I am the man whose name has been sullied about by ignorance and hatemongers who do not understand the nature of who and what I am. I am 34 years old, live in Illinois (let’s just say Chicago for sake of simplicity); I was a former teacher who has changed the entire state of a school. I have been chased out of the district by fools who do not understand my desire to mark my territory (like I said ignorance and hatemongering) because of my heritage and now I reside as a king among my brood in an undisclosed area.

You may find yourself asking aren’t broods considered to be the offspring of birds. Yes that can be true; however for me it’s how I would describe my family. You see in order to have a brood; there must be a large number of babies born at one time. That is where my family comes into play and the impetus behind the devolution of an entire school staff into their basest desires and cavepeople like mentality. I have a big family but I am an only child whose parents passed away when I was twenty. You must be scratching your head right now, that’s fine; I would be doing if I was a bystander. I also know that if you are reading this you must have some fascination with my story and you want to read on to see how it all took place. If you fall into this category then I welcome you like I welcome my family.

Chapter One

"My Territory"

I became a teacher right out of college in 2005; I was hired on as a middle school art teacher here in Illinois. I always knew I wanted to be a teacher since I was a kid and I knew that art was my favorite subject so it was just a matter of time before I would have my own classroom. I took to teaching like a fish to water! I was introducing students to the world of Dali and Pollack, allowing them to discover their strengths in multiple media and passing on the skills and knowledge I had developed over time.

I also started to become fascinated with my room and making it the best classroom in all of the school. I spent my first summer repainting the walls and scouring online auction sites for great prints of all my favorite artists. I started to create my own paintings for my room that I felt would fit in with the overall scheme I had in mind. I cannot explain how this came to be, all I know is that I had this craving to…mark my territory with my personality. I wanted the school to see what I felt to be important in my life and through my artwork I was able to draw people into my world.
I always impressed the staff with my work (both with the kids and with my art) that was commissioned to create a mural celebrating the diversity of our school. I chose 4 of my best students to help me and we knocked it out of the park. The kids made the cover of the local newspaper and it was on the front page of our district website. We poured our hearts into the work and the desire to leave my mark on mural was exacerbated by the realization that the gym could now be a part of my territory. It was such a rush when I figured this out that I went to our principal Ms. Pope and asked if I could work on another mural during my off time for the cafeteria. She was impressed with my desire to make the school beautiful and quickly signed off on the work. I finished it during my second summer and donated to the school the following fall. I now had my room, the gym and the lunch room as my territory and it made me feel powerful.

I also noticed that I had the urge to continually reinforce my presence among these rooms, especially my classroom. It wasn’t enough to simply mark it with my creativity, I needed something more but I couldn’t put my finger on it. As I wracked my brain trying to find a solution I started to fear that I would lose my territory to another teacher, this drove my desire to mark my territory up another notch and I started to panic. When I panic I tend to have to urinate and fortunately I have my own bathroom in my office. I went to use the facilities and as I started to unzip my slacks, the urge hit a visceral level and it dawned on me that my territory needed to have my scent, that way no other teacher could take it from me. Without batting an eye I walked back to my room and proceeded to urinate on the floor near the door and underneath my desk.
I am not going to lie, it was one of the best feelings in the world when I relieved myself that afternoon, and I felt like a king who fought long and hard for his castle. But that feeling quickly dissolved as I realized that I was peeing on the floor of my classroom. I panicked for a moment and grabbed some paper towels to clean up my mess. I cleaned as fast as I could in fear that someone would walk in on me and see what I had done. I patted down the two spots and tossed the towels in the trash can in my bathroom. I sat at my desk and started to think about what I had done.
You would have thought I would be embarrassed but it was the opposite, the lingering smell connected me to my classroom even more so. I couldn’t wait to go again so I could mark my territory even more; I could finally put my mind at ease as I figured out a way to mark what was mind even more so!

It was during this epiphany that Ms. Pope’s secretary Carolyn Dorsey came into my room with some supplies that I had ordered a few months back. She greeted me with a smile as she handed me the materials.
"Mr. Snead, "she said with a pleasant smile "Here is the cover stock and markers you requested." She placed the boxes down. "Can you sign this receipt for me? I don’t want Ms. Pope breathing down my neck."
I told her of course, that wouldn’t be a problem. I offered a moment of rest and pulled out a seat for her. She kindly accepted with relief. As I signed the receipt I asked her how her day had been.
"It’s been busy, nothing bad just very busy. Everyone’s supplies came in today; I wanted to get yours to you first because I simply love seeing all of the artwork in this room." She glanced around the room with a smile, "This has to be my favorite room in all of the school."

I told her thanks and said that I love making this room special (I quietly snickered to myself as I thought what I just did moments before Carolyn walked in).

"Do you mind if I look at some of your kids’ work?" she asked.

It was not a problem I told her.

She smiled again. As she stood up I noticed she her blouse which was tucked into a nice pair of jeans, they were dark denim and looked great on her. I quietly thanked the gods for having an institute day so Ms. Dorsey could wear those jeans. What really caught my eye were her flats, which were silver and well worn, they popped with great contrast with the dark jeans and what made it even better was she wasn’t wearing socks. She headed over by the door and stopped a few feet short of the new display my kids just finished. She tilted her head and took a few sniffs. My heart stopped for a few beats, she probably smells my urine. I quickly stood up and walked over to her, hoping I could think of an excuse. I was shocked when she told me this.

"Mr. Snead, what have to done to this room? Did you light a candle? That smell reminds me of..." her voice trailed off as she took several more sniffs. "It reminds me of home, like I belong here or something." She shook her head, but the aroma did not leave her.

She rubbed her eyes and I grabbed her as I thought she might faint. I lead her to a chair and let her sit down. She shook her head once again but still she could not stop sniffing. She spoke, "Mr. Snead, do you mind if I take my shoes off? I like to be comfy when I am home." She slipped out of her flats and let her toes tap on the floor. "Ah, that’s more like it!" She said as she let her feet dance in front of me.

I was mesmerized by her feet and the sudden shift in her demeanor. I couldn’t help but stare at her toes dancing on my floor. My floor in my room…my territory, holy shit I thought, I made this happen, I made Mrs. Dorsey want to stay in my territory. Mrs. Dorsey was going to be my territory. I wanted Mrs. Dorsey to be my….

The intercom interrupted my thoughts, it was Ms. Pope. "Mr. Snead, is Mrs. Dorsey in your room?"

I looked at Mrs. Dorsey, who was putting her flats back on, I was so disappointed by this, but I knew I was on to something. I responded with a yes and let Carolyn leave my territory…err my room.

After she left I had the sudden desire to mark my territory again, this time I peed on the seat that Mrs. Dorsey was just sitting on and I wish I could have marked her feet with my scent. I marked all around the door and then once again by my desk. I dried up the puddles but I could feel my scent permeating the walls around my territory…I mean my room.
I walked back into my office and sat down to ponder on what just happened. Mrs. Dorsey felt like she was at home because of my scent. This drove me wild as my desires to mark my territory intensified. This powerful urge to mark my territory sent my brain into overdrive. I started to think about Mrs. Dorsey and it dawned on me. It wasn’t enough to make my classroom my territory, I wanted all of the school now and it was going to start with Mrs. Dorsey.

Chapter Two

"Feels Like Home"

It had been about two hours since Mrs. Dorsey left my room and I came to the realization that I must make all of the school my territory. I tried to work on a painting but I couldn’t concentrate for more than a few minutes as the image of Dorsey’s toes dancing on my floor kept flooding my mind. I tried to shake it off but it was to no avail. I needed her back in my territory; I needed her back in our house.
As much as I wanted to grab her and drag her back into my territory…err classroom, I knew that I had to be discreet with my intentions. I couldn’t bring any attention to myself if I wanted to make this school my kingdom so I simply called her on her extension.

"Thank you for calling December Falls High School. Who can I direct your call to?"

I said my greetings and then informed her that I was missing some supplies from the order that she dropped off earlier in the day. I then asked her if it was possible to stop by and double check the order form to make sure there were no mistakes.

"Of course Mr. Snead, let me just wrap up this meeting minutes with Ms. Pope and I will stop by our…I mean your room."

