"What is it? what happened?!" Silva demanded. I pointed to the mirror "Did some type of horrible beast or specter come through the mirror and scare you?" lyra questioned. "m-m-my......my face....it's changed!" I yelled. Both of the girl slumped in disbelief. "OWWW!" I yelled as silva bit me on the leg.

"You...had...us...worried...sick...and...now...your...saying...you...screamed...because...of...the...way...you...LOOK?!" I flung her off my leg. "Yes!," My new 'look' consisted of shockingly white, thorn like hair (which now gives reason to why thorn was one of the suggested names) and dark vivid purple colored eyes. "You guys fail to realize that this is not a normal look in....where I come from." I stuttered slightly because I had forgotten that lyra was still in the room. "I told you already," Silva growled slightly ",You had to be changed to look more like the surrounding villagers and commoners." "But lyra doesn't look like...like...this!" I cried "um excuse me," lyra peeped looking confused "But if this is not what people normally look like 'where you're from' then what do they look like?"

She had us there for a moment until I came up with a brilliant solution "That's easy lyra, they looked like....," I scrunched up my face like I was trying to remember my past and sighed. "I can't remember, sorry lyra." Lyra sighed as well "that's ok, It's not like you can force your memory back." We all returned to the sick ward (I think that's what it's called, I dunno, I'll ask lyra later.) and sat down on a bunk to discuss what to do next "Well first," Lyra stated "If you're going to be a warrior, you are going to need some equipment and supplies, I'll take you guys down to the market to find what you need after you're awakened." "Thanks Lyra,I don't know what we would do without your help." I said gratefully. after I found some decent clothes, we were off into a colorful and mysterious world.

As we walked, Lyra filled us in on the need to know basics of fighting, magic and rankings and something called, Elemental Knights. First up are the Terra Knights, strong in defence and attack but lack agility and speed, then there's the Aerial Knights, fast and agile but not very good at damage or defence. The next two are the Hydros and Pyrin Knights both specialize in attack, but the Hydros focus on mainly strategic attacks while the Pyrin are hotheaded and tend to rush into every battle. "The final two are by far the most powerful and renowned," Lyra explained as we walked into a marketplace "First is the great Lumos Knights. They are amazingly good at fighting all elements and are born leaders. Needless to say they are the most popular of all the elements."

We walked past a posters that had symbols in front of each of them. Lumos was at the top with the picture of the sun, Pryin had a sign of fire, Hydros had a picture of waves, Terra had a picture of a mountain and Aerial had a picture of what looked like a cyclone. I couldn't help but notice that there was one at the bottom, with a picture of a crescent moon. "What about the last one?" I asked Lyra as we passed by a vendor who seemed to be selling something that resembled a pig's snout, only it had a pair of stak eyes and spider-like legs coming out of the holes. "Oh, right the final Elemental. It has been know as many things, but it's original name is the Lumanis Knights. Shadow elementals." The way she seemed to spit out the word told me that she might've had a very bad history between the Lumamis and herself. "Are they bad?" I asked "as far as what they do, no not really. They are a lot like Lumos physically and magically, but for the skill set, they prefer to stay in the shadows as thieves, assassins or snipers. They are best at shadow, torture and imitation magic. Very powerful, but not very liked. ah, here we are! The Hall of warriors!"

The outside was very impressive looking, arched with stone guardians standing high on each pillar looking down and surveying the area with a careful eye. we walked into the hall which was considerably less impressive than the outside but still breathtaking as well. Walking down the hall was a sight to behold, there were life size figures of some of the best warriors in their history. Mostly it was filled with Lumos knights with other elementals sprinkled in. I found there was a disturbing lack of Lumanis Knights in the hall but kept to myself. When we arrived Lyra and silva both said their goodbyes and wished me luck before I took a huge breath and pushed open the huge doors and walked in. As soon as I stepped free of the doorway they closed behind me and swallowed me into darkness.

I felt blind and vulnerable as I stood in the darkness of the judgment hall. Suddenly there was a blast of bright lights around me, I turned my face as my eyes struggled to readjust to the brightness. "Thorin Regia, step forward." wait did it just call me Thorin Regia? Lyra must had given me her last name so I can register in, I'll have to make sure to thank her later. A circle appeared in front of me and was decorated with the Elemental Knights symbols. I step forward and as soon as i did, the circle expanded slightly. The symbols glowed with the colors of the element and pedestals shot out, each one holding a colored stone. "The Element shall choose you by glowing or fading as you get nearer to it. Good luck Thorin." I waited to see if there were anymore instructions and when there seemed to be none, I started walking toward the Pyrin gem. It dimmed as I got closer to it. same results happened with the Hydros, Terra, and Aerial stones as well. I walked back to the middle. after a moment of debate, I turned toward the white gem. it glowed brighter as I got nearer to it until I was right in front of it. It was shining like crazy now. I reached for it, then suddenly it seemed to shink away from my hand, dimmining till it stopped glowing.

Confused I backed up and tried again. No shine this time. frustrated, I hit the pedestal with my hand, and ended up clutching it, curling in pain. While whimpering on the floor, I noticed a soft violet light around me. I turned and saw a dark violet stone, sitting on the pillar for Lumanis. I walked toward it,and it grew brighter with each step until I was right in front of it. It was glowing like crazy and was tremebling slightly. As if in a trance, I reached out my hand to touch it, and in that instance the stone snapped itself unto my arm. I reared back as memories flashed into my head. A small elf, rushing in between the tree as thousands of warriors fell under him, a beserker smashing through enemy lines, a dark robed priest, causing major pandemonium through viliagers. I clutched my head as the edges of my vision turned black.

As I felt myself slipping into unconsiousness, I saw a final vision of a shockingly familiar Blood-covered warrior standing in a field milions of bodies spralwed around hin and with an army behind that looked like it would follow him to hell and back.The dark knight turned and smiled right where I was looking before I blacked out, and I was shocked to my core because standing there with a horrible bloodlust in his eyes was myself.

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