“Aww, c'mon, it's just one more drink!”

Bae raised her beer with unsteady hands and sloshed another sip or two onto the carpet below. The damp grayish stains in the area surrounding her seat were starting to dominate the original color.

“Haha, okay! But maybe you should slow down, my dude.” Mori cautioned. “Ya gotta pace yourself if we're going to get through all these submissions!” The two girls were streaming in Mori's bedroom, drinking the night away in front of thousands of excitable viewers. Dozens of unopened beer cans were stacked to their right and a single bottle of red wine stood to their left. Tonight was another room review. An endless scroll of fan-submitted bedrooms ranging from suspiciously wealthy penthouse suites to modest studio apartments plastered wall-to-wall with otaku merchandise, Hololive or otherwise.

This was their sixth offline collab of the month and Mori silently pleaded it would be the last. Sure, it had been a charming novelty when Bae first relocated to her city and plunged both of them into the world of offline collabs. Mori had earnestly looked forward to interacting in person, serving as Bae's personal drinking buddy and showing her the ropes of Japan's alcohol-soaked nightlife. But that eagerness waned. After weeks and weeks of going through the same routine of babysitting a precocious foreigner with a lower tolerance than an elementary-schooler and sitting straight-faced through hours of her droning, incoherent babbling, Mori felt nothing but dread every time Bae popped up in her messenger with another invite.

“Next one! Let's! Gooo!” Bae was wobbling in her chair now. “These...this is sooo fun! There's so many awesome rooms!” Bae slouched onto Mori's shoulder with a slurred chuckle. More beer spilled, this time in Mori's lap.

Mori closed her eyes and forced out a laugh through clenched teeth. “Whoa, you spilled a little there! Jeez, you're really going all out tonight!” Her voice remained calm. That practiced vocal mask put on purely for the sake of the stream was still holding, though cracks were biting at the edges.

In more ways than one, this rat bitch sucked at holding her liquor. There was more beer on the ground than in Bae's mouth at this point! It was such a frequent occurrence that Mori stopped pausing the stream to clean up after her, fearing that most of the collab would turn into dead air and the sound of paper towels ripping and swabbing through the carpet. Her only option was a deep cleaning session after everything wrapped up and the last thing a workaholic reaper needed was the few hours of free time in her schedule devoured by tidying up after a drunken slob,.

Merely recalling this sent Mori's blood boiling. So much mental and physical energy thrown into managing this fucking rat. How satisfying it would be to smack that can out of her hand, grab her by the throat, and-

“Whoaaa, look at this one!” Bae launched herself off of Mori and gestured to the screen. “An audio...uh...mixer and keyboard! And a guitar! This dude definitely does music!” She turned to Mori. “Hey, when's your next music thingy anyway? Wassin' it comin' out last week or something?”

Mori stopped mid-sip and put down her wine glass, her grip now dangerously tight around the slender neck. Yes, that had been the plan before Bae's callous insertion into her schedule set off a domino of delays. Calling producers, shifting around recording times, updating fans on Twitter, getting an earful from her manager...all completely unnecessary headaches. But at least the work was done now, albeit a bit behind, and she would tease its release at the end of the stream.

Lost in her inner turmoil, Mori had forgotten to respond and Bae quickly picked up on the pause in their conversation. She leaned in more aggressively than before and repeated herself. “Oi! Isn't there something that you were working o- Ah!” Her hand slipped off the armrest, plunging her face-first into Mori's chest and loosing her drink across the desk. Mori watched in adrenaline-fueled slow motion as Bae's beer dinged off the surface, flipped, and sprayed the entirety of her setup in foamy amber waves.

All screens went black. A sharp pop sparked from behind Mori's desktop. The strained hum of her CPU broadcasting to thousands of viewers died down to complete silence. A few more drops of beer plinked down onto Mori's computer case before the can rolled lazily to the ground.

Mori didn't breathe, let alone speak.

Her stream was fucked. Her schedule was fucked. And a few critical files for her next EP were now trapped in a smoking PC that may never boot again .

“...Ohhh, my bad. You backed everything up, right?”

Mori looked down at her incredulously. Bae did not seem to appreciate the severity of the past few seconds.

