Kaworu held open the door of the bathroom. He looked back at Shinji and smiled. "Here we are, Shinji-kun."

"Hff, pff," huffed Shinji, waddling into the men's room. His belly led the way, his bottom brought up the rear.


"Ohh," he moaned, and the pace of his heavy, lumbering waddle increased. "Oh, Kaworu-san, I really do need to go poo-poo."

Kaworu smiled. They were at a lovely little coffee spot in their neighborhood, having some coffee and cake. Well, several slices of cake, in Shinji's case. But then Shinji had felt a rumble in his innards, and knew that nature was calling.

The big boy lumbered around past the urinals, arms held out to either side as he waddled along. Shinji was so fat that he'd abandoned a normal walk ages ago. He was truly huge. His face was hoggish and bloated, with hefty jowls and a blubbery double chin; he truly did look like a pig with brown hair. He had arms that were stuffed with fat, especially his upper arms that sagged like hams over his elbows. His arms sat on either side of his bulging breasts, saggy and hefty; he had an extremely impressive pair of moobs. They sagged to the left and right down his belly. Shinji's belly was his biggest feature, sagging more than halfway down his thighs, jutting prominently in front of him.

Shinji lumbered towards the restroom's only stall. His massive bottom swung from side to side behind him. Though not as big as his belly, Shinji's ass was enormous; he had a big, jutting shelf ass, a womanly ass. It was paired with wide hips and flaring thighs, giving Shinji a large circumference and a big seat. His thighs touched to the knee, enhancing his waddle, and he had blubbery calves, rather like his upper arms.

Kaworu couldn't help but admire. Shinji weighed well over a quarter of a ton, well over 250 kilograms, and there was no sign of him stopping any time soon. He ate absolutely enormous amounts of food and dessert every day, and his greed seemed to be without ceasing.

"Umm... Kaworu-san..."

Kaworu walked over to his enormous boyfriend. "Yes, Shinji-kun?"

Shinji took a moment to set his feet; he often had to balance himself with his great size, especially with how big and awkward his belly and his bottom were. Now he idly patted his huge belly, and said, "Well... the stall looks a little small, doesn't it?"

Indeed it did. Or, it looked normal-sized. The stall's door and its entrance were standard for a normal person. But, of course, this presented a problem, since Shinji was two times, almost three times as wide as a normal person.

Kaworu gently stroked Shinji's big spare tire. "Ah, Shinji-kun, you truly have become a pampered pig. Look at you! So used to enjoying yourself that you have eaten your way into finding doors difficult."


The fart plattered out into the air, and there was a distinct wet sound to it.

"K-Kaworu-san, please!" said Shinji, porcine face now contorting in worry. "I-If I can't get in, I'll poop my pants! I... ngh..." he shifted heavily on his feet, his belly jostling as he did, "I... I really don't think I can hold it in..."

"Ah, certainly not, Shinji," said Kaworu gently. "After all, with all our lovemaking, your bowel control is not what it once was."


"Well, we shall have to get you in. There's nothing for it but to do it." Kaworu went to the stall and swung the door open wide. "Come on, Shinji. I'll help you, if I need to."

Shinji rested a hand on his belly. The stall door did look awfully narrow. He became pointedly conscious of just how much space he took up. But he felt his guts churning. He really didn't want to mess himself. So he waddled forward, into the door.

Even the beginnings of his belly were a tight fit. "Rrgh," he grunted, his vast gut squeezing through the doorway. He wished there were a handicap stall in here.

"Come, come, Shinji, you can do it," said Kaworu cheerily.

"Urng," he grunted deeply. It was a big, deep grunt. A fat person's grunt. He hauled himself forward, and got almost all of his belly through. "Ohrn," he moaned. This was really cramping him. He felt like he was being squeezed through a tube. He couldn't believe how small this door was! But, of course, it wasn't that the door was so small. It was that he was so big.


"Ah, oh, oh," he whimpered, feeling a wetness to this most recent fart. He really was going to crap himself if he didn't get into the stall soon! He shoved. "Rngh!" The stall shuddered and rocked at the force his large body exerted upon it. He was almost through. "Oof!" he said, suddenly coming to a halt. He glanced over his shoulder. "Ah! Kawrou-san! My bottom! My butt's too big!"

Indeed, Shinji's mammoth ass was stuck in the door, wedged tightly in by the walls of the stall.

"Let me just give you a push, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu cheerfully. He put a hand on each butt cheek, his pale fingers sinking into the blubber of Shinji's bottom. "Now, I'll push, you move. On the count of three, okay?"


"One... two... three!" Kaworu pushed. Shinji heaved himself forward as much as his weak, out-of-shape body would allow.

There was a shudder through the entire stall, but Shinji popped through, and was suddenly inside.

"Ohh," he moaned, patting his belly. "Squeezing through there really hurt my tummy!"


"Oh, oh, Kaworu-san, I'm going," he said, feeling the slime of a shart spatter his inner ass crack. Kaworu moved quickly. He spun Shinji around. He pulled down Shinji's huge stretch pants. He pulled down Shinji's massive white briefs. And, with that great strength he had, he settled Shinji's bare bottom down on the toilet seat.

"There we go, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu with a smile. "All set. Do your business."


"Ahhh," sighed Shinji contentedly at the release of his poop. He did tend to make a lot of it, over the course of the day. As Kaworu had mentioned, the frequent sex that Shinji had with him meant that he could not hold things in as much as he had before becoming Kaworu's feedee boyfriend. He had had a few accidents over the last few months. Kaworu had talked of Shinji wearing diapers in public. Shinji was not quite ready to admit it had come to that, though it did weigh on his mind sometimes.

"Feeling better?" Kaworu asked.

"Yes!" said Shinji happily. He smiled up at Kaworu, his hoggish face contorted in delight. He was glad Kaworu was here because it meant that Kaworu would be able to clean him up, too. Shinji was so big that he sometimes couldn't fully wipe after doing his business. It occasionally left him with a bit of a stink for the rest of the day. But with Kaworu here to clean him, that wouldn't be a problem.

"Now, of course..." Kaworu smiled. "Once you're done, the trick will be getting you back out."

Shinji groaned in displeasure.

Pub: 21 May 2022 07:38 UTC
Views: 665