Have a Baerry Christmas

"Thanks for comin', Anon!"
Even with a blizzard, you still managed to make it to the party
"Wait, did no one else make it?"
"Nope! They all called to cancel, even though SOME PEOPLE could've just stopped the blizzard"
The red-haired girl pouts after yelling at the ceiling
"Buncha jerks, bet they all got together to get cozy in their own Christmas party"
"W-well, let's just make the most of it"
"Yeah! We'll have so much freakin' fun they'll just get jealous"
She turns to you and smiles
"But make yourself at home for now, I'll get you some coffee to warm you up"
"Thanks, Bae"
It sure is chaotic to be the kindest girl in the council
But that's just how she is with you nowadays
You became fast friends and talk regularly
You don't go out with her that often but it's always a blast whenever you do
You take off your jacket full of snow and sit down on the sofa
You take the chance while she's in the kitchen to hide something under the tree
It's already pretty warm here thanks to the lit fireplace
...When did she get a chimney?
"...I guess that's just chaos"
"Did ya say something?"
"It's pretty cozy here already"
"Ah, I'm glad!"
You chat for a bit about anything while Bae finishes preparing your drink
"I'm surprised Fauna even let you have that tree"
"It wasn't that hard to convince her, she just asked to put some decorations up"
You see a lot of handmade ornaments, you guess everyone pitched in
You even see the one you managed to make close to some of Bae's ornaments
"Wow is that Buzz Lightyear?"
Once she finishes preparing the coffee, she walks up to you with two mugs
"Here ya go!"
"Thank you, Bae"
"I uh... Never did ask you how you liked it but--"
You take a sip
"This is very nice"
She gives you a smile showing off her razor teeth
"I'm happy you like it!"
Somehow it tastes even better than the coffee you make
"Mind sharing the recipe?"
"Mmmm I'll consider it if I deem you worthy of coffee secrets"
Just like her to act all smug
"Yeah? What do I need to do to be good enough for Her Highness?"
She giggles a little
"Highness... I'm not Kronii you dumb dumb"
She says that but she still seems happy to hear that
"Hmmmm... Oh!"
She runs off to her room
She comes back with a bunch of pillows and blankets
"Bet you're not warm enough just yet!"
"I think I'll survive"
"NOPE! Here ya go!"
She hands you a blanket, you use it to cover your legs
"And what are the pillows for?"
"Just in case you want to catch some z's if you're BORED or something"
"Bored with you? No way"
She giggles
You keep talking while drinking coffee
Once you finish, she takes your mug to the dishwasher
"Warmed up enough?"
"Well let's get this party starteeeeeed!"
Bae starts happily jumping around
"...Uh, weren't the others supposed to bring stuff for that?"
She stops mid-jump
"Oh, right"
She pouts
"How about we just play some games for now?"
Bae brings her switch and you start playing
"How about getting some practice on Mario Kart?"
"Awww you're so kind, Anon"
She gives you a mischievous smile
"You're gonna get rekt for your kindness"
An hour passes
She's pouting
She never got to win once
"So when am I getting rekt?"
She turns to look at you, she's blushing and teary eyed
"Just one more"
You decide to hold back a little, can't have her crying on Christmas Eve
The AI decided to be kind as well, so she finally gets first place
She does a victory lap around that room
You can't help but laugh at how cute she is
She realizes she's not alone so she slows down
The blush returns to her face
"...Please forget you saw that"
"Why? That was pretty cute"
Her face couldn't be any redder
"Okay, okay I'll erase this from my mind"
"Now get back here"
"Wait we're still playing?"
"Very last one for real"
Instead of playing, you teach her a few tricks to help her out
"I'm gonna beat everyone just you watch"
"You better"
You pat her head
"Oh, sorry"
As you're removing your hand, she grabs it
"...I never said stop"
You pause for a second, but Bae doesn't want to look at you
You keep patting her head, she grins the whole time

"Let's play some more games"
You spend another while playing with Bae, she keeps displaying her bantering skills even though she keeps losing
"I just gotta make it interesting for the crowd"
"Bae you're not streaming"
"Just please play along, man"
She bursts out laughing, she definitely forgot it's just the two of you
After letting her win a few more times, you hear grumbling
"...Well it's a good thing I'm not streaming"
"Wanna eat?"
