She went
to the closet and found a terry robe that tied with a
belt and she left it very loose.

Soon she heard him say I'm here and she said want
anything to go with the drink, I have some cheese
crackers and some corn chips. He said I want something
but not to eat. Sarah was brushing her hair and asked
what do you want then. He said I want to kiss your
sweet lips and hug your warm body! Sarah smiled, this
wasn't going take any games or seduction, she waited a
little to let him squirm and then she said softly, well
I have them both in here with me, come and get them.

She didn't hear anything for a few seconds and then he
came in the door with a big smile and came right to her
and did both and she returned the kiss and pressed
against him. After all most a minute of kissing and
pulling her tightly against him she realized he was
passionately hot and she wanted to rip off her robe for
him but was to busy trying to kiss back as passionately
as he was kissing her.

"Oh Ben, your lips are burning mine, baby you're making
me weak let's go sit down before I faint."

Ben turned her loose but only so he could walk her to
the couch with his arm around her waist and he could
tell she didn't have on any thing under the robe. When
they reached the couch she motioned for him to sit and
she folded her leg and sat leaning across his lap with
her arm on his chest holding his shoulder, her lips
were only six inches from his and they immediately
began another long kiss, he could have kissed her all
night but he heard her moan deep in her throat.

"Sarah, I've been wanting to do this all day, ever
since breakfast, god you were so beautiful in that
bikini, it just about killed me to have to just look
and not hold you."

"I know, it's awful to just have to be around you and
be so careful not to let others know that I wanted to
sit like this with you and just let you have me for
anything you want. I tried to hint and flirt a little
so you would know that I was wanting and just waiting,
but I wasn't sure you understood and we could never get
a chance to talk."

"I thought so but I wasn't sure but I hoped I wouldn't
be wrong. But if you had not said yes to a nightcap or
called I would have given up."

"You could call me, I can't make myself call you and
ask you to come and make love to me."

"I understand but Sarah you are so beautiful that I
can't believe you would want me for a lover, I hope for
it but it seems like a dream to me."

"It's not a dream, Ben, you are here and I want you
here and I want to be just like this holding you and
kissing you."

"Sarah, I have to touch your breasts, I am going crazy
looking at you all afternoon and now I can feel the
warmth of them on my chest, may I?"

"Yes, I want you to touch them, I am naked under this
robe for you. Please take it off and do whatever you
want to, I long to feel your hands on me, loving me,
and I want to touch you and kiss you can I have your


Sarah kissed him quickly and rose from the couch and
took her robe off quickly, she was naked not even shoes
on her feet, nothing, she was like the day she was
born. She waited as Ben hurried out of his clothes and
got his shoes first this time. His cock was sticking
out from his body, he was ready! When he straighten up
and moved to Sarah she stepped to meet him rising on
her toes to offer her lips as her hand closed around
his cock. Ben kissed her lips and pulled her body
against his and those tits he had looked at all
afternoon and thought about all day were against his
chest where he wished they would stay forever.

They kissed for a long time and Sarah would rub against
his chest and rub her finger over the smooth head of
his cock. Ben broke away and just held her until her
hand started down from his back and reached his ass
cheek, he knew he was in trouble for his cock was so
hard it was beginning to hurt and her caresses were
going to make him cum on her hand.

"Sarah, let me take you to bed."

"Yes take me any where you want to. Did you lock the
front door?"

"I don't know, I will. Drink your margarita or we will
have to pour it out."

"I don't want it, I want you hurry."

Ben hurried, he locked the door and turned out the
light and went back to Sarah. She took his hand and
they went to the bedroom. Sarah turned the bed down and
lay on it holding her arms out of him to come to her
and they were kissing again with their bodies together
and slowly she pressed her leg against his until he
raised up and let her slide it under his and then she
slid to him as he settled down again. His cock was
lying on her lower stomach and her hand found it and
guided it to her slit and rubbed it up and down the wet
crevasse. Sarah whimpered in his mouth and flitted the
head against her clit.

"God, Sarah I can't take that, I'm going to come, ease
it in you and just let it cool a little. Don't move."

Sarah did as he asked and they kissed and he played
with her breasts with his cock half way in her cunt and
she began to twist her head but not breaking the kiss.
Moaning in his mouth she was cumming but trying hard
not to make him cum so he could fuck her. She was
cumming and hadn't been fucked yet, she wanted so bad
to slam against him and take it all the way.

Sarah's climaxes were slow and apart for each other and
she was kept on the edge of the next one until it
arrived. She was almost in pain from wanting it to rock
her into oblivion but she could only feel it that way
if he was slamming into her as fast and hard as
possible, so she kept moaning and twisting, resting and
kissing and repeating it again.

As Ben kissed her, realizing she was cumming, and
rubbed her tits trying to make it good for her but not
cum on entry like a kid, it came to him she wanted to
be fucked while cumming and if it meant a quick cum for
him it wasn't fair to deny her. He rammed his cock in
her cunt to the limit and began to fuck her as hard and
fast as possible. Sarah cried out and answered by
meeting him on every stroke.

They no longer were kissing or rubbing just fucking
looking at each other with blazing eyes. Sarah reached
the crest now and she was cumming almost constantly,
her only sound was gasps and small whimpers. Ben looked
down at the most beautiful creature he had ever seen,
made even more beautiful because she was giving him the
best gift a man can ever receive, herself without
reservation without conditions.

Surprisingly Ben lasted longer than he thought possible
under the conditions. For five minutes he pounded at
Sarah's cunt, feeling like a mighty warrior, reveling
in his power to drain his maiden of all her strength
with his powerful cock. And it was working for Sarah
could no longer match his thrusts and finally had to
lay still and just let him fuck her, she showed her
acceptance by touching his face and smiling her joy.

But then it was all over, Ben spurted his cum in her
before he knew it was going to happen, there was no
warning no buildup just suddenly he was filling her
cunt with cum. He groaned from the normal feeling of
his ejaculation and from the fact it was over, the
pleasure was going to be put off for a while as he

Slowly he sank down on Sarah as she kissed him through
the last shuddering spurts and his cock relaxed in her
cunt. Ben lay on her soft body and he knew he was
broken for he knew that he would want her as long as he
was able to take a breath. She was every thing he had
ever desired and she fulfilled every need he had. But
she was young enough be his granddaughter!

Sarah was happy and she was content this was the best
she had felt in a long time. She smiled for she had
another stud tomorrow night and Ben should be in top
form Sunday. Life was looking good again.

Except Ben was smashing the life out of her! She urged
him over and they were on their side facing together.
She was wet with his sweat and his brow and neck were
dripping also, she wiped some from his eyebrows and
when he opened his eyes she smiled at him.

"Ben you are wonderful, thank you so much for making me
feel so good. Are you ok, you look like you could use a
cool shower to make you feel better? Can I wash your
back and maybe front?"

"Sarah, you are a wonder! Don't thank me, I should be
thanking you! You give me the best thing I ever had and
make me feel like a man and then you thank me?"

"Maybe we shared the best thing ever. But a cool shower
and a little rest might lead to another best ever. Want
to give it a try, I do?"

"Sounds great, can we rest a minute ? I think I had to
many margaritas, haven't sweated like this in a long
time. Your sheets are going to be damp, sorry."

"No problem, they were scheduled for the wash tomorrow
anyway. Want something to drink or eat now?"

"A cup of coffee would sure hit the spot. I could go
make some and bring it back."

"I've got a small four cup pot, I'll go fix it while
you use the toilet and get the shower going, but we can
wait no hurry."

