Drown out the music (Krofau NSFW)


“Uuu! Alright! Huu! Huu!” Fauna struggled to walk.

Kronii quickly put her arms around Fauna without touching her.

“Don’t you want to switch?” She asked her. “I can get your shoes or your boots.”

“I’m fine! I can do this!” Fauna spread her arms apart, trying to find a balance. “It’s just been a while since I’ve walked with these!”

“If you say so…” Kronii said with a worried tone.

She took a step back to let Fauna do her thing.

Fauna found out there would be an indie concert nearby, so she invited Kronii to go with her. She was unsure on what clothes to wear so to come up with an outfit, she wanted to try out her platform boots first.

“You’re really excited for this, huh?” She asked the kirin.

“Kind of! It’s been a while since I went to a concert!” Fauna flailed her arms around keeping herself from falling. “Almost got it! Huu! Huu!”

After walking around the room for a couple of minutes without falling, Fauna turned to look at Kronii with a huge smile on her face.

“Kronii! I did it!” She jumped a few times in celebration.

“Yeah, you did.” She walked up to her to pat her head. “Good job.”

“Hehehe, do you want to try them on?” Fauna asked her. “I bet you’d look cool.”

“Uhh…” Kronii only saw herself falling if she put those platform boots on. “Maybe next time.”

“Aw, really? Okay.” Fauna pushed Kronii outside her room. “Now, away with you! I have to change!”

“I don’t mind watching, though.” Kronii told her, letting herself be pushed.

“Well I do… This time!” Fauna sounded a little flustered.

Kronii waited outside. She scrolled on her phone, looking at memes and imagining what kind of outfit Fauna would wear.

Well it’s an indie concert so… She started thinking. I don’t think she’ll wear something emo. Maybe something cute. She smiled to herself. She’s always cute so that’s guaranteed.

She took a look at herself. She decided to wear a black shirt, a white button-down shirt, a blue jacket just in case it gets cold and jeans.

I’m not looking to show off… She thought to herself. This should be fine.

Kronii checked her bag to see if they still had the tickets to the concert.

Okay… still here. She grabbed them and checked online with her phone to see the lineup. Fauna didn’t even tell me who’d be there…

Her eyes narrowed as she skimmed through the list.

“Hey, Fauna.” She called out. “For the concert…”

“Huuu… yeah?” Fauna responded.

“I know none of these names.” She said.

“Hehehe well, yeah obviously.” Fauna responded with a giggle. “Most of them aren’t super popular bands, some are even newbies.”

“So we’re gonna listen to like…” Kronii tilted her head. “Covers and stuff?”

“Yeah! Some of them have original songs so we can find out new stuff… Mmm, which jacket…” Fauna was still busy with her outfit. “Maybe this one… It’ll be fun, Kronii!”

“Huh… okay.” Kronii leaned back on her seat. “Do you know which bands are good?”


“Of course you don’t…” Kronii laughed.

“Well it’s no biggie!” Fauna giggled. “We can just ask the owner which bands to look out for!”

We should ask?” Kronii repeated. “You mean I should ask while you hide behind me.”

“Uuu…” Fauna couldn’t deny it. “Everyone’s there for the music so I should be fine…”

They kept talking while Fauna continued to prepare herself. Kronii grew tired of waiting, so she got up to open the door. Just as she had put her hand on the doorknob, Fauna opened the door herself.

“You sure took your time, huh—”

Kronii’s jaw dropped when she looked at her kirin. Fauna was wearing a lavender crop top with belts going around her stomach and a very light blue and lavender custom-made jacket with her golden apple embroidered on it.

“Whoaaaa…” Kronii exclaimed.

“Is it too much?” Fauna felt slightly embarrassed. “Maybe I overdid it… Kronii?”

The warden’s eyes slowly drifted down to look at the rest of Fauna’s outfit. The kirin wore a skirt that matched her top, a white, thigh high sock on her left leg and a fishnet thigh high stocking on her right leg.

“Um…” Fauna started feeling embarrassed. “What do you think?”

“Ugh…” Kronii covered her eyes and pulled out her phone.

“Oh my gosh, is it bad…?” Fauna worriedly asked. “Gimme a sec, I’ll put on something e—"


She quickly realized Kronii was taking pictures.

“HEY!” Fauna shouted. “NO PICTURES!”

Sooooo cute, she’s so cute. Oh my GOD SHE’S SO CUTE! Kronii thought while dodging Fauna.

“Wait…” She looked down again. “You’re not wearing your platform boots?”

“Yeah.” Fauna struck a pose showing off her sneakers. “The boots didn’t really fit with what I wanted. Sorry for making you help me.”

“No, it’s fine.” Kronii smiled. “It was cute watching you flail around.”

“Uuu…” Fauna pouted at her.

“Hmmm…” Kronii put her hand on her chin. “Wait, I think I can…”

“What’s wrong?” Fauna started to blush from being stared at so intently.

Kronii reached into her bag and pulled out her eyeliner.

“C’mere.” She got closer to Fauna.

“W-wha—!” Fauna backed away. She got all the way to her bed and fell on it “Kronii…!”