“Is that a 'No'? Heh, I was gonna say, you needed a better setup for these kinds of streams. It's way too risky with all this booze around.” She flashed a toothy grin, her sharp teeth gleaming white.

Mori took a deep breath and rose to her feet. “Bae, I need you to go home and update the viewers, okay? Tell them we had a power outage, or an earthquake, or...something!” The rage in her voice was barely contained. “Just get the fuck out of my room and let me figure this out.”

“Hey, whoa, don't get all worked up at me, sis.” Bae got out of her chair and shoved her body against Mori, surprisingly nimble for how drunk she was acting a moment ago. Her modest bust pressed up against the underside of Mori's massive tits that were still heaving with adrenaline. “Like I said, it was pretty stupid to leave all your expensive stuff just lying around. Don't pretend half of this wasn't your fault!”

From this distance, Mori could smell the alcohol wafting out of Bae's mouth on every word. Her smug, blushing face was mere inches from her own. “...my fault? Your drunk-ass flailing was my fault?” Mori's voice was rising, those festering emotions finally given an excuse to breach the surface. “I don't have anywhere else to put this shit, which wouldn't be an issue if you weren't so fucking bad at holding your liquor!”

Bae chuckled and mashed her breasts further into Mori, grinding them across her chest in small circles. “Hmm? It's all my fault? I thought you were supposed to keep track of my drinking like a good older sister? I guess that was wayyy too hard for a burnt out workaholic that can't even get her EP's out in time. Maybe I should get online and let the deadbeats know that their Mori ended the stream early because she doesn't care about doing her job anymore and would rather-”


Mori's open palm cracked across Bae's face, striking with enough force to swivel her skull to the side. The sound bounced off Mori's bedroom walls like a gunshot. Slowly, cautiously, Bae raised her fingers to the red stinging mark blooming on her left cheek.

It was wrong to hit her of course, but Mori couldn't ignore how good it felt to finally cut off her obnoxious drivel mid-sentence. And this girl was so light! She barely put any strength into that swing and she almost twisted her head off like a bottle cap! Mori wiggled her fingers, unsure if the tingling sensation was from the impact against Bae's flesh or her own excitement.

“Aww, is Kawaiiope Mori angry?” Bae's voice was trembling as she massaged her wound with her left hand. Her eyes never left Mori's. “I was just sayin' what everyone else is thinking. You're on the way out. You were a flash in the pan. Every song you've released since debut is getting less and less numbers. Maybe you should go back to your old job at waiting tables, huh? You'd still be a miserable disappointment but at least millions of people wouldn't have to see it.”

Inebriated or not, the way Bae was speaking to her was absolutely alien. In all the time they've known each other, Bae had never shown an ounce of antagonism, even as a joke, yet here she was brazenly insulting the truest passion Mori had ever known. She was so bold, so confrontational. And despite just getting smacked across the face...she'd never looked happier.

Bae took a step forward, grinning through the pain and spread her arms wide. She was perfectly vulnerable. “What, you got something to say? Aren't you supposed be good at freestyle? Why don't you say something to shut me up? Or is that mouth only good for sucking the dicks of recruitment manag-”


An arcing right hook slammed into Bae's cheekbone, blacking out the left side of her vision and sending her reeling across the room. The minor concussion would have dropped her to the floor were it not for Mori's forearm rushing up to meet her trachea and shoving her against the far wall. The impact knocked the wind out of her lungs. Through the crushing pressure threatening to collapse her windpipe and gobs of saliva building in the back of her throat, Bae managed to gurgle out a few more inflammatory comments. “Ergh...ah, l-looks like I really set you off, huh? What would management say if they knew you were abusing your cute little kohai, you fat cow?”

Mori smirked, lessened the pressure on Bae's throat, and delivered a vicious uppercut deep into Bae's exposed stomach. Compared to knocking around her skull earlier, there was no bone down here to protect against Mori's strike. Just smooth, supple fat and the faintest traces of abdominal muscle. Her fist sunk in a few centimeters before recoiling back, naturally setting her up for another shot. Mori leaned in for another blow, driving through her legs for maximum power like she was trying to punch straight through Bae's body and into the drywall behind her.

