She began shaking her head from side to side, trying to make it impossible for him to continue but she remain still when he told her that the first spring was in place and he might accidently release the square pin if she wasn’t careful.

As he pulled the second tension spring in place he could feel her hyperventilating with fear. The cover from her jewellery box lid was next, followed by the screw in ring, holding it in place.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked.

"To ensure that you don’t bite me." He told her. "Because if you try anything like that I’ll pull on this ring and it will go ‘BOING’." He said with a smile on his face.

"It will cause that soft, beautiful tender neck of yours to be so constricted that you won’t be able to breathe."

"Please don’t." she begged.

"So let’s see if you bite me now." He said.

Then gently holding onto the ring he bent down and kissed her lips, forcing his tongue inside her mouth to make his point.

"It makes you more sexy too." He confessed.

He sat back and admired his handy work, proud of how professional it looked.

The shiny metal band complimented her beautifull smooth skin as it gently clung to her all the way around her neck.

At the front, the springs and trigger mechanism were hidden by the shiny oval shaped jewellery box lid, inscribed with her name Jay Jay.

Perfectly in the middle of the words Jay and Jay was the ring, swinging down like a larger version of her lower lip piercing.

He untied her legs and released her hands from the banister railing above her head.

She ran to the bathroom to look at the latest addition to her bondage.

"I won’t really bite. I was being threatening because you were making me feel like a cheep whore. I was only trying to keep a sense of dignity about me." She explained.

"Well that’s exactly what you are." He said. "From now on you’re going to be a good little whore and not answer me back." "Understand?"

"I’m sorry." She told him.

"Prove it." He said. "kneel down."

She knew exactly what was coming next as he unfastened his trousers in front of her face.

With one hand on the collar ring and his other on the back of her head, he guided his cock into her mouth.

Being inexperienced he rammed it all the way to the back of her throat, causing her to gag.

"Mmmm." She said, trying to speak.

He let go of her for a moment and she pulled away enough to be able to talk.

"Just stand still and let me do all the work." She said.

"Ok." He agreed. "You’re the slave here."

Having the use of her cuffed hands she was able to do a proper job of wanking and licking his cock, periodically sucking it in and out of her mouth.

It was a little demoralising at first but she overcame that when she heard him moaning with pleasure, meaning that she was winning him over.

She could feel his cock pulsing as he was about to cum so she worked on the sensitive head of it instead of the shaft.

He had other ideas.

With both hands on the back of her head, he pushed himself in to the back of her mouth, causing her to gag again.

She tried to pull away but he held her tight, unable to breathe for the few seconds it took him to empty his load beyond her tongue, all the way down the back of her throat.

It was a horrible experience for her but there was no way she could stop him from firing away inside her.

She had no choice other than to swallow it down as he came again and again before he eventually released her head, allowing her to breathe again.

"You are amazing." He said, knowing that he didn’t have any experience in oral sex to be able to compare her with.

He assisted her standing up with his hand under her arm and guided her over to the bed where he lay her down.

Her hands were just below her chest when he lay on top of her, heading for a kiss.

There was a quick succession of clicks from both sides of the handcuffs as he accidently lay on the bracelets, locking them tighter around her wrists.

"Aahhh." She complained. "Be careful, that hurts."

They both studied the handcuffs which were now all the way through their ratchet locking mechanism and on the tightest setting. They both knew that there was only one solution if they wanted them opening.

"I’m sorry." he told her.

The cuffs weren’t painful now he wasn’t laying down on top of them but it meant that she could no longer rotate her wrists around in them.

"You fucking stupid idiot!" she said, pulling on the cuffs.

"I'm sorry." he replied. "I'll have to cut them off."

She couldn’t believe her ears. She wasn’t expecting him to say that.

She assumed that by swallowing his seed she must have earned his sole. That blowjob had won him over. She was so relieved.

However, he had other plans.

There was no way in the world he was going to let this little treasure get away from him now. Especially after just proving what she was capable of with that sweet little mouth of hers.

He had a plan.

He was in so much trouble already and realising just how deep in it he was, he decided he would keep her captive permanently or at least for as long as fate allowed.

"Let’s eat first." He said.

After eating she asked him if he was really going to remove the cuffs. He told her yes but the collar was staying on.

They walked over to the wooden table where the bench vice was attached. It was no longer in the sunken area at the entrance to the coal cellar.