"Thought you'd never ask, Anon"
You brought some food you made beforehand
"You were pretty excited for this party eh, Anon?"
She gives you a smug smile
"More like I knew you guys wouldn't want to cook, or did you make something?"
"I uhhhhh can definitely make more coffee!"
She dodges the question and walks off to brew some more coffee
Guess it's a good time now
"Hey Bae? Can you do me a favor?"
"Please don't say 'cook something right now'"
"Can you check under the tree?"
"The tree? Oh no did an ornament fall?"
She hurriedly walks off and checks
She gets up holding a present
"W-what's this?"
"A lil' gift"
"W-why? We didn't do a Secret Santa"
"Just wanted to give you something, no ulterior motives"
She's dumbfounded
"Well no motives other than to thank you for being my friend and all"
She starts to blush after hearing that
"Open it already, Hakotaro"
She slowly opens the present
It's a coffee mug
"I'm sure you have tons of those already, but hey, it has your colors!"
The mug is completely in Bae's theme, it even has some of her accessories painted on
"H-how did you find this?"
"I painted it"
"Yeah! It was pretty fun, actually"
Let's not bring up how you broke 5 cups in the process
She holds it up to admire it
Meanwhile, you go heat up the food
Turning around, she's still staring at it
"Something wrong?"
"Ah! N-no, just..."
She gives you one of the cutest smiles you've ever seen

"...Thank you"
"Don't mention it, I made sure it's clean enough to use right away"
"I-I'll make some more coffee then"
"Appreciate it!"
While heating up the food, the scent of coffee appears once more
Looking at Bae, she seems pretty focused on brewing, so you let her be
You work silently, you're just enjoying the peace while Bae is a mess of emotions
You sit down to eat with her, the food makes her more chatty
Future stream ideas, council business, making fun of council, the usual topics when you're just chilling with her
"This is really good, Anon!"
"Glad you like it"
"Hehe wouldn't mind having your cooking eve--"
She stops herself once she realizes she's speaking without thinking
You still get the gist of it
"Only if you make me coffee daily"
"S-shut up"
Bae eats faster to get away from the table
Back at the sofa, your conversation moves to reminiscing
Past regrets, mistakes, things that could've been better
"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, SCREW THIS NONSENSE"
She throws her blanket away
"But you're the one who started it"
"You wh-- okay sure"
Private karaoke from Bae? This Christmas was very much worth it
Oh no
"I need to get a little tipsy please excuse me"
Thankfully she's lightweight so it doesn't take much to get her there
You drink the rest of the can to make sure she doesn't go too far
You help her set things up
"What's the setlist going to be?"
"Christmas songs, OBVIOUSLY"
"...And some other songs in case I forget or I'm too embarrassed..."
You can't help but tease her when she's like this
"I can't believe THE Bae would get embarrassed"
You laugh a bit adding to her self-consciousness
Santa Claus is Comin' to Town, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Snow Halation, classic Christmas songs
She's embarrassed to sing some of them to you, but at least they're short enough the feeling doesn't stick
You're stunned when she sings Hallelujah and You Raise Me Up
"That was beautiful, Bae"
"...Thank you..."
She's right in the middle of the room so she can't really hide her face
"I really mean it"
You give her a smile, she can't help but smile back
She slowly moves away from Christmas songs, into whatever comes up in her head first
It seems like she's gonna keep singing for a while, you start to worry
"You sure you'll be alright"
"PSHHH YEAHHHH I'll be fiiiiine"
"Well rip my voice but I wanna to keep singing cause I love yo--ohhh I uhhhh love singing!"
It's looking like she's sobering up?
That's what you think until she sings Cake by the Ocean, Everytime we Touch, Shut up and Dance, If I Had You and Don't Stop the Music
As much as you try to cheer, you're extremely confused on why she's been singing these songs
She WAS staring at you the entire time, as red as her face was
She gives you a really sweet smile after singing You'll be in my Heart
You think you understand what she means, but....
Is it a bad idea to confess now? You can't handle how cute she is
Maybe she's still tipsy...
