Chapter 5, Day 3 : The swan escaped.
The loud sound of rain against the windows filled the empty Fifth Year dormitories, the distinct smell of a thunderstorm mixed with the comforting aroma of burning firewood soothed Margaret after the events of yesterday that had left her utterly exhausted.
It was now well past breakfast, she was no doubt in trouble for sleeping in but she couldn't bear the thought of facing the world today.
Eyes fixated on the ceiling, not really looking, she was lost in thought, in her mind, a storm of conflicting emotions: She was excited, enthusiastic, contented, but at the same time, a creeping gloom filled her heat, she wanted to Obliviate the entire school and disappear, her chest felt tight and empty at the same time as the negative emotions danced with the warm positive feelings.
She closed her eyes and exhaled, unaware that a House Elf had entered the room in order to clean the mess left by her roommates.
Eyes still closed, she slowly stretched in bed, a soft exhale of satisfaction escaping her lips, the House Elf, also unaware of her presence, was busy making the bed opposite to hers, softly humming a familiar song and talking to himself "Oh, Miss Hare, what a mess!" he said, as her picked up a spilled bottle of butterbeer.
Ignoring the working elf, Margaret began her morning routine, after a long drink of fresh water and a quick change of clothes she began her strange ritual. Bending, stretching, slow and precise movements, the ritual puzzled her roommates but luckily for Margaret, no one was here to whisper and ogle her fit body as she made sure her well maintained muscles would be ready for the day.
"Eep!" The house elf exclaimed "I'm terribly sorry, Miss, I didn't know you were here!" the apologetic elf was shaken but strangely at peace "Why don't I feel like running away?" he thought.
The inexpressive girl slowly walked towards him, his eyes glued on the strange witch that was approaching him, her unsettling aura of purity and calm deeply unsettling him, he didn't want to run, why? Forcing his gaze away from her, he was now looking at her corner of the room, already cleaned and in order, a strange mix of frustration and thankfulness filled him.
"Good morning, Sir." she said "I'm sorry I bothered you, I slept in."
"Sir? Sorry?" the elf was shaken.
"Can I help you clean up the room? As an apology?" the frail elf didn't know what to think, his heart filling with rage and gratefulness, he couldn't speak, his head moving from side to side frantically, he opened his mouth... and disappeared.
Feeling guilty, and with a sad look on her face, Margaret made her way to the window to plant a kiss on Margot's head, bowing a quiet "Hello" to the talking mirror before finally exiting the room, another fresh and sweet apple in had.
"Ah! Miss... Margaret!", Professor Weasley welcomed her outside of the door to the dormitories "A little someone told me something interesting, I knew it had to be you."
"Good morning, professor" said the girl, visibly uncomfortable as she knew her peace and quiet were long behind her. "Good morning, my dear. Now I'm afraid you will have to be punished for sleeping in, Professor Fig will be waiting for you outside." she said, a half stern look on her face "I do love a witch who takes care of House Elves but please be careful with their fragile hearts." Winking, she handed her a piece of lemon pie "Here's a reward, and breakfast, have a nice day, my dear." she whispered, a warm smile of her face.
Waiting outside of the Common Room were Professor Fig and a disheveled first year Slytherin boy, the old man's face lit up as the white haired girl approached the duo "Good morning, young miss." she quietly nodded " Now, it may be Sunday but sleeping in is not tolerated at Hogwarts." he said, looking at the two students " I shouldn't be the one to take care of this but I thought this might be a good opportunity for both of you." his stern look turned into his usual warm expression. "Headmaster Black himself set the punishment, quite a strange one at that, he wouldn't go into details." he said, a mild look of concern on his face "I'm afraid you'll be going on a wild-goose chase today. Literally. Well not quite, the Headmaster has asked the both of you to find his prized swan." he said, pulling out a photograph of a beautiful but angry swan.
The scared first year sighed in relief, the older students had filled his head with stories torture and excruciating detention.
"Very well, professor, can you give me any clues or instructions?" said Margaret, her voice catching a little in her throat. "Well, obviously the two of you will have to cooperate." he said, looking at both students "Other than that? Nothing whatsoever, I'm afraid you'll have to be lucky."
Lucky, that was a word Margaret wasn't on good terms with. The uncomfortable and blushing boy couldn't do much to help the Detective, slowing her usual brisk pace significantly as he struggled to follow the Fifth Year, a feeling of uselessness filling his heart as he wandered the Castle Grounds with a strange and silent girl, searching for an elusive bird. Surely sleeping in wasn't that big of a deal?
As the day went on, the child's feelings towards the girl went from fear to admiration... to attraction. The way she would wait for him, offer him a hand when he needed it, offered him snacks whenever he needed to rest. They had yet to say something to each other, he didn't even know her name, all he knew was the feeling of holding her hand, the strange look on her blank face, never locking gazes with him as she pulled him up whenever he struggled.
The Castle now mostly searched, they made their way to the Care for Magical Creatures class, hoping to find Professor Howin on their way to the pond, and the Highlands.
Making their way through the courtyard, a snarky Slytherin student called out "No luck catching them swans?" the sun reflecting on her half-glasses "It's just the one swan, actually." answered the boy, much to the hilarity of the blonde witch.
The cozy house greeted the two students, the warm sunbeams escaping through the leaves of a nearby tree were drawing beautiful shapes on the door and the chirping of nearby birds relaxed the unlikely duo as the girl knocked on the door.
"Miss... Megamelons!" the boy quickly turned his head excited but trying not to laugh "My, quite the early bird, aren't you? You're two weeks early for your Care of Magical Creatures class!" said the beaming woman "What can I do for you? Please come on in, it's almost time for dinner but I'm afraid I can't offer you more than Pumpkin Fizz, I wasn't expecting guests!"
"Hello, Professor, would I be alright if I made dinner for the three of us?" said Margaret, opening her bag. "What a treat, a cook! Please and thank you!" the grateful woman pulled out three chairs "Please sit down, child, make yourself at home." said the professor, the beet red young boy was spellbound by the Gryffindor whose voice he finally heard, excitedly looking forward to eating the food she was preparing.
The professor keen eyes spotted the strange relationship quite fast, giggling to herself she asked "So what is a strange duo like you doing in these parts of the school grounds at this time of the day?"
"Headmaster Black tasked us to find his escaped swan, a punishment for sleeping in." said Margaret, her back turned to the two. "Escaped swan, you say? I might've seen something like that earlier this morning." said the professor, scratching her face. "Really?!" exclaimed the boy, conflicted but happy "Really, but I'm not letting the two of you out of my sight until you've had dinner!" replied the teacher, smiling at the blushing boy.
Margaret's dexterous cooking was a sight to behold, weaving magic and practiced movements, the silent girl was diligently preparing what would certainly be a delicious feast. "So... Do you like her?" whispered the professor, the young boy, taken by surprise, choked on his drink, much to the amusement of the woman teasing him "A-as if! She's a Gryffindork!" retorted the boy, visibly shaken "She is a strange one..." wondered the woman aloud. Of course, Margaret heard everything, fighting the urge to run away, she put the finishing touches on a well-garnished pizza, topped with delicious mushrooms, ham and olives, her two customers couldn't wait.
The oversized pizza now on the table, the professor-student duo were rubbing their hands in anticipation, expecting their cook to sit down with them, the girl turned back to the oven, bringing a plate of garlic bruschettas "Fantastic! Now let's-" the professor interrupted herself as the girl turned back to the cooking station once again, the boy and the lady looked at each other, a look of disbelief on both of their faces as Margaret appeared with more dishes : a lavish plate of caprese salad and the then cutting board, now adorned with a delicious smelling focaccia.
Finally sitting down, the inexpressive girl pulled out a bottle of lemon butterbeer. "What's with this girl?!" the other two thought.
Fully satisfied after their feast, the two students made their way outside of the house, the thankful professor waving them goodbye, as they made their way to the pond where the lady told them she saw their prey.
"T-thank you for the food, that was incredible...Miss." said the shy boy, his eyes locked on the girl observing the water. "Glad you liked it, I enjoy cooking, too few Purebloods do." she answered, still focused on her task "I'm Robin!" he blurted, blushing slightly "Margaret Megamelons, nice to meet you, Robin." he quickly turned his head away eyes closed, still not used to her strange name, but smiling in gratitude.
"There it is." she whispered, pointing at a majestic white bird wearing a black ribbon "Follow me." she said as she made her way up the hill, traversing the treacherous terrain nimbly and jumping over a fence. "W-wait, I can't follow you!" he whispered.
Margaret's face turned towards him, her pale green eyes looking briefly in his direction "What's the matter, first year, never taken a shortcut before?" she said, smirking a little.
He slowly made his way over, struggling a little under her watchful eyes, finally offering her hand to help him climb the fence. "We mustn't spook the Swan, so please stay here, animals trust me." she whispered, looking at the graceful bird. The boy nodded and Margaret slowly approached the swan, a piece of focaccia in her held out hand, beckoning the animal.
Evidently pleased by the offering, the bird let itself get caught and Margaret slowly approached the boy, holding the bird in an embrace. "Now I need you to show the swan your confidence, that you won't hurt it." said the Fifth Year, delicately dropping the swan in front of the boy and giving him another piece of focaccia.
Holding out his hand towards the bird, the boy exhaled deeply, desperately trying to impress his mentor. As the dominant animal approached him, his hands started shaking, fearing for his fingers, being so close to an animal owned by the Headmaster. Margaret slowly kneeled next to him, putting her hand on his shoulder softly, whispering encouragements. The swan accepted him, snatched the piece of bread and relief washed over the now beaming Slytherin boy. "Congratulations, Stynkerin." she winked, almost smiling. "She heard me!" he thought.
It was a little past 13:00, a strange trio was seen making its way towards the headmaster's office, a white haired fifth year Gryffindor, a black haired first year Slytherin, and a majestic white swan with a black ribbon.
Professor Fig chuckled at the sight, a fruitful wild-goose chase, the Headmaster will be happy.
Margaret had hurriedly ran to the lake, in dire need of peace and quiet, planning to swim until she couldn't, which she did, until she bumped head with a strange Hufflepuff girl she wasn't sure was really swimming. After helping her back to shore, they would chat awkwardly but intensely for a little while before both jumping back into the lake and parting ways, both of their heads showing a little bump.
Young Robin couldn't really understand his feelings, or anything that had happened today, he started wondering if maybe he should start sleeping in, he didn't meet up with his friends until supper, instead wandering around school, looking for the strange girl, thinking about his day, and about his conflicted feelings, not knowing what or how he felt.
Later that evening, his friends would tease him for hanging around with a Gryffindor and they would all have innocent fun playing gobstones, forgetting most of the (un)pleasant feelings.