It was around noon and you were at work
You'd stopped typing so you could stare at the TV screen along with the rest of your coworkers
Rex and his crew had broken out of jail and were in the process of robbing the bank
On top of that, it seemed like the police couldn't get in as the entrances had been blocked, and Rex's crew were holding a few people hostage
Still, despite all this, you weren't afraid
Your city's hero would be there soon

>Be mysterious pre-masked silhouette
>So, Rex and his gang were trying to rob the bank, huh?
>It's a good thing they were doing it so early in the day
>Tugging on your gloves, you grabbed your mask from your costume's hiding place, donning the last part of your outfit
>Time to put some doggies back in their pen

Be hostage duty Dog, and something just made a noise
Perking your ears up, you give your dozing brother a shove, waking him up

"I thought I heard something"
"Like what? All I've been hearing is their whining"

Your sleepy brother said, jerking a thumb back at the door the two of you were guarding

"No, bone-brain, it sounded like-"

Said a masculine voice with a playful tone
You and your brother turned to look for the source, your eyes landing on a tall figure, before a bright red ball flew out from the figure's grasp
It blew past the two of you, bouncing down the hall
As it bounced away, the two of you were inexplicably drawn towards it
Bouncing ball

"Get the ball!"

The two of you said in unison, before dashing away after your escaping prize

>Be hostage-saving hero
>Ah the old fetch-the-ball trick
>Works everytime
>It was honestly amazing how similar the dogs in this world were to the ones in yours
>Even if they did walk on two legs and talk like people
>Quickly stepping up to the door, you opened it, noting three dog-people inside
>As soon as they saw you, their tails started wagging
>You quickly side-stepped to avoid being tackle-hugged
Quick, down that hall, you'll be safe! I'll handle these two.
>You said, the hostages dashing for freedom while the brothers dashed towards you
>Noticingng that the door into the now-empty room swung inwards, you stepped inside and turned off the lights
>The moment the brothers charged in, they got snagged on a durable cord
>With a whir from a device in your hand, the cord extended further and further, and in a matter of seconds, you had the two of them hog-tied
>While they might struggle, there was no way they'd be able to slip free from a fully-secured L.E.A.S.H
>Shutting the door on them, you headed further into the bank

Be Rex
This was bad
You'd just heard on the radio that three of the hostages had escaped
Not only that, but the Twins hadn't reported back to you
This could only mean one thing


Growling out the name, you stuck a bonegarette in your mouth, lighting the end up

"Fido, Spot, keep working on that vault! Max, keep an eye on our last hostage. Gunner and Maverick, go check out what's going on with the twins."

You grunted at the chorus of answers, your eyes focusing back on the hallway leading towards the room you were holding down
This time, you'd catch him

>Be Anonymous, brave hero and T.O.Y-squeaking human
>Listening ahead to the sounds of paw steps fast approaching, you ducked around a corner
>Drawing out your next gadget, you waited until whoever was coming was close enough to hear you
>Then, you gave the S.Q.U.E.A.K.Y T.O.Y a squeeze
>The moment it let out it's tell-tale wail, the paw steps came to a dead stop
>Another squeeze and they turned, dashing towards you and the noise
>As they rounded the corner, you stepped out from behind a pillar and looped another L.E.A.S.H around the two of them, tying them up as quick as you could while they were startled
>Just like with the twins, it was over fast
>Slipping the T.O.Y back into your utility belt, you drew closer to Rex and what was left of his crew
>This had been easy so far
>Almost too easy
>Peeking into the room, you spied Max, one of the biggest dogs in the crew, second only to Rex himself, guarding the last hostage
>You couldn't see them, but you could hear at least one more dog working the vault
>Unfortunately, you leaned a little too far, and a bark sounded out from the room, Max having noticed you

Be Rex, soon-to-be unmasker of Anonymous
Before the latter could slip away, you gestured to Max, and he stood up
In one paw he held onto the final hostage
In his other, he very carefuly held a large, heavy bucket
You knew there was no way this goody two-shoes Human could abandon your hostage now