For Last Christmas she keeps saying she forgot the lyrics
This is the one time she's avoiding your eyes
Then she starts singing Shape of You
And she tries to dance
The awkward shaking of her hips is somehow enthralling
She's clearly trying her best but she still can't shake off her embarrassment
Her face is completely beet red
She slowly moves over to you while continuing to sing
She ends up sitting on you lap, facing you
"Come on, be my baby, come on"
She's not using the mic anymore, she's staring at you
She can't finish singing it, the both of you stay silent
The playlist keeps going, Bae somehow managed to leave We Wish You a Merry Christmas at the end
She jumps off of you to sing that one in the most dorky way possible
You try to shake off what just happened and sing along with her
"M-merry Christmas, Anon"
"Merry Christmas, Bae"
Her phone starts ringing just in time before the awkwardness sets in
It's the Council
They just called to wish the both of you a merry Christmas
You chat for a little while, Bae's still upset they didn't come over
"Well... at least you have Anon with you, Bae!"
The blush comes back and she faces away from you
"You guys owe me a shoveling, my car is completely covered in snow now"
"We'll seeeee"
They're clearly drunk, way more than Bae was
No point in continuing the conversation now that they're slurring
"Have a good night you guys, merry Christmas"
"Merrrrr chrimas!"
You hang up
Bae's sitting away from you covered in a blanket
"You alright?"
She's sipping on the coffee she still has left
"Isn't that cold already?"
"It's okay... I need to cool down a bit"
You sit in silence for a few minutes
"You gonna go home?"
"I wasn't lying about my car; I don't think I can leave even if I wanted to"
"Oh... it's okay. You can stay over"
"Thanks Bae"
"You keep thanking me, you dumb dumb"
"Well, yeah, but I can't help it"
You smile
"I really appreciate you"
She takes a deep breath and chugs the last of the coffee
She scoots over to you
"...I never gave you a Christmas present back..."
"Oh, no need for that, I just did that on a whi--"
You feel something on your lips
She's right in front of you, with her eyes closed
You're frozen in place
She slowly backs away; you can clearly hear your lips separating
You stare at each other
She covers her mouth
"I... I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me"
She tries to run away
You grab her hand and bring her close
Now she really looks like she's about to cry
"J-just please forget about it"
"No, Bae... Just listen to me"
She tries to rub her eyes while trying to face you
"I... I like you too"
And now the tears won't stop
"As a friend I bet, the other girls are so much better than me"
"Bae, did you forget I'm right here with you?"
She sniffles
"Sure, I would've enjoyed sharing Christmas with the entire council, but... this is the best Christmas party I've ever had"
She finally looks at your eyes
"Cause I spent it with you, you dumb rat"
You finally get a laugh out of her
You help her wipe the tears off
"...Now I'll be the one constantly saying thank you"
"Nothing wrong with that"
You ruffle her hair
You move your hand so much her pigtails are about to come undone
"You dumb dumb"
She takes off her scrunchies to let her hair down

"Yeah, you still look great like this"
You run your fingers down her hair and she closes her eyes
You caress her face, she smiles
She holds your hand and leans on it a little
You put your other hand to hold her face
She looks at you, her eyes look like they're gleaming
You lean in, and she closes her eyes again
You give back her kiss, it lasts a long time
You separate a little to look at each other
Then go for another kiss
And another, but something changes
She's opening her mouth a bit
Your kisses are getting louder and louder
You put your tongue in, only to touch hers
You intertwine, spinning your tongues around
Her saliva's so sweet with a tinge of coffee
You finally stop to catch your breaths
Your foreheads touch while you keep staring at each other
"Hah... hah..."
You smile again, and embrace each other
Definitely not getting cold tonight
"You have no idea how much I wanted to do that, Anon..."
"I can imagine, Ms. 'I wanna keep singing cause I love yo---"
She covers your mouth with a kiss
"And now I can actually shut you up"
She gives you another grin showing off her teeth
You pull on her cheeks
"And now I can do that, too"
You keep teasing each other, lightly pinching, and pulling on each other's faces
You end up falling to the floor, with Bae on top of you
You can't help but laugh at how silly this situation turned out to be
"So, this is how it's like to have Chaos as your girlfriend"
"Hehehe.... girlfriend"
She's grinning from ear to ear
You manage to get up after a bit
Bae seems to be fidgeting
"What's up? I feel like you can tell me whatever you want now"
She steals glances at you
"I... wanna keep going"
You do a double take, now that's surprising
"B-but I've never done this before so...."
"Let's take it slow, then"
You put some of the blankets Bae had brought on the floor
"Ummm... What do I do?"
"Whatever you want, really"
"A-alright... then"
She walks up to you, closes her eyes, and puckers her lips
"You really like kissing, huh?"
She's frowning, you did say she could do whatever
You indulge her
This time, she holds your head
You instinctively pull back, but quickly give up when she sticks close to you
"Mmm... Mmm..."
She's really enjoying this
While intertwining again, she lightly bites your tongue
Her teeth sure are sharp, but she takes extra care to not hurt you
You keep kissing for some time, Bae moves her hands to feel your back
When you finally stop to take a breather, your saliva is still connected
"I-- I went a bit overboard huh"
"Don't worry, I liked it"
You're both blushing at this point, knowing what happens now
You slowly take off each other's clothes
You keep Bae's choker on
"I kinda like it like this"
You can only hear the crackling of the fireplace and the rustling of your clothes
She takes off your sweater, then moves her hands around your chest, like in a trance
"Always wanted to do that too?"
She doesn't respond, nothing she says will help her case anyways
You take off her sweater, then her rat blouse, revealing her black tube top

As you begin to take that off, she tries to intervene
"U-ummm... That's the only thing left until... You know"
"Then my turn first"
You let her take off your shirt
She gulps while looking at you
"O-okay, I'm ready"
She lifts her arms up while you pull her top off
Her breasts are tightly packed in the top; they bounce when you remove it
You can’t help but stare at them
"K-kinda disappointing compared to Kronii or Sana, huh?"
She tries to cover them with her hands quickly
"I think they're perfect"
She sheepishly smiles, moving her hands away
Her nipples are already hard
"D-don't stare so much"
"Sorry, sorry"
Before you have the chance to touch each other, she leans on your chest
Guess it's still too much for her
You hug her and stroke her back
"You're pretty excited, huh Anon"
She's listening to your heartbeat, you didn't notice at first but, it does feel like it's about to come out of your chest
"A little bit"
"Sorry for bein' so flaky"
"You can take as much time as you want"
She nuzzles up against your chest while you pat her head
"You're warm"
"I feel like saying 'you too' would ruin this"
She lightly hits you in the stomach
Still, this lets her calm down
"Okay... I'm ready"
"I'll start from here"
You hold her face again, she smiles
You slowly move one of your hands down, letting your thumb pass over her lips
You touch her choker, then grab the key
"Let's take this off now"
You remove her choker
Her exposed neck is quite alluring
You use a finger to caress it
She shivers
"I-I wasn't ready for that..."
You caress her collarbone, she keeps shivering
"I promise I won't hurt you"
"I know you won't, I'm just weird"
You kiss her to try to help her relax
"Sorry for being such a mess..."
"I did say we'd take it slow, just tell me when to stop. It's fine to take breaks"
She nods, letting you go further
Instead of going to her chest, you decide to run your finger down her arm
You hold her hand, interlocking your fingers
"Feeling better?"
While still holding her hand, you use your other one to go down her chest
Your finger runs up a slope and flicks her nipple slightly
You slowly make bigger and bigger circles around her breast, until you hold it entirely in your hand
Bae's biting her lip
"It's not good to hold back, Bae?"
"I-it's embarrassing"
You laugh a little, making her blush even more
"You're so cute, Bae"
"You're not helping at all, ya know”
She lets go of your hand to cover her face
"J-just keep going"
You do as your told, and grab her chest
You slowly massage them, touching her nipples with your thumbs at times
Her legs start to give out and she sits down
You move behind her and embrace her
"Let's take a breather"
She leans on you
"I-I think it feels nice"
"Want me to keep going?"
