"There's more work to do," he said. "I probably shouldn't have taken my treat early, but those are the perks of being the boss, you know?"

Laura was disappointed. She wanted to do more to thank the man for giving her his cum. She settled for staying seated on the dildo-chair and spreading her legs even wider for him. At least here she'd have no problem staying wet until they were done - the harder challenge was resisting the urge to bounce up and down ever so slightly until she orgasmed.

It took a couple more hours for the workmen to complete their work. The outdoor shower and fences got done, and the dildos were affixed throughout the house - including on one of the couch seats, several of the wooden kitchen stools, her computer chair (of course). and a couple just sticking out of the carpet in corners of rooms. The last surprise was to see the TV in the lounge room removed, and replaced with one of a similar size with an ominous black box screwed to the side.

As the work reached its conclusion, Laura had been getting more nervous, but also more excited. She was out of her mind with lust from being perched on the dildo, her full body on display to strange men. She didn't want to give them all blowjobs - no lesbian wanted to have group sex with men - but at the same time she did, and the thought of tasting their cum made her pussy clench happily around the dildo. She felt when they were finally finished and took their dicks out of their pants, she might cry and cum at the same time.

So it was with a mixture of shock, relief, and horrible frustration that she discovered she was going to be saved from sucking their cocks. As the work was completing, a second car pulled up in the driveway outside, and the person who got out was Amy. She had come fromt the Mayim Clinic to check on the work.

When Amy came through the door, Laura was scrambling to get off the dildo-chair, somehow under the impression that having a dildo in her cunt in front of Amy was more embarassing than the rest of the circumstances or the things she had done with Amy previously. She was not entirely successful, in her haste, and ended up falling on all fours in front of the chair, the dildo scraping her cunt-flesh slightly as it slid out.

Amy looked amused. She came to stand in front of where Laura was on all fours, and she ruffled Laura's hair as she might to a dog.

"Are you Kitten Tits today?" she asked. Laura nodded, blushing, climbing to her feet and wishing she wasn't naked and horny.

"Have you been good for the workmen, Kitten Tits?" Amy asked.

Laura nodded.

"What did you do for them?" Amy asked.

Laura blushed more. She didn't want to say. But this was Amy asking. She had to tell the truth, didn't she, or they'd discharge her from the program?

"I showed them my fuckpillows and my sluthole," she said. "And then I sat on this dildo chair and sucked this man's cock and he came in my mouth."

"Good slut!" said Amy proudly, and Laura felt a flush of pleasure.

The workmen had finished now, and they were gathering around expectantly.

"Thank you for your work," said Amy. "You can go now."

The younger workman - Casey - said, "Kitten Tits promised us..."

"I don't care what she promised you," Amy said. "I'm paying the bill, and you'll do what you're payed for. Right now you're being paid to leave."

There was a silence from the workmen, and for a moment Laura felt sure that they would slap Amy across the face and then rape her and Laura both. But then the senior workman - the one whose cock Laura had serviced - said, "Right you are. Come on boys, let's go."

The other two didn't like it, but they followed their boss' lead, and, grumbling, all three returned to their ute and drove away, leaving Laura alone with Amy.

Amy smiled once they were gone, and reached out to caress Laura's breasts. Laura moaned happily as Amy's fingers lightly brushed over her nipple. She was still horny and she had been looking forward to having cum in her mouth. She wanted to orgasm.

"Do you like your new house, Kitten Tits?" Amy asked.

"I don't understand it," replied Laura.

"Well, here's the first clue," said Amy. She took a little remote-like device out of her blouse pocket, and pressed a button on it. Laura's collar buzzed briefly.

"What is it?" asked Laura, feeling at her collar.

"New instructions," said Amy. "That apply exclusively inside the walls of this house."

She took Laura's house and began to lead the naked girl around the residence.

"Number one," she said. "Sitting. The combination of your collar and your cunt chit are quite intelligent. They can tell by stress levels, orientation, height, and a range of other facts whether you're sitting, standing, kneeling or lying down. Each of these dildos installed in your house has an RFID chip in its tip. If your collar detects that you're sitting down, anywhere in the house, and your pussy chip can't scan a dildo RFID inside you, you'll get shocked. That means you're not allowed to sit down anywhere in this house unless it's on a dildo. It'll help train your pussy to get used to having cocks in it."

