High Velocity Crash by /bara/hmoma/ writefrien

Even for someone superhuman, you've taken quite the beating, and proceed to slip into blissful unconsciousness as you wonder why this boy-scout hero cares so damn much
All good things must come to an end, and Anon slowly regains consciousness somewhere new
Vision's blurry from what he assumes to be a concussion, and the light quickly makes you screw his eyes back shut
..There's a pneumatic hiss as a high-tech door opens, hopefully they still think he's out cold
There's an unfamiliar voice, "-as I've said a thousand times already, he's stable! You gave him quite the thrashing but he just needs some rest, I don't see why you didn't just drop him off at the ultramax prison, he's a villain!"
Anon's jaw clenches when he hears the hero respond, it takes every ounce of his willpower to keep his heartbeat steady so the beeping monitor next to him doesn't spike
"They won't try to help him! They'll just let him rot in a cell! I want to fix this!"
He doesn't mean...
The other voice lets out a sigh "I don't see how you plan on doing that, his powers are notoriously unstable."
There's a sudden warmth on your hand, someone's squeezing it "I have to try, for his sake".

Hero goes by the name 'Velocity'
You've been stuck with the moniker of 'Crash' ever since the incident
Your ex-"employer" was a member of the mafia looking to cash in on a shipment of an experimental military serum called "solution 42"
(Un)fortunately, Velocity caught you all in the act and proceeded to royally fuck everything up
The boss put up a good fight in that powersuit of his, but he was no match for someone who could break the sound barrier on a light jog
You ended up in between them mid clash (hiding behind a shipping container)
You remembered seeing the Cheetah deliver a mighty kick to the chest of the powersuit, sending it through the air
...And right into the structural supports for the gigantic tank of solution 42
Needless to say, you didn't react in time, and neither did Velocity
You only remembered seeing the tank coming at you fast, a painful impact and the sensation of being underwater
When you woke up, you were in a black market chop shop, an organ harvesting operation.
It seems like nobody expected you to survive that, you were just a corpse that might have fetched a fraction of the price your boss was looking for so they wanted to cut you open
But you did survive, You did a lot more than survive...
You remembered the doctor running from the room, screaming for help as you watched your scarred body knit itself back together when a bullet tore through it
You remembered snapping a goon's arm like a chicken bone
And you remembered feeling nothing after leaving a clinic full of (more) corpses
The solution was experimental, so your powers were unstable to say the least, by the time you dragged yourself back to your shitty studio apartment, you were in the 'Crash' phase of your powers
The backlash made you feel like you were on fire, and you could only lie in a heap, playing the events that led up to this over and over in your mind
You slowly got better at handling it, but you always ended up burning out after using your powers
It usually happened long after you made use of them fortunately, and it gave you a lot of time to think
That damn goody-two-shoes little cat had to save the day, and that money grubbing asshole who you were bossed around by had to provoke him
You'd get your revenge, you'd break the cat's legs and pull your bosses' jaw clean from his skull once you figured out how to control your new abilities
You had bursts of super strength, where you could fold steel like it was paper at your peak, along with a persistent increase in durability and healing
Obviously this had the setback of being an incredibly painful state of being, you were hideously scarred and had one near fatal wound inflicted on you at least twice a week
With a little bit of showmanship and some small time criminal work, you were able to start a career as an "independent contractor" which usually meant helping out other criminals by acting as their hired muscle
You were actually pretty good at it too!
Things were going well, and you were getting a grip on your strength, and then the "National Savings" job came along
A heist on the biggest storage of unmarked bills in the city, your job was to keep the cops at bay while your colorful cast of heist-buddies cracked open a safe door the size of a house
Things looked promising until a yellow bolt of light knocked the guy hacking the door clean out
It was him...
Seeing velocity's face again as he delivered some snarky banter was enough to make your blood boil
His face shifted from recognition to realization to panic as you pulled the rebar straight from a nearby wall and charged him, using it as a makeshift mace
Any reasoning he tried fell on deaf ears, you could only feel the serum-corrupted blood rushing in your ears
Once you got dangerously close to taking a civillian's head off, he finally retaliated
The fight was brutal, for you at least.
It's basically impossible to hit a speedster, they react and move faster than you can think.
Your tactic was scummy, a swing with killing intent at a security guard or nearby cop forced him to take you on, and you even managed to land a glancing blow or two
But a kick at mach 2 hurts, especially when it's as accurate as his.
You knew you just had to grin and bear it, he had his limits too, eventually he'd run out of stamina and he'd be nearly immobile with exhaustion, humans were pursuit predators after all, your endurance would win you your revenge
You were right!
He eventually overexerted himself, taking a backhanded blow to the cheek that sent him careening across the room.
That felt good.
This was the furthest you ever pushed yourself, you could physically feel your body falling apart
Every cell screamed as you forced yourself to inch closer to him, step by step.
