A few more months had passed since the indecent at the park.
Things had settled back to their normal routine - sleep, wake up, shower, eat, videogames, sleep, occasionally broken up with taking you for a walk. Max seemed to be more concerned with your health and wellness than his own.
Things were comfy, and you'd learned quite a bit more about your owner over the time you were with him.

For one, he was a hopeless romantic, telling you about all his past girlfriends from when he was younger, how he felt, and how he fucked it up every time.
And secondly, he probably jerked off more than anyone else on the planet. If he wasn't playing videogames or watching tv, he most likely had his dick in his paw.
It was a little awkward at first, but he never seemed to notice or care that you were in the same room.
He was at it again that morning, you could smell it before you even came into the living room. The wolf was laying back in his giant chair, feet propped up on the desk, softly panting and whining as he watched something on the monitor (you still couldn't make out what it was, all you saw was flickering and vague shapes)
You quietly strolled up next to the chair, watching him curiously, and thankful he took care of himself this way instead of using you for it. His dick would've fucking destroyed you.
It was a giant purplish-red monstrosity the length from your elbow to the tips of your fingers. Your eyes followed his paw for a moment as he stroked and squeezed himself, faster and faster. As much as he did this, you were always amazed at just how he came.
He grunted as it blasted out like a broken water hose, coating his stomach and chest fluff in a thick, white puddle. One shot of it blasting over his shoulder and nearly hitting the wall.
He sat there for a few moments, catching his breath and noticing you for the first time, grinning wide.
"Oh, hey man, could you get me a towel or something?"
You leaned against the arm of the chair, watching that giant canine dick throb lightly with his heartbeat, finally giving him a shrug as you stretched out
"They're all in the washer, I think."
"Ah.. shit." the wolf grumbled, looking down at himself, his black, velvety fur matted and quite thoroughly soaked. "Guess I needed a shower anyway."
He stretched in his chair, reaching out to pet and ruffle your hair.
Normally you enjoyed the affection, but now you just gave him a deadpan look as he mushed and slathered your head with his special 'shampoo'
He lifted his paw when he noticed what he was doing
"Oh fuck! Sorry 'bout that.. heh.." he leaned over, giving the side of your face a lick, his tongue traveling upwards and only making things worse as you now had a nice, slimy cowlick pointing to the side
You narrowed your eyes at him as he laughed his ass off in the chair
"Dude. I really need to get you laid."

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 12:41 UTC
Views: 115