth they are anything but a colony. Some have followed their Goddess since before her time as a Goddess in the lands of /vt/ and so it is believed that they will follow her anywhere.
A common superstition goes as follows: In the far east of the nation, people who speak ill of the Goddess Rushia in public vanish, never to be seen again. Though the capital has never seen such an event, it is taught to children as though it were fact. This helps keep public order, after all.
In short, the Holy Nation of Rushia is a religious land of odd customs. Because of their isolationist nature and hostility to tourists, few get truly acquainted with its otherwise friendly people.

Pub: 16 Mar 2022 02:57 UTC
Views: 537