Overjoyed at the thought of getting her freedom back at last, she gladly lay across the table for him to clamp her handcuffs in the vice jaws, as before, to cut them off.

Surprised at her willingness to lay over the table again after last time and before she changed her mind, he quickly tightened up the vice on both cuffs, holding them steady in preparation for their removal.

She knew something was going wrong when he walked around to her side of the table and stood behind her.

There was a loud SLAP as his hand smacked into her arse cheek.





"Idiot am I?" he repeated to her.

Oh shit, she thought, how stupid of me. I’ve been tricked again.

"I’m sorry." She said. I was a bit shocked. I didn’t mean it." "Please don’t take it personally."

"You need to learn your place around here." he told her.

"I’m sorry." She said again. "The cuffs were hurting me at the time."

His hands were now stroking the beautiful peaches of her arse cheeks that he’d just been slapping.

"I’m sure we could work something out." He said.

"Yes we can. Please, anything but this." she begged.

"Anything?" he asked.

"Oh come on." She said. "Please."

He removed her shorts and underwear, leaving her boots on then disappeared for a short time, returning with a bottle of vegetable oil.

"Irresistible." he said as he guided her legs apart slightly and poured a little vegetable oil over her arse crack then massaged it in to her lips as it dribbled down around her crotch.

She tried tugging and twisting her wrists in the cuffs again but it was pointless, they were even tighter than before.

He began stripping off and stood behind her naked from the waist down with his erection pointing straight towards her arse.

"I’m definitely going anal this time." he told her.

"DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!" she screamed. "Fuck me normally if you’re going to!"

Her lubricated, inviting arse was right there waiting for him to make his move.

He poked his index finger in to her hole, testing the tightness.

"NO PLEASE!" she cried out.

One more big glug of oil landed where the tip of his cock pressed against her arse hole.

He spread her cheeks and pushed himself in.

"No please don’t." she cried "Please."

He began the motion of selfishly pushing and pulling himself in and out, destroying the dignity of her defenceless body more and more with each stroke.

The feeling of a reverse shit was so uncomfortable and degrading that she broke down and began to cry.

"Stop it please." She said through her sobbing.

Now addicted to her tight slippery arse hole he continued pumping in and out whilst she cried and begged, stretched out over the table, cuffed and helpless against his fucking frenzy.

Minutes later he was pulling back on her hips and coming inside her, groaning loudly as she continued to cry below him, like the broken slave that she now was.

Pulling out and moving away from her, he anticipated that bodily fluids would soon run down her legs, so he told her to lift her feet as he put his own form fitting boxer shorts on her to absorb any liquid.

He went to clean himself up, leaving her there crying, wearing his cotton boxer shorts, shifting her weight from one leg to the other, hating the situation. She cursed after allowing herself to be tricked again into being bent over the table, with her wrists restrained once more by the handcuffs in the vice. How could I be so gullible? She thought.

She was still snivelling and rocking her weight from one leg to the other in the same position, now completely broken by this man who she had turned from boy to monster by releasing his hormones and allowing them to run wild, causing her demise into his sex slave.

"Don’t cry honey." He said, returning to her side. "I’m only showing you who’s in charge."

"Please." She said.

He kissed her arse cheek then walked away.

"Where are you going?" she asked watching him enter the adjacent foghorn building.

He got to work immediately.

From a piece of scrap foghorn pipe, he cut two circles from the end, each of them one and a half inches wide, he then rounded the edges with a file to give them a smooth finish that wouldn’t chafe against her skin.

He then cut a split in the rings and bent them open a little, just enough to fit her wrists through.

After cutting the link of a chain in half he took everything back into the lighthouse to weld the half links onto the circles, attaching the chain between them.

"Don’t say I don’t think about you." He said as he walked past her still restrained body, showing her the twelve inch chain and metal components in his hands.

After welding the chain between the two soon to be cuffs, he took them over to the table she was laying on.

"What are you doing with that?" she asked as the chain rattled down on to the table.

"You didn’t think I was going to remove those handcuffs without replacing them did you?" he told her.

He threaded a piece of rope through the ring on the front of her slave collar and tied it off around the vice clamp under the table.

He then began cutting through one of the handcuffs in the vice.

As her first wrist was freed, she found that because of the collar now holding her down, the most comfortable thing she could do was to place her arm under her chest and rest on her elbow.

She did the same with the other arm when her second wrist was cut free.

"Lay on the table and spin your legs around to this side." He told her.

