I need to blurt out the brotherfucking thoughts I'm sorry
I'm too tired for proper well-written fiction but
Demon husband is confused at his cn fans hating on wife, and wife is really sad from all the hate.
Schizo fans hate each other, and think husband and wife hate each other too

Demon tentatively starts talking with wife, he's still a bit awkward about it considering wife is from the newest wave and they don't know each other well

Wife gets really happy, all giddy like a teenager from the interaction, he was a prior fan of vox. He might be an old man but he's all cute and excited

The fans keep being schizos and everytime vox notices it happening, he goes to talk to wife and overtime they bond

One day demon husband is being very gay as usual, and it helps wife open up about his negative feelings of late, it's a very cute moment, and they kiss gently

Now it's become a thing . Their kisses whenever their menhera starts acting up



don't be sorry this is great!

fuuchan and his low self-esteem are elated that he gets to kiss vox, he doesn't dare wish for more, he's also very careful because he knows this is vox's first time exploring his attraction to men. he's also convinced there's no way vox would like him when ike's around.

meanwhile vox doesn't overthink it, very much like a puppy, he associates the stimuli of fanbase drama with fuuchan kisses. he shuffles over to receive the usual headpats and comfort from fuuchan whenever shit hits the fan.

then one day they're playing smash and vox gets really tilted, and really turned on as a result, and fuuchan keeps being a brat, he's having too much fun to see the signs that vox has kind of lost the lid on his anger this time. vox aggressively kisses fuuchan so he can finally shut. the fuck. up and it devolves into messy sex on the couch.

in the aftermath, it's so fucking awkward because neither of them know what to make of their relationship now. vox caught between questioning his sexuality and questioning his crush on ike, fuuchan caught in a spiral of hoping this might mean something more and then beating himself down because why would it, it's not like he's an awesome catch, maybe he should be grateful for the only fuck he'll ever have with vox.

uh, somehow it's a happy ending?



the mental image i had for the last paragraph is them waking up on separate ends of the couch the next day, disheveled, covered in scratches and hickeys, the worst bed head imaginable, clothes strewn about. there's a pizza box with a cold slice of the disgusting anchovy shit fuuchan likes on the coffee table, and it only makes the room smell worse.

as the morning fog clears from their minds, they can't bring themselves to look at each other and just sit in silence. eventually fuuchan breaks and awkwardly goes, "uh, imma head out," and vox replies, not a thought behind his eyes, "yeah, sure thing brother," and they both flinch on the "brother".

fuuchan dresses himself as quickly as he can, which isn't very quickly considering he has to hunt around for each article of clothing they haphazardly tossed away in the heat of the moment yesterday. vox has to hand him his soiled underwear. fuuchan holds it, considers it for a minute too long before he elects to go commando. vox almost berates his morning wood aloud for twitching at the sight of fuuchan pulling his pants over his naked, skinny ass. does it feel no shame.

vox sits on the couch, alone, just zoning out, for way too long. eventually he can't stand the stench any longer so he cracks the window open and dumps the leftover slice of anchovy pizza into the trash. watching it tumble into the can, he's overcome with the sudden urge to cry. his brain immediately makes the connection: negative emotion, need fuuchan kisses. vox's head jerks up and then his conscious mind realizes, there are no fuuchan kisses. there won't be any more fuuchan kisses because he fucked up. he wants to slap himself. he wants to cry even more. he nearly cedes to the temptation to fish the slice of anchovy pizza out of the trash and eat it as some misguided substitute for fuuchan.

for comedic effect, maybe vox forgets he invited ike over to play some game or work on some project that morning. ike, obviously, has access to his apartment, so when vox doesn't answer his calls or hear the doorbell, ike lets himself in and finds vox in the kitchen, sniveling over the open trash bin, buck naked.



why are they so pathetic uohhhh

I hope it increasingly gets more and more awkward, like one time vox is jerking off he accidentally moans wife's name and it genuinely embarasses him, he can barely look fuuchan in the eye the next day



vox pulls himself together in record time once he notices ike. he wipes his face on the back of his hand, stands tall with shoulders back, puts on his best smile and tries to pretend nothing's wrong. he's still naked. and covered in scratches and hickeys.

ike hesitates for a second, then swallows his original question back into his gut. instead he says, "uh, did you mean to throw away a pair of your boxers in the entrance's trash can or..."

vox scrambles to remove fuuchan's dirty underwear from sight. this is also when he realizes he's still naked, and excuses himself to his bedroom, fuuchan's undies balled in one hand. vox definitely means to throw it out. he absolutely doesn't store it in a corner of his closet for safekeeping.

vox emerges, freshly put together, 15 minutes later. ike, being the angel he is, turns a blind eye to all the other remaining signs of a messy one night stand left in the living room as vox leads him to his office instead. ike doesn't tell vox that he ran into a jumpy, bleary-eyed fuuchan on his way here. fuuchan looked like a train ran him over and a dog chewed up his neck. ike, ever the smart cookie, starts to put two and two together, and he thinks he might have found the dog that used fuuchan as a chew toy last night.

that's all i've got for now, haven't thought of how they'd end up together. maybe ike staging an intervention, as the only not-stupid person there.


vox jerks it to fuuchan's dirty underwear, feels guilty about, then jerks it to fuucha 's dirty undies some more to comfort himself. fuuchan is ruining himself on his largest dildos every night but they all pale in comparison to vox's long, curved demon cock, or something.

ike just wants to know when to show up for UTT. instead, he knows way, way too much about his coworkers and friends' sex lives.

Pub: 19 Apr 2023 00:51 UTC
Views: 489