secrete paige??/?

rite, u eedeeits think iw woould make a seecrit pagee...
even doe i hav NEBE R ever done dat beforr.
nice try, yew sneaky littl basterd, but YEOURE luck ruhns owt!
tiyme for yuw to LEAFE, my furend! ypu've been FOOLD'!
righte now i'm LAUGHing at youew, chuckiling and chaHORTinating at youre HYOUBRIS
yup, i've gotcha RIET where i wantcha, in da sc opes of MY excellente prankante!
. .......whaut are you waiting for? im done laughfing. GOODBYE! SO LONGUE! LEAVE!
okay, u want to stay? nough skin auf MAI nose! i don't pay fer da servers!
ronnie and beast are WATEING for you in dere stories! don't leave dem weighting!
golly, yeoue are ONE TOUGF nut tu CRACK
/??????WHY ARRE YOU STILL HEREE?????////??
pompuss prik, datss YOU! you theenk your sOOO proud, still readin g, waysting my time e!
over and ohver eye tell YOU, LEAVE THIS pastebin website paige!
kan't stohp reading, can yu? i cant'y blaaame you! ima writing like a bawss!
eat myine workds like alfphabet soupe! drink from the chaliss of noledj!
yield from my actually GOOD stories and just REED from dis stupid page while i INSALT you like PIG!
little terd, close dis tab before i get REALL Y MAD! this izznt fune y anymoore!
alright, you AXED for it, i'm getting my WRITING gune that cshoots PENCILS! and KEYS! from...KEYBOAREDS!
now toodai iz thuh day YOU DIE!

Pub: 12 Feb 2024 00:34 UTC
Views: 118