Rubbing her baggy red eyes, Eira read the last few sentences she wrote. “No… This sucks, doesn’t fit D***’s personality at all…” Her hooves were tired from tapping on her keyboard for hours. “I guess this is enough for today, I’ll finish the rest tomorrow.” Eira rolled into bed and pushed her Xiao dakimakura between her huge tits. Doing nothing but putting her fujoshi fantasies into words all day had fried her brain and she could think of nothing but manboobs and dicks rubbing together. Eira took a few weed gummies to put herself to sleep “Thanks doc.” She swallowed the gummy bears without chewing. Tiredness and horniness proved to be a bad combo with getting stoned on gummies as Eira’s fantasies became only more vivid. “I wonder if Beatan read any of my works… She does ship dads after all, maybe I should translate them to Japanese… Ah she wouldn’t bother reading anyway…” Eira’s thoughts kept drifting back to Beatani, with the help of weed, she could clearly imagine the texture of her fur, scent of her body and the deep colors of her eyes. “I wanna touch her tail… Maybe I could get away with that… Haa maybe I can let her rub my legs in exchange, she did say she wanted to fuck sheep, right? D-Did she mean me? She loves me…” Baked out of her mind like the lightweight she is, Eira began drooling on her pillows as she caressed her legs. “Haa… Y-you’re so aggressive Beatan~” as she let out sweet whimpers, her hallucination replied, “Jingisukan o tabetai~” “B-B-Beatan! T-that’s so lewd!” Eira couldn’t think straight as her mind jumped from one homo fantasy to another. Compelled by the visions, she spread her fluffy sheep legs to present her fertile pink pussy that stood at the edge of climax. “I-itadakimasu…” Eira sucked on her index finger to get it wet, she fantasized about Bea gently licking her as she rubbed her clit. “B-Beatan~” moaning Bea’s name, Eira reached climax. Relaxing her clenched body after the orgasm, Eira quickly realized that she just masturbated while thinking of a real person. A fog of guilt encompassed her, but she was still excited, her clitoris and nipples stiffened at the thought of Beatani discovering her fantasies. Unable to stop touching herself, exhausted, Eira eventually fell asleep with her hands on her breast and crotch as the prickling pain in her eyes and the headaches had become unbearable.
Eira woke up covered in swear and her own saliva. Cuddling with her pillows under the blanket in such condition caused her to generate a potent stench that clung to her wool. Still dizzy from last night, Eira grabbed her phone and realized she had 12 missed calls and 49 discord DMs from Beatani. “OH FUCK FUCK WHAT” Eira immediately unlocked her phone and read the messages, Beatani said that Eira was late for the collab stream. Confused, Eira scrolled up to check older messages. She saw that while high, she asked Bea for a guerilla collab and now she was late to it. Immense stress piled up on Eira as soon as she saw Beatani streaming. She immediately turned on her computer and setup the stream to join Beatani. “O-ohadayo Beatan…” Eira’s voice was shaking as she was about to cry. “Eira… You’re late.” Eira couldn’t tell if Bea was mad or not. “Sheep, you need to be punished.” The creepy, groomer-y way Bea said those words made Eira’s wool stand up. The bear’s paw grabbed Eira by the waist and pulled her closer. “Me and dads had to wait for so long, so you have to make up for being late.” Beatani took Eira to an open-air stage with a crowd of dads in the audience. “Ohadayo dads, moms, brothers, sisters and friends! Today I’m collabing with Eira!” Beatani waved to the crowd, holding Eira’s hand with her other paw. Beatani threw away the carboard cutout of Eira standing on the stage. As is the nature of Vtubers, Eira’s odor had followed her into the virtual world, Bea did not miss this. Aggravated by Eira’s “pheromones” Bea was eager to give Eira her sentence. “Dogeza.” Bea said, firmly. Eira hesitantly got on her knees before Bea stopped her “Naked dogeza.” Eira froze, “B-Beatan… I-I can’t do that in front of