Moth To a Flame by anonymous

It's night and your doorbell camera alerts you that there's someone at the front door
You look at the video feed and see your buff moth neighbor in your porch staring at the porch light
He's naked and you can clearly see his huge dick just from the video feed
You open the door and shake him which snaps him out of the trance
Ask him what was he doing
He apparently saw the light coming from your front door through his window and got attracted to it
He apologizes and promises it won't happen again
A week goes by and he does it again, this time with his huge ass facing towards you when you open the door
Snap him out of it again and he gives the same excuse
This continues on with his poses getting more provocative such as him kneeling, on all fours, on his back with his legs spread, etc.
No matter what you do he just keeps coming back
Eventually culminates into him spreading his ass to you and inviting you to fuck him as a form of an apology
start leaving porch light off in a bid to make him go away
late at night hear a tapping at your living room window
open blinds to see him pressed up against the glass, his dick rubbing against the glass
he's staring blankly at your interior lights
God damnit
begin going to bed early and leaving lights off at night
now nothing is distracting him from the real reason he was coming over each night
to get at (you)
wake up to see him perched atop the frame of your bed like some gargoyle
his red eyes glowing in the dark
and with desire

After chasing him with your salt-loaded weapon throughout your house you managed to get him out
You'll admit it's funny watching him run back to his home butt naked in the streets desperately trying to cover his huge dick with his hands at midnight
And that was the last time you saw him as a few weeks gone by and he hasn't appeared again
You keep a wary eye on him but he doesn't come back
This goes on until your birthday is tomorrow and at that point you haven't seen any signs from him so you let go of your worries, thinking that he finally stopped
Your birthday comes and you spend the day hanging out with your friends and you come home late at night
You arrive home and make your way to your bedroom exhausted from the partying you just had
As you open the door you immediately stop in your tracks
Standing in your bedroom in front of your mirror is him again this time wearing lingerie
He's looking at himself in the mirror but he stopped to look at you when you opened the door
The two of you just stare at each other in shock until he places his hands on the wall and sticks out his ass towards you before greeting you happy birthday while smiling nervously
It's been some time after chasing your moth neighbor out of your house again and now Christmas is nearby
With what happened before, you're now even more alert with what he'll do now in the following days
In fact, you start to get paranoid and begin holing up in your house worried about what will happen if he sees you in public
You go back to observing everything he does, but this time it feels different
You don't really know how to explain it as from what you saw, it seems like he's moved on
He doesn't really seem to be hiding anyhting and is instead more focused on other stuff, most of which are Christmas related
You even see him come home with presents that he probably had gift wrapped at the mall meanwhile you haven't done anything for Christmas
Is he really done with it?

It's now Christmas Eve and you like awake in bed, conflicted about everything you witnessed
As you come to the conclusion that this whole situation is probably finished, you begin regretting staying inside over the past few days worried about nothing
You close your eyes and for what feels like forever, your entire body relaxes into your bed and you start dreaming not long after
Your dream is nonsensical as usual but as it goes on you start to feel more... aroused?
First, you feel something heavy resting on your face yet you don't feel suffocated; it feels fluffy and warm instead
Next, the weight then shifts over to the rest of your body as if you're being pinned by something
Something feels off about this weight; it's as if it's trying not to crush you
Lastly, you feel some motion near your groin, you can't tell what it was as it just feels like rubbing but a few moments later your dick suddenly feels like it's being sucked by something
You get overwhelmed by the sensation and you start to feel your senses as your body wakes up
Your eyes open and the only thing you see at first is a bluish tint being lit by something beside you but you let your eyes focus on what it is and you finally realize what it is, it's a pair of ass cheeks
Sudden realization sets in as you start to hear wet, sloppy sounds along with your dick being licked
Your heartrate skyrockets while you try to think of what you should do right now as you feel his huge body gently laying on top of yours
You look over to where the light is coming from and you can just barely see what appears to be a pile of presents beside your bed along with an unfamiliar lamp
You squint at it until you notice that it's the same ones that he bought a few days ago
Did he really bought all of that just for you?
The lamp beside the stack seems new, did he also buy it for you?
A flurry of questions spawn and multiply in your head until you're taken back into reality from his mouth taking in all of your cock
You breathe out from the gasp you're holding and notice that one of your arms is able to move freely
Maybe now is the best time to just stop worrying and just go along with it, this has happened three times after all, not to mention his blowjob feels so good
You lift your arm up and stroke his back while trying to find the back of his head which he doesn't seem to notice
Once you do, you stroke it gently while you bury your face into his soft, firm ass before going back to sleep

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Pub: 24 Dec 2023 16:01 UTC
Views: 2096