He shakily picked himself up, struggling to stand against a nearby wall as you bore down on him.
"Crash, please! Don't make me do this! You're hurt"
This prick didn't even know your real name
And he was bluffing, that heart of his was probably beating out of his chest with exhaustion
You'd verify that with your bare hands soon enough
Once again, the cards were not dealt in your favor
As you reared back to throw a killing blow, he yelled out and screwed his eyes shut throwing a clawed hand across your neck
Normally, a swipe like that wouldn't even leave a mark
But you were on your last legs, and the cut was juuust deep enough to make the already blurry vision in your eyes fade to black
The last thing you remembered was the horrified look on the heroes face as you collapsed on top of him.
Which was pretty hilarious, they took the "no killing" rule pretty seriously, so he probably had a nice little moral dilemma
You would laugh about it, but the backlash you were feeling might actually finish you off if you even tried
And now we were back in the present, you were bandaged up, in some high-tech infirmary, with the man you were trying to murder letting out these annoying defeated sighs as he held your hand
You were too drugged up with whatever wonderful concoction was in the IV to try crushing his paw.
And honestly you found it hard to care anymore, you got your ass handed to you when you were in top shape against him.
An unfamiliar voice spoke near the doorway. "Hit the security button if he wakes up and tries anything, I need to step out for a moment".
All they got was a quiet "okay" from Velocity before the door hissed shut.
You were kind of hoping he'd piss off and let you sleep in peace until they deemed you fit enough to toss into a supermax prison
Instead you felt something warm and heavy slowly press down on your chest.
You almost thought he was going to try and finish you off before you felt a warm breath hit your chin
...Is he resting his head on your chest right now?
His breath tickled you as he spoke to himself "God I hope you're still unconscious right now"
As weird as this situation was, you weren't in a position to stop him, you physically couldn't move after all.
Well at least your limbs couldn't move
You were pretty sure you could speak a word or two at a time.
...But what do you say to your sworn enemy when he's doing something absurd like this?
"th'hell're you doing?" Your voice was a barely audible rasp.
Judging by the sputtering noise and the crashing he heard you as he scrambled back into a sitting position
Forcing your unbandaged eye open, you finally took a look at him.
Your vision was blurry as you adjusted to the harsh overhead lighting
In the corner of your vision there was a yellow shape that seemed to be fidgeting under your unfocused gaze
"Y-you're awake! The doctors said you'd probably be out for another few hours..."
Making small talk was going to be hard with a throat that felt like it was made of glass
"Why are you holding my hand?" the IV also seemed to leave you without a filter
The feline's paw shot away "Ah! W-well, you're in pretty rough shape and I wanted to make sure you still had a pulse y'know haha..."
"And the head on my chest?"
There was a painful silence for a few seconds
"Uhh, listening for an irregular pulse"
You couldn't force any more words out at the moment, choosing instead to stare at the still beeping heart monitor right next to him.
Thankfully the owner of the unfamiliar voice returned.
A tall hare, looking pointedly at you. "He's awake, that serum is some scary stuff"
His gaze shifted over to Velocity, "It's been a long day and now you know he's not dead, so I think you should go rest up"
The cheetah's tail bushed up indignantly at the thought of leaving "But!-"
"No" The hare cut him off with a stern look, "The fact that you used the league's resources to save a villain in front of a crowd of people he was terrorizing has you on very thin ice already. Go. Home."
Velocity looked indignant, but quietly stood and turned to you "I'll come see you soon"
Before you could ask why he dissappeared in a yellow flash
Now it was just you and the hare, who seemed disgusted by your presence
"I don't know how you convinced him to save you, or what your history is with him, but I know a murderer when I see one"
"I'm keeping you here out of scientific curiosity and because I owe a very large debt to that young man, but if you try anything..."
"Let's just say I'm more than willing to break the Hippocratic oath when it comes to people like you"
You were about to muster up the strength to tell this guy to go fuck himself when he turned on his heel and promptly flicked the lights off
"Get some sleep, AEGIS, set this room's security protocols to max" There was a confirming beep from a hidden speaker somewhere
The hare didn't spare you as second glance as he left you. The door shut and sealed itself, the lights dimmed, and...was that a turret in the corner?!
...Well, today was certainly eventful
You weren't sure what to make of your arch-enemy saving your life and damaging his rep with the league of heroes
and you were VERY confused about the "checking your pulse" incident.
You were deep in enemy territory, there was clearly a lot going on that you weren't privy to, and you could only barely twitch any body part below your neck right now
You recalled the Cheetah's promise to come see you again, maybe he'd enlighten you as to what the fuck is going on
Or maybe you'd recover enough in the next few hours to bust out of here and get to a safehouse.
