Lanudohagulovinugo language also known as Moterutonuge

Alphabet is reduced to 20 letters:

There is no "a" or "the", a word can be made important with extra symbols.

Adjectives describing a noun follow AFTER the noun.

Actual alphabet is made up of single vowels or consonants followed by vowel, no two consonants can follow each other


Pa Pe Pi Po Pu
Ka Ke Ki Ko Ku
Da De Di Do Du
Fa Fe F i Fo Fu
Ga Ge Gi Go Gu
Ha He Hi Ho Hu
Ya Ye Yi Yo Yu
La Le Li Lo Lu
Ma Me Mi Mo Mu
Na Ne Ni No Nu
Ra Re Ri Ro Ru
Za Ze Zi Zo Zu
Ta Te Ti To Tu
Va Ve Vi Vo Vu
Xa Xe Xi Xo Xu


1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9

To create the number ten you put 1 and then an extension, you add a line for 20, 30 until 90, if you need bigger numbers you add lines sideway adding a 0


The way to count up numbers can be freely chosen by every person in a way to use their favourite numbers. To get the number 100 here are examples:
= 10x10
= 20x5
= 50x2

Pub: 12 Dec 2022 21:21 UTC
Edit: 02 Jan 2023 02:55 UTC
Views: 278