They lay and talked still face to face with Ben's soft
cock easing out of Sarah's cunt until it was free. But
they still kissed and touched. They laughed about the
antics at the pool and how good all the food was and
how Bill and Joe had tried so hard to stay close to
Julie and Emily. Sarah asked him what he thought of
Julie and he told her, but he was smart enough to keep
it from sounding like he would prefer her over Sarah.
Sarah asked if the men had discussed them after they
left and he said that they talked about how nice she
and her friends were and that they were friendly and
accepted everything in fun and didn't up tight.

As they talked and laughed sharing their observations
on the cook out Ben starting regaining some vigor aided
by Sarah's wandering hands as she was moving them all
over him and touching him intimately. When he started
feeling of her breasts she pushed them out for him and
after he had played with her nipples for a while she
slid up his body and pressed one to his lips for him to
suck. He licked it and then took it in his mouth and
sucked as he tickled the tip with his tongue, Sarah
sighed and guided his head from one to the other with
her hand on the back of his neck.

It didn't take long for Ben to raise another boner with
those tits that he had looked at for four hours bare
and his to have. When it was straight enough for Sarah
to feel it touch her thigh and slide up her leg she
moaned and slid down the bed ripping her tit from his
mouth until she could grasp it with her hand. She
pumped it a few times feeling the hardness, size, and
warmth of a ready cock.

"Oh Ben, it's so good. Can I have it? Will you fuck me

Ben groaned to hear her ask for his cock and rolled her
over on her back and got between her spread legs and as
she guided him plunged into her waiting cunt all the
way to the bottom in one stroke. Sarah stiffen and
arched to him and her lips whispered as she placed them
against his: "yes lover fuck me, fuck me again and

Ben was sure he couldn't cum this quickly but when
Sarah moaned after five minutes of his thrusting cock
in her cunt and began to shake plastering her body
against him and then cried out in his mouth as she
erupted he also was suddenly spurting his cum into her
again. This time he wasn't sweating, he felt like all
that strength he had was gone now and he was a little
dizzy and awfully sleepy. But he managed to hold
himself off her and not mash her again as she continued
to kiss and hug him as she slowly reached the end of
her climax.

When she had settled back on the bed and her body was
still he grasped her hip and pulled her to him as he
fell to the bed on his side twisting her body as she
lay on her back with a smile, closed eyes and her
breasts and nipples standing up proud and beautiful. He
held her hip pulled to him to keep his cock in her cunt
as long as possible.

He looked on this gorgeous creature laying with his
cock in her, smiling her satisfaction, and thought that
he understood now, he was killed so quick that he never
knew it was coming and this was heaven but it might be
just a sample and then he would go to hell remembering
what he had missed out on and spending forever and ever
in torment.

They lay resting no longer talking, occasionally Sarah
would roll to him and kiss him then lay back again.
Ben's cock was slowly shrinking and it slipped out of
that warm pleasure giving encasement that he wanted to
keep it in forever. Sarah closed her legs to save the
sheets kissed him again and said she would make that
coffee now that she promised him. To wait for a second
and he could have the bathroom. She went and finished
as soon as possible and returned to find him laying on
his back with his eyes closed and a limp cock laying on
his stomach. He heard her approach and was going to
rise but she came straight to him with a wash cloth and
kneeling by the bed cleaned his cock just as she had
done the first time they made love.

Some of his cum was still in the cock and as she washed
it came to the little slit and collected. Sarah wiped
it with her finger and then wiped it on his nipple,
repeating it on the other nipple as she got additional
drainage. When she was done cleaning his cock she held
it in her hand gently moving and rubbing as she looked
at it.

Ben waited as he thought he knew what she was going to
do and what he hoped she would, and Sarah did! Leaning
towards him she kissed the head a few times then
looking at it a moment she licked across the smooth
gland surface with the broad center of her tongue and
then around the rim with the tip. Ben groaned for the
head was sensitive and her tongue was slightly rough,
not enough to hurt but enough to sent shock waves
through his whole body. Sarah looked at him smiling.

"Is it that good lover? Can I do more? I would like to
take it in my mouth if you don't mind."

"Oh god Sarah, yes please do. It is wonderful, I wish
it was hard and big for you."

"It will be Ben, I will make it big again. But I want
to love it now just like this but I will let you go to
the bathroom and we will shower together and then I
want it. Promise?"

"I promise, anytime you want."

Sarah smiled at him and leaned to give him a kiss. She
went to the kitchen and started on the coffee and heard
him flush the toilet just as she finished and turned
the pot on. She went to the bathroom and he was turning
on the shower and they got in together. Ben loved this!
He hadn't showered with a women in many years and he
never had showered with one as beautiful and sexy as
Sarah. He would have bathed her all night but she
finally forced him to stop washing her breasts and then
had to force him away from her ass.

She wasn't in a hurry to make him stop washing her back
and shoulders it felt good, but she did and washed him
taking a long time on his cock and he wasn't about to
tell her it was enough. When she finally stopped he
told her that he should return the favor and wash her
cunt. Sarah said he didn't have to she would do it but
he said I want to. Sarah looked at him and asked if he
was sure and he said yes.

Sarah squeezed some body wash on the cloth and handed
it to him spreading her legs and holding his shoulders
for balance she kissed him. Ben started something he
had never done and didn't know anything about but he
was sure going to learn. He was surprisingly gentle and
slow, Sarah was afraid she was going to cum before he
finished but she held on to him and whimpered, gasped,
and moaned a few times. She was surprised when Ben
turned her away and made her lean with her hands
against the shower wall.

He made her spread her legs and she knew then where he
was going to wash and she lay her forehead against the
shower wall trembling. First he washed up and down her
rear cleavage and then starting at her cunt worked up
her crack until he reached her asshole, Sarah couldn't
stop the involuntary moan. Ben played around with it
and then discarded the cloth and placed his finger
directly on it.

Sarah gasped at the contact but didn't move away and
Ben decided to proceed with his education, rubbing with
the tip of his finger. Slowly Ben rubbed and pressed
inward and Sarah held still for him, she was
remembering all the times she had taken two men at once
and how much she had grown to love being fucked in the
ass. She didn't think that Ben would do that but then
she hadn't thought that he would lick her either but he

Ben only had the tip of his finger in her ass but she
hadn't fought or run just stood there bent over a
little and let him explore so he was going to take it a
little farther. He got the body wash bottle and
squeezed some in her ass crack and it ran down on his
finger and he pulled it out to coat it and then placed
it back. Sarah shook just a little as she knew now that
he was going to put his finger in her ass unless she
stopped him.

She tried to think of the situation; if she didn't stop
him would he think she was a dirty whore, if she did
would he be embarrassed and avoid her; he wanted to put
his finger in her ass and she wanted it in her ass,
what should she do? She didn't do anything except stand
there with about a half of inch of his finger in her,
wanting more, wanting to tell him to fuck her with it,
leaning with her head on the wall waiting.

Ben was watching her, he rotated his finger just a
slight turn and her ass moved back towards him. His
hand moved back instinctively but he realized she was
trying to push him out she was trying to get more in,
she wanted it! Ben stepped closer to Sarah and cupped
her hanging breast with his hand squeezing gently and
pushed his finger in her ass until he had a inch in
her. Sarah's head rose up and her mouth opened to moan
softly and he heard her whisper: "Oh god, it's good".

He leaned to her and kissed her cheek and she turned
her head to him and sought his lips. As they kissed he
inserted another inch in her ass and Sarah kissed him
frantically, whimpering in her throat with her mouth
open waiting for his tongue which she sucked deep into
her mouth. Sarah wanted this, she had missed it so much
more than she realized, Ben wanted this also, he was
lord of the jungle, he had her shaking and almost to
the point of begging him to fuck her ass and he wanted
to do that badly.

Sarah could no longer stay still her ass was grasping
at his finger wanting it inside as deep as it would go
and she was rocking back and forth against his finger.
Ben finally pulled away from her lips, pushing his
finger in farther. Sarah gasped and looked at him with
blazing eyes as she continued to rock on his finger and
her knees were shaking.

"Sarah, are you ok? " She nodded and her eyes were
pleading with him but not to stop as she felt her
stomach knotting a sure sign that she was only seconds
away from cumming. "Talk to me Sarah, I want to make
you cum like this can you?" Sarah nodded again still
pleading with her eyes. Finally she moaned and said: "
I will cum for you like this but you have to fuck my
ass with your cock when it's over, I need it Ben! Kiss
me and pinch my nipples, give me all of your finger,

Ben moved his hand to her nipple and pinched using his
fingernail and kissed her open mouth giving her his
tongue to suck, at the same time he pushed his finger
in her ass as far as he could get it. Sarah moaned and
her knees shook worse but her ass stayed firm against
the intruding finger and she kissed and sucked his
mouth and tongue.

Ben wiggled his finger deep in her ass and Sarah felt
the telltale twitch in her clit that meant it was to
late to stop the cum from flowing and she squealed in
his mouth as the first contraction slammed through her.
She tried to fuck against the finger but could only
rock and on the second contraction she gave up and just
broke their kiss and leaned against the wall letting
her head slide down until her upper body was lower than
her ass. She shuddered though long climaxes and her
legs were losing the strength to hold her up, Ben had
to stop pinching and helped support her body with his
hand on her breasts.

When she reached the end and the moans became gasps for
breath, the shaking reduced to trembling, and she begin
to sag, neither of them could stop her from slumping to
the floor of the shower stall. Ben removed his finger
from her ass slowly and Sarah whimpered on her knees
and elbows as she felt the withdrawal and wanted to cry
for she knew she had to have it again not only now but
all the time. She was a ass slut!

Ben's emotions were different, he felt like he could
enslave her, he could lick and kiss her cunt until she
was begging him to fuck her, he could finger her ass
and she would lose control and beg him to fuck her ass.
She was his sexually anytime he wanted her ready and
willing for anything and she was no hopelessly ugly
can't do no better bitch, she was beautiful young
intelligent and everybody wanted her but she had given
herself to him! He would move mountains for her!

Ben got the wash cloth and cleaned his finger and hand,
cleaned Sarah and got her on her feet and dried her and
finally picked her up and carried her to the bed as she
clung to him. He reveled in the feel of her naked body
still damp against his, he laid her on the bed and she
still held him. When he started to lay down beside her
she urged him to lay opposite her with his head near
her hips and when he did she tuned and took his cock in
her mouth and sucked it as she rubbed the head with her

This always drove him crazy and he pulled her hips
towards his face and fastened his lips on her cunt and
kissed it while his tongue explored her slit for the
clit. Sarah aided his quest by opening her legs so he
would have unimpeded access to her. Soon they were both
groaning and moaning. When she felt his cock had filled
her mouth and was hot and hard she released it and
moved him away from her wet cunt kissing him briefly
went to the bathroom returned with a tube of
lubricating jelly.

Sarah turned Ben back with his head to the headboard
applied a light coating of jelly to his cock and then a
small amount to her asshole. Wiping her hands on the
towel she smiled at him laying and watching her prepare
herself for his cock. Then she lay on his right side on
her side and bent her top leg at the knee raising it to
a right angle to her body exposing her ass and making
it accessible. Ben her whisper to him from that
position, fuck me baby give me that joy again.

Ben hasten to get in position and insert his cock at
her tiny looking asshole. He didn't think that he would
get it in that tight looking passage but he had
promised at least if not by words then by actions as he
fingered her ass.

He rubbed the head of his cock on her pucker and she
sighed, a contented sound. He began to press forward
and to his surprise the head of his cock entered and
started in easily but then it hit the anal ring and
stopped, he worked it around trying to find a way but
soon it seemed to open automatically and he was in and
moving down deep. Sarah stiffened and moaning let him
take her ass as fast and deep as he wanted and that was
all the way until she felt his balls settle on her

"Ben, Ben baby, oh Ben don't move baby, just hold me
just hold me tight. Oh, oooohhhh, I'm stuffed oooooo
eeeehhhh you got me stuffed aaahhh hold meeee!"

They lay on the bed still, Ben was afraid she was in
pain for while she was still her hand was gripping the
sheet clenching and unclenching it into a ball. He
asked her if she was in pain and she shook her head not
speaking. Then she did an amazing thing she raised up
from her waist and turned to his face and kissed him on
the lips holding her ass still.

Ben kissed her back and saw that there tears on her
cheek, confusing him for now he was sure she was
hurting but was suffering to give him what he wanted.
He felt like a heel, it was his fault, he just had to
place his finger and cock in her ass because he had
always heard and read about women going crazy with lust
when a man fucked their ass and he wanted to do it. He
had taken advantage of this lovely young girl who had
given herself to him so lovingly and let him do
horrible things to her that she would never have done.
He felt like he was peeing on a angel after she had
saved his life.

"Sarah, you are crying let me take it out I don't want
you to suffer."

Sarah smiled at him and shook her head again and
whispered, "You don't understand, sweetheart. Put your
arms around me and let me lay with you like this for a
while and don't worry. It feels good baby, does it feel
good to you?"

"Like heaven Sarah, it's something I have never
experienced before are you sure you're not in pain?"

"I can't explain it Ben. It's new something I haven't
experienced. It is painful but it's not like being hit
with a rock painful, it's also a very good feeling like
when you pinched my nipple, it hurt but it was
exciting, I'm just not sure why, maybe I'm a weirdo."

"No you're not weird Sarah. Lay down and let me hold
you, god how I love being with you! You don't know how
beautiful you are or how loving you are, you are to
good for a fool like me."

Sarah took his arm pulled it under her body and lay on
it putting his hand on her breast. Then she reached to
his hand on her hip and pulled it over her body and put
the hand on her cunt and closed her leg to hold it
there. She snuggled back against him and he kissed her
neck and rubbed her breasts and cunt. She realized that
he had lost some of his hardness while thinking that
she was in pain.

"Thank you Ben for doing this for me. You take me to
new heights each time, and you are so virile so quick
to be ready for another loving and you show me so much
love while you are fucking me! You can move some now
just be slow and fuck my ass tenderly. That sounds so
strange, to tell you to fuck my ass but I want it,
please fuck my ass. If I go crazy and start saying
crazy things don't believe any of it."

Ben was amazed, she always amazed him with how open and
receptive she was to everything. It was like she would
do anything sexual and not have any hang-ups about it.
He begin to very slowly fuck her and he was soon lost
in the ecstasy of the tightness of her ass as he moved
in and out of her ass, plus she was cooing and
aaahhhing on each stroke. She hugged his arm against
her breasts and would rub them on his arm, arching back
against his body, wiggling her hips each time he was
fully encased in her ass, and she would reach behind
him and pull his ass to her making the cock go a little
deeper by mashing her ass cheeks.

"Oh Ben, this is wonderful, why didn't you do this to
me the first time? The pain has just disappeared and it
feels sooooo good. Oh I could let you fuck me all
night, half in the cunt and half in the ass. I'm not
sure now which is best. Maybe Sunday night you could
rape me on the floor I would most likely love that to,
I'm just a fucking slut."

"Sarah don't talk like that you aren't a slut you are a
loving and beautiful person."

"Ben don't listen to me! I told you not to. I'm crazy
right now, just keep on loving me, just keep me on the
verge of ecstasy all night long! Just let me go crazy
with lust for your cock!"

Ben couldn't argue with that so he just kept on moving
in and out and hugging this vision of beauty that was
in his arms and impaled on his cock.

To be continued...

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Pub: 21 Jun 2023 20:15 UTC
Views: 629