. . I can't . . . " I stated, almost in tears that she was trying to get this out of me. This time as I looked down I saw a look of compassion in her eyes, hell it almost seemed she was as upset as I was!

"Anything and everything that is said here and now WILL NOT go any further. Unless you are a danger to yourself or others and I don't think this is the case, is it?" She asked as I quickly shook my head no. "Can you tell me about it with no names?"

I took a deep breath as it was now or never. "I believe I am in love Ma’am." I said as both of my lips quivered.

Her hand went to her chin as she put a finger to her lips. "Love I see. I take it that the one you are in love with is a well-known person? Is this someone who could pretty much end you going to school here if they don't reciprocate your love?"

I tried not to look up as embarrassed as I was. With that she stood, going to the door to close and lock it. "Now I think it's time we dispense with the Ms. Please call me Ann as I think that we are going to become very close friends, hmm? So, do you wish to tell me about this love of yours?"

I looked up in time to see her sit with her legs uncrossed, again giving me another view between her legs. This time, though, I could see that she was as wet as I was. Judging by the wet spot on the front of her panties it had started a while ago.

Slowly, almost teasingly she re-crossed her legs. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't tear my eyes away from her. Finally, when she had her legs crossed, I managed to look up at her face. She had a quirky, little smile on her face as she was now staring at my hand that was moving rapidly on my lap.

"Is it that embarrassing that you can't talk about it?" Ann asked. "It is after all a boy, correct?" I must have blushed a bright red with a smirk on my face as her face suddenly held a surprised look and then a sly smile. "So, it isn't I see, yes, you are quite right this could do great damage to you here."

I felt the heat rise higher to my cheeks as I couldn't look at her. Dear God, being this close, her soft voice caressing my ears. It was taking all I had not to lean over, grab her and press my mouth and body to her.

Stunned to silence I dared to look at her as she was shaking her head. "I believe I know how you feel my dear. You like girls am I correct?" I saw her smile as she waited me answer. I could only briefly nod my head yes, causing a beautiful smile to start to dominate her features. "It has to do with your father doesn't it?"

My mouth dropped open as I stared at her, "How do you know? Not even my mother knows about that." I was totally in shock.

In a loud whisper she told me, "my step father assaulted me as a young woman. My brother caught him mid-way through it. I'd never seem him as angry as he was, he almost killed the son of a bitch. Then he held me, he was still holding me crying when the police arrived. To this day I don't think he has forgiven himself for what happened, though I have many, many times. I found after that, he was the only male that I can or will allow near me."

I could feel the tears as they were running down my face. How could anyone have hurt this dear, sweet woman before me?

I felt her soft hand reach my face gently caressing it as I let the tears fall. "No one should have ever hurt you, there is no reason to EVER do that to you!" I hissed in a fierce whisper.

Her face registered shock then a grateful smile as she gathered me to her chest. Holding me tight, it was a few moments before I realized that I was pressed to her soft breasts. With a contented sigh I pressed myself deeper into her flesh.

"I shared my story with you to let you know that your secret is safe alright? So, is there anything I can do to help you, so you aren't as distracted?" Ann asked as I was finally able to stop my tears.

Anything she could do? My God! That was as loaded a question that she asked as any that I'd ever heard. God yes, I thought, she and I could strip naked slowly and make love for hours. I almost opened my mouth to say it, then chickened out. I still had no idea if she felt for me as I did for her. It would kill me if she rejected me, I could feel the pain in my heart as I thought about it.

It appeared that Ann was far more perceptive than I thought she was. When I didn't answer right away she seemed to sense that I had pulled away. "I'm not sure if I can ask anything of you Ms.... Ann. The woman I am in love with may not share my feelings. I am terrified that she will reject me before anything happens between us."

Ann nodded, "as they say life is an adventure. Take a chance, it's the only true way you'll ever know. I'll let you go think it over, 'till you know you're going to be a mess. I hope you do soon, I... we need you badly Bex." I got up to go as she unlocked the door. As I was moving past her I told her thank you.

"No my dear," she whispered to me. "I wish to thank you. I saw you watching me. It made me feel a hell of a lot better about myself." Then she leaned down, kissing me briefly on the cheek.

I thought I had grabbed a live wire as I felt a huge current run through me. Looking at Ann, I saw that she had felt it also. Shakily I withdrew, walking out the door and almost running into my old friend Rita. Stopping short I saw that there was a lot more of her now. She saw me looking at her stomach then threw her arms around me.

"Oh my god! Bex! It's so good to see a familiar face!" She almost squealed as she hugged me.