Ahrk! Gllgrh! Bllrk! Dry heaves erupted from Bae's throat on each impact, spraying bits of spittle and bile across Mori's chest. Steady streams of tears ran down the swelling welts on her cheeks and over Mori's forearm. Still, throughout all the brutality, her eyes remained locked with Mori's. Those big blue and yellow irises shone bright like polished jewels and Bae's smug grin grew even wider, a goading frenzied expression daring Mori to push even further.

And the reaper was more than happy to oblige now that her fists understood the euphoria of physical assault. Every hit was cradled so comfortably by Bae's welcoming tummy; it's like she was built to be abused! Like every gene in her tiny body was hand-picked for creating the perfect punching bag! Those big colorful eyes, toned stomach, supple thighs and narrow shoulders were calling out to be punched, stomped on, and ground into the dirt! Mori couldn't help herself after seeing the beautiful swaths of pale red skin blooming across Bae's tummy and roared another blow into her, this time strong enough to take Bae's entire body off the ground.

“Guh! Man, you're...so...fucking...cute!” Mori called out in between strikes, relishing the pathetic squeaks Bae let loose on every hit. “I can't believe it took me so long to do this! This is how every stream's gonna end from now okay? We're gonna say our goodbyes, cut the camera, and spend the next hour slamming my fists into your fucking face! Shit, I can't get enough of this!” Another, more primal urge had started burning from within Mori's body. Hatred had bred violence, and now violence had bred lust.

Bae felt a powerful hand tighten around her throat and saw the world blur into unrecognizable streams of color before the floor slammed into her back. She was now sprawled across the damp carpet, dazed, nauseous, and staring up at the ceiling through unfocused eyes. Two feet thumped to sides of her head and a flimsy black garment, heavy and soaked in sweat, landed a few inches from her face. It was Mori's thong. Bae steadied her breath and let her hungry eyes trace up the pale, powerful legs of the reaper before gazing directly up her dress.

A few feet above her, freshly released from their suffocating confines, was Mori's fat, sweaty nutsack. Mori's flaccid cock rested above them, slowly stiffening and rising with every beat of her heart. “Whew, man, it feels so good to finally take these girls out!” Mori sighed and reached down to lazily fondle her sack. “Seriously, these things are way too big to be cooped up in there all day!” She then grabbed the edges of her dress and made exaggerated fanning motions over Bae's supine body. “And I'll be real with you, with all the deadlines goin' on this month, ya boy hasn't had any time to take a shower, so it's gotten really gross down there. Thank God I got you to take care of that from now on, huh?”

Bae's comeback hitched in her throat as Mori's musk slammed into her nostrils. A month of negligence had created a smell that was physically offensive; a repulsive, all-encompassing odor that soured the air around her and clung to her skin like a heavy fog. She could see a thin layer of grime and stale ball sweat on the underside of Mori's bulge, no doubt built up from her many recent endurance streams. Nauseating drops of nut sweat pooled at the bottom of her sack and slowly dripped onto Bae's cheeks. Bae eventually fought through her shock and fired back. “H-heh, you really think I would get anywhere near that disgusting thing? I'd rather die than put those-”


Mori dropped onto her heels and rested her hefty, unwashed nuts on Bae's face. They were so full and fat that they poured off the sides of her head, and Mori breathed a little sigh of relief. “Huh? Were you saying something?” Mori smeared her balls across Bae's face, feeling her little nose snort and sniff in between the cleavage of her musky sack a she struggled for air. “Well, anyway...” Mori reached down and, with just a little more force than necessary, pried open Bae's jaws. Her silken gloved fingers traced the ridges of Bae's sharp teeth, briefly plunging into her cheeks through small pools of saliva. After a few more second of thorough investigation to the tune of Bae's sputtering resistance, she brought her fingers to her face and smiled. No rips, no tears, no injury of any kind. Not that she expected anything else given the immense power and durability of a body forged in the underworld, but it was better to play it safe considering what she was about to do.