She grabs your hands and places them back on her chest
You massage them again, paying attention to Bae's reactions
She twitches and shivers her tail can't stop moving either
"Have you never done this before?"
"...I do, but... it just feels different, ok?"
"Got it"
You place your chin on her shoulder to get a better look
You lightly pinch her nipples
While doing that with one hand, you slowly rub her tummy with the other
She's softly moaning now
You really can't hide how rock hard you are, but you try to not let Bae notice
"I wonder what's different from you doing it yourself"
"Mmm, it's cuz it's you, dumb dumb"
You kiss her cheek
"Can I try more things?"
"L-like what?"
You lightly bite her ear
"Did it hurt?"
"No it... it just surprised me"
You stroke one of her mouse ears, they twitch in response
"You're just teasin' me now"
"It's fun to watch your reactions
She grumbles and turns around to face you
"Let's keep goin'"
She looks down and smirks
"Thought you could hide this?"
She sees the bulge in your pants
She slowly moves her hands to unbuckle your belt
As smug as she's trying to be, you can clearly tell she's still nervous
"Go at your own pace"
She slowly nods
"T-then, you take off mine first..."
She looks at you
"We're takin' turns and all..."
It was fine to keep going like this, but you listen to her
You make her lie down
Before taking off anything, you take the chance to keep rubbing her body
You run your hands down her stomach, down her hips then massage her thighs
She's still flinching to your touch, thankfully it's not as bad now
You remove her belt and begin to pull down her skirt
She's covering her face again
After removing her skirt, you look at her
She's breathing rapidly

The light from the fireplace flickers, showing off her figure
She moves her hands a bit to peek at you
"Nothing, just enjoying the view"
She lightly kicks you
"Sorry, sorry"
You slowly grab her panties
You finally notice how wet they are
"I'll take these off, okay?"
"Just hurry"
She grabs a pillow to cover her face
You slowly pull them off
That is, until she closes her legs hard
"It's fine"
Meanwhile you keep touching her
She removes the pillow covering her face
"Ya really like touchin' me, huh"
You give her a smile
Her face goes red again
And the pillow goes back on
She kicks her legs a little
You try again, she lets you remove them now
She's completely smooth, you slowly run your fingers down there
She flinches once again
She gets up and takes you down
"My turn"
Her blushing face stares at you
It makes you just as red as her
She manages to make a smile, then goes back to what she was doing before
She removes your belt, unbuttons your pants, and pulls down the zipper
She's trembling a little less now
She slowly pulls down your pants
She does all this while focusing on the bulge that won't go down
"...It hasn't gone down at all, huh..."
Now you're actually feeling embarrassed
"H-here I gooo..."
She pulls down your underwear
It flops around because of how tight it was in there
She yelps out in surprise
She stares at it
That just makes you harder
"D-does it hurt?"
"No, no, it's fine"
She reaches out to touch it
Her fingers feel very soft
"...Why is it okay for you to do that but not me?"
She doesn't respond to you, she seems in a trance
You start to leak precum
She moves the tip of her finger around the head, and picks up some of it
She looks at it
She licks it
She goes back to her senses immediately after
"...I-I just..."
You almost think her eyes turn into spirals
"It's alright, don't worry"
She tries to get up, but she's too lightheaded after that
She falls on top of you
And your dick is right between the both of you
"WOW it's really warm"
"Please don't talk about it right now"
She tries to move closer to your face
The friction is about to make you lose control
"...Now what?"
She puckers her lips again
She's still so cute
You oblige and kiss her some more
Now she's the one ruffling your hair
She lifts herself up a bit to look at you
"Now how's it feel getting your hairstyle ruined?"
"Pretty good"
She lets herself fall to embrace you
She manages to move herself enough to free something
It's right between her legs
This turns on a switch inside of her
She grabs you for more kisses
While doing that, she slowly moves her legs to rub you with her thighs
She doesn't let you speak more; she keeps kissing you
You give up trying to stop her, so you slide your hands down her back
All the way down until you grab her ass

That finally makes her stop
Now you kiss her back
You move your cock so you can rub her pussy as well
It slides easily, she's drenched
You keep kissing and rubbing her for some time
She's gasping for air now
"Hah... hah..."
