She was clean and satisfied once again, hugging the shark tight, happy with her decision to return and grateful that she was accepted. She began reflecting on the night before and her other interactions with Lacey, Scarlette, and Steele.
Lacey had stopped when Allison said ‘Red’, and she hadn’t gotten upset. Allison smiled a genuine smile.
The clothes she wore the night before hadn’t been touched, still strewn around from her haste to get changed. Her bag with extra clothes on the chair where she left it next to her purse. She had packed a swimsuit this time, unsure of what to expect from the day, which she had free.
Allison got dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, then exited the room, unsure of where anyone else might be. She made her way to the sliding glass door that led to the back yard.
Lacey was doing yoga in the shade in a pair of yoga pants and a pink tank top. Steele was lying face down on one of the pool chairs which was adjusted flat. Scarlette was wearing a bikini top and a short frilly skirt, giving Steele a massage with sun tan lotion.
Allison opened the door and came outside; Scarlette smiled at her, Lacey came out of her pose and walked over, "Hey there Sunshine" she greeted.
"Good morning." Allison said in response.
"There are waffles and juice in the kitchen, help yourself and we can talk out here if you’d like." Lacey instructed.
Allison walked inside again and over to the kitchen. A stack of waffles, butter, syrup, blueberries, and strawberries on the counter, available to be plated. Plates, forks, and knives near glasses and a pitcher of orange juice, another pitcher filled with iced water.
She plated a waffle and some fruit, and poured a glass of orange juice, then made her way back to the glass table outside.
Lacey allowed Allison to get settled and begin eating before she came over with a glass of iced water and sat down.
"How are you doing this morning?" Lacey asked.
"Pretty good’ Allison responded, enjoying the food and the ambience.
"Wonderful" Lacey said, "I want to prepare you, we are expecting company today and they should be here soon."
Allison didn’t know what to make of this information. Lacey could see by Allison’s facial expressions that she was worried.
Lacey: "I want to assure you that neither of these people are going to ask anything of you, well, the way that I do."
Allison nodded her head.
Lacey: "We had made plans for them to be here before you reached out. It is kind of serendipitous though because…"
Allison looked at Lacey, she found this pause to be a little out of place. Lacey looked at her with a look of genuine interest.
Lacey: "What was the problem with the makeover?"
Allison knew that this was coming but was trying to avoid the conversation.
"I just feel, like…" She was having a hard time coming up with the words to explain how she was feeling. "Like I’m not pretty enough, and that needing makeup in order to be accepted makes it true." She was tearing as she said the last words, saying them was much different than thinking them.
"Young lady" Lacey said, not sternly but with emphasis. "I know exactly how you feel, we all do."
"Yeah right" Allison snapped out of instinct, then recognized who she was speaking to. "I mean" she tried to start over "look at you all, you’re fit and… beautiful."
Lacey did understand, and she didn’t get upset.
"Why do you say we are beautiful?" Lacey asked.
Allison was beginning to see Lacey’s point.
"None of us were born the way that we look now, we worked to get here. Some of us harder than others." Lacey was now looking at Steele and Scarlette.
The doorbell rang and Scarlette got up to get it. On her way toward the glass door, Lacey took advantage of the opportunity and asked her "Scarlette, what is your honest opinion of Allison?"
Scarlette looked over and smiled "I’d go down on her and let her fuck me" winking at Allison and then leaving.
Allison blushed; the butterflies were alive again.
"I need you to know" Lacey began again, "we don’t expect you to have sex or perform sexual acts with anyone you don’t wish to. Not with Scarlette, or with Steele; certainly not either of the people you will meet today."
As awkward a conversation as was occurring, Allison was very relieved hearing this. She hadn’t witnessed Steele having sex, but a jackhammer was all she could think of based on the noises Scarlette was making last night.
Lacey: "I bring this up because Natasha, well she is a flirty brat and Amber… You will find out about Amber, please do not freak out. They are both people, just like us. Amber’s fetish, it might be startling at first…"
Before Lacey could finish her thought, she saw Scarlette at the glass door with another woman and instructed Allison to come with her.