“Stay still, Fauna…” Kronii got on top of her and started focusing. “Or I’ll stab you.” She brought the eyeliner and put herself to work.

“I could… do it myself…” Fauna groaned.

“Sure you could…” Kronii finished up with a satisfied grin. “But you wouldn’t be as good as me.”

“Uuu…” Fauna pushed Kronii so she could get up and frowned at her. “…I guess…”

Kronii took a step back to admire her handiwork. “Nice. BLESSED, even.”

“Thank you…” Fauna played with her hair.”…Oh, I’m missing something.”

Fauna turned around and went back to her room. Kronii followed her, hoping she wouldn’t get pushed outside again. The warden watched as Fauna grabbed a green ribbon and started tying up her hair in a ponytail. Her eyes couldn’t stop staring at the kirin’s nape, it was a rare sight.

“Hmm…” Fauna looked at herself in the mirror. “Maybe another color…”

The kirin grabbed a yellow ribbon and tried again.

Without thinking, Kronii walked closer to Fauna while she was still busy. She leaned in and planted her lips right on Fauna’s nape.

“AH!” Fauna jumped and turned around. “KRONII?!”

“Oh, um…” Kronii blushed. “S-sorry.”

“What was…?” The kirin touched her neck. “Oh my gosh, you pervert!”

“I’m not a pervert!” Kronii tried defending herself. “I was just… you know!”

“Yeah, right!” Completely flustered, Fauna pulled Kronii outside. “Let’s go already!”

“I’m sorry…!” Kronii apologized… but deep inside she didn’t regret doing that.

They reached the live house without many problems. While Kronii talked to the owner while people were preparing for the concert, Fauna protected her neck against another assault from the warden. Kronii tried to explain herself, but she didn’t even know what possessed her to do that.

Am I pent up…? She asked herself. No way, I’m fine.

“Kronii.” Fauna pulled on Kronii’s sleeve. “Where do you wanna go?”

The warden looked at the venue. There already was an audience but it wasn’t too crowded just yet.

“The middle should be fine.” She said.

The pair went to the spot they chose and waited for the concert to start. Meanwhile, Fauna never gave her back to Kronii but that didn’t stop the warden from stealing glances at her nape every now and then.

The music began and the audience slowly got into it. The newer bands struggled a bit while playing but none of them made any mistakes that would ruin the mood. Kronii and Fauna swayed to the rhythm, following the crowd. They tried to sing any song they recognized and burst out laughing whenever they got the lyrics wrong.

As the concert went on, Kronii slowly turned her attention to her kirin. She watched as she jumped and swayed to the rhythm of the music. Fauna’s ponytail bounced around with her excited movements, making Kronii smile. Her eyes trailed off and once again stared at Fauna’s nape. She gulped and tried to look away.

Okay, what the hell is wrong with me? She asked herself. Am I really gonna do this in public?

Kronii’s heartbeat started to rise as her mind trailed off thinking of the things she could do to Fauna. She looked at the kirin again and this time, Fauna looked back. She gave Kronii a beaming smile.

“This is so fun, Kronii!” She exclaimed.

The warden couldn’t resist the temptation anymore. A mellow song started playing and the lights in the live house grew dimmer to set the mood. Kronii took the chance and hugged Fauna from behind.

“Kronii?” Fauna was surprised by the sudden movement. “What’s wro— Ah!”

Kronii gently kissed the kirin’s neck as she squeezed her. Fauna could feel Kronii breathing down her neck as she kept kissing her.

“K-Kronii… Mm…” Fauna put her hand on the warden’s head, trying to control her. “What’s gotten into you…?”

When the kirin got a look at her warden, she realized what was happening. Fauna giggled and grabbed Kronii’s hand. She walked away from the venue, dragging Kronii with her.

“Oh, Fauna?” Kronii called out to her.

Fauna looked at Kronii with a mischievous smile on her face. She squeezed Kronii’s hand and brought her to the bathroom. The warden felt she had gone too far and prepared herself to apologize.

“Um, Fauna, I’m sorr—" The kirin wrapped her arms around the warden’s neck and pulled her in to kiss her. “Mm…” Kronii felt a rush as she felt Fauna’s soft lips touching hers. Her kirin was gentle, she took her time with each kiss, torturing Kronii. The sounds from the concert slowly silent and all Kronii could care about was the woman in front of her.

Kronii opened her eyes as Fauna pulled back. She watched as the kirin’s lips curled into a smile. She could easily tell Fauna was teasing her.

She wanted more.

Kronii picked Fauna up and put her down next to the sink as she kept kissing her. She forced her tongue inside the kirin’s mouth while she caressed her body.

“Mmm! Kwo—! Nnf!" Fauna tried to speak but Kronii’s tongue conquered hers.

Kronii rubbed Fauna’s legs, focusing on her thighs. Fauna responded in kind ruffling the warden’s hair. Kronii could only hear their movements, the smacking of their lips and their moans. She almost felt intoxicated as Fauna’s floral scent enveloped her.