"Not anywhere?" asked Laura, distressed. At the moment she actually quite liked the thought of putting a dildo back inside her, but she sensed she might have a different opinion if she wasn't so horny.

"Not anywhere," said Amy. "You'll need to be careful getting on and off your bed. Crawl onto it and off it on all fours - don't try to sit up on it."

Laura bit her lip. This didn't sound good.

'Number two," Amy said, "The toilet and bathroom. As you can see, they now say Men Only."

Laura could, indeed, see that.

"Now, in practice, we can't stop Erica or another girl from using these facilities, but we can stop you. There's a sensor inside each that interfaces with your collar. If you set foot in either room, you'll get a shock. The facilities are intended for your male guests, not you."

"But where do I go to the toilet?" asked Laura, fearing she already knew the answer.

"Well, you've got a girlfriend, and she's got a mouth," said Amy casually, smiling. "And you might find that's enough. But otherwise, you have your backyard. And we've built a shower out there so you can wash too."

"But why?" asked Laura. She didn't understand what this had to do with making her hetero.

"Well, mostly it's a special request from your sponsor," said Amy, and Laura realised that Amy was talking about your blackmailer. "But it has some value. You see, under the hetero-conversion program it's okay for you to sometimes lez off with a girl. But you need to learn that the primary purpose of a woman is to be sexually available for me, so if you're living in this lesbian relationship you have to show it off to whichever men want to see it. With this setup, you'll be in full view of your neighbours when you shower or piss or shit, and they can enjoy the view if they choose to. Oh, speaking of which, there's a sensor in your backyard, too. It can detect how much interference there is between it and your cunt chip, and give you a shock if there's too much. What that basically means is while you're outside you'll need to keep your pussy bare for the sensor - don't wear panties."

She jumped suddenly, as if she'd just remembered something. "Oh!" she exclaimed. "And..."

She fished in her purse and brought out something that looked a bit like a labelling gun. She reached over, rested the tip against the upper slope of Laura's left boob, and pulled the trigger. Laura screamed in pain as she felt something metal fired into her titflesh - and then screamed again, but quieter, as her collar detected the noise and electrocuted her throat and cunt. A moment later, the whatever-it-was in Laura's tit went off as well, sending lightning pain through her breast. As Laura writhed in pain, Amy grabbed her right udder and repeated the process, injecting another metal something into Laura's other breast.

"There you go," she said, as Laura cried and clutched her boobs. "Just like your cunt chip, but for your fuckmelons. It's pretty hardy and it's reasonably deep, so it won't get crushed just by people squeezing your tits. They'll sync up with your collar and give you shocks just like your pussy chip, and they have a range of sensors as well. Relevantly, they'll work just like your pussy chip in your backyard, so make sure your boobs are exposed when you're out the back too. Probably best just to go naked."

Laura was still crying, so Amy moved in, hugged Laura, and kissed Laura's cheeks and neck until she stopped. "Good slut," she whispered. "You're such a good slut." And hearing it helped, and Laura stopped crying.

Amy guided them to the loungeroom. "Number three is your TV," she said. She pulled out her remote and clicked it again. The TV turned on. It was showing a film very like the ones at the Mayim Clinic, full of "good sluts" who spread their legs and sucked cocks and went naked, and "feminists" and "disobedient bitches" who kept their mouths and their legs closed and needed to be slapped.

"This won't turn off," Amy said. "It'll run 24/7. It doesn't play sound you can hear, although it does have a little subliminal signal that should help you. We've put one in your bedroom too so you can see it from your bed. It will automatically update to whatever film reinforces what you're learning at the clinic."

"How do I watch normal TV?" asked Laura.

"You don''t, honey," said Amy. "You don't need to watch normal TV anymore. It wasn't doing a very good job of socialising you to enjoy sex with men, so we've taken it away. This is much more appropriate for you."

She saw Laura's face, which looked distressed again.

"Oh, honey, we know how much you like anime, though," said Amy. "So there's a program of anime that'll come on each weeknight and on weekends for you to watch, with lots of pretty big-titted anime girls in it, just like you."

Laura suspected Amy meant hentai - anime sex porn - but it was something, at least, and she nodded gratefully. Some of those shows had plots. She might enjoy it.

