Time for bedRyS

She received a notification in her phone
That's all she could say after reading the tweet
How many times did I tell her to take a serious break?
Before even doing her daily duties she pulls out her phone
She messages her on discord
"We're canceling the collab"
IRyS tries to call her a few times to no avail
"Kronii I showed you my love please respond"
"You showed me no such thing other than worry"
"I literally am though?"
"MAYBE in the Netheronii, NOT HERE"
"I'm begging you to take a break"
"I'll consider it if my favorite clock comes over to heal me~"
"I'm gonna scream"
"You better not"
"You're not gonna hear it anyways so IT'S FINE"
Oh no...
Knowing her, she's capable of doing it
She decides enough is enough
She snaps her fingers

Meanwhile, IRyS is chatting using her desktop
She pushes herself away from the desk
She's actually going to scream
She takes a deep breath, and...
Something covers her mouth
She grabs onto it, it's a hand
She knows this hand
She looks up to see a very disgruntled Warden
IRyS puts her hands up and pulls her cheeks
Kronii responds by pulling harder
"I can't believe you were actually going to scream"
"It worked though!"
Kronii sighs and grabs IRyS' hands
"To bed with you"
"Kronii, I appreciate it but I actually can't..."
Kronii turns to her
"I... still have to record today"
"Did you forget who you're talking to?"
She snaps her fingers again
IRyS now realizes she's in bed, with Kronii sitting right next to her
"I'll stop time for as long as you need, now sleep"
"I'll keep track of your medicine too, I'll wake you up when you have to take them"
IRyS covers her face with the blanket and turns away from her
"Is that how you sleep?"
"I REALLY don't want you to look at me right now"
How cute
"...Thank you"
When IRyS finally calms down, she puts her hand out
"Can you hold my hand, Kronii~?"
She crosses her arms
"You're not dying, though"
"I will from sadness if you don't"
Kronii rolls her eyes, but still indulges her
"You're lucky you're you"
"I know..."

It doesn't take long for IRyS to fall asleep
"Huh, wish I had that power"
While waiting, Kronii doesn't have a lot of things to do
So she can only stare at IRyS' sleeping face
She seems peaceful
Without thinking, Kronii strokes her hair a bit
IRyS begins to smile
"...What am I doing"
She sighs again
"I'll just... work on some stuff meanwhile"
She tries to get up, but she can't
IRyS won't let go
Did I wake her up?
"...Uhhhh, hiRyS?"
She doesn't respond
She tries to pull herself away from her, but she can't
"...Why are you so strong???"
IRyS pulls her down to bed
IRyS puts her close to her chest and hugs her
...She's sleeptalking
"You're supposed to rest your throat..."
Eventually she does stop talking
"...Now what?"
She's completely stuck in the nephilim's embrace
She realizes just now how warm she is
It's a chilly day so this just makes Kronii drowsy
It's also very hard to ignore the fact that she's buried in her chest
Her heartbeat's calm, just adding to the sleepiness
"...Well I didn't really sleep last night"
She gives up and closes her eyes
Just before drifting off, she manages to hear something
"...ove... you--"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry"
"I already told you it's fine... Also stop talking"
"I didn't know I could do that while sleeping....."
IRyS can't hold back her strength while sleeping, she hurt Kronii's wrist a bit while pulling her
"I'll just ask Fauna for some healing salves or something, I'm sure she'll help"
IRyS looks down
She seems very sad
Kronii finishes preparing some tea and hands her a cup
Bullying her right now would just make it worse
Kronii pats her head
"Hey, I got to sleep a little, so that was nice"
"But I still made you use your powers and stuff..."
"Well, it's not like I can do anything else"
IRyS stares at her, ready to witness another session of self-deprecation
"I don't even know how to take care of you, so all I can do is stop time waiting for you to recover..."
"...Yeah that's the only thing I can do..."
"...I should've just asked Fauna or anyone to come over and he--"
IRyS pouts and grabs her cheeks
"Can you stop that?"
"You're insulting my favorite girl"
She pinches her cheeks
"O-ow, you'd hurt your favorite girl?"
"Okay the first time I didn't mean it and this time it's tough love"
"Well you can let go now, IRyS"
"Not until you realize how much I appreciate you"
"I can realize I don't want to be in pain anymore, GWAK!"
She finally manages to distance herself from the nephilim
"Don't forget you're the only one who's here"
"That's just because I stopped time to get here"
IRyS approaches her again
"WAIT you're still upset over that???"
"NO that's not what I-- Ugh..."
She gives up and hugs Kronii
"...Just shut up"
They stay still for a few minutes
The awkward clock tries patting her head
"...I'm just happy you're here... and that you tried to help"
The dense clock finally understands, just needed an actual explanation
She hugs IRyS back
"...I-if you ever want to sleep a little bit longer, just call me"
"I'll be here with you"
"...You better be"
IRyS tightens her hug just a little bit
"Just please don't pull me in again"
"...The clear solution, Kronii... is to just get in bed with me from the get-go"
The nephilim looks up to her, there's a clear blush on her face
"I'll think about it"
They keep hugging for a little longer
"...Isn't it time you went to the studio?"
"Mmmmm can't you spoil me a little bit more?"
"I'm not gonna stop time again, IRyS"
The nephilim finally lets go and gets ready to leave
"Do you have everything?"
"I think so, I got some extra syrup packets just in case"
"Oh, also... you slept enough--"
"...WE slept enough that your schedule for your medicine didn't really change"
"Alright, then I'll see you later"
Kronii sees her off
"You better keep your promise, Kronii"
"Only if you take better care of yourself"
"...I'm not the only one who should do that but sure"
IRyS pouts once again, Kronii pats her head a little
"I'll just go to sleep again, then"
"Oh! At least eat something first, I think I still have some food"
"Thank you"
"Well, see you Kronii"
IRyS opens the door to leave
Kronii smirks
The nephilim stops herself
"...Oh! I did forget something"
She runs up to Kronii and kisses her on the cheek
She gives her a smug smile then leaves for real
Kronii tries to brush it off, then goes to eat something
Afterwards, she does just as she said and goes to bed
She closes her eyes after tucking herself in
"Huh, my bed feels different"
She tosses and turns for a bit
"...Did I do something?"
And then it dawns on her
She never left IRyS' house
She pushes herself up and looks around
"Was it because I slept here? I..."
Her face turns beet red
Kronii proceeds to scream into the pillow for a few minutes
When she calms down, she stops time then runs back to her actual home
She closes the door behind her and leans on it, then slowly slides to the floor
She covers her face with her hands
"...Why was I completely okay with doing that?"
To be fair, it wasn't the first time she slept at IRyS'
But it was the first time she went to her bed by herself
And with perfect timing, she remembers IRyS' warmth while she was hugging her
Kronii screams internally
"Why am I like this...?"
She manages to get up
"...I'm not falling into her clutches"
She keeps telling herself that, over and over throughout the day
And yet, IRyS' sleeping face doesn't leave her mind
Deep inside, she hopes she calls her again

t. Nameronii

Source: https://twitter.com/MugiMattya/status/1467449046491353094

Edit Report
Pub: 29 Dec 2021 05:57 UTC
Edit: 29 Dec 2021 05:58 UTC
Views: 824