Carefully she did as she was told, making sure she did not pull the safety pin out from between the springs of her collar as she swung her legs around to stand next to him at the side of the vice.

With her body still bent over due to the short rope through her collar, he pulled her jumper over her head and removed her bra.

He picked up the newly manufactured shackle set, took hold of one of her wrists and placed it through the gap in the awaiting open circle.

Frightened stiff by the weight of her jumper pulling on the rope attached to her collar, she could only watch as he put the open cuff in the vice and wound the jaws together, closing the circle around her wrist.

"Other hand please." He said, holding up the cuff at the opposite end of the welded chain.

She was expecting something to hurt her but that didn’t happen, he just wound the vice closed and encased her other wrist in the shiny metal circle.

"That will do for now." He said.

The jumper fell to the floor when he untied the rope, removed it from her collar and released her, as she understandably needed the toilet.

Sitting on the toilet she inspected her new handcuffs.

They had a twelve inch long chain welded to each of the cuffs around her wrists. Each cuff had a slight gap where they had sprung back open a little after being released from the vice jaws. This gap was only a few millimetres, not even enough to fit a pencil through, let alone a wrist.

She tried pulling the cuffs open but the thick metal circle that had needed a vice to close it, wouldn’t budge without some sort of tools. That would be her next mission she thought, go and find some tools.

She picked up her clothes and ignored him, taking them over to the bed where she pulled on her underwear and shorts before curling up under the covers.

After sleeping through until the evening, she awoke to the smell of food.

Humiliated because she wasn’t able to put on any clothing over her cuffs to cover her top half, she couldn’t bring herself to speak to him all the time that they ate. She simply remained silent, ignoring his every word as he periodically stared at her naked tits.

Later that evening he wrapped her woollen jumper around her neck so that the sleeves were covering part of her nakedness and picked up a small cable tie as she sat on a chair.

He put his knee on her handcuff chain, pinning it to the chair between her legs and began threading the zip tie through the small slave ring piercing in her lower lip.

He then threaded the cable tie through her nose ring and zip tied the two rings together, pulling her bottom lip up over her top lip.

She tried to say something but only a murmur came from the sides of her mouth.

"Oh now you want to talk to me do you?" he said as he stood up, releasing her chain from under his knee.

"Come on." he told her, gently touching the ring on her collar and taking hold of her cuff chain. "Let's get these finished off."

He took her over to the vice and told her to wait there.

She tested the security of her nose and lip rings joined by the cable tie as he dragged his welding equipment over to the table, placing a pair of heat resistant gauntlet style gloves next to her.

The gloves were put on her hands by tucking them tightly between her wrists and under the cuffs, to prevent her from being burnt by the heat from the welder.

He then tightened the cuff fully closed in the vice and welded the two sides of the circle together.

The heat resistant gauntlet was now clamped tighter against her skin meaning it couldn’t be pulled back through the gap and would have to be cut up and pulled out in pieces.

He repeated the process around her other wrist, welding it closed as she watched in horror, knowing that resisting him would only make things worse for her.

When they had cooled and after cutting the gauntlets away he checked for any sharp edges then allowed her to inspect her new manacles.

"If you follow my instructions I'll remove your collar." he told her. "Would you like that?"

Still unable to speak, she nodded her head up and down, humming in agreement.

"Ok, I want you to step over the chain so that it is behind you." He said.

Looking at the length of the chain, she hesitantly crouched down to the floor and stepped over the chain then stood up again with the cuffs now behind her.

"That's good." he told her. "Turn around so I can see."

As she turned he could see that the chain was not too short and that when he held it up to above her arse she would be able to lay on her back without the cuffs pressing into her.

He picked up the belt and padlock, fed it through the belt loops of her shorts the correct way around and buckled it tightly in front of her, enhancing her waistline as it narrowed just above her hips.

He then fitted the padlock through the hole at the back of the belt and through the middle link of her handcuff chain before snapping it shut.

Reminding her who has control by gently touching the ring of her collar, he turned her back around to face him.

"Nearly there." he said. "I'm going to release your lips. If you want me to remove the collar then the first and only words that I want to hear from you are."

"Thank you for fucking my arse this afternoon, it was lovely. Can we do it again sometime." "Have you got that?"

She frowned at him but understood.

"Thank you for fucking my arse this afternoon, it was lovely. Can we do it again sometime." He repeated. "If you say anything else, the collar stays on. Understand?"

She nodded her head.