Either way, you kind of needed to be a little less on the brink of death, so you did your best to relax and focus on the soft mechanical hum of the high security auto-turret as it swiveled in the corner.
Fortunately, sleep came quick, maybe you were finally gonna get to catch a break...

Sirens screamed in the distance, there was an audible tinkling sound at your feet as your rapidly healing knuckles pushed out the shards of reinforced glass
The hare had used something in that IV to keep you sluggish and stop the healing from working as quickly, luckily you weren't stupid enough to just leave it in
A few minutes of pinching the tube between your fingers had your body rejecting the muscle relaxant and you were back to normal.
Some of your insides still stung like a bitch (Velocity could really kick!) but that didn't stop you from ripping the sentry turret in your room out of its socket and punching through your prison's glass windows
You would have liked to wring that doctor's neck, but you probably had about 30 seconds after you threw the first punch to jump out and escape before an army would bare down on you
As if on cue, there was the scream of a heli engine overhead, you dove behind some scaffolding and narrowly avoided its searchlight, a few seconds of hovering before it moved along
Luckily there was a large construction project going on near the league's headquarters, right under the window you left through.
A couple more rooftops and you'd be able to dip out of sight, there was an abandoned building nearby that they hadn't finished demolishing
Some light parkour and you were dipping in through the rooftop door, they'd give up the ghost and call the search off in an hour or two, those pompous assholes would never expect a criminal safehouse to sit right under their noses
...Or so you thought
Just down the hallway stood an infuriatingly familiar cheetah, standing with his arms crossed in generic hero pose #4, great, this is exactly what you needed.
You remained motionless as he spoke. "Y'know I stuck my neck out for you, I had a plan!"
You scoffed "Oh yeah? And what was that? 20 to live in a supermax prison?"
"No! I-I just wanted to reconcile things!"
You couldn't help but laugh at that one "Oh I'm sure you're very sorry you ruined my life, so sorry that it took you what, three years to say anything?"
"I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" It seems you struck a nerve, not that you cared either way, you just wanted out of this mess.
"Whatever, apology accepted, get out of my way" You started towards him
He wasn't budging "I'm not letting you leave, and you're in no position to fight me, just come back to the tower peacefully"
As much as you loathed to admit it, he was right, a swift punch in the right spot would have you keeling over, and your powers were still cooling down. You needed a little time to gather your strength, if you could catch him off guard...
You puffed out your chest and squared your jaw, doing your best to look like you were really about to take a swing.
Only to screw your face in mock pain before clutching your side and falling on your back, you groaned and hissed in false agony. Honestly, you deserved an emmy for this acting
There was a look of mild fear and concern on the cat's face "Woah! Are you okay?!"
C'mon, just a little closer...
"C-can you stand? what's wrong?!" He reached out a paw to you
You gingerly moved to accept his grip, and just as you were about to take his hand.
You snatched his whole forearm with a vise like grip, what an idiot.
He didn't even have time to register shock before you expertly twisted your torso with all your might, pulling him along
You had won the second his feet lifted off the ground.
There was a crash as he hit the wooden beam in the wall, flying right through it with a loud snap that made the ceiling quake
He couldn't get on his feet with that, he was too winded to move.
You were on top of him quickly, sitting on his waist and pinning his arms over his head as you straddled him
The cheetah struggled desperately, but super speed was worth fuck all when you were flat on your ass
You were spoiled for choice here, what to do?
Naturally, there was a part of you that wanted this little goody two shoes dead, that was the plan you had started off with
You could kill him right now, it would be as easy as snapping a wishbone at Christmas, a holiday you hadn't been able to enjoy for a long time
But...You couldn't, as you pondered what to do with your captive, he was pleading, begging for mercy with tears welling up in those big amber eyes.
"P-please, I-I'm so s-sorry, I...I didn't ever mean to.."
You had never killed someone "innocent" before, usually you just gave scumbags who had a deathwish what they wanted, none of them had been like this
But none of them had ruined your life either! You steeled your resolve and drew back a clenched fist high over your head, you could made this nice and quick, he wouldn't feel a thing.
He screwed his eyes shut, gritting his teeth and waiting for you to finish things, a big wet tear rolled down his cheek.
Your hand flew forward towards his face, you hoped you wouldn't regret this.
With practiced precision, your open hand flew forward and gripped his mask, taking care not to catch any fur you whipped it off, revealing his bare face and his true identity.
It was...Uh...Well he was certainly a cheetah
You had hoped to get his true identity, that'd make things even without putting you on the league's shit list.
But he looked like any other (handsome) cheetah, but you couldn't let him know that.
He was staring at you with wide teary eyes, you should probably say something...
"Ah, I had a feeling it was you, makes a lot of sense"
It took him a second to realize you hadn't killed him...
"Y-you're not gonna kill me?"
