Republic Owl / Pecпyбликa Филин / République Hibou / 共和国 ワシミミズク
R.I.D. Report No. [REDACTED] A.K.A. "Please do not stab the squirrels" Incident.

Location: Port city.

Involved Persons of interest:
-Risuner Crew of the exploration fleet "Tri-Fleet"
-Deadbeat clipper ship "Black Comet"


The Tribal confederation of /risu/ in efforts to push themselves out to the world stage have sent expeditionary ships to the western side of the continent. The fleet known as "Tri-Fleet" was sent to the coast of the Republic. The main purpose of the expedition is to contact the druids of the forest born out of an interest in the nature of it. They hold contacting the Republic and the Starship as secondary objectives in their travels.

Alongside them comes the deadbeat clipper ship "Black Comet" as an escort owned by a trader.

On their arrival to the port the captain of the risuner fleet was taken in for questioning due to suspected espionage. On the confirmation of documentation and cross-refencering it with the Moriji diplomats we confirmed that the captain is not a spy, the interrogation continued for the confirmation of the knowledge we hold of the risuner tribes, we should have an assesment ready sometime soon.
The deadbeat clipper had with them some officials from the Moriji fleet who managed to ease up the bureaucratic process of the risuner documentation, the trader did not pay much care to the process and delivered his cargo before he and his crew went to the restaurants near the port.

After the interrogation of the captain he was released back to his fleet who were allowed to disembark on the port, finding places for them to sleep in was arranged by the diplomatic office of the port. They were sent to the hotel, however, due to the size of the crew more accomodations had to be prepared, various civilian inns were hired for the task. Risuners were advised to stay at their inns and limit their sightseeing to the port until their captain had been properly informed on customs from the Republic. A total of 10 risuners were observed disregarding the advise and going out to the city.

These 10 risuners that went sightseeing were involved in some incidents with the population:
6 had to be defended from the population when a brawl formed and they were stuck inside as they were walking through the city.
3 were detained due to soliciting and generally uncouth behaviour in the markets.
1 was left in near critical condition after he was shanked by the owner of the coffee shop "Étranger" when he attempted to light a fire and "raze the city down" due to the other risuners having been detained. He is expected to make a good recovery despite the violence he suffered.

Risuners that stayed at their inn or walked on the port were found either having their tails being groomed by sailors and fishermen or playing with children in some of the roads.
The inns had to be cleaned constantly and noise complaints were rampant due to the amount of sexual activity that the risuners had between each other. Various inn owners had to be given extra compensation due to the unforeseen circumstances.

The captain was angered once he found out that some of his crew had been caught in such incidents and had to be calmed down, the risuners detained were released quickly after their bodies were studied by doctors and medical experts.
The stabbed risuner has recieved medical treatment in time and will not die or suffer permanent damage, he was given back to the risuners with instructions on how recovery should be done, he has been "suggested" to keep the affair as quiet as possible in order to avoid any potential diplomatic crisis. The risuners caught in the public brawl had recieved multiple hits in the confusion until the brawl was broken up, after medical treatment was given they were sent back to their ship alongside compensation for things they had bought.

A basic guide and instructions have been given to the risuners containing ways to avoid trouble in the Republic.


It is not expected for the risuners to be able to properly establish connections to the druids and the Space farers due to the whimsical nature of the druids and the ongoing political crisis that the starship has been suffering through. This oppportunity should be abused in order to become the main pathway to the other nations and become their diplomatic center. Having them depend on us for diplomacy and logistics would prove to be benefitial in the furthering of relations with all involved. Still unlikely due to previously mentioned issues of the sister nations.

The risuners are likely going to have to organize themselves in our lands in order to plan their expeditions to the forest and the tundra. The task has been given to the rangers that reside outside the frontiers to observe and vigilate the expeditioners, were any incident to happen, it can be expected to quickly be known about by our information network.

Presence of the deadbeats while unexpected and not liked by many, is assuring as they will work to de-escalate any conflict that might arise between the risuners and native populations from our northern neighbours. However, in case of conflict escalation it can be assumed that the deadbeats will support the risuners against our neighbours, military presence of any other power from outside the region cannot be tolerated and our sphere of influence must not be affected.

The actual chance for the deadbeat fleet to interrupt and affect our neighbours is low due to the highly defensible position the Starship and the Forest are both in but they are still vulnerable to raids, the presence of the black fleet mainly affects Hoshiyomi and Republican power projection.

Highly suggested to take the side of the Space farers and the druids in case of confrontation. It is known that the deadbeat navy is powerful, and even if they are not prepared for the challenges in the western ocean they must not be underestimated. Direct negotiations should take place so that open conflict may not happen if the situation escalates, the risuners will not be able to push forth their causus belli without support from the deadbeats.

-Apparently a dentist managed to sneak in the operation room to steal teeth of the risuner while medical operations were undergoing, currently being investigated.
-Risuners seem to be highly sexually active so they are presumably very vulnerable to sexual diseases spreading through their tribes, however, there seems to be no cases of it happening in the past.
-We could probably rework the "Guide to not get stabbed in the Republic" into a guide for tourists and traders.
-While those that live in the port are used to seeing foreigners and strange peoples, those of the inner country are not and might lash out against the risuners due to a variety of reasons, a guard force should be in consideration and positive propaganda spread to the press on friendship between peoples.

Pub: 17 Jun 2022 15:26 UTC
Views: 1136