"...You okay?"
"Ya... ya...."
You let her lie down
Her breathing calms down but her hands move
She slowly rubs her crotch
She's moaning the entire time, stealing glances at you
If you weren't about to explode before you definitely are now
It seems like she's over the embarrassment
She opens her legs
You position yourself
She puts her arms up
"Chu... while you..."
You understand
"I'll do it slowly, tell me if anything happens"
She nods and closes her eyes
You kiss her once more while putting it in
It slides off, rubbing her clit
She reacts by lifting her hips
This only results in your dick rubbing her more
She goes back down and closes her legs
You caress her face, she's still moaning
It seems she's trying to talk
You lift yourself up, the saliva trail lands on her cheek
"I... I didn't expect it to feel that way"
"Bae, I haven't put it in yet..."
She looks down
"Ohhh... mah gawd..."
She covers her face
"Forget it, yes"
You'll tease her later
"I think it's better if I look..."
"Wanna grab my hand?"
She reaches out, and you hold her
You try again
Her eyes widen
You slowly push through
"Ah! Ahhh!"
You stop just as the head goes in
"Does it hurt?"
"N-no! Just--"
She's trying to find the words to say
"I- I dunno it just feels weird!"
"Want to stop?"
She squeezes your hand
"I'm not quittin' this far"
She takes a deep breath
You go further in
It's incredibly tight, but thanks to how wet she is, it's not that hard to move
She's really warm, too
You feel like you could cum at any second now
The deeper you go, the more you notice something
She's been cumming this entire time
Looking back at her, she's staring at the place you're connected
"Ha… ha.... ha...."
"Getting used to it?"
"Ya.... Keep going"
You manage to go all the way in
It feels like a perfect fit
Her walls keep coiling around you, it's like she wants you to cum right away
"You doing alright, Bae?"
"Mmm, ahh... I feel fuuuullllll... Ah..."
She can't stop moaning
"I'm gonna move now, okay?"
"AH-- Yeah!"
You move your hips slowly
Her pussy doesn't want to let you go
It feels too good inside of her
Her moans grow louder
She quivers in pleasure every time you go all the way in
It's a real struggle to hold it in
She's looking at you, her eyes full of love
You embrace her while trying to keep the same pace
Now that you're in her reach, she wraps her legs around you
She keeps twirling her tongue around, biting yours whenever she feels like she can
Her arms go around you too, she has you trapped now
Her nipples rub against yours at time, you can feel her cumming a little from that
Her entire body is warm; you don't want to let go as much as her
That is, until you can feel yourself about to explode
You pull yourself away from the kiss
"B-Bae, I'm gonna"
She holds you tight, she's stronger than you thought
She leans in next to your ear
"...Let it out"
The tone she uses puts you over the edge
You cum inside of her
It feels like her pussy is trying to squeeze out more with every spurt
She uses her legs to try to make you go in even further
Her arms grasp you tight while she keeps moaning
After the last spurt, she keeps holding you for a few more minutes
You hear her whisper something
"...I wuv you"
She's still in a daze
"Love you too, Bae"
You finally pull out, your cock still dripping with cum
Some of it comes out of Bae’s pussy, you filled her up
She rubs her tummy
”I'm... soooo fulll..."
She smiles at you
You let her bask in the afterglow while you try to recover
It's not that hard to do, looking at her petite body covered in sweat breathing slowly almost gives you another hard-on
She notices this, and turns around
She shows you her ass while she grabs a pillow
She moves her hips around, trying to tempt you
And you gladly fall for it
You grab her ass and start sliding your dick against her
You rub her ass, it's incredible soft and supple
She hugs the pillow to try to hide her moans
That makes you even harder
You use some of your own cum to lubricate yourself, then go back in
All in one go this time
Her tail reacts going straight up
You try to grab it, but it coils around your arm
Guess that means 'keep going'
You grab her ass again and start thrusting
Her muffled moans ring in your ears
You thrust deeper and harder
While fucking her like this, she's been moaning nonstop
You can't help but cum again deep inside
She spasms from the pleasure
You wonder how much of a mess her face is by now
You pull out again
She takes that moment to catch her breath, but she still kicks her legs asking you to keep going
You turn her around
She covers her face with the pillow
"I just want to see your face, Bae"
She shakes her head
"Don't you want to kiss some more?"