"And become public enemy number one to all supers in the city? No thanks, your identity will do, for now at least."
He sighed in relief, none the wiser that you had no clue who he was, at least now he'd leave you alone for fear of getting exposed
You were thinking about how to get away from this guy now, you held the upper hand after all
But the second you let go of him he'd be running to give away where you are and you'd be back at square one
It seemed like you had no choice but to try and knock him out or break his leg or something, when you felt an unusual pressure under you
A hidden weapon?!
You whipped his mask across the room and reached behind with your free hand to grab it, the cheetah yelped as you secured it firmly, it....
It was....Really really warm
and inside of his suit...
Oh god, this wasn't a hidden weapon was it.
A beet red flush filled the cheetah's cheeks "No NO NO IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!"
You felt your own face heat up in these suddenly embarrassing circumstances
In a perverse flash of genius, you then realized something, Velocity was good at running, but would an honor bound boy scout like him dare to try making an escape if he was naked?
Even forcing him to get a change of clothes would buy you enough time, so you remained stone faced as you smoothly removed your hand from his throbbing cock
"No that's uhh, a tool from my utility belt yeah!"
You then placed it onto the chest piece of his uniform, before getting a nice, solid grip
And exerting just the smallest bit of your power to tear the uniform asunder
The cat squirmed desperately, but only ended up destroying more fabric as you tore downward, the high-tech ultra flexible kevlar was like construction paper to you.
With one final yank the hole was complete, a V shaped tear running from the neckline down to the groin.
The cheetah's impressive, pink cock bounced free, flicking a string of pre across his abs
He looked mortified, he probably wished you had just went and killed him instead of this
But there was no way he'd run for help now with his dick hanging out like a pervert
Now would be the perfect time to escape, you could barrel right through that drywall and leave him reeling
But you are a villain, and maybe the plan has changed a little, but you still felt that desire for revenge
You clapped a hand over his mouth "I'd be quiet if I were you, what would anyone think if they walked in on us like this?"
His eyed widened in horror at the thought
"Taking a villain to your home base to get top of the line medical care..."
"Resting your head on his lap when you think nobody's looking..."
"Getting a stiffy when he escapes and pins you to the ground..."
Velocity's face was beet red, when you listed it out it seemed like he was arguably on your side
You weren't sure what this feeling was, but for the first time in a long time you felt pretty damn good seeing him squirm
"Even I'm not entirely sure what your deal is to be honest" Time to turn up the pressure
You delicately wrapped a hand around his cock, he was like a steel beam as you stroked him slowly
"Does jobbing to the bad guys really get you off? Do they really let pervs into the league?"
He looked at you as defiantly as someone getting a really good handjob could, "N-nooo" he whined desperately
"Ah so you just have a thing for me then? You're pretty messed up aren't you, you little whore?"
His dick jumped at that, a wet noise filled the air as his constant stream of pre slicked your hand up
You kept the pace painful, close enough to ride the edge, but never enough to make him cum.
You wanted to hear him beg.
"Scowl all you want, your cock's giving away how much you want this"
The cat was desperately trying to fuck your hand, enough to polish himself off, but you simply let go, making him whine in desperation
As much as you wanted to, dragging this out was a bad idea, so you'd wound his pride one more time then make your escape
"Beg for it Velocity, and I'll let you finish"
There was a pause, he couldn't even meet your eyes
It came out as barely a whisper "..ease"
"We both know you want it more than that yo-"
You didn't really have any witty villain banter for that, so you just let yourself get caught up in the spur of the moment
You released his arms from your grip before slipping your hand behind his head and crashing your mouths together
Your free hand took him home, the wet sound of your hand beating him off getting more intense as his orgasm started to boil over, his cock leaking like a faucet
He let you take his mouth, tongues wrestling as he pressed forward, desperate for more, he moaned like a whore as he came
He pulled away to yell out as his cock shot rope after rope after rope of his thick seed, painting his stomach and abs.
He even managed to hit his own mouth, a glob landing on his tongue as it hung from his open maw.
He collapsed into a shuddering mess, god, he looked really hot, splayed out and panting from just your hand.
As much as you wanted to take care of your self with a round two, there was the matter of getting the fuck outta dodge still at hand.
You casually wiped your hand clean on one of the few patches of fur he didn't splatter with his cum "As much as I'd love to go for round two, I've got an escape to make"
He couldn't bare to look as he just let you leave, keeping his eyes screwed shut as he shamefully basked in the afterglow "Better luck next time, hero" you made sure the last word dripped with mockery
It sucked that you didn't get a crack at his perky little ass, but you really were on the verge of getting caught, and you had a lot to process, so with that you took your leave
Plus, you had a feeling there'd be a next time

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Pub: 05 Mar 2022 12:17 UTC
Edit: 08 Mar 2022 11:31 UTC
Views: 1916