childhood friend
you two were inseparable
practically brothers
down to sharing a bed when you slept over
parents thought it was cute
played doctor in the woods behind his house, truth or dare with some other kids when you had parties
you were human and him a giraffe
the family had come to your neighborhood and was just glad Devin had a friend
then came the day you had to move
both of you were devastated
parents wanted to enroll you in a new high-school that year too
Devin made a confession to you that you almost hadn't considered real
he liked liked you
two boys liking each other like that?
you had no idea how to deal with it but hugged him back before you left
across the country you still talked on the phone
that was at least a blessing
dumb teenager stuff took you away more and more but you still talked
you'd thought about what he said occasionally
about like liking you
made you feel guilty when with a girl
put your love life on hold
you made some new friends here and there
but none like Devin
so here you were moving back, going to a local college
you wanted space from the family, your independence
Devin was working hard to support his family
3 jobs
so you decided to reconnect
which he loved
you hadn't considered to get a new picture of him
you certainly didn't expect a lean feminine giraffe a head and a half taller than you
he pulled you up into a huge hug

Devin had practically yanked you up off the ground
he squeed
actually squeed
hadn't heard his voice since you left for the move, all your communication was done over chat rooms and game lobbies
his voice hadn't dropped to a baritone
it was still the same chipper tone you'd remembered
after squeezing the air from your lungs he set you down
you decided to go out for pizza to reminisce
you were paying
no way in hell was the boy juggling 3 jobs going to pay
you insisted
as it turned out he worked as a delivery boy for that same pizza place
the boss gave you a discount because of Devin
that was a pleasant surprise
as you all ate you took time to look over the other guy
without trying to look like a creep of course
anthros weren't exactly rare but he in particular was
it was unreal how much he'd grown
had a slightly longer neck
that accounted for a bit of his height
his curly short mop of blonde hair was at least exactly like when he was a kid
it had some brown in it back then though
two tiny horns poked out of the top of his head
his ears were kind of droopy, except when you spoke
you noticed that almost immediately
it was actually cute
his eyes were hazel and still very vibrant
even with all his work and responsibilities he still was upbeat
it was practically infectious
he was enjoyable company to have around compared to most
actually seemed to hang on your every word
the 3 jobs didn't seem to help his social life much more than your studies
so you were on equal ground there
you knew he tried to make time to play games with you
so apparently your social lives just revolved around playing video games with each other
ge took time to savor his spinach stromboli before continuing the conversation
he didn't quite have his parents' accent but occasionally it peeked into a sentence
you insisted you pay for the check, despite his protests
for all his height and reach he still wasn't able to snatch the paper from your hands
playing keepaway almost had him lunging forward across the table
but there was no way he was paying after all the work he does
he actually pouted at that
"it's really no big deal"
however making up for lost time with your best friend made up for it
plus you reminded him he provided the discount
that did seem to make him relent
he got out of the booth and you were still in awe at how big he'd gotten
he had almost a pear shape going on with his waist to hips ratio
must be genetics or something because you remembered his mom looking similar
he was pretty lean otherwise
no doubt because of all the running around
he had to head off to work at a nearby motel afterwards
he worked the desk
apparently he worked security overnights for the industrial park too
hard to imagine him trying to apprehend someone
you did give him your address and parted ways
he had a skip in his step as he got in his old beat up car, making sure to crouch to get in
the rest of the week was quiet
getting used to college courses left little time to relax
your days became hectic
darting around campus barely allowed you time
to say nothing of looking for a job
your parents weren't going to let you freeze to death or die of starvation but you wanted to do better
you had used the money they gave you for the down payment on this studio apartment but you didn't ask for any more
they were helping with college payments as is
even if it was some shitty part time work
after a week of searching it was annoying
no one wanted to call back and barely any interviews
you eventually shared this with your friend
Devin would see if any of his jobs were hiring
"it's no big deal to get my hoof in the door"
even a pizza boy was something
though night security wouldn't be bad either
same with the hotel job
night work wouldn't interfere with your day to day classes
so that was on the table
granted, it all depended on what approached you
when you mentioned your pantry becoming more and more bare he offered to bring over a pizza that night
the idea was nice
but you didn't want him spending all his money on you
"worst case scenario it's extra at the end of the night or I tell the boss I accidentally sat on it"
you didn't want him getting in trouble
"Mr Greco-Roman knows I'm clumsy. plus pizza is cheap to make. he wont miss one"
well ok
you felt it only right to offer to let him hang out if he was bringing food
"sounds fine with me"
he was over around 10 and sure enough he brought 2 pizzas
"hope you don't mind they're a little cold"
food was food
he brought sausage for you and pineapple for himself
"what I don't finish is yours too"
so there was that
you played some video games together
he made a really girly excited noise when he saw you still had your old system
that made the choice of games easy
"I really don't play much modern stuff nowadays"
with how busy he was it made sense