"And lastly," said Amy, coming to what had once been the office, and was now Laura's bedroom. "No curtains. This is important. Like we said, uder our hetero re-orientation, the purpose of lesbian sex is to entertain men. If you're going to have Erica suck your cunt, you can do it here, where everyone nearby can see you. We've put another sensor in here to check whether you're clothed, so no wearing clothing in here and - importantly - no sheets on your bed. You sleep in full view of the window, every night."

"What if it's cold?" asked Laura plaintively.

"There's climate control in here," said Amy. "It will never be cold. If you feel a chill, just cuddle up closer to your girlfriend."

Amy suddenly looked mischievous. "Speaking of which..." she said, and leant forward and kissed Laura on the lips.

Laura didn't know how to react. Here she was, naked, in full view of the neighbourhood, being kissed by a beautiful girl. Near the bed that she slept in with Erica. She had had so many sexual encounters in the last few weeks, but she hadn't asked for any of them, she hadn't been able to say no to any of them. She sensed she could say no to Amy, though. If she didn't, she'd be cheating on Erica.

"No..." she started to say, but then Amy's hand found her pussy. Laura was standing with her legs slightly apart, as she did normally these last few days, and Amy's fingers slipped into her wet, slippery fuckhole easily. Laura gasped, and then couldn't help herself. She kissed Amy back, hard, and then the two girls were locked in a tangle of kisses and limbs, both pulling at Amy's clothes, until Amy was naked and they were falling onto the bed together.

Amy landed on top of Laura, pinning Laura to the bed. Her hand was back inside Laura's pussy, and it felt amazing. Only an hour ago Laura had been scared of being gang-raped by men, and now instead she was having consensual sex wtih a beautiful girl. She strained to reach Amy's lips to kiss her, but Amy pulled back, looking a little cruel but a little affectionate.

"Let's play a game, Kitten Tits," she said. "I'm going to 69 you, but there's a catch. I'm only going to lick your cunt when I can feel you licking mine, so you're going to have to lick me to make yourself cum. But when -I- cum, I'm going to piss, so you'd best be ready to catch it all in your mouth if you want to avoid ruining your bed."

Laura wrinkled her nose. She didn't want Amy to piss in her mouth, or anywhere near her. But then Amy's fingers inside Laura's pussy brushed her G-spot, and she felt almost on the verge of orgasming.

"You don't have to play," said Amy. "I can just leave."

Laura moaned in frustration. No. She needed this. She had a huge sexual crush on Amy, she loved the thought of getting to eat Amy's twat, and she was SO horny. And if Amy left her alone she'd have to think about what had been done to her house, and she didn't want to do that.

"What do you say, Kitten Tits?" Amy asked.

"Okay," said Laura softly.

"Say, please piss in my mouth when you cum, Mistress Amy," said Amy.

"Please piss in my mouth when you cum, Mistress Amy," repeated Laura submissively.

"Good slut," said Amy, and Laura felt happy. Amy turned her body around to position her pussy over Laura's mouth, and her own mouth over Laura's twat, and waited. Laura extended her tongue and began to lick at Amy's snatch, and almost at once she felt Amy return the favour and start tongueing Laura's beaver.

It felt incredible. Amy was able to time her tongue-work almost perfectly with Laura's, so it really did feel like Laura was eating out her own snatch. Laura couldn't help but think of the picture of her twat she kept at work, and licking Alistair's sperm off it. At first she kept taking pauses in her licking, afraid she'd make Amy cum and get pissed on, but then Amy would stop too, and Laura needed the attention to her pussy, so Laura would start licking again. After a while she didn't even care.

Laura orgasmed pretty quickly. She tried to push Amy's head away as she orgasmed, as the licking was too intense, but when Amy sensed she was cumming she pushed her face in harder to Laura's cunt and licked even more vigorously. Laura tried to stop her own licking of Amy but in this case Amy just kept going. It felt horrible and wonderful at the same time - like Laura had absolutely no control over what was happening to her, like she was being raped, like her orgasm was getting all mixed up with abuse and powerlessness - but then a second orgasm hit, a weird broken feeling that wasn't normal at all. Laura screamed, a mixture of pleasure and horror, and then screamed again as her collar electrified her fuckbags and her sluthole for being too loud. She noted the charge didn't seem to carry into Amy, which she was grateful for.