I caught that slip up and smiled, there were still some remnants of my scent on her mind. I knew once she was here that I had to make it permanent. I told her thanks and hung up the phone. At once I marked my territory with my scent; the heightened sense of urgency gave my pheromones a stronger smell that caught my attention immediately. There was no way that I was going to let this room go to any other teacher now. I also didn’t bother to clean up the puddle that was next to the desk.

Mrs. Dorsey came in a few minutes later with a copy of the order form. "Hello Mr. Snead I brought the order…form for us to look like…I mean look at." She shook her head much like earlier in the day. "Oh wow, that smell, I forgot how much I love this room."

I asked her why she loved this room so much.

"Because Mr. Snead, it smells like home."

Oh really, I commented. I let my scent settle in on her then I asked what she liked to door when she was home.

"Well, I like to get comfy, so I won’t need these anymore. She took off her shoes and dropped them on the floor. "I love the feel of the cold under my toes, Mr. Snead."

I said no need to be so formal at home Carolyn, call me Gus.

"Okay…Gus, I like that I am home with you." She smiled shyly as she said this.

She stood up and as she did I noticed that she stepped into the puddle that I didn’t clean up. For a brief second I thought this may pose a problem, but it only seemed to hasten the hold over her. She dropped the order form and then fell to one knee. Her feet and hands where now soaking in the puddle. She shuddered and dropped her face into it as well.

When she came back up, I knew that she was mine now, her scent was my scent and she would never leave my side. I came around to her
side of the desk and helped her to her feet as our hands connected, my scent permeating every pore of her fingers. She locked her hands around and smiled.

"Gus I am home," she said as she tapped her barefoot in the puddle of my scent.

I grabbed the hair by the base of her neck and kissed, no more like drank her in. My tongue was like a guide that wanted to lay claim to a newfound world. She melted into my arms and her tongue was equally inquisitive. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she pressed harder into me.

After our session, I noticed that I struggled to complete sentences and I found pleasure in just grunting out commands to Carolyn. I do not know if it was because of the intense stint on the floor rolling around in the puddle of my scent or the fact that I marked Carolyn with my pheromone during the act, but I had this overwhelming compulsion to let my base instincts take over.

I also noticed that Carolyn’s base instincts were also starting to take hold of her as well. Normally when I am with a woman they want to wash up and get dress. Carolyn did not want either of those. This made me flush with desire because I had finished in her not 5 minutes ago and watching my seed seep out of her mound as she lay on the floor in my office made me glad that I made her part of my territory.

"Gus is warm, Gus is strength." Carolyn said in a rather husky tone. She got up and walked to the mini fridge I had in my office, she pulled out the half gallon of milk and proceeded to drink it straight out of the jug. She didn’t just drink the milk but rather gulped it down like it was going to expire in a second. She was sloppy with it as well, streams of milk spilt out from the corners of her mouth, but it did not seem to bother her at all. When she finished she tossed the empty container on the floor and then bent over to lick some of the remnants that pooled on the linoleum.

"Gus make me smile, Gus is home." She said as she lapped up the milk. "Home now, home forever." She pulled herself up from the milk and crawled like a gorilla towards me. She pushed herself up off of my thighs and bit my ear. Had this been before my awakening I would have been in pain, however now I was turned on by her aggression. She sensed my arousal and bit my ear a bit harder, saying "Gus makes me family."

Her words were only driving my instinctual urges to a higher level. It was because of me that Carolyn was devolving into a cavewoman like stage and it was turning me on. With the simple deed of marking my territory, Carolyn now wanted me in every way. Eventually she would be pregnant with my seed. If I could do this to a prim and proper office assistant, I know I could make others like her.
That was another part of my subconscious that was starting to rear up in my head. Everything important to me had to do with marking my home and expanding my territory. I had my classroom and now Carolyn, but that was just a start. My brain was sending out signals of expansion and not just of rooms and property. I wanted to expand my legacy, I wanted to impregnate women. My mind pumped out images of other teachers who I wanted to make mine, Miss Swanson the pre-algebra teacher, Mrs. Cortez the Spanish teacher, Mrs. Benson the language arts teacher, Dr. Karen, the school psychologist and even the principal, Ms. Pope. Yes Ms. Pope would be the crown jewel of my territory, my home, my brood, my…queen.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:






Pub: 04 May 2024 23:03 UTC
Views: 832