Allison and Lacey walked in and Lacey introduced Allison to Natasha.
At this point Scarlette was standing to the side in a stance of attention with her hands behind her. Lacey was standing straight with her hands folded in front of her. Allison noticed their stances and didn’t know what was expected of her, she straightened her back after she noticed the other two. Natasha was standing with her legs spread, one hand on a hip, the other grasping a phone which she was paying attention to more than anything.
This woman, who had to be somewhere in her mid-20’s had dark black hair with bright pink highlights and hoop ear rings, she was wearing a jean skirt and a tight tank top which revealed a belly button ring and a thong that looked like it was made of a cable. A collar around her neck with a silver heart, a black crack down the middle. She had bright lip gloss which was fluctuating as she chewed on a piece of bubble gum. Blowing a big bubble and popping it, then saying "Hey, nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too" Allison said, noticing a duffle bag and a rolling luggage with stickers on it, behind Natasha.
Unlike Lacey and Scarlette, who seemed more reserved and polite – this woman reminded her of a popular girl from high school who used to make fun of her; sexy and dripping with attitude.
"Tasha" Lacey said. "Allison could use your help."
"Oh yeah?" Natash replied, chewing her gum and then popping it multiple times in her mouth, her phone still her main point of attention.
Allison could not help but think she would never talk to Lacey this way.
"Would you please spit out the gum, put away the phone, and check your manners?"
Lacey asked.
"My gum? Steele likes it when I have things in my mouth." Natasha said smugly popping another bubble.
Allison smiled briefly when she saw Scarlette roll her eyes, then went back to a more neutral facial expression.
Lacey walked away for a moment then came back with a key on a scrunchie style keychain.
This key must have been important to Natasha because she immediately put her phone away. "I’m sorry mistress, it’s been…."
"Shut up." Lacey ordered.
This was the most direct and fierce way that Allison had ever heard her speak; she felt her pussy and her butthole react.
"I’m sorry mistress." Natasha said.
"Kneel!" Lacey ordered. Natasha complied immediately; Allison almost knelt too.
"Yes mistress." Natasha responded.
Lacey: "I want you to give her a full mani-pedi and show her some makeup, not too extravagant, something she can learn and do on her own." Lacey said, pointing at Allison.
Natasha: "Yes mistress."
"You know the rules about the key." Lacey continued. "Scarlette, come here."
"Yes Mistress" Scarlette said as she made her way over.
"In addition to her preparation, you are her new keyholder." Lacey told her while handing her the key.
"Yes Mistress." Scarlette acknowledged, putting the scrunchie around her wrist.
"After you’re done" Lacey was now talking to Natasha again. "Scarlette could use a mani-pedi too."
"Yes Mistress" Natasha mumbled.
"What was that? Bitch." Lacey said, again direct and forcefully.
"Yes Mistress" Natasha was much clearer this time.
"Good girl." Lacey turned to walk but stopped, then knelt down and lifted Natasha’s head by her chin. "One more thing" Lacey said now looking her in the eyes and holding her face, squeezing her cheeks "I don’t give a fuck if Steele likes your slutty mouth or not, you and your cum-hungry-bitch-ass will show me respect. Is that understood?"
Allison felt her panties becoming wet again.
"Yes Mistress." Natasha responded.
Lacey: "Allison is vanilla, so play nice; I mean it."
Natasha: "Yes Mistress."
Lacey: "Scarlette, please escort our guests."
"Yes Mistress" Scarlette said pleasantly.
Lacey then walked out to the back yard again.
Scarlette led Allison and Natasha further down the hall into an area Allison had never seen. The doors she recognized were to the room she slept in, the restroom, what she imagined was Scarlette’s room, and the room with the weird furniture; but she had not seen anything else.
The end of the hall formed a "T" with a door directly in front of the hallway, a door to the left, and a stairway leading to the second story on the right.
"Upstairs is off limits without an escort" Scarlette explained to Allison while opening the door to the left.