"Come on out, Anonymous, or Max here will have to-"

You said, savoring every word of your threat, even though it made the rest of your crew shudder
It did it's job, though, the so-called 'superhero' stepping into the room, pale face frowning, looking slowly around

>Be a frown-toting Human
>It still surprised you to no end what this world was like
>Things seemed so cartoonish, but hey, you were the one dressed like a superhero, so who were you to judge?
>It didn't change bad guys from being bad guys
>Though the dogs in this world should really stop being so worried about getting wet
You're not going to get away with this, Rex.
"Oh? It really looks like I am from where I stand, Anonymous. Maybe that mask of yours is blocking your vision. I think it's time you take it off so we can get a good look at you."
>Rex raised a paw up and Max raised the bucket a little higher
>This was definitely a tricky situation
Alright, I'll come over, but you have to promise you won't let a drop get on her.
"I swear on my mother's buried bones."
>Rex said with a sneer
>Stepping up in front of the biggest dog in the room, Rex looked you up and down before his eyes settled on your face
"You're finally out of tricks, huh, Anonymous?"
Well I don't know about that. You 'could' say I've got something up my sleeves.
>You said as you raised your hands up towards your mask
>The moment your palms passed by Rex's face, you pressed your fingers down on the trigger hidden under your glove
>From the wrist of your suit, a nozzle fired, hitting Rex in the face with a spray of mist, like that from a water bottle
>Thank you Spiderman
>While Rex yelped and stumbled back, you took advantage of your moment of freedom, yanking both the B.A.L.L and S.Q.U.E.A.K.Y T.O.Y from your belt
>Squeezing them together, the sharp sound drew Max's attention, the big dog stopping and staring at you
You want this, huh? Well come and get it!
>Springing from your position, you ran for the vault
>Behind you, Max let go of the bucket and the girl, opting to chase you instead
>Rounding a corner, you saw Fido and Spot working on the vault
>They were nearly in, in fact
>Coming to a dead stop, you spun around, looking at your rapidly approaching target
>You raised your 'gadgets' into the air, giving them a couple quick, squeak-inducing squeezes
Heeere, Max, here boy!
>You goaded, and right before he got within striking distance, you ran towards him, leap-frogging above him
>His paws grabbed at, and missed, your cape, but before he could think to turn around, you hurled the B.A.L.L and S.Q.U.E.A.K.Y T.O.Y down the hall towards the vault-crackers
>Drawn by them, Max kept running, howling as he chased them down
>Fido and Spot noticed all too late as Max charged into the two of them, sending them all to the ground in a heap
>Using your third and final L.E.A.S.H, you secured the three of them
>Unfortunately, Max still had a good hold on your two items, and you couldn't risk being grabbed now, so you decided to leave them be
>You still had to handle Rex, after all

Be Rextremely angry
He'd hit you with some kind of blast from his suit!
Had he planned to get that close to you in the first place?
For a Human, Anonymous was scary-smart
Still, you figured he had been betting on the fact that you'd be down-and-out for longer
Luckily for you, you'd always been tougher than the average dog!
Meant you could get a hold on your hostage before she managed to escape, too
You wondered if maybe you'd gotten lucky and Max and the boys had been able to handle him
But those hopes were buried when Anonymous stepped back into the room

"Bet you thought I'd be out longer, huh, Anonymous?"
To be honest, that's what I was hoping for. You're tougher than I thought.
"Darn right I am! Now, you're gonna sit there and play nice, or I might just have to do something 'mean' to her"

You said, squeezing the girl in your arms a little tighter while you jerked your head to the side, referencing the big bucket of water right beside you.
It'd be easy enough to just shove her down into it, and you could tell everyone in the room knew it

Come on, Rex, it doesn't have to go down like this. Just surrender and you might get a few weeks at most.
"What, you think you can make some kind of deal with me here? In case you haven't noticed, I'm the one holding all the bones, and you seem to be running a little thin on that belt of yours!"