She freezes, then slowly moves the pillow revealing herself
She's still gasping for air, her eyes have turned into spirals again
Looking at how much pleasure you've given her fills you with more energy
You carry her
She's as light as you thought, she tries to squirm away but quickly gives up
"W-what are you... gonna do?"
"Just wanted to carry you, actually"
She hugs you
"Can't you just... say that...?"
"That wouldn't be as chaotic, would it?"
She bites your shoulder
"I guess I deserve that"
You take a break embracing each other
She nuzzles up against your chest again
You stroke her hair all the way down
You softly kiss each other
She finally decides to kiss places other than your lips
Your cheeks, your forehead, your neck
She gives you a playful bite every now and then, but somehow it all feels so sweet
Her eyes gleam a little when she looks at you
You hug her tight, then lie down together
"I'd ask if you wanna stop now, but someone still seems ready to go"
She grabs your dick and softly jerks it
You're somehow hard again
"...Wanna try doing it yourself?"
You move her so she's laying on top of you
"Now, you--"
"Wait, this is kind of nice"
She's not wrong, feeling her weight on you is really calming
She rubs her hand around your chest
"O-okay I'm good now, sorry"
You help her lift herself up
"So I gotta... ride you?"
"See if you can do it"
She lifts her hips up while holding your hands
She positions herself right under your dick
"If you think you ca--"
"Gimme a minute, man~"
She slowly sits down, not doing this at your own pace gives you whiplash, you're actually about to cum
She notices this and smirks
"W-what's wrong quickshot~?"
You smirk back
"Try moving now"
Her smirk quickly fades away when she feels your dick moving around her no matter what she does
Her lips quiver, trying to hold back
"J-just watch"
She tries to move up and down, but she can barely do it
You can feel her orgasms coming nonstop
Her legs are trembling and she's squeezing your hands tight
You decide that's enough teasing for now
You lift yourself up and hug her
"I-I can keep going"
"There's always next time, you know?"
You can feel her heart beating faster after she hears that
"Wanna do it slowly like this?"
She nods
You lift her up and down
The feeling is starting to be too much for her, she's digging her nails into your shoulders
You kiss the nape of her neck
This'll be the last one for the night
She wraps her tail around your arm again
She stops herself from hurting you and just embraces you, letting you do whatever you want
You nibble on her ear, making her hug tighter
"Not the... ear..."
You pat her head and stroke her hair
It seems she closed her eyes, she's just enjoying the pleasure now
You can feel your cum dripping out of her pussy, you have no idea how much you've shot inside of her
It doesn't matter, you're gonna fill her up again anyways
"Mmm.. Ah... Anon..."
Her moans are a lot softer now, she's pretty tired too
"I love you, Bae"
She hugs you tighter
Her walls squeeze you a little bit more, too
"Luv ya too..."
That squeeze is enough to make you cum
Once again, it all goes inside of her
She's run out of energy; she can't hug you anymore
You lie down together
You grab the blankets and pillows that are left and cover up Bae
You nuzzle up together in the makeshift bed
"...Merry Christmas"
"Merry Christmas, Bae"
She falls asleep immediately, you probably overdid it
You stroke her head and kiss her softly
Staring at her sleeping face adds to your drowsiness, you hug her while drifting off

You wake up in the morning, or at least you think it's the morning
You have no idea how long you slept
You look around in a daze, and she's right next to you
She's awake, staring at you
Her eyes are still full of love
"Morning, Bae"
"You okay?"
"Kinda, I feel sticky"
Well that's not surprising
"Let's take a bath"
You help her bathe scrubbing each other's backs
You sit down in the bathtub with her
You hug her from behind, she grabs your arms
"Please tell me the others haven't called"
"I betcha they're still passed out drunk"
"Oh yeah, the hangover's gonna be bad too"
"That's what they get"
She giggles to herself
You pat her head
"Bae, be nice"
"Hmpf, I can be however I want"
She leans on you
"I'll only be like this with you, anyways"
"…Fair enough"
Thankfully, you had a change of clothes, you had a feeling you'd need it considering the blizzard you had to go through
Even after you went through quite a bit last night, there's still a little bit of embarrassment while putting on clothes in front of each other
You try to stop the awkwardness by chatting a little, but you can't help but notice the makeshift bed in the living room
"Yeah, let's uh... wash all that"
While the washing machine is working, you prepare breakfast alongside Bae using what was left over from last night's meal
"Uh... Bae?"