When the second orgasm finished, Amy kept licking Laura until Laura felt like she wanted another one, and then Amy stopped, and Laura realised she had to contribute again. She applied her mouth back to Amy's clit, and Amy responded in kind.

It was just as Laura was nearing a third orgasm that she felt Amy twitch, and buck, and orgasm, and then suddenly piss was spilling into Laura's mouth out of Amy's cunt. Laura's first instnct was to close her mouth, but she remembered she was lying on the bed she had to sleep in that night, so instead she opened her mouth wide, applied it like a seal around Amy's pussy, and felt her mouth fill with urine.

Amy managed to keep licking Laura as she orgasmed and pissed, and so it was only moments later, with her mouth full of another girls' urine, that Laura orgasmed herself. She almost choked on the piss or spat it out, but instead managed to swallow it and get her mouth back in place to receive more.

Amy finally finished pissing around the same point that Laura stopped cumming. Laura swallowed the last of it, and Amy turned around and kissed Laura on the lips and told her she was a good slut. And then she turned Laura's head to look out the window.

There, standing on the front lawn, were the three workmen and their ute. Also there was Laura's left-hand neightbour, a middle aged Indian man named Ranjit, and what appeared to be a passing motorist who'd parked his car to see what was going on. They'd all just watched Laura, naked, 69ing another nude girl to orgasm, and then drinking her piss. She thought the motorist might have been filmning her using his phone.

Laura tried to jump up and hide herself, but Amy held her down.

"Laura," Amy said, "you have SUCH BIG TITS. Tits like that weren't born to wear clothes and have a career. They were specifically evolved to lure men into fucking you and impregnating you and allowing you to feed their babies. You are doing what nature intended."

Laura writhed and tried to get out from under Amy. Amy leant down and kissed her.

"I don't want to slap you in front of all these nice men, Laura," she said. "I want you to wave to the nice men, and kneel on the bed and give them a nice view of your tits. Remember to kneel, not sit, or you'll get a shock."

Laura looked into Amy's eyes, pleading, but saw no mercy. When Amy released her, Laura struggled to her knees, and faced the window, and lifted her hands to cup her tits so that the gathered men could see them better. Then she waved to them all. Some of them waved back.

Amy, still naked herself, opened the window, and yelled out to the men outside. "Laura needs to piss now. We're going into the backyard. Ranjit will let you through."

"What? No!" said Laura, but Amy was already leading out of the bedroom and through the house to the backdoor.

"Five - last rule. I almost forgot - remember how I said your chips could detect how you're standing or sitting? Your sponsor asked that we make one last adjustment, entirely for his amusement. You'll find that if you piss in your backyard or anywhere in your house while squatting or sitting or kneeling, you'll get a shock. You'll find that in order to piss here you need to be lying down, or crawling or standing. And - one othe thing - your cunt needs to be being stimulated when it happens. So if you don't have someone licking you or a dilo, that means fingers in your cunt while you piss."

"What does that teach me?" asked Laura.

"I don't know, Kitten Tits," said Amy. "It's not part of our program. But my guess is it teaches you you're a sluttly little fucktoy who pisses like a dog for the amusement of men and gets aroused by urine." She opened the backdoor and pushed Laura sharply outside. "One last rule for me - it's no part of your formal rules that you have to face towards people who are watching you, but if you don't give those boys a show I'll use my remote to give you a shock. Now go empty your bladder, honey, you're overdue," she said.

Amy was right - Laura hadn't been to the toilet since she woke up and she felt very full indeed. Especially now that she had a stomach full of Amy's urine. But as she stagged naked into the backyard, the back door of her neighbour Ranjit's house opened, and the men inside came out into Ranjit's backyard. Over the now waist-height fence they had a perfect view of Laura's nudity.

Behind her, Amy had closed the back door. Laura had no way back into the house. It was clear she wouldn't be allowed to leave the backyard until she pissed.

What were the rules? Standing, or crawling, or lying, and she needed to be playing with herself. And facing the crowd.

The men was almost salivating. Each of them had a hard dick straining against their pants. They were massively aroused by Laura's humliation, although the sight of her big slutty tits was probably helping too. Laura faced them, stood with her legs spread slightly, and then closed her eyes to try and block them out. Her fingers went down to her pussy and she started to play with it. After the session with Amy, most of her lust was gone, but it still felt nice to gently massage her twat. She tried to forget where she was and what she was doing, and relax her bladder.