everyone…” An evil grin spanning from one ear to another formed on Bea’s face, she was hoping Eira would say this. The bear’s claw grabbed sheep by the collar and pulled her up. “Then I’ll make it easier for you.” A sinister shadow fell on Bea’s eyes. Sudden change in Bea’s tone from cute to scary along with the five cold, sharp blades right next to her neck sent shivers down Eira’s spine, her legs were shaking, and the world was spinning. Beatani’s bear paws grabbed Eira’s juicy breasts, after a quick squeeze, Bea ripped her shirt open with her claws, letting her bare chest bounce in front of the dads in all their glory. Entire dad crowd turned into a blur as they became sex while chanting “NAKED DOGEZA” Unable to bear the humiliation, Eira started sobbing from the stress even though she was excited. As if she was waiting for this, Bea’s tongue immediately stuck to Eira’s cheek to catch her tears, she stopped at her eyelashes then pulled her lips back after stroking her hair and giving her a quick kiss. Eira couldn’t face the crowd, she closed her eyes and kept her head down as she begged Bea “P-please Beatan I-I’ll do it just p-please stop…” Beatani ignored her cries, she slowly pulled down Eira’s skirt. In a hurry, she had forgotten to wear panties as she’s used to sleeping without any. After slowly pulling her skirt under her knees, Bea ripped it off her as well, rendering Eira au natural. Seeing how wet Eira is, the chat exploded with hundreds of messages saying nothing but “SEX SEX SEX” Instead of ordering her, Beatani snapped her fingers, Eira immediately dogeza’d like a well-trained dog. After a couple dozen seconds Eira coyly asked if she could get up. Beatani pulled her up by the hair. Eira opened her eyes to see Beatani licking her lips while holding a collar and leash. “Let’s go on a walk Eira-chama! Dads built lots of stuff for us to see!” Bea put the collar around Eira’s neck before she could respond and yanked her leash.
After touring through two entire countries, Bea finally decided it’s time for their date and took Eira to a McDonald’s. “B-Beatan… C-can I wear clothes now?” A scary shadow fell once again on Bea’s face “O-okay…” Pleased by Eira’s obedience, Bea smiles warmly at her. A single plate of McSpaghetti is brought to the table by a burger. Eira helped Bea with the chopsticks as she couldn’t use them, they conveniently happened to grab the same thread of pasta, their lips got closer and closer as they swallowed the noodle. Just before their lips met, Eira’s huge titties knocked the plate, spilling the spaghetti on Bea. “A-ah I-I’m so sorry Beatan!” Eira tried to wipe some spaghetti sauce off Bea, but she stopped her “It’s okay Eira, I’ll just take my clothes off” Bea causally took her clothes off in front of Eira as dads watched outside through the windows. Bea didn’t Risuna’s pervy gaze much, in fact she enjoyed dominating Eira in front of them but now she wanted to have a special moment with her instead. Bea rang a bell to call her secret ninja service, in seconds a screen of smoke took them to Bea’s special love hotel. “See you matane goodbye!” Beatani’s ending theme played as she played the outro. “Beatan? Are we ending the stream?” After taking a moment to process her simple English, Bea replied with a warm smile “Yes Eira-chama, now we can be alone.” Eira was unsure if she should be scared or comforted, her public humiliation had come to an end and she was naked with the girl of her dreams, however that girl was a wild bear, sheep could only pray for it to be merciful. Beatani wandered her hand on Eira’s back before raising it up her spine and scruffing her like a cat and pulling her to the bedroom, she did this not to scare Eira but because she genuinely doesn’t know how to properly interact with people when there’s so much romantic and sexual tension in the air. Bea tried her best to be gentle but her carnal instincts were out of control, she threw Eira on the bed and quickly got on top of her. To savor her hunt, bear’s paws pressed down the sheep’s shoulders, she looked deep into Eira’s eyes. Untrimmed