"Do we have like... plans for... that?"
She tilts her head, confused
"You do know what can happen when you have unprotected sex, right?"
"OHHH! Yeah, don't worry 'bout it
She rubs her tummy again to tease you
"It was my first time, but it won't happen, we have our ways"
"Well, it won't unless ya want it to"
She walks up to you with a smirk
"...I'd like to be with you a bit longer before that, so that we can... You know, actually plan it out"
Her teasing backfires, she's completely flustered
"W-well, we can work on that together..."
"I sure hope so"
She goes back to brewing coffee
"You uh... You should bring a mug of yours one day"
"Y-you know, so I can just... Serve you coffee in your mug"
"Oh! Y-yeah I'll bring one next time"
The awkwardness won't disappear easily it seems
You eat breakfast, then help cleaning up Bae's house
"So, how do we explain ourselves to the girls?"
"...The jerks prob already knew"
You remember the blizzard you had to deal with and how easily they could've handled it
"...Yeah, you're right"
They might have grown tired of watching you two beating around the bush
You make a mental note to thank them somehow later
"...Wanna go on a walk?"
The snow has completely stopped now, you can actually see the sun
You put on your jacket back on and Bae covers herself
You walk for a few streets together, slowly getting rid of the awkwardness trying to chat about whatever comes up in your minds
By the time you come back, things have more or less gone back to normal
You painstakingly shovel the snow off your car and the driveway, Bae provides you with coffee and hugs to keep you warm
"Do ya really gotta go?"
She stares at you with puppy eyes
"...Well, not really"
"We can just chill today"
You smile at her
"Sounds good"
She seems relieved, she responds with a grin
You spend the day relaxing, watching the incredible genre of Christmas movies, making fun of them, and laughing
You cuddle the entire time
There are a few times Bae falls asleep; you wonder how early she had woken up before you
You softly pat her head while she sleeps
She smiles when she feels your touch
You cook up a meal with the ingredients Bae has, she tries to help out
The council finally calls and, sure enough, they're hungover
You have a quick chat with them, and they make sure to tease the new couple
"Yeah of course they knew"
You brush that off and keep chilling out with Bae until the moon comes up
"Wanna actually sleep in a bed?"
She turns to look at you
"That sounds lovely"
You go to her room and get ready for the night
You snuggle up to each other in bed
"Thank you for comin' over, Anon"
"I think I should be thanking you, Bae"
She smiles and kisses you
"Well we can thank each other aaaaaaall we want now"
She yawned while saying that
"Yep, good night, Bae"
Once again, she sticks close to your chest, this is her spot now
Your heart's full of love thanks to her
You still can't believe she actually likes you enough to do all that
You resolve yourself to make her as happy as you can from now on
Such a sweet girl deserves that much

You join a council meeting after all the new year festivities
They're taking it easy still, but Bae still manages to get some work done with them
You make snacks and drinks while they're on break, it's chilly still so you make stuff to warm them up
You hand Bae her mug
"Huh... Is that new?"
Fauna notices the different mug immediately
"Oh, it looks cool! It has your motif"
"Yup! I got it recently, it's my favorite mug now"
You freeze up when she says that
You shake it off and attempt to make a cup with the lessons Bae taught you
She sips her own coffee while looking at your back
You feel her stare and turn to look at her
You smile at each other
You're definitely going to make her happy

t. Nameronii

Source for the first picture: https://twitter.com/BorealYoako/status/1453149447047704578
The rest are already linked in the sentence above them
Thanks for dealing with my dumb fics, here's to more next year

Edit Report
Pub: 31 Dec 2021 11:54 UTC
Edit: 04 Jan 2022 15:56 UTC
Views: 1449