Another large en suite, again, decorated to the extreme with feminine fixtures and furniture. Two queen beds, a reclining chair, a double wide chest of drawers with a TV on top, a vanity mirror with a chair in front; all fit comfortably inside this room.
"Tasha, you and Amber will be staying here, there are robes in the closet." Scarlette said, "I have to go clean the kitchen, Allison, you are in good hands." Scarlette then left Allison and Natasha in the room.
Natasha had not spit out her gum, she was chewing it loudly when she threw her duffle and rolling luggage on the bed further from the door.
"Go ahead and grab a robe, sit on the recliner and we’ll get started." Natasha told Allison, not nearly as pleasantly as Lacey or Scarlette might have said it, but not necessarily rude either.
Allison put on a robe and sat in the chair.
"In your clothes? Suit yourself" Natasha said as she was unpacking her kits, "what’s your favorite color?" a large bag in her hand containing more nail polish than Allison had ever seen other than at a store, seemingly separated by color.
Allison didn’t know how to answer, or even how to talk to Natasha, and she sat thinking it over when Natasha broke the silence.
"Let’s see, how about purple?" Natasha now showing the bag to Allison, being more friendly than she had earlier.
Allison nodded her head.
"Why don’t you pick one out?" Natasha’s bag had separate compartments fastened by riveted buttons, she unbuttoned the section with purple polishes and handed it to Allison so that she could find one that she liked.
Eventually, Allison warmed up to Natasha, and Natasha began talking to Allison like a friend.
Allison had only ever received one manicure in her life, and it did not even begin to compare with the one that Natasha, who must have been a professional, was giving her.
They moved on to makeup and Natasha gave her tips on the best products and the order to do things. "I can color your hair too you know" Natasha offered "not today, but in the future, you should think about it."
Allison looked in the mirror and almost didn’t recognize herself. Before today eye liner and eye shadow, foundation, blush; these were all words she heard and she knew what a few were, but not like this. Her eyes popped, her lips looked seductive, her hair styled, her nails a metallic purple. She felt beautiful, truly beautiful.
Allison, who was now more confident about talking to Natasha, asked about the thong Natasha was wearing. Natasha hesitated for a moment, not because she was embarrassed, but because she didn’t want to upset Allison who might not understand.
Natasha: "I can tell you, but don’t let it worry you. Lacey said you are vanilla and all…"
Allison: "Yeah, what does ‘vanilla’ mean?"
"Wow, you really are, aren’t you?" Natasha said. Allison now red with embarrassment. "No, it’s not a bad thing, it just means that you aren’t familiar with BDSM, that’s all." Natasha felt bad, she hadn’t meant to upset Allison, particularly after beginning to bond with her.
"This" Natasha started explaining now holding the underwear, "is a chastity device."
"A what?" Allison had heard of something like this used in medieval times, but was sure this couldn’t be the same thing.
"Basically, it’s a way to keep me from gratifying myself" Natasha answered, "I’m pretty bratty, and this is a way to remind me who is in charge."
Allison thought she had seen just about everything she was going to see; this again left her mind melted.
"I only wear it for about a week at a time right now and Steele and Lacey are super responsible, I have a spare key for emergencies" Natasha undid the buttons on her jean skirt, a key was affixed to one of the straps with a plastic serialized seal.
"I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pried… I" Allison began saying.
"No need, we all start somewhere. I come here pretty hot and heavy, I didn’t mean to come off rude" Natasha explained "Steele and Lacey know how to put me in my place, usually Lacey is much more vulgar when I talk back to her."
Was Allison talking to the same person she met outside? This Natasha was being nice, and compassionate, the other one was, well she seemed mean. Also, "cum-hungry-bitch" was about the most vulgar thing Allison had heard another person say, what did Lacey usually say and do?
Natasha then began speaking again "If I come across as mean to you while we are out there, don’t take it personally. Depending on how you play things, maybe…" Natasha decided this was a line she didn’t want to cross, not yet at least and stopped speaking. It was probably for the best because Scarlette knocked on the door to notify them that Amber had arrived.