A string of saliva appeared as Kronii slowly pulled back to breathe. Fauna could barely catch her own breath before the warden took her mouth for herself again. The kirin was too focused on tasting Kronii’s saliva she didn’t notice Kronii’s hand moving to her top. Kronii pulled it down and began to grope her kirin.

“Mm!” Fauna pulled back from the sudden shock. “Kronii!” Her face started getting red. “What if someone comes here?!”

Kronii ignored Fauna’s protests. She licked and kissed her neck, working her way down to her chest, giving her hickeys wherever she pleased.

“Kronii! Calm dow— Hmm?!"

The warden put her hand on the kirin’s mouth, stifling her moans. She used her other hand to get under Fauna’s skirt. She pulled her panties aside and put her fingers inside Fauna’s pussy.

“Mm! Mmmmm!!!” Fauna shifted around fruitlessly, Kronii was uncontrollable. The combination of Fauna’s outfit and her teasing put her over the edge.

As the concert went on, the kirin got wetter. Her nipples perked up after so much teasing. She started ruffling Kronii’s hair again as she got into it. Eventually, she wrapped her legs around the warden, inviting her to do more.

Suddenly, the bathroom door opened as two concertgoers were going inside. Fauna’s eyes widened and she quickly tried to fix her outfit.

“K-Kronii! Mmf!”

Kronii kissed Fauna on the mouth again. She pressed herself against the kirin’s body and covered her with her jacket. She could feel the kirin’s heart thumping out of her chest.

“I never heard of that band before, they’re pretty good!” One of the girls said.

“Yeah, I’m gonna follow them— O-oh!"

The two girls who entered the bathroom stopped dead in their tracks when they looked at the pair. They couldn’t quite see what was going on, but they could guess. Kronii was staring at them dead in the eyes.

“OH MY GOD, SORRY!” They quickly turned around and left them alone.

With the coast clear, Kronii slowly pulled back and looked at Fauna. She was beet red from the embarrassment.

“Hah… hah…” Fauna’s breathing was ragged, both from the surprise from the concertgoers and Kronii’s relentless attack.

…I went to far, didn’t I? Kronii thought. Only then did she realize the concert was still going on. She had no idea how many songs had played already.

“L-let’s…” She started stepping back. “Let’s just go…”

Fauna pulled her in with her legs.

“…Fauna?” Kronii looked at her again.

Fauna was still blushing, but her expression said something else. She bit her lips as she grabbed Kronii’s hand and put it under her skirt. She leaned in to get close to Kronii’s ear.

…I never told you to stop…” She whispered.

Once again, the music from the concert was drowned out by their kissing and moaning. Kronii fingered Fauna, paying close attention to her reactions. She was even wetter than before, probably because of the excitement of being seen.

“Ahn… mmm…”

Kronii bit Fauna’s lips after getting a taste of the kirin’s sweet saliva. They barely had any time to breathe.

“Kronii… mm… Kroniiiii!” Fauna put her hands under Kronii’s shirt so she could rub her body. “Mooore…”

Kronii upped the intensity and rubbed Fauna’s clit. She let Fauna rest her head on her shoulder as she got closer to an orgasm.

“Hah! Hahhh!” The kirin tightened her hold. “Mmm… Kronii…!”

Fauna gripped Kronii as she started shivering.

“Mmm!” Her walls clung to Kronii’s fingers, not letting her go. “Ahhh…”

Kronii enjoyed feeling Fauna squirm around. She gave her another hickey on her neck as a reward.

“Hah… hah…” The kirin slowly let her warden go as she calmed down. “Phew… Did you calm down?”

Kronii stepped back and looked at her kirin. Her breasts were still exposed, her ponytail was almost undone and her entire body was covered in sweat. She made a mess out of her. She almost felt guilty, but she couldn’t hide her satisfied smile.

“Yeah, I’m good.” She responded while fixing Fauna’s outfit. “And um… are you okay?”

Fauna got down and tried to walk. Her legs gave out.

“W-wait…” She gestured to Kronii to come closer. “I can’t walk, hehehe…”

“Oh my god.” Kronii moved next to her and helped her up. “You want me to carry you?”

“No, just…” Fauna held her arm. “Just let me lean on you.”


They slowly made their way outside the bathroom. They soon realized they couldn’t hear any more music, just people talking.

“I guess the concert is done.” Kronii said as they reached the venue.

“Guess so…” Fauna sighed. “It would’ve been nice to listen to it.”

“Sorry…” Kronii finally felt a bit guilty. “We can come back again.”

“Are you sure?” Fauna asked.

“Yeah! Um…” Kronii looked away. “I’m sorry, I should’ve held back.”

Fauna grabbed Kronii’s hand, making the warden look at her.

“Don’t worry…” Fauna told her. “It was kind of exciting…”

“I… see.” Kronii covered her face trying to hide her blush. “Umm…” She squeezed Fauna’s hand. “Next time, just let me see your outfit earlier…”

“Hehehe!” The kirin had the same mischievous smile she gave her when she pulled her to the bathroom. “You think you’ll be able to hold back?”

Kronii couldn’t respond. She bit her lips.

The answer was obvious.

t. Name

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Pub: 04 Dec 2022 08:17 UTC
Views: 765