
part 1: Second

It took some hard work, but you finally managed to move out of home. You finally have a space of your own! You can be as loud as you want! You can watch porn in the comfort of your own living room! This is the life!...but something isn't notice that everything's a bit messy...

It's not like you leave dishes around or anything, no but you notice that the house tends generate a lot of dust, your hair is all over the carpet, when you accidentally spill things and stain your table...and despite how often you clean, some times a week later it's all a mess again...You didn't think owning a house was going to be so high maintenance...

Your door bell run to the door but the delivery man is already driving off, you glance down to find a box...there's a letter on the top that reads “From mom” what could she be sending you? You bring the box's a bit heavier than you expect. You set the box on your table and when you pop the lid open, you're introduced to the sight of a doll...a doll of a sleeping girl dressed as a Victorian style maid with cat ears...this is kind of an odd gift for your mom to be sending you. But as soon as you lift the doll out of the box its eyes open up and she lets out a loud yawn...

You instinctively drop the doll...or...girl and she lands flat on her face...oops...
“Is...she okay?” you mutter to yourself inching toward her just for her to suddenly lift her face off the ground and run around in pain
“OWOWOWOW! That hurt!” she looks at you with tears in her instincively pat her head and her sad expression quickly shifts to that of set her down on a chair and check your moms note

Dear (You) I'm sorry I couldn't text you any of this just needed to see for yourself. Something fell from the sky and when I went to check I found two beautiful young woman and a...miniature woman? I decided to send her to your place, because knowing you, you could use a hand with cleaning (that's why she's dressed as a maid). I named her second. Make sure you take care of her.
With much love.

You glance up at second who's currently spinning around on her chair like she's having the time of her sent her here to look after you...but by the looks of it you'll have to be the one looking after her...

“Uh...” you chime in, causing the little second to stop spinning and turns to you, looking at you with conviction and responsibility.
“What is it master?” she asks expectingly. You felt your heart skip a beat...goddamn she's cute. You just want to give her another headpat but you gotta resist...
“ mom sent you here to look after me?” you ask tilting your head, wondering how your mom thought she would look after you. Second frantically nods her head
“Mama said I could help!. She also taught me how to be a proper made and gave me this dress and these ears!” he stands up on the chair and does a spin to show you her dress, the skirt flies up a little to the give up on resisting. You give her a head pat anyways.
“Hey! I'm serious! Tell me to do anything Master!” she pleads to you...

You glance around the current room your in...she seems serious about being useful...your eyes lock onto a book shelf
“Ah right, the bookshelf is a little dusty! Would you please clean it?” her eyes sparkle while looking at the bookshelf with determination! She pulls out a feather duster and hops off the chair to run to the location, she dusts the bottom two shelves just fine...she had to reach a little for the third...but she starts to struggle reaching any higher...she tries jumping and reaches as hard as she can...

She turns to you with tears in her eyes...
“I'm too short...” seeing her so sad was heart crushing...
“It's no big deal, really how about you clean the floors then! No reaching necessary!” you tell her frantically, just to get her to look less nothing ever happened her eyes return to their former luster and she looks determined once again. This time she has a bucket filled with detergent, and a wash cloth. She soaks the cloth and places it on the ground, running across the floor giggling to herself, thanks to the water and the soap she felt like she was cruising along, that is, until she smacks her head into the leg of the table! She didn't let it bother her she just turns a different direction and goes back to cleaning, running with the cloth dragging onto the ground...just for her to smack her head into the wall...

You stand and watch her roam around the room smashing her head into literally everything in the way...this was getting painful to watch... you lift her up on the ground, before the large lump on her head gets any bigger... she looks at you once again with tears in her eyes
“I-It's sniff okay...It doesn't hurt!” you see her try to be strong...but you just can't take seeing her hurt herself anymore.
“How about you make dinner instead alright?” you suggest. Like all the other times her eyes shine like glitter, just now she still has tears in her eyes...

standing on a chair so she can reach the stove top you see her set up a pot and several ingredients...she seems to know what she's doing so you let her do what she just try to relax a little. Its already been a long day and it won't be too long till you gotta go to bed...