You said, a growl of a laugh escaping you as you stared into the spots on Anonymous' mask where his eyes should be

I underestimated you once, Rex. I won't do it again. Last chance, don't make me do this.
"Ah ah ah! Don't make a move, or she gets dunked!"

>Be unfavorably-positioned Anonymous
>Time for your 'secret weapon'
>You'd been hoping not to have to use this, as it always made you feel bad, even when using it on guys like Rex
>Not to mention there was the civilian in his grasp too.
>Still, there wasn't any other option
Miss, cover your ears, fast!
>You shouted, before taking in a deep breathe of air, Rex looking at you, confused
>His hostage did as you asked, and right on time as you let your voice boom out
>The effects were instantaneous, as always
>Rex's ears flattened back and his tail curled between his legs
>His grip on the girl tightened though, and so you continued
>Even with her ears shut, you could see her shake, a shiver running down her spine
>Still, it worked
>Rex started whining, his grip on her releasing while he slowly drew back
>The moment he was down, you let out one final command
>With that, you quickly approached the girl, gently taking hold of her paws and moving them back down
Don't worry, you're safe now.
"Th-Thank you but...what...what was that?"
No time to explain, sorry. For now, lets get you out of here!
>You said, before taking her arm, escorting her out of the building
>Once you got her outside a cheer rose up from the crowd, barking and whistling rising up all around the bank as other dogs in the city cheered over your victory
>Knowing they were able to move in, the police quickly stormed the building, rounding up the captured dogs
>When a group was captured, you made sure to quickly reclaim your gadgets
>You didn't need other people to get their hands on this stuff
>The last thing you saw before you ran off was the police picking Rex up off the floor, the big dog finally snapping out of his almost trance-like state, looking dazed and confused

Darting through back alleys, you vaulted over a fence
The moment you arrived at the back door of the house, you pulled a key out of your belt, unlocked the door and slipped inside
After you locked it behind you and withdrew the key, you made it to your room
You'd taken longer than you'd planned, and as you pulled your costume off, you could hear a car pull up outside the house
Stuffing everything back into it's respective hiding spots, you rapidly made your way downstairs, dressed in a simple tank top and clean, soft shorts
The key turned in the lock and then
there was your owner

>Be Business Dog, and owner of your adorable human
>After a rather crazy day due to the crisis at the bank, it was nice to be greeted with an affectionate hug when you stepped through the door
>Super-heroics were fun to watch, but sometimes, all you craved was a little normalcy
>Putting your things down, you heard your little human shut the door
>Ooh, he was so clever!
>Still, you'd have to remember to lock it later
>He wasn't THAT clever, after all!
>For now, you were beat!
>Walking into the living room, you flopped down on the couch in front of the tv
>You were quickly joined by a familiar weight, your little human climbing up and onto the couch, his head resting on your lap
>Smiling down at him, you ruffled his hair, and then decided to turn the tv on
>They'd probably still be talking about Rex, his crew, and their being taken down by Anonymous
>Your little human always enjoyed watching tv with you, after all
>So the two of you settled down to watch for a while
>You could make dinner later

Be lap-resting Anonymous
While she hadn't said it aloud, you'd have agreed with her on the part about enjoying these relaxing moments together
Plus, it always made your heart swell when you heard her cheer on "the mysterious Anonymous'" crime-fighting
A part of you wondered if you should tell her the truth about you, but like usual, you decided against it
There was no need to trouble her with thoughts of you running off and getting hurt while she was at work
Snuggling yourself a little closer, your head resting on her soft thighs while she gently ran her digits through your hair, you thought to yourself, as you so often did
You had a great secret identity

Pub: 25 Aug 2024 00:40 UTC
Edit: 25 Aug 2024 00:40 UTC
Views: 172