He reached for his cutters and cut off the zip tie allowing her to open her mouth again.

He put his hand to his ear and watched as she spoke.

"Thank you for fucking my arse this afternoon, it was lovely. Can we do it again sometime." She said reluctantly.

"You’re learning." He said with a smile on his face. "Well done."

She was still nervous of him as he unscrewed the ring from the front of her collar so that he could remove the shiny jewellery box cover, allowing access to the springs.

"Please be careful." She said.

Using pliers he disarmed the collar and removed it from around her neck. She shivered when she saw it in his hand.

"Thank you." She said with a relieved sigh.

"That’s ok." He told her. "As long as your hands are behind your back, the collar can stay off."

"What about eating, drinking and toileting?" she asked.

"The collar will be on." He told her. "However I may make an exception if you want, I could bolt the chain of your cuffs to the table and you could join me for a bottle of wine?"

Result, she thought. This was all going in the right direction.

"I’d love that." She told him, cracking a little smile at the thought of having a more social time with him.

He drilled a hole through the table at the opposite side to the vice and bolted the chain to the table top so that she could reach far enough to her mouth but not underneath to loosen the nut.

They sat opposite each other and he began pouring large glasses of wine.

They talked about how he served his apprenticeship in engineering but decided to go into property renovation.

He’d caught the auction gambling bug after his first project was a success and had to do it again, especially after falling in love with this lighthouse. He told her how it had something exciting about it that pulled him in and that he was so surprised there were no other bidders interested at the auction.

"I know exactly what you mean. How many lives has this old structure saved over the years?" She said. "I first discovered the secret entrance to this place when I was eight years old."

"Secret entrance?" he asked.

She explained how as a child she would lift the cover from the coal cellar and climb down the ladder into the dark dirty cavern. She had no friends around here to play with so she would play alone quietly in the cold musty room, letting her imagination run wild. She had her first cigarette down there and then later as a teenager she experimented with stronger things and braved the staircase up to the light room where she stared at the stars for hours on end.

"I was gutted when you had my secret entrance concreted over." She told him. "It’s like a huge part of my life has been taken from me. Almost like the death of my oldest friend."

As the alcohol flowed he began to sympathise with her and understood her refusal to allow anybody to destroy her childhood cathedral.

"My Grandfather worked here for a time and my mother was even inspired by the lighthouse when she named me."

"What Jay-Jay?" he asked.

"No. Juliet." She explained. "The United Kingdom radio call sign for here is Tango Juliet. That’s T.J. in the phonetic alphabet. ‘T’ meaning tower and ‘J’ being the tenth letter of the alphabet because we are number ten out of sixteen lighthouses along this stretch of coastline."

"Tango Juliet?" he repeated. "Tower Ten. I didn’t know that."

"You’ll see my graffiti on the walls of the coal cellar and in the tunnels leading into it." She confessed. "I have slept there on numerous occasions, I find it peaceful but scarily exciting at the same time, I’ve had the wildest of dreams down there. I have also slept up stairs in the wildest of storms."

All the time they talked, she kept him hooked with her seductive eyes but it wasn’t long before they began to turn red and fill with tears.

He now felt so guilty about his plans to change this place.

"Are you telling the truth?" he asked.

She nodded her head.

"Show me."

He un-bolted the chain from the middle of the table and went to collect his rechargeable battery lantern.

When he returned she had stepped over her chain and was waiting for him to lock her hands behind her back so that he wouldn’t put the dreaded collar on her.

He didn’t lock the chain to the back of her belt but instead he put the lock and key in his pocket and told her to lead the way.

When at the bottom of the wooden stairs he dragged the steps across the dug out area so they could climb up into the entrance of the coal cellar tunnel.

The tunnel was less than head height so they both had to stoop down to walk through it.

The end of the tunnel opened out into the large coal storage area where the battery lantern reflected from the white walls, illuminating the area brighter than she’d ever seen it before.

Now able to stand up properly she walked across to a wall with the word’s ‘Juliet’s Room’ written, confirming her story.

In the corner were thick metal ladder steps embedded in the wall with vertical poles for hand rails ether side, leading up to her secret entrance which had now been capped off.

Another tunnel went from the chamber at a right angle to the entrance tunnel.

"Where does that one go?" he asked.

"It doesn’t." she replied. "It just ends in a pile of collapsed dirt."

They both ducked down and walked as far as they could until they could go no further. She pointed out the words Jay Jay on the wall and smiled at him.