gay apparel of their feminine beauty reflected between their pearly gazes spiraled them deeper into lust. Knowing that this pretty daffodil was hers to deflower, the bear drooled as her fang got closer to her prey. Burying her face into Eira’s neck, Bea inhaled the scent she yearned for so long. “B-Beatan! D-don’t do that please! I-I didn’t have t-time to shower…” “Good…” Bea replied, her voice muffled by Eira’s soft flesh as she descended down from her neck to behind her breasts. A bear’s sense of smell is unmatched, Bea could easily tell that Eira was wholly dressed in an aroma marinated by desire, lust had clung to this seemingly meek and innocent sheep’s very being. “Mofu mofu mofu mofu kunka kunka kunka” Beatani explored every note of Eira’s fetid symphony, getting lost in endless waves of colors and patterns with each sniff. Soft pink meat of this shy sheep adorned with a rosy color brought by shame and desire; dressed in goosebumps showing her fear and submission coupled with her strong musk pulling the bear deeper into insatiable lust like giant tentacles wrapped around a ship pulling it deep into the waters; Bea growled like the bear she is, she could barely keep her sharp teeth from sinking into Eira’s flesh as she manically licked every corner of her she could reach, neck, pits, under and between her breasts. Eira was lost in an abyss of submission, her limbs had fallen asleep as her fearful sheep instincts kicked in. Without a guide to follow, she wasn’t much more than a plaything for Bea, and she liked it. Seeing how much Bea enjoyed her plump body pleased Eira, her dominating acts poured boiling oil on her heart aflame. She let go of all pride and inhibition as she moaned louder and louder, accepting all that is to come from her predator. Bea forcefully spread Eira’s fluffy sheep legs and sank her face into her cunny. Bea’s fang pressed into Eira’s crotch, her nose into the bush and her tongue deep inside. Bea filled her lungs, getting high from the rich, intoxicating musk. After twisting and turning inside for what felt like hours, Bea pulled her face back. Glowing pink hearts in Bea’s eyes rendered a faint complement to the dim lighting on Eira’s skin. Eira’s eyes were full of lust and submission, her tongue was hanging out, burning sensation had whisked all sense away. She spread her virgin pussy with her fingers, accepting Bea as the conqueror and owner of her body. Bea pushed her cunny onto Eira’s and humped her like a dog in heat. Two maidens’ intact hymens shivered as their womanhood made out. A thunderstorm of electric pleasure erupted with every little motion, they came at the same time, drenching each other with love. Before Eira could recover from waves upon waves of pleasure that ran through her entire body at the speed of sound, Bea grabbed Eira’s horns and pulled her face into her dripping wet pussy. She wrapped her legs around Eira’s neck as she grinded on her face. Pulling her again by the horns, Bea let Eira gasp for air for a moment before forcing her to go down again. Bea parted her marshmallow thighs, letting Eira free. Exhausted sheep fell limp on the bed, unsatiated still, Beatani wanted to keep enjoying her meal. Grabbing one of Eira’s huge tiddies and sucking on the other, Bea squeezed Eira like dough as she urged her to set the juice loose. Eira’s motherly instincts kicked in as she felt Bea suck like a starving baby, milk surged through her glands, rushing to nurture her cub. Bea copiously quaffed the milk. Eira’s elixir overflew Bea’s mouth as she superhumanly lactated. After tasting the fountain of youth, Bea took a look at the wet mess she made, admiring her work. Warm sheep milk and exhaustion tamed the bear, Beatani snuggled up to Eira and went to sleep smothered by her breasts.
Eira woke up to a billion notifications. She had left her stream running and recorded everything. Unable to say anything, Eira went offline quickly and quietly. Memoires of her final(?) yab would haunt her forever but at least now she had enough money for Live2D.

Pub: 19 Apr 2022 14:29 UTC
Views: 421