“Okay! Foods done master~” she happily calls to you serving a bowl up.
“Oh! That was a tad sooner than I expected.” you respond sitting on the dinner table. She walks up to you and places a bowl of some indescribable purple sludge...the smell was foul. To describe what the contents of this bowl would be a crime against nature...but it didn't exactly look like it was a liquid or a solid. Any pressure made the substance harden but it would become watery again if no tension was added...and some fish pones stuck out of the bowl...

“What did you put into this?” you ask
“Well, I just added anything I thought was good, so chicken stock, jelly beans, coffee, penutbutter, an entire jar of Vegemite, beef tenderloin, spaghetti sauce, and an entire fish! I also just threw in a few other things to add some flare!” she lists off those things more like a grocery list than something you feed to a person...wait an entire fish? Your eyes dart to the obvious fish bone...
“Did you cut the fish up?” you ask, fearing the answer
“Hm? No, I just threw It in.” she confirms your fear...whatever this substance was, it eroded the fish down to the bone...she spent all this time cooking struggle to get a spoon full, the substance kept pulling the spoon back in! Even it didn't want you to eat it, but you manage to get some bring it up to your mouth, but breathing in the smell of this horrid concoction made you dizzy. You're pretty sure you just lost a year of your life and drop the spoon back into the bowl.

“You know what! It's getting late! Go take a bath and get ready for bed alright?” you request.
“YAY! BATH TIME! BATH TIME!” she cheers and happily runs upstairs to take her decide to throw the bowl and pot she cooked with in the trash, where this creature she made can live on in the garbage...
“I'm sorry Second, but if I ate that it would be the death of me...”

After second was done with her bath she walks back down stairs in a gown.
“Um...Master? Do you have a room for me?” she asks. You walk to her her upstairs and even lift her in your arms, holding her like you would your daughter if you had one. He brings her into the guest bedroom and pulls out a clean blanket for her.
“Hey master? Am I a bad maid?” she asks looking shake your head
“Not at all! You did your best!” you inform her before patting her head “Now make sure you get some sleep second.” you request of her before she lets out a yawn.
“Alright...goodnight master...I love you” she mutters before dozing off... you turn off the light and quietly shut the door behind suppose you should hit the shower and get ready for bed your self...

You get your bed ready, dressed in sweatpants and a T-shirt. Boy this day was a wild ride...just before you manage to lay down you hear your bedroom door walk toward your door and open to find second looking up at you. Pillow under her arm and guilt in her eye
“What is it second?” you ask, wondering why she's out of bed
“I...had a bad dream...can I sleep in your bed master?” she quietly mutters out, almost seeming ashamed of making the show your concern...and step to the side. There should be no harm In it. She looks up at you, the life returning in her gaze, her cat ears twitching.
“Thank you master! You wont even know I'm here!” she promises while running and climbing on top of your bed, laying her pillow down at the end and laying flick off the lights and make it to your bed, getting under the covers you feel second near your feet, she in fact nudges closer, making sure to press her back against your feet...its more comforting for her to know you're there
“Good night master~” she lets out drowsily, falling asleep instantly...
“Good night second.” you respond. You lay there in the dark. pondering this new responsibility that was dropped on you. it wasn't bad. With this girl here, you feel a little more lively than you had for the past week or so...who knows what tomorrow will bring...but for now. You close your eyes, and drift off.

You wake up to the sound of your doorbell ringing. A rude introduction to the new day...feeling groggy you pull yourself out of bed and make your way to the front door.
“Hello?” you answer the door, your eyes going blurry before you can tell who was even at the door
“Is this the (you) residence?” a woman's voice rather sternly calls out to him
“Uh...yeah this is the right place...” you rub your eyes and focus on who was at the front door...a woman. About his height...appears to be at least 18, but weirder yet, she looks identical to second...maid dress, cat ears, this one has a tail...
“It's a pleasure to meet you master, I am to understand that my sister came here yesterday! I was sent here by your mother to be your maid. My name is Minute.” she does a can only stare at did things become like this?

To be continued...

next part:

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Pub: 28 Feb 2022 12:36 UTC
Edit: 02 Mar 2022 04:51 UTC
Views: 552