He was hanging onto every word she said. The lighthouse had drawn him in so much that he had to buy it at the auction and now, here was a girl who was part of the history and to whom he was very much attracted.

Back in the main chamber she walked all around, reminiscing, having her mind filled with almost a lifetime of dreams.

"You know." She said "It’s ironic that me and you are standing here like this right now because as a child I sometimes fantasised about this being a prison cell and that I was chained up in here." "I just never thought it would actually happen."

"Maybe I was sent to answer your dreams" he said smiling at her.

He took the padlock from his pocket and dangled it in front of her eyes.

She took a short intake of breath as she stared back at him with a beaming smile on her face.

When he walked towards her she had the option of heading for the tunnel but instead she chose to back away from him and entice him over to the corner where the ladder was fixed to the wall.

Her wide eyes had a kind of hopeful pleading look in them as she pushed the chain around the upright metal handrail so that her wrists were touching around the back of the iron pole.

He fed the padlock through the links where the two sides of the chain met immediately behind the handrail.

Holding the open lock in his hand he stood in front of her with his lips almost touching hers.

"Let me hear you say please." He said.

With her alcohol infused breath she replied.


The lock snapped shut as their lips touched, fulfilling one of her lifelong fantasies that she had only ever dreamed about before he came into her life.

Leaving her jumper around her neck, he kissed her and unfastened her belt, followed by her shorts. He lowered her clothing and helped her pull her boots through before kissing her drunken lips again.

"Let me see if I can get this right." He said, kneeling down and licking his thumbs.

He parted her lips and went searching for her G spot and clitoris with his tongue.

Judging by her breathing, he was doing well so he continued for a few more minutes until he could hear her moaning turning faster and higher pitched then using his thumbs to continue with her stimulation he looked up to speak to her.

"Would you be able to help me redesign the drawings so that we can make this place our bedroom?" he asked then quickly got back to his tongue work.

She screamed out in ecstasy and he felt her expel some liquid into his mouth, just before her legs collapsed sending her arse down onto his squatted knees.

He could feel her shaking as he held her in his arms.

She looked at him in shock, not quite knowing if she’d heard him correctly but observing that the smile on his face was the biggest she’d ever seen from him so far.

"You’d like that wouldn’t you?" he said still smiling, almost confirming that she’d heard him correctly.

"How do you mean?" she had to ask.

"There is something magical about this place and you." He replied. "I want to keep you as part of it." "Will you help me?"

"Of course. I’d love to." She smiled back.

"Would you object to me naming this lighthouse Juliet’s Tower?" he asked. "It’s because of a girl who means a lot to me".

After holding her tightly against him and kissing for a long time, the lantern began to flicker meaning the battery was about to die.

"Are you coming or staying?" he asked holding up the padlock key.

"Do we have to go?" she replied.

They laughed as they climbed down the stairs and dragged them around to climb back up into the main lighthouse.

The next morning he woke to find her sitting at the table with her cuffs in front of her, drawing.

"I didn’t know you were an artist." He said complimenting on the excellent pencil work of her design sketch.

"What do you think?" she asked, turning the picture around for him to see. "Would this be possible?"

"Absolutely." He said before studying the actual content of the picture. "Anything is possible."

Looking at the picture he was absolutely stunned at what he saw in front of him.

It was a panoramic drawing of the coal cellar.

Beginning on the left with the ladder from the secret entrance, it showed a log burning stove with the chimney flue reaching up and out of the now capped off cover.

There was bright electric lighting shining down simulating sunlight coming from above.

Moving along, the picture had an iron framed double bed pushed up against the white washed stone wall with the small attention to detail graffiti reading Juliet’s Room written on it.

Next was the shocker, showing Jay-Jay dressed as she was now in the same boots, socks, shorts and belt, with her larger tits on show after being slightly enhanced using a little artistic licence.

She was standing with her arms chained to the wall with similar cuffs to what he had made for her, just above her head and her ankles chained slightly spread apart with shackles attached to the wall at floor level.

Next to her chained exposed body, in the collapsed tunnel was the bathroom but the tunnel entrance now had bars across it with a lockable gate to enter and exit.

To the right of the picture was the main entrance tunnel which now also had bars and a lockable gate over it.

What the hell did she dream about when she was younger? He thought.

"Wow." Was all he could say.

"Do you like it?" She replied with a smile on her face.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

Pub: 23 Sep 2024 06:11 UTC
Views: 158