Chapter XXXVI: [Tell the whole world] Aquileia lives, and that Aquileia stands strong!

Early April 1112 VTE, City of Aquileia, Grand Principality of Syrenia

Sextus Cornelius Agrippa had been given a hard task by his master this year, some might say impossible. He was to organize the defenses of the city of Aquileia, the Queen City of Syrenia and its cultural capital from the impending attacks that would surely come up the city this year. When he arrived at the city of 50,000 in November, he found its defenses to be lacking and its garrison underwhelming.

The city lacked modern fortifications as a whole, with the attempts at modernization them incomplete. The inner bastion was completed 5 years ago but the much-needed outer works were incomplete. Much time and labor would be needed to complete them, but it was possible should the city as a whole buy into it. It also helped that Agrippa was trained as an engineer himself, so his own skills would be invaluable along with that of Majorianus himself, a native Aquileian who was renowned for his work under Pomerlane.

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Agrippa's personal flag. This flag would become the official city of Aquileia later on

It's current garrison of 3,000 men were also insufficient for the task at hand as well, and fortunately 5,000 men were sent to bolster the garrison in December after Agrippa requested them. The city had been fortunate to have stockpiled large quantities of food and water the previous year that would supply the city for 3 years under reasonable circumstances. Such reasonable circumstances, in Agrippa's eyes, was that every man, woman and child who could be used by the city for its defense was needed. All others must leave the city for somewhere safe. The elderly, the sick, women with young children and the disabled, accounting for some 10,000 were to be sent Cumae, where their security could be guaranteed. Furthermore, Agrippa decreed that all must serve the city in its defense in some role, from the Aristocrats to the common laborer, and that they must start immediately in preparing her defenses. All resources that could be used for the cities defense were to be requestioned as well.

These draconian measures when announced drew a hostile response from the City's population, whom historically had despised Tyrants and furthermore felt like these measures were far too much when they were under little threat last year. On a cold December night, a mob formed in the city led by an aristocrat named Publius Muso. With pitchforks and torches in hand, they marched towards the Citadel where Agrippa was location and demanded his head. At the Citadel, the Mob found Agrippa waiting for them a top the gate, accompanied by his personal guards and the respected old mayor Arcanius.

Arcanius asked the crowd to calm down and listen to what Agrippa had to say before they made their judgements upon him. Realizing that their old Mayor, whom was friends with their adopted son and hero, Pomerlane was on Agrippa's side; The crowd quieted down, with Muso shouting "Let us then hear what the Tyrant wants to say, for if Arcanius believes it is wise, so do it.

Agrippa, who was unphased by the large mob started a speech

"Noble Citizens of the City of Aquileia, I understand your frustration that you feel about my actions and decrees. Indeed, you may argue that they are tyrannical and over the top for a city with a proud tradition of freedom, liberty, and self-determination. But I come here to tell you that what I have decreed as His Princely Highness' very own commander of this city that I seek not to destroy your tradition but preserve it through a stern defense of this bastion of our common cause. I am a native son of Trinitas, and I saw how her defenses were mismanaged by her commander from afar. He did not take the measures I am willing to take, and it cost him my city. This city, whether you believe it or not, shall be a focal point for our enemies attacks this coming year. Proud Aquileia represents the cause of our master more than any other city, it is his second home and allow this city to fall into the hands of our enemy without a stubborn fight would be a disservice to both him and you alike. Was it not Aquileia that boldly sided with our master when he defied the corrupt republic, and hailed him as their prince? Was it not this city which stubbornly resisted the Dragoons centuries prior during the Great Obsydian Invasion? Was it not this city, that out of its principle long before our master came, defied the central government of a republic who hated it? My decrees, though certainly autocratic and draconian, were made not out of my own tyranny but for the love of this city. Should you wish to leave under your own volition, I offer you the opportunity now but at least bear with me for a few more moments. All of the things this city will bear, I will bear too. I will dig trenches, build walls, and live a life of a common man so long as I am commander. But Aquileia will not fall, And Aquileia will shine bright as a symbol of resistance against a foe who greatly outnumbers us. Until my heart stops beating, and my body grows cold in death, I will never give up this city to invaders and fight to the end. If you share this same love, feel the same love and willingness to die for your city, I invite you to join me, and we together will tell the whole world that Aquileia lives, and that Aquileia stands strong!

The crowd erupted into cheers and shouted "Aquileia stands strong! Long live Pomerlane!" Agrippa's silver tongue had won the hearts and minds of the populace, but some 15,000 still would leave the city counting those who were supposed to be sent in the first place. The rest of the population now fully bought into Agrippa's plan and with sweat, hard labor, and perseverance, the city had turned into a much more formidable stronghold. The incomplete outer ring was completed, and smaller bastions were placed just outside the outer ring to provide a greater defense in depth. Bells were melted down to make cannons, and family heirlooms were melted down for money that would be needed. By Early April, Agrippa had worked a miracle in Aquileia through his boundless energy and charisma.

With a large supply of munitions, gunpowder, food, and water; the city was as ready as it could be to resist the oncoming storm. Morale was high and the populace was motivated to resist with ferocity. This would be needed as the army approaching them was led by Prince Haakon of Selenium, who was a grizzled veteran of siege warfare and most importantly brough along the talented siege engineer Gustav Björkqvist. Björkqvist was essential to the Siege of Trinitas the year prior and had a distinguished track record of cracking open tough strongholds. The stage was set for one of the most epic sieges in history.

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Gustav Björkqvist, one of the greatest Military Engineers of the century

Pub: 11 Jul 2022 14:20 UTC
Edit: 12 Jul 2022 15:40 UTC
Views: 252