you decided to get into a fighting game
the urge to let him win was strong but you had your pride
plus he wouldn't let you hear the end of it
you remember one time as a kid play wrestling and he wouldn't let go of the fact he pinned you
so poor winner
you both lost track of time and he freaked out when he saw it was 2 AM
he had work in the morning but the drive would be a killer that late
you did the obvious thing
offered up your couch
your apartment wasn't much but you had room for a bed and couch at least
he was genuinely touched
you slapped the remains of the pizza in the mini fridge and wrapped up your little party
he didn't have a toothbrush but you let him use your mouthwash
he was genuinely grateful
both of you said your goodnights and you found yourself drifting off to bed easily
the next morning your first sight was Devin curled up on the couch
you hadn't considered how he'd be taller than the couch last night
judging by how he draped himself over it you figured it was uncomfortable
well at least he didn't have to drive last night
breakfast was last night's cold pizza
it had sausage on it so it counted as a breakfast food
apparently that woke Devin and did this weird little yawn and stretch thing
you said morning back and offered him your shower which he gladly accepted
"I've got spare clothes in my car, give me just a second"
you did and he was back with an outfit
he had work in about 3 hours so you let him stick around
you had classes before his work so you asked him to lock up when he leaves
he was really grateful to you and kept constantly thanking you
it's a shower though so no big deal
you headed out and he hopped in the shower

coming back to the place was a little bit of a letdown
true to his word, Devin locked up
so the place was back to being quiet
having a friend around again made you feel more comfortable
at least you could unwind after classes
you went to grab a shower and the hot water was a relief
you took your time and eventually your muscles felt relaxed enough that you decided to call it quits
you got a change of clothes
you could have sworn you had more underwear than what was in the dresser
maybe they were in the hamper
you texted Devin to ask about the job
it took about a half hour to receive a reply
he'd probably been driving
"got you a foot in the door at the night security and pizza place"
well that sounded good
you'd hopefully get one
or maybe both if you could juggle it
Devin could do it so why not you
you thanked him for looking out and thanked him for coming over
"no problem. I had fun"
you remarked that he was always welcome to hang out, even if your place wasn't perfect
that reply sounded hopeful
of course he was welcome
"thank you. hope you don't get sick of pizza :)"
of course you couldn't get too sick of pizza
there was still a bit left of the remaining pies
you figured you'd ask if he was free to hang out that weekend
"friday night I'm stuck at the security job"
an idea occurred
you were extremely bored
so could you come and hang out there?
"it's sort of unusual. maybe? I usually work the night shift by myself."
it was funny thinking about the same guy who got scared of spiders running night guard
granted he could not be scared of spiders nowadays
you pointed out he could count it as showing you around for work
it was true
plus you honestly didn't have much to do on a friday night
so that was something to look forward to
you texted him that this time you'd bring something for his dinner
he practically lit up through text
"oh my goodness you don't need to do that"
well not you needed to
especially after he brought pizza
granted you'd probably bring like Chinese or something
money was sent aside for that in the next couple days
it was good to have something to do at least
veggie stir fry seemed like the best bet for him
you got pork fried rice
you'd just split spring rolls and some lo mien
sure enough night shift was a solo affair for him
Devin had to wear a uniform and everything
you tried not to poke too much fun considering you'd probably be wearing one soon
the mall cop look wasn't flattering
apparently he was allowed a taser and that was about it
not like much happens around town
you asked him about the job before you dug in
he was eyeing the food like a hungry dog
he thanked you profusely before he snatched a spring roll
he sat down in a weary chair and went through some of it
they didn't have cameras or anything that high-tech
it was just occasionally walk a round around the warehouses with a flashlight
"I'd be the guy in the movies that hears a noise"
you listened intently as he went over procedures
nothing complex
usually spent most of his time in the tiny booth on his phone
"in the winter it's actually sort of cozy. I even have a space heater."
well there was that
all in all sounded fairly simple
you'd seen him flee a bug more than once though
the thought of him trying to be tough here was humorous
you enjoyed your food in relative peace and he did his second round of the night
"I'll be back in about twenty minutes. there's a charger for you phone if you want and leave me a couple spring rolls, please?"
he was past the point of trying the puppy dog eyes trick on you
bit too old to fall for that
that's how you both ended up falling out of a tree
you did as asked though
he disappeared around the warehouses shortly after and you waited patiently
if anything came up he had his phone and you had yours
overall the job seemed easy but you didn't know how he didn't get paranoid out here
trying not to jump at every shadow as you waited was difficult
it was close to midnight and he was only on second patrol
at least you could maybe get schoolwork done out here as a bonus
when he pulled open the door suddenly you flinched
"well, nothing to report. now I can goof off for like an hour."
oh you could definitely get used to this
Devin was doing better at this job than you had guessed
you were more jumpy than him
that was a surprise
sometimes people change
he was still pretty much Devin though
that was a relief
it was good to be around your friend again
he was flipping through his phone to show you funny shit now
must have flipped too far because you were greeted with a shