It’s Not Like I’m Worried or Anything… (Part 2)
A Bloom Time-Lapse Event Side Story
Art Imitates Life
Yae: Ah, I’m full.
Yae: The lunch box the girls made and Sasuga-san’s somen noodles were so tasty, I ended up eating too much.
Shamo: I’m glad we’ve got to have such a lively party.
Shizuka: Good to know the meal turned out fine.
Kathrina: Right… Now time to relax and enjoy the view…
Chisa: A proper party should feature a sideshow, though.
Kathrina: Huh?!
Chisa: And since our hosts have fallen asleep, it’s our turn to work in their stead.
Kathrina: What are you saying?! No way!
Chisa: You enjoyed my somen noodles, right?
Kathrina: Well, I did, but…
Chisa: In truth, those noodles were very precious to me… So since you ate them, I have no choice but to ask you to perform for us in return.
Kathrina: How sly of you to say that only after I’ve finished eating!
Noa: Just go along with it. Show us an etude or something.
Shizuka: It’s the first time I see someone suggest doing an etude at a party…
Noa: The more exciting it gets, the better taste of the drinks. So, won’t anyone give it a try?
Kathrina: …
Noa: Well, then there’s only one option left…
Yae: Huh, Hiiragi-san, will you do an etude for us yourself?
Noa: Yes! Watch closely! Haa!
Shizuka: Why did you grab that bottle?!
Noa: Watch Hiiragi Noa drink it in one gulp!
Kathrina: N-no, wait!
Shizuka: It’s not a tradition you should adhere to!
Noa: What’s up? Don’t worry, it’s just water. Don’t be fooled like that.
Shizuka: It’s no laughing matter…
Kathrina: Goodness, that drunkard… Niizuma, I know you admire her, but don’t pick up her bad habits.
Shamo: Fufu, now it’s starting to feel like a proper sakura viewing.
Kathrina: Huh, Shamo-san finds that funny…
Shizuka: Adults are scary…
Noa: So, who’s next?
Kathrina: Are we still at it?!
Noa: If no one wants to… Maybe, time for a trick up my sleeve.
Kathrina: We’ll do it! Just stop!
Noa: Fine then~ Go on, go on!~
Shamo: Oh, I’m looking forward to it.
Kathrina: Ugh…
Shizuka: Kathrina, did you really have to say it?
Kathrina: I-I had no choice! …but, what do we do?
Shizuka: Hmm… Oh, I have an idea. How about an imitation? I’m good at imitating Kokona.
Kathrina: …Can you really call that an imitation, though?
Shizuka: Then, maybe you’ll try imitating Kokona?
Kathrina: Why should I do it all of a sudden? In the first place, if I’m going to perform, I can’t be doing it while imitating someone.
Noa: A comedy duo doesn’t really cut it…
Kathrina & Shizuka: This isn’t a comic dialogue!
Chisa: And now an endless stream of jokes will flow.
Kathrina & Shizuka: Don’t raise the bar!
Yae: Woah, they are perfectly in sync!
Noa: No, that’s no good. After all, I should…
Shizuka: Oh no…
Kokona: Pistachio!!
Kathrina: ?!
Kokona: OH YES! Big Thunder Gate! Go straight from the station!
Yae: K-kokona-san?!..
Kathrina: W-what’s up with her?! It’s somewhat scary!
Shizuka: I-is she… showing the way?
Kokona: YES! Ye~su! The smoke is healthy!
Shizuka: Healthy…?
Kathrina: Does she mean an incense burner?
Kokona: Sirius’ bathhouse! Very beautiful and happy! So! Good! And… Goodnight… Zzzz…
Kathrina: Huh, she was talking in her sleep?!
Noa: Bravo! What a wonderful etude, full of passion, yet masterfully executed.
Kathrina: For real?!
Shamo: That’s true. She conveyed the beauty of Asakusa.
Shizuka: I guess, Shamo-san is also drunk…
Kathrina: …Um, Shizuka. Do you have enough self-confidence to rival that performance?
Shizuka: No way.
Chisa: No wonder. It was a flawless performance matching the current atmosphere. I especially loved how she mentioned peanuts at the beginning. It was very satisfying.
Kathrina: You can’t be serious…
Shizuka: Well, but the audience is satisfied, so it’s all good, right? Never thought Kokona would come to our rescue even when asleep.
Kathrina: …True.
Chisa: Hey! Even though it was satisfying, I’d love to have a dessert. Kathrina, would you serve us the best dish you’ve got?
Kathrina: Huuuuh?!
Noa: Kathrina… Show us what you’re made of.
Shizuka: I’m rooting for you from the bottom of my heart.
Kathrina: W-wait, why are you abandoning me?!
Chisa: Come now, do your best!
Kathrina: Ugh… Fine! I get it, I’ll do it!