“Hmm, okay we're good here! And hey, don't pass out until I'm done unless you want your head stomped into paste afterwards, alright?” Mori shifted into a push-up position and hovered her dripping crotch over Bae's face. The tip of her massive futa cock was now firmly pressed against Bae's obstinate pursed lips and already leaking enough sticky precum to pour down the sides of her mouth. Bae growled and squirmed beneath her, refusing to open up. “C'mon, seriously?” Mori rolled her eyes and lifted her left elbow skyward before slamming it down into Bae's tender stomach. The moment Bae yelped in pain, Mori thrust forward and buried all twelve inches of unwashed girl cock in the smaller girl's throat.

“Ahhn!” The tactile feedback of Bae's teeth massaging her entire length on the way down was nothing short of divine, those perfectly sculpted nibs tracing Mori's descending shaft like an exotic sex toy. What was feared as the biggest obstacle to sloppy deepthroating sessions had become the biggest incentive. “Oh...oh fuck that's good!” Mori was in ecstasy after just one thrust and her brain nearly short-circuited trying to process all the stimuli at once. The warm, sloppy tightness of Bae's throat squeezing and massaging her dick every time Bae tried to swallow. The firm grip of Bae's choker clamping down from the outside, already creaking and threatening to tear itself apart after being forced against Mori's girth. Bae's slimy tongue wriggling against her shaft whenever she tried to call for mercy. “I take back what I said earlier, I'm gonna be using you as way more than just a punching bag. I got a bunch of busted onaholes behind my bed, y'know? One or two sessions was all it took before they split apart into slimy piles of silicone, but I can already tell you're built to last!”

Mori braced herself on Bae's thighs and slowly pulled out of her throat, drinking in the spine-tingling sensation of Bae's teeth harmlessly dragging across her member. Glllrrk! With a wet squelch, Mori 's cock popped free of it's hostler and hung over Bae's open maw, the glistening spire of futa meat now thoroughly coated in saliva and dripping with viscous throat slop. Mori caught her breath and looked down on her conquest.

“So? How did that taste?”

Bae coughed up a gob of saliva and spat on the floor. “God...it's fucking disgusting! The moment that thing touched my tongue I wanted to throw up!”

“Glad to hear it!”

Mori then grit her teeth and slammed her crotch back into Bae's face. Thick jets of slimy precum and spit that had pooled in Bae's mouth gushed out as Mori's dick filled her to capacity, further soaking the carpet and Bae's hair. Now hilted at the base, Mori's fat, steaming ball sack was mashed into Bae's eyes and nose, forcing her to snort mouthfuls of stale ball sweat from the depths of her sack's wrinkled skin. Mori purred and applied a bit more pressure with her hips, wiping her nuts across Bae's face like she was drying off with a gym towel. “You feel these, Bae? Thanks to your dumbass, not only did I not have time to work on my music, but I barely had any time to jack off! So we're not stopping until everything in here is down your throat!”

Bae could only furrow her brow and whimper uselessly around Mori's cock.

With that, Mori began her thrusts in earnest. She pulled back until the head of her spit-shined cock was stuffing Bae's mouth before driving all the way back in one powerful thrust. Meaty slaps bounced off the rooms small interior as Mori relentlessly facefucked her junior into the floor, spritzing warm rings of spit and precum against her thighs. The tightness of the seal between them meant every reverse thrust pulled Bae's head a few centimeters off the ground before slamming it back down and rattling her skull. The carpeting did little to dampen the violent thumping of Bae's head against the ground and she soon found the edges of her vision breaking up and growing fuzzy.

Her mind and body were growing weaker by the second. The pain of receiving Mori's sexual frustration was boiling over. Slick tears ran down Bae's face, mingling with the strings of drool and whatever else was dredged up by Mori's repeated gouging of her throat. Every few seconds her vision was blotted out by Mori's fat smelly testicles swinging down and slapping her in the face, refreshing Bae's nose with the scent of her ball grime and leaving a sweaty imprint on her pale skin once the sticky sack was pulled off her face. Even for Mori, it was a bit painful to treat her balls so roughly but it was worth it knowing how much worse it was for the girl below.

Suddenly, in the midst of her passionate throes, Mori felt a pair of frail hands slapping against her thighs. Bae was rapidly losing consciousness, both from the reaper's scythe in her throat and basically being waterboarding by her obscene ball sweat. Mori shrugged and continued thrusting, simply smashing through Bae's flailing limbs with superior force. Bae's punches petered into slaps. Then into weak shoves. Eventually her arms stopped moving entirely.