The door opened and a woman, probably in her late 30’s or early 40’s in a skirt suit walked in, her suit jacket folded and hanging over one arm. She looked like she must have been an executive or something. Her luggage and her clothes, they looked like something a movie star would own. Large dark sunglasses hid her eyes, even though she was inside; dark hair, cut kind of short covering one eye and part of her face. What was visible of her face was pretty. A collar wrapped around her neck, this one with a silver dog bone hanging from it.
"Oh, and who might you be?" The woman asked extending a hand to shake with Allison.
"New meat" Natasha blurted. A harsh snap from Scarlette getting her attention. "Sorry, this is Allison."
Allison shook the woman’s hand, then remembered what Lacey had told her about Amber’s fetish possibly being shocking.
"I’m Amber, nice to meet you." The woman said.
"Allison, why don’t we…" Scarlette offered, sensing that Allison wanted to leave the room and seeing that her nails and makeup were done.
"Okay" Allison agreed, not needing the sentence to be finished, walking happily to Scarlette. "Thank you, Natasha" Allison said and then left the room.
As Scarlette was walking Allison down the hall, she complimented the nails and makeup, then explained that Lacey needed to speak with her and to go out to the back yard, Scarlette had more chores to do and would be out shortly.
Allison made her way outside and sat at the glass table which had been cleared. Lacey sat and they began to talk.
"Allison, I know that this might be a lot to take in" Lacey was saying "typically, we would not push you so far, so fast – but today’s arrangements had already been made. There are a few things we need to go over, again, if you would like to leave, don’t feel negatively about it – you will be welcomed back and I will work with you directly, not in this context."
"Okay" Allison responded, again unsure of how to feel.
"First off, look at you!" Lacey was now beaming "Tasha can be a pain in the ass, but she has some serious skill."
Allison was now smiling shyly.
"I don’t mean to be presumptuous; you are a smart girl." Lacey continued, "But I also feel I must explain in the case that you are unaware. The reason that Tasha and Amber are here is: we are hosting a sex party tonight."
Allison was embarrassed, terrified, and intrigued all over again. Part of the embarrassment was that she had not put this together on her own; she knew to some extent, but at the same time, assigning the title "sex party" to the situation somehow made things different.
"We don’t use given names." Lacey went on, "In our house, it will be okay; but I want you to start thinking of a name that you would like to be called, something that makes you feel sexy. That will be the name you are called by myself and the others from now on."
Allison nodded. This sounded kind of fun, names started racing through her mind, ‘Lexi’ lingering around more than the others.
"We also all must remain STD free if we wish to participate with each other. Tonight, you may observe but you may not participate. I can get you tested but we will not receive the results for a few days. Test results are a requirement for entry as a participant."
"If you have not had sex with anyone outside of us since your last test, we accept your word as a trusted member, once you are accepted, that you are being honest that the results still reflect your status. For instance, Scarlette, Steele, and myself all received tests in preparation for tonight because of your interaction with me last month, and our interaction with each other after."
"You are likely STD free, but I cannot vouch for you, a document is required. Had our results not been clear, we would not be able to participate until cleared, potentially never again with anyone else. I can no longer participate with the others tonight either because of our interaction last night. Those are some of the rules."
At first, Allison couldn’t help but feel like Lacey didn’t trust her. After thinking about it for a moment, she realized that Lacey had put herself into a compromising position on Allison’s behalf by taking her in. The health and safety of everyone was much more important than the "word" of one person. Allison understood and nodded her head again.
"This kind of creates an opportunity, if you wish to stay; you and I will be together."
Lacey winked and Allison smiled again with this information.
"You are what we call ‘under consideration’, this means that you aren’t a member of our house; but you have displayed interest and I have accepted you as provisional under my protection."
More words that Allison was clearly confused about.
"It basically means that you can hang out with us, and no one will fuck with you so long as you don’t impose on anyone. I am responsible not just for your safety, but also your actions. Any indiscretions you impose will be met with punishment by me, and I will be subject to punishment as well."
Allison was becoming overwhelmed again. Lacey would be punished, even if she had nothing to do with the action. It was a heavy feeling.
"Everything will be okay of course, just behave the way you have been; polite."
Allison nodded, she felt like she could do that.
"In the future, if you do wish to participate, regardless of your status as a member; if you accept sexual favors from someone; you are implying consent that you are available to provide sexual favors to that person too – unless it is explicit that they are offering their submission to you. At first this may seem like an easy thing to control, but the lines can become blurred quite easily in the moment."
Thoughts of possible situations began running through Allison’s mind.
"For instance," Lacey began providing an example, "If Tasha crawled over to you and began licking you, it might be hard to resist. You must consider that she might expect you to reciprocate; your willingness to do so must be thought of before you allow her to go too far. You might stop her and she begins fingering you, whispering in your ear. Would you be willing to finger her back?"
Moisture and heat resonating in Allison’s underwear.
"On the other side of that same coin, don’t take it personally if you approach someone and they reject you. No one here is required to perform acts they do not wish to; with people they do not wish to. This becomes more relevant when we have larger parties."
This was both hard information to accept, and a little relieving at the same time.
"We fill out cards with our names, basic interests, and limits. ‘Hard’ limits being something ‘out if bounds’, not allowed. ‘Soft’ limits meaning ‘tread lightly’. For now, to be safe, just keep clear of all limits if possible."
"Our communal safe words are ‘yellow’, ‘orange’, and ‘red’."
"‘Yellow’ is hardly ever used and basically means ‘let’s talk about this before we continue’, things have a potential to be too much and I want to familiarize you with my limits as they apply."
"’Orange’ means ‘things are becoming too intense’, we don’t need to stop but there is something we need to alter."
"You are familiar with ‘red’ which means ‘stop now’. I am proud of you for using the word by the way."
Allison smiled at the compliment.
"No one will get upset if you use a safe word. They are established for everyone’s safety and everyone involved must respect that."
"If you lean ‘switch’ meaning you have both submissive and dominant desires, then you will be responsible for the Sub when you act as the Dom."
"The only time anyone would get upset with regard to safe words is if you don’t use them when you need to. As a sub, if you don’t use the word and you get hurt, physically or mentally, by actions of the Dom which could have been prevented – this will weigh heavy on the Dom and potentially injure them as well. This isn’t to say that a Dom won’t use safe words either; they have the same right to safety and relative comfort as the Sub."
"You will become familiar with which words are appropriate as you go. If you are confused as to which word to use, just say ‘Red’. If you wish to continue, explain the issue and express your desire to continue. If you can’t continue, explain that."
At this point Allison was absorbing the information, trying to process and understand the situation she found herself in.
Scarlette came outside and Lacey asked that Scarlette and Allison go to the pink and purple room Allison was staying in, the door closed for a private conversation. Lacey and Scarlette sat on the edge of the bed while Allison sat on the chair, moving her bags to the ground.
"Scarlette has been cleaning up after you up to this point. She has assumed a role as our maid and is charged with general tidiness around the house. From now on, you are responsible for cleaning up after yourself, including in this room." Lacey was explaining while looking at the clothes which appeared to have been thrown around, the bed unmade.
"Scarlette will help you to learn our standards, but you are responsible for your messes. Is that understood?"
Allison found this to be fair and felt embarrassed, she nodded her head.
"I need you to acknowledge that you understand." Lacey ordered.
"I understand Mistress" Allison said out of instinct.
"Steele is the head of the house," Lacey continued, "I am his enforcer. Scarlette, Tasha, and Amber are our slaves. Scarlette and Tasha lean switch, particularly with each other" a smile was shared between Scarlette and Lacey. "Amber is an absolute submissive to all of us."
Allison couldn’t help thinking ‘The most composed and seemingly controlled woman of the three slaves, was also the most submissive?’
"We will find out your place as we go, but right now, you are a guest and my direct submissive. Eventually you may become a member in line with the others, or you may decide particular people that you wish to interact with."
Allison acknowledged that she understood.
"I need to prepare you for a few things that you are likely to see which might be confusing."
Allison nodded.
"The purpose of our house is that the participants can feel the way they want to feel and explore the things they wish to explore in a safe environment. Everyone here has expressed consent to be treated the way that you will witness them being treated. None of it is against anyone’s will. It is extremely important that you understand this."
"I will try Mistress" Allison said, feeling pleasure calling Lacey her Mistress.
"Scarlette, Tasha, and Amber have particular interests which may seem like they are being treated cruelly, this is not the case. The three have interacted with each other and with us for quite some time and are familiar with each other’s limits."
"When you were with Tasha earlier, was she mean to you? Did she say anything negative about Scarlette?"
Allison thought for a moment "No, she was actually kind of nice. She didn’t talk about Scarlette at all."
"Good." Lacey replied, seeming a little shocked "Remember that tonight" Lacey told Scarlette directly.
"I will, Mistress" Scarlette acknowledged, also seeming surprised.
"I have to show you something, but first, I would like you to tell me what you think about Scarlette." Lacey instructed.
Allison honestly didn’t know how to respond.
"Are you attracted to her? Do you think she’s sexy? Earlier she said that she would go down on you and let her fuck you; is that something that turns you on?"
Allison became embarrassed again. Lacey was saying a lot of things that Allison would never hear anywhere else; as if the topics of the conversation were normal everyday things.
"I think she’s sexy, and she turned me on saying those things, Mistress." Allison responded, looking at Scarlette who was smiling.
"Scarlette" Lacey now speaking directly to her "please stand, remove your underwear, and lift you skirt."
Scarlette acknowledged and did so without hesitation.
Allison did not know exactly what she was looking at and it was obvious from her facial reaction.
"Scarlette, is what is known as a ‘sissy’" Lacey began explaining, "she was born one way, which she wasn’t comfortable with, and has since accepted living as a female. We recognize her as one, we treat her as one, we accept her as female. What you are looking at is a chastity device. She has given up her natural genitalia, and she wears this as a sign of that commitment."
Allison didn’t know whether to be turned on or mortified. Things had just taken a crazy turn on an already insane road. At first Allison, who hated herself for thinking it, felt disgusted, maybe even a little betrayed. Then she thought about the talk Lacey and her had earlier about ‘working to look the way they wanted to look’. At this point she started to feel respect for Scarlette who must have had a very difficult time; the courage and dedication she displayed. Allison’s own troubles with makeup paled in comparison.
"She… you… look so female though." Allison was putting the pieces together, the smaller breasts, the fact that she was always in a skirt or otherwise covered.
Scarlette now back in her clothes and sitting on the bed again.
"She has been on hormone therapy for years. Steele and I and others have worked with her extensively. We have offered to get her a sex changed, a standing offer, but she is not ready. Partly due to her own desire for shame."
Allison felt like the last part about ‘shame’ was supposed to clear things up, but made things more puzzling.
Scarlette jumped in "I like being humiliated, it turns me on, makes me feel noticed. Being used for other’s pleasure makes me feel sexy."
Allison had heard the term ‘to each their own’; this drove the point home, hard.
"Scarlette is still the sweet girl that you met and walked into this room with." Lacey explained. "If this is too much, let me know and we will all understand. I bring this up because she and Tasha will be extremely and gratuitously vulgar with each other tonight, and it will come up."
"I understand, Mistress" Allison replied. "Scarlette, you may be the bravest person I’ve ever met. I can’t even imagine… I still think you are sexy, please call me Lexi."
Lacey and Scarlette smiled, both shocked at Allison’s reaction and acceptance of the situation.
"Lexi it is." Lacey said smiling "We will leave you, go ahead and rest, take a bath if you wish, Scarlette will be back soon." Lacey then opened the door, Lacey and Scarlette walking out.
The door was still open and Allison heard Scarlette walking back toward her room, Natasha trailing behind her on a leash, "come on bitch, it’s time for my manicure" she ordered "say hi to Lexi first", Scarlette winked at Allison before making her way into her own room spanking Natasha hard while walking.
Allison smiled thinking to herself "Lexi, my new name is Lexi."
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: