Collected here are snippets of contemporary writing, poetry, and religious scripture of the Mouririns, an ethnic group of peoples located in several colonies around the world.

Four Signs

Now fourteen days had passed since the statement of her prophecy. The four signs were to be revealed to the masses and validated at once: one, the weakening of the collective body, two, the battle of the strongest atop the domain of the Lordess, three, the final uprising of the heretics, and four, the grand expansion of the underworld onto the surface itself.

All this had come to be true. Thus, the adherents to the Lordess could be divided into four fates: the weakened emigrated from the land to keep its memory alive; the strongest slew the strongest to appease the will of the Lordess; the heretics in the shadows were left to rot; the faithful opted to meet the Lordess then and there, willing to be at peace.

Passage from the Second Commentaries of the Western Mouririns


The air was noxious There was no choice remaining Go load up the boats Go gather your things from home When we go, we won't come back.

Some left without words Others never stopped their tears But they were all pained "Who knows when we will return?" "May the Goddess help us all."

"Evacuation" by the poet One Tatravi


"Let the wanderers of the future times read this marker and know this: when it was built, everything behind it was a dead land of ash. Beyond this point, the souls of the perished haunt the living; I know no one who remembers what was extinguished here."

Text of a short stele located on the frontier of the Darklands, most likely erected by a Mouririn


SATILA: Brother, why do you don your mask like this? Are you ashamed of hiding yourself?

DERSEUS: Hiding myself? No, never.

SATILA: But look at the way you're covering your face! Not to mention your upper body! Are you trying to dress as a ghost?

DERSEUS: Yes. I'm the ghost of your past consciousness. Ooooo, I'm scary. Ooooo, Satila, you forgot to put out the candle before bed, the house could've burned down, oooo.

SATILA: Shut up, Derseus. You know damn well it was about to burn out anyway.

DERSEUS: Oooo, I would've had to find the ashes of your old pal Derseus and throw them into the ocean by myself. Going straight to the Most Faithful. And what would his soul say before her? "Oh, ma'am, I'm so sorry that I died because my friend forgot to put out an open flame, please forgive his stupidity!"

SATILA: You're not even trying to sound like my consciousness anymore.

DERSEUS: I'm just saying. That's why I'm glad I have this thing on. If I get stabbed on the street right now, I can rest easy knowing my friend won't even need to put on the mask for me while I bleed out.

SATILA: Shut up.

Excerpt from Act 2 of the comedy play "The Lost Dedbeets"


"To Sir Honoshi, fellow worshipper of the Underworldly Queen,"

I thank you deeply for your valiant efforts in finding more Dedbeet 'colonies', as you so put it. Your arrival was warmly received by our town, and we highly appreciate your gratuitous volunteers working in all aspects to enrich us further.

We have done the calculations for your proposal, but unfortunately, the number of ships you have brought as 'spares' is simply not enough to accompany everyone. Therefore, we are working to build more ourselves. To that end, we have bolstered our forces using your volunteers and launched an assault on the nearby forest controlled by a Vatamilin tribe.

I do not wish to deceive you in any way. The battle was very fierce, more so than expected. A grim amount of our own blood was shed in the process, but in the end, the Vatamilins were driven off. We are already using our newly-earned territory to build more vessels, and progress on this is very bright. The entire town is excited, to put it mildly.

I send my deepest condolences to the families of the warriors belonging to you. You yourself have authorized them to be used, meaning you must be aware that they have died for a good cause. After all, following your dignitaries' arrival, it seems it is not just us who share the ultimate goal of a Dedbeet: to return home to the Queen's Land.

Sincerely yours, Paldi Asuma, Headbeet of New Kavaiop

Letter from Paldi Asuma, Headbeet of New Kavaiop to Retu Honoshi, King of the Kutidu Dedbeets

Pub: 09 Sep 2022 05:12 UTC
Views: 426