She couldn't do it. She knew the men were there, and besides, pissing standing up was weird. She'd spent most of her life conditioning herself to only piss in a sitting position, on a toilet seat, and she'd only recently managed to extend that to being able to piss in Erica's mouth. Erica wasn't here now and it was too strange. Blushing, Laura got down on all fours to see if that would help.

It didn't. As if grovelling like a dog, naked and masturbating, in front of these men wasn't enough distraction, she kept losing her balance because one of her hands needed to stay in her pussy. She thought about lying down but realised she'd be pissing on herself if she lay tits-up or pissing into a pudle she was lying in if she went tits-down. She stood up again.

As she stood up she got a glimpse of her audience. The two younger workmen had their cocks out and were masturbating. Ranjit and the motorist both had smartphones and were filming her. She closed her eyes, which helped as she could feel herself starting to cry, and concentrated on rubbing her pussy. Just a little to keep it stimulated, but not so hard it made it difficult to piss.

And this time she was successful. Her bladder relaxed a little, and she felt piss ran down her leg. She concentrated on relaxing even more, and soon she felt a gush of urine flowing out of her. Some spurted into the air and fell to the ground, but most of it ran down her inner thighs and puddle at her feet.

As she pissed, she heard her audience cheering and hooting, and she blushed even deeper. As soon as she felt her bladder running empty, she pulled her fingers out of her cunt and ran for the door.

Amy wouldn't open it, though. She pointed at the shower.

Laura tried to cover her tits and cunt with her arms as she ran back to the shower, but then felt a shock in her sex organs. Too much interference between the chips and the sensor, she realised, and moved her arms away. She stood under the outdoor shower, turned it on, and let cold water bathe her. She took the time to wash the piss from her legs, and clean Amy's cunt juices from her face, and then she turned it off and ran back to the house. This time Amy did welcome her, with a warm dry towel, and she kissed Laura as she dried off Laura's body, with, it turned out, special attention to her breasts, which Amy seemed to enjoy rubbing. Amy had gotten dressed while Laura was outside.

When Laura was dry, Amy said, "What do you say?"

At first Laura was confused, but then realised she was supposed to thank Amy. For everything.

Every time Laura had said thank you before it had been just after an orgasm, or while she was horny, or while she was confused from being abused, or while she was on her pill. Now Laura didn't feel horny or confused. She felt humiliated, and she understood with perfect clarity that she was not only permitting the changes made to her life today, but thanking Amy for them.

But what else could she do? Amy was looking at Laura expectantly, and Laura knew Amy wasn't afraid to slap her, or to use the remote she carried to shock Laura's tits and cunt.

"Thank you, Amy," she said, hesitantly. "Thank you for licking my fuckhole. Thank you for asking me to lick your slutnest. Thank you for pissing in my mouth. Thank you for fucking me where people could watch us."

Amy waited expectantly. She knew there was more.

"Thank you for making me have to piss and shower naked outside where my neighbours can see me from now on. Thank you for giving me rubber cocks to sit on all throughout my house and making sure my fuckmelons and rapetunnel get shocked if I don't use them. Thank you for taking away all my curtains and moving my bed so people can watch me and Erica lez off and sleep naked."

Amy waited again. Laura was confused now. What else did she want?

"How about, thank you for treating me like the rapetoy I am?" Amy prompted finally.

Laura blushed. "Thank you for treating me like the rapetoy I am," she parroted.

"Good slut," said Amy. "Now walk me out to my car."

Not knowing what else to do, Laura obeyed Amy, even though it meant going out the front door of her house naked. She stood, blushing, nude in the sunlight, as Amy gave her a last passionate kiss on the lips and then got into her vehicle. "I'll see you tonight at the clinic," Amy said, and Laura stood submissively until Amy drove away, even though her neighbour Ranjit had again emerged from his house to stare at her, and then hurried back inside.

She stood there, in her lounge room, tits and cunt bare, surrounded by rubber dildos and a TV screen showing a constant loop of sluts sucking cocks, and she realised - this was her life now.

(To be continued...)

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Pub: 20 Mar 2024 11:24 UTC
Views: 850