Hot, hot summer.

You woke up first. She’s breathing on your neck. Soon enough the rest of your body wakes up, one of her arms in drawn around your torso. A few scratch marks from last night began to burn as her arm brushed them.

You sucked air through your teeth, shifting in bed, Botan swallowed, and resumed sleeping.

The covers were at the far end of the bed, barely clinging onto the mattress, Botan moved her feet and kicked them off entirely. Botan and you were sleeping on top of a half-fitted sheet. She used your chest as a pillow.

God it’s hot, you can practically feel your skin sticking to the bed. A few peeking sun rays shone on her skin, glistening with sweat. Had you not been used to the smell, you would have felt the reeking sheets right on your nose.

You really, really want to take a shower, and maybe threat your love scars. Botan’s a heavy sleeper thought, she’s not going to want to get up for another while. You sighed, about to pull the most difficult endeavor of all, getting up without waking up a feline.

You tried to budge away from her grip, twisting your body as you tried to set foot on the floor, almost there, almost there…

Botan drew her leg over you before pressing digging her face onto your shoulders. Her nails are keeping you in place, threatening to dig themselves into you if you move any more.

“Ha…” You muttered.

Botan opened her eyes.

“Just a bit longer, pretty please?”

“Botan… it’s gotta be late by now…”

“It’s Sunday…”

“Aren’t you hungry?”

“I can wait a bit more…”


With that, Botan giggled and turned you on your back, and then rested on your chest once more. Your hand came under her shirt and caressed her. A genius idea crossed your head. Your finger drew circles down her back and stopped right above her buttocks. Botan eyes popped awake, knowing what you were about to pull. With that, your hand gave her scratches on her butt., causing Botan to pop her bare ass in the air, her shirt falling across her back.

“Mmm…” Botan let out.

Botan kept still while you scratched her, she nibbled on your shoulder almost as a reflex. She’d always complain when you did this, but now she remained silent.

“So you do like it.” You said teasingly.

“Shuddup.” Botan said, her voice muffled in your body, and her finger flicking onto your forehead.

You left your girlfriend’s behind alone and Botan slammed her pelvis on top of you, you gasped. Botan brought herself up by her elbows, causing her shirt to hang by her neck. You got a good look inside Botan’s chest, right above her left tit, a little hickey you had left her, giving a beautiful contrast between her milky white skin and your love mark. You thought you could see a nipple, in the corner of your eyes, but you were distracted by the little space between her breasts, giving you a peek at her stomach.

Botan kissed you as she pulled her hair out of the way. Your girlfriend and you returned kisses back and forth, before Botan dug herself at your side again.

“How do you even stand this heat, Botan?”

“Genetics, I guess.” She placed her head over your arm and you wrapped it around her, resting your hand at her belly. Here’s the big prize.

You squeezed.

“Hey…” Botan miffed.

Your feeling of her stomach wasn’t done. You grabbed as much as you could with love, rubbing her stomach gently. Your hand ran a tour of her pudgier parts, barely grazing her hips and in a swift motion, you clutched her love handles.

Botan’s body jerked

“Cut it off…”

You giggled.

“Oi, what’s so funny?”

Leaving her belly alone, your hand stroked her hair, from roots to tips. Botan gave you a wet kiss on your neck, and then dug her teeth slightly.

“Eeek!” You jerked.

“What’s the matter? Weren’t you so cocky a few seconds ago?”

“C-Come on, you know it still gives me shivers.”


Botan’s nails landed under your left pectoral, and left little white lines under them as they drew down to your hips. Botan’s tongue took a lick of your body and then she swallowed. Your entire body shook.

“Salty~” Smirked Botan, as she smugly witnessed your expression of pleasurable panic. Her nose, being better than yours, immediately took a whiff of your musky sweat, delighting her.

“B-Botan, please…”


Botan’s brought herself over you, her shirt falling down and almost, just almost, covering her womanhood. Botan’s bush was peeking right under. Botan stayed still and eyed you her smug look, accompanied by her lecherous hunting stare. A predator and her prey, but is it really prey if you willingly walk into the lioness’ den?

Your hands caressed Botan’s bare legs. As you drew them up towards her shirt, Botan got a hold of your wrists and pushed your arms down, right over your head. She licked her lips.

“You started it, Anon.” Botan drew closer to you and gave you a kiss, then suddenly, she bit your lower lip, and then kissed your neck, then your chest, then your stomach. Her finger was digging into your boxers, slowly pulling them down.

Looks like you’re staying in bed for a bit more.

Pub: 11 Dec 2022 18:03 UTC
Edit: 11 Dec 2022 19:28 UTC
Views: 1254