My mouth hanging open also as I asked, "I had wondered where you went, but not this, who, when?" I said in surprise.

"It was the end of last school year. Remember Mr. Sorenson, the band teacher?" I nodded amazed. "I fell for him and you might say he did for me also. One thing led to another and voila! It feels so wonderful I . . . " Rita stepped back as she stared at my face intensely. "So, I see that you have fallen also. Who is she?"

My mouth must have dropped open as Rita started to giggle. "How? I never told you nor anyone else."

Rita smirked at me, "wasn't hard for me. You were never really interested in guys. I remember something you said once about your dad leaving." She pointed a finger at me, "I might be a lot of things, but I was a good friend. I also have an excellent memory." She stated matter of factly.

"I can't really say," I told Rita with a worried expression.

Rita gasp as she looked at me closely. "Hmmm, I see, so you are into the new band teacher. Yeah, I can see that, go for it I hear she's extremely lonely also. Who knows? You might find true love like I did." With that she whirled away heading to the room I had just left.

I stood there in shock, shaking my head. Was I that easy to read? First the woman I loved, then my pregnant friend. A few minutes later Rita came dancing back out the door. Passing by me she winked, mouthing ‘go for it’. Again, I was unable to move as I watched Rita, her red hair bouncing almost as much as she did, dancing out the door.

I wasn't sure how long I stood there before Ann walked out, closing and locking up the band room. "Ah! Hello again Bex, did you need to speak to me further?"

I felt like an idiot as I tried to speak but nothing came out. Ann patiently waited as a war of words went through my mind. Finally, I said, "yes Ann I do, though I think we might need somewhere much more private." I trembled as these words came out.

Ann rested her hand next to her face, a finger against her skull as she was deep in thought. "Well, I have to go home. If it's alright with your mother, you could accompany me there." I looked closely at Ann when she said this. A small quirky smile was again on her face. I looked closer, seeing something in her eyes that I had seen in my own, an almost desperate loneliness.

I called my mother, telling her I was going to Ms. Sanderson's, that I'd be late. I tried to explain I was having a little trouble with the tempo. I could hear mothers' none believing of my words, though she was clearly happy that I had called. I told her I might be very late when Ann spoke up, saying she had extra room. I could stay the night since tomorrow was Saturday. Mother told me to have fun before she hung up. Oh I intend to I thought, I intend to.

As we left I was glad to see that there wasn’t anyone around who knew me. Then again, being a Friday there really wasn't anyone around. We drove for a short distance and I was surprised when she turned down the same street I lived on, then passed my house going another block. Not a word had been spoken while we were traveling.

As she pulled into her driveway, the crunch of the rocks loud, she looked at me asking, "You alright?"

My mouth still open I quickly snapped it shut. "I didn't know you lived this close. We passed my house a block back."

A wide smile crossed her lips, "um that's good to know if anything develops."

My head snapped up as I looked into her eyes, seeing a look of longing hunger. "I hope that you can help me Ann," I said licking my lips.

"Oh, I'm sure we can help each other, I most definitely feel we will." Ann said in a low whisper as she passed the back of her hand across my cheek, making me tremble with excitement.

Ann got out, heading to the front door then stopped, looking back at me. Waving her hand, she crooked a finger to me indicating that I should follow. Nodding my head, I climbed out, walking up to Ann with a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I am just thrilled that you have time for me."

Ann's eyes, I swear, twinkled as she whispered in my ear, "I think, I will always have time for you my dear. Let's get inside." I nodded as she unlocked the door then allowed me to go in first. I looked around the small house seeing that the woman most definitely had good taste. "I'm going to get out of these clothes, be right back." I nodded as I watched her walk into what I assumed was her bed room.

I was looking around the room when I noticed that Ann left her door open. I didn't mean to stare then I noticed she was getting undressed. My eyes were glued to the image in the mirror of her I was seeing. Slowly, so slow she was removing her skirt, then her shirt. Looking into the mirror she unhooked her bra, grasping her breasts, rubbing where the bra had left an impression.

I couldn't move, I could barely breathe as she massaged them. Then she was looking in the mirror again, a little smile on her lips as she slowly lowered her purple panties. Looking in the mirror she started to turn each way, looking at the smooth skin between her legs. I shivered as she gently caressed her folds, wishing it were my hands, then sighed in disappointment when she put on a long robe.

I sat on the small divan wondering what was going to happen next. Ann reappeared a moment later with another long robe. "I thought you might be more comfortable out of your school clothes. We need to get to the root of the problem Bex. I can't afford to lose you, among other things you are the leader of the percussion section. As I said I lose you I lose part of the band. You can change in my room."

I swallowed hard nodding as I stood taking the soft robe. As I went in I noticed that she hadn't put her clothes in the hamper yet. Looking at the mirror I realized that I also hadn't shut the door. Reaching out with trembling hands I firmly grasp the same purple panties she had just taken off. I could see that they were soaking wet, giving off the most delicious aroma I think I ever had the pleasure to inhale. Inhale yeah, I was, for all I was worth, her scent was about to drive me crazy!

Quickly I discarded my own clothes, her panties still clutched tightly in my hand. It was at that moment that I realized that my own were just as soaked. Shaking my head, I looked in the mirror at my own body. Though I wasn't completely bald like Ann, I also didn't leave very much. It was at that moment I caught a sight of Ann on the divan, her hand between her legs, moving at a blurring speed. Damn, I thought, was that because of me? A wide smile covered my face as I quickly finished changing, dropping her panties, then going out.

Upon entering the room, Ann looked as if she'd been sitting there unmoving the whole time. Smiling to myself, I knew better. Ann patted the spot next to her as I sat, not really knowing how to start. "So," Ann started, deciding for me. "Now that we are alone, we can talk about what's really bothering you."

Just like that I started, opening up telling her everything. How I was feeling about myself, my family, though most importantly about my brother Ben. Ann just sat there, not judging, only nodding when I made a specific point. When I finally finished I felt like a ton of weight had been lifted off me. Then Ann smiled slyly as she said, "now that you've told me everything else, let's skip to what or rather WHO, has you so tongue tied."

I could only stare at her as she smiled, waiting for me to start again. "I'm . . . I'm ssscared." I said shaking uncontrollably.

"Scared? Of what? Of me? Bex I understand what you are going through probably more than any other." Ann said in a soft voice. "I can help you more than you think."

I swallowed hard, God there was never a more truer statement. "I . . . " I started then chickened out again.

Sighing, Ann moved close, putting her arms around me, suddenly giving me a kiss that knocked my socks off. Well, I thought, it would have had I been wearing any. "Let me help you," Ann whispered in my ear, sending chills through my body. "You're in love with me, aren't you?"

I must have had a completely shocked look on my face as Ann started to laugh. "But I . . . no one . . . it was . . . " I stuttered as I tried to form a cognizant thought.

"As I said," Ann continued whispering in my ear. "I saw you watching me. I was watching you also. You see my dear, I love you too you know." Reaching down she opened my robe, drawing in a gasping breath as she looked my body over. "My God you're perfect!"

I must have blushed then, she reached in with her hand, caressing my breasts. She leaned in, taking one of my hardening nipples into her mouth. All I could do was moan as the sensations were far better than with father's girlfriend. I had also reached into Ann's robe, touching her body everywhere. If I was perfect, she was the mold I was made from. Stopping a moment later, Ann pulled my face to hers, kissing me deeply, passionately. I swear I was about to pass out. "Do you trust me Bex?" She asked when she broke the kiss.

Still stunned, I could only nod to her as she pulled a pair of handcuffs from behind her. "What . . . " I asked, trembling a little. I had backed away a bit when she put them down. I cleared my jet-black hair from my face, looking at Ann with a startled look.

Sighing Ann took hold of my hand, "I could never hurt you Bex. I just think we need to do this to get you over what is holding you back. I will give you a safe word for me to stop and release you. I won't push you, hon, but I feel we . . . well, you need this." With that she kissed me again, a soul searing kiss that had me gasping for air.

I was trembling even more when she let me go. I was having a hard time thinking straight. Then I nodded as she took my hand, leading me back into her bedroom. Laying down, she put my hands together with the cuffs around a bar at the head of the bed. Looping what looked like thin ropes around my ankles, Ann leaned in and whispered, "percussion is the safe word."

Shocked at her words I waited to see exactly what she'd do. Breathing softly, she slowly opened my robe after she dropped hers on the floor. Slowly she crawled up the bed to my lips, barely touching them with her own. I pulled at the restraints, desperate to capture her lips fully. Then she began a leisurely trip down my face, then around my neck, causing me to squirm and pull harder at the restraints.

I was starting to get frantic when she reached the tops of my breasts. Her soft kisses sent electric shocks all throughout my body. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to take all she was doing. Then she started moving lower at a torturous pace, almost as if she wished to taste every inch of my exposed skin. Stopping at my navel I felt her softly stab her tongue into it, this causing me to gasp, rising my stomach and body to get closer to her.

Then she was going lower. I could feel her getting closer to my vagina; why was she going so slow? This was torture pure and simple! I was aching for her touch between my legs, a feeling that was growing more and more desperate. I was afraid I was going to die before she got there. Then, as if to be cruel, she stopped at the top of my pubic bone! My god she was trying to kill me! I was struggling to throw my body toward her, to complete what she had started.

Reaching over she started a recording of my band section. "I love to hear you play while I do," she whispered. "It excites me more, hearing your excellent playing." Even as she started moving again, I swear I could feel my heart beat in time with the music. Almost not paying attention, I was brought back to what she was doing as she reached the top of the folds of my vagina. Her velvety soft tongue dancing, sending shock after shock throughout my body, even as she moved closer to my opening.

I felt Ann stop, her tongue circling one spot below my clitoris. Then as the drum section built to a crescendo, I felt her move back then plunge her tongue as deep as she could go in my opening. Gasping, I felt my body start to flail and convulse as every inch of my body was inundated with the excess of feelings.

I pulled as hard as I could, feeling the ropes and cuffs start to bite into my skin. The strange thing is the pain seemed to heighten the feelings. Screaming out through my orgasm, I saw Ann look up, her face covered with a wide smile and my juices. Then with a heavy sigh, everything went black.

I don't know how long I was out before I slowly awoke. "Oh, thank god!" I heard Ann say next to me. "I thought I had seriously hurt you!" Ann's voice heavy with concern.

"No, I'm not hurt; I just think I had a sensory overload." I told her with a tired, loving smile. It was then I noticed that I could move my arms and legs. I looked at Ann with a questioning look.

Ann saw me looking at my appendages, with a teary sigh she nodded. "After I thought that I had gone too far," here Ann hung her head. "I released you as fast as I could. I never meant to hurt you, not like that." This last whispered in hushed tones.

I reached up, gently caressing her face. "Ann," I started, "no one has ever made me feel so damn good or loved. If I wasn't before, I know I am falling hard and fast for you." Ann's face which had held a look of apology, suddenly brightened into a slowly developing smile. "As much as I'd absolutely love to return the favor could we just hold each other? I think I am still out of it."

Ann nodded smiling even more, "For you my dear I'll wait. We have the rest of today and most of tomorrow." With that Ann wrapped her arms around me as I did her. Pulling each other close, I nodded feeling her soft body and heart beat as I let sleep take me.

I walked into my favorite class at the end of the school day. Band; just saying the word sent a tingling thrill shooting through my body. We had spent the rest of the night, and most of the next day, exploring each-others body. To say that father's girlfriend had left me undereducated would be the understatement of the year. Sadly, I went home the next day.

Now we were back where all this had started. I took my place with the percussion section. I saw that Susie was in the brass section still sending me questioning looks. She and the rest of my friends had been trying to pry the reason there was a huge smile plastered to my face all day. I wasn't about to say a thing. For once things were going better than I thought they would. I wasn't about to screw that up opening my mouth about anything.

A moment later, my walking dream walked to the podium tapping her wooden baton. Pointing to the Woodwind and Brass sections, we started the piece we had been working on. Then just as suddenly it was the percussion that took the tempo balancing out the whole thing. I proudly went through the piece with no mistakes, hearing the rest staying right along with us.

I smiled as we started several other pieces of music. After class finished Susie walked up to me. "Damn Bex, you were perfect! I don't know what happened, but I believe that was the best you ever pl . . . " She said then stopped when Ann walked up to us.

"Much better Miss Blake, as I told you when our best percussionist keeps tempo, the rest follow very well." Then she turned to Susie, "you may not think I pay attention to everything, but I do Miss Mason. I noticed that you were flat a few times throughout each piece. Would you care to explain why my best French horn was flat?" Ann looked at Susie with a questioning look. Susie dropped her head.

"I . . . I . . . was worried about my best friend." Susie started as Ann turned to me winking.

"Worried?" Turning to me she asked. "Are you sick Miss Blake? Are you mentally unsound? Have you broken any bones?" As I shook my head no at each thing she asked, I saw Susie’s head snap up, her red hair flaring, as she stared at Ann with her mouth open. "There, problem solved Miss Mason." With that Ann sat at her desk, "you still have a week of Band detention Miss Blake. I suggest you start, the sooner you are done, the sooner you can go home." Ann said not looking up from her desk.

Susie mouthed sorry as she said, "I'll go, see you tomorrow, Bex." I nodded to her as she rapidly escaped the room.

Ann's head had risen as Susie made her escape, Ann's eyes following her out the door. Ann stood, going to the door and locking it, making sure that ALL the locks were secure. Turning, her eyes were on me, looking me up and down. "We have to talk more than we did this weekend," Ann said with a sly smile on her face as she sat back down at her desk.

"Oh?" I said as I walked to Ann caressing her face. "I, for one, think that we talk far too much. I'm sure there are better things we can do with that time." I removed my shirt, then slid my jeans off my legs. "Don't you think so Ann? I have been going crazy missing you." Reaching out I slid my hand in her shirt feeling her soft breasts as she started to shudder.

Ann's lips were trembling as I saw the war that was raging in her eyes. I could also see that her horniness was starting to win out. Then of course there was the smell, her arousal mounting with each passing moment. Finally, she stood, almost ripping the clothes from her body. Clearing everything off her desk, I latched onto her lips, feeling her start to pant harder. Laying her on the desk, I felt mad with lust for her body, almost refusing to release her lips.

Kissing my way down her chest I took the time to explore each and every inch of her skin. Though I loved to listen to her moan I had to quickly kiss her deeply lest anyone hear her. Ann's panting was coming quickly, almost as fast as my own. Circling each nipple with my tongue I had to admire her firm breasts and nipples.

Taking each in my mouth I licked and bit at them gently, making Ann moan even louder. "Stop teasing!" Ann hissed out. "I can feel a river between my legs all for you my love, all for you!" Smiling, I moved slower downward feeling, Ann start to squirm to get my mouth closer to her center.

"Turn so I can taste you also," Ann whispered as I could feel her body start to shake with a powerful orgasm. Again, I kissed her deeply as her whole body went tense. Then I could feel Ann almost screaming out her pleasure into my mouth.

Turning, I presented my vagina to her watering mouth. I had just reached out to her sex when I felt her tongue penetrate me deeply. Gasping, I tried to hold on as her tongue was about to drive me to orgasm that quick! With her swirling, lapping, and thrusting motions I was also having a hard time loving her.

I relentlessly nipped gently at her sweet bundle of nerves, feeling the rush of air on my wet bare center. Ah, something to drive her just as crazy. I nipped on the clit between my lips then sucked hard and long as I let my tongue flick the top of her love button as my climax started to over power me. Sucking harder than ever, my mouth trembled with a deep moan which vibrated the delicious clit in my mouth. I felt the gush of juices smear my face as I felt a tender nip on my pussy lips. My lovely Ann had cum hard just as I blew a rush of air onto her wetness, making her shudder from head to toe and bit into her thigh, to keep my scream quiet.

Slowly, I pivoted around and kissed her sex, licking up the trailing juices, only to lap at the wetness that oozed out of her hole. Licking up to her clit, she jumped and grabbed my head, guiding me to her clit again. Insatiable as ever, I latched on to her pearl. Lapping at the tip, blowing a stream of cool air into her wetness, she shuddered and whimpered. I smiled and suckled her lips before nipping and tracing circles around her hardened clit. My hands roamed up her thighs and around to hold her sexy round bum to me. Not that I had to hold her to me, she was holding my head in a fierce grip tight to her hotness.

Ann moved her hips in time to my licks and nips. My hands rocked her hips up, flicking my tongue across the near sensitive bud. I could feel all her juices soaking my chin. I knew she must have cum at least twice more. Opening my lips, I bit and sucked even harder on her clit. My teeth scrapped the edges gently and I heard her gasp and then only one hand was holding me to her. Soon she was trying to push me away; I slid my hand up and felt the tremors in her belly. I slowly backed off and dipped down to clean the mess I had made.

I leaned up, kissing my way to her chest. I licked the hollow only to have her pull me up to meet her eyes. She smiled and asked, "Where did you learn to eat so good? God, I think that’s the best, most, and God knows the hardest anyone has ever made me orgasm." I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"You’re the third woman I have been with, only the second that I have gone down on. I just did what I thought would feel good to you". I was rewarded with a long, slow and hot sensual kiss.

We dressed and made ourselves look presentable as we headed for the door. Ann stopped and looked at me. She leaned into me, kissing my perky lips again, leading a trail of soft butterfly kisses up to my ear. Ann licked my neck and suckled my lobe then softly whispered, "I love you Rebecca Marie Blake; we will always make the most beautiful music together."

With tears in my eyes, I nodded my head in understanding and kissed the most beautiful woman in the whole universe. Then I told her, "and I love you Annabelle Michelle Sanderson"

Hand and hand, the beautiful music loving couple walked out and went home, to Ann's single-story town-home.

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Pub: 18 Jun 2024 10:52 UTC
Views: 478