Original Post: 48906518

Two boys, probably around 18-22 considering how young buds tend to be, sitting on the side of the bed together while watching a Rosemi stream. One of them brought his laptop over and they hooked it up to the TV, that way the screen would be big enough to be seen clearly on the other end of the room. Rosemi is playing Yu-Gi-Oh! and getting her butt beaten over and over in ranked. The two of them laugh with each other at her repeated folly when it comes to misplaying her way-too-complex combo. While watching one match, one bud reaches over to grab some chips right when the other does. Both boys blush, their fingers retracting on instinct. One mutters out an apology, but the other overlaps with an apology of his own. They both stumble out apologies over stumbling the other's apology, but they decide to just awkwardly laugh it off.
Later on, Rosemi cracks a joke so lame and dumb that it's gut-bustingly hilarious. One of the rosebuds laughs so hard he has to put a hand on the other's thigh to steady himself, accidentally gripping it a bit too hard. The other rosebud's laugh trembles off as he feels those fingers strongly tighten on his soft and thin thigh. Strangely, he feels a twitch between his legs, but he does his best to cast it out of his mind. His face runs hot as he looks to the other bud, who has since recovered and is now looking confused at him. The rosebud looks down, and hastily lets go with a frantic apology. The other just stares at him, a sensitive look in his eyes. Their eyes meet and a silence is shared as both feel their bodies run hot. Gingerly, perhaps unsurely, one moves to place a hand on the other's cheek. The other flinches, but doesn't shy away. He feels his chest tighten as his bro looks at him with something in his eyes.
The bud slowly applies pressure on the other, pushing him down onto the bed. He's bringing his face closer, with neither seeming to fully understand what is running through their minds. The rosebud is practically mounted on top of the other, faces- No, lips- bare inches away from each other. The bottom one whimpers slightly, his thighs rubbing together under his captor. The captor does not relent, however, and their soft lips are scant milliseconds away from connection.
Rosemi lets out an ear piercing shriek as she gets OTK'd out of nowhere, both buds completely snap out of their haze and freak it with apologies to each other. They return, hazily, to their casual viewing of their beloved oshi. Although they eventually resumed laughing merrily, both stayed a few feet apart for the rest of the night

Pub: 25 May 2023 02:24 UTC
Views: 460