After ten minutes of furious masturbation with Bae's mouth-pussy, Mori felt her climax approaching. It would have been nice to drag this out, but she'd been pent up for an entire month and needed release. Mori clenched her massive, sweaty glutes tight and buried herself as deep as she could go in the warm confines of Bae's throat. She pushed up onto her fingers and toes while pressing down with her hips, making sure as much of her body-weight as possible was bearing down on Bae's skull. With eyes almost crossed in mind-numbing ecstasy, Mori moaned and blasted four weeks worth of backed-up jizz down Bae's throat in thick, lumpy ropes. Her sweaty, heaving balls tensed up with every shot as they desperately drained themselves.


Bae groaned in disgust. The loads were so massive that she could feel it squeezing through Mori's urethra and bulging against her tongue and throat on the way down. Buckets of stinking semen piled on itself inside Bae's stomach before rocketing up her esophagus and surging out the almost airtight seal of her lips, coating Bae's face and most of Mori's crotch in off-white nut sludge. “H-Hey, don't spill any down there!” Mori yelled from above. “Ugh, are you fucking kidding me! As if I don't have enough shit to clean up around here...”

Mori sighed and continued unloading for another full minute, indifferent to the rat gargling her cum beneath her. With her balls temporarily drained, the muscles in Mori's frame finally relaxed. She collapsed on top of her tiny sex toy, the two bodies sticky with sweat and reeking of sex. She let out a heavy sigh and ground her crotch a bit more into Bae's face. “Fuck that was good...I'm never using anything else to masturbate. From now on, every nut I bust is going into your mouth, okay Bae?”

She didn't bother waiting for a response.

“Anyway, I'm really tired.” Mori yawned and brought her hands beneath her face in a makeshift pillow. “Lotta of work to do this weekend, so I'm calling it a night, dude. See you tomorrow.” After so much physical exertion, it was easy to let her eyelids fall and drift off to sleep.

Mmmnf! Mmnf! Muffled cries rang out from below as Bae smacked her pathetic fists against Mori's thighs and ass, begging her to get up. Her head was imprisoned in a hot, sticky vice of the reaper's lower half, and Bae's only choices were between mashing her face into Mori's fat smelly ball sack or sweat-soaked thighs. The crushing pressure and muggy heat was almost unbearable. There's no way she could spend all night like this! But the rats efforts barely jiggled Mori's impressive rear and, after a few more fruitless minutes of struggling, she gave in and let her arms fall limp at her side.


Many hours later, an errant streak of sunshine washed over Mori's eyes. She yawned and stretched out her arms. She hadn't moved all night so her flaccid cock was still pleasantry warmed by the girl underneath. It had been a long slumber, full of dreams of meeting Gura in real life and plowing her little shark pussy until her legs went numb. Those unconscious erotic fantasies resulted in more than a few nocturnal emissions that usually would require a lot of morning clean up, but this time they were conveniently slurped up by the living cum toilet below her. A smattering of dried semen had formed around Bae's mouth over night, sticky clumps that glued her mouth to Mori's crotch and made breathing even more difficult than it already was.

“Good morning, Bae!” Mori was quite chipper this morning. “I'm getting up now, so make sure you press your lips real tight against me on the way out. Don't leave anything behind, okay?” Bae grumbled and sealed her lips around Mori's shaft, milking the dregs of Mori's messy orgasms onto her tongue as she unsheathed herself. Bae grimaced as the thick, bitter saltiness pooled in her mouth before swishing it around with her tongue, chewing it up, and loudly gulping it down to join the rest of Mori's nut batter.

Mori was more refreshed than she'd ever been since starting Hololive. Looks like dumping all that pent-up jizz down Bae's throat was exactly what she needed to get back in the swing of things. She checked her schedule and noticed all the offline collabs Bae has drowned her calendar with. “Wow, we've got a lot of stuff coming up together! You're looking forward to it, right?”

Bae's face, a collage of red skin and purple bruises covered in slimy layers of drool and coagulated puddles of smelly futa jizz, could only look up and smile.

Edit Report
Pub: 11 Jan 2022 19:19 UTC
Edit: 11 Jan 2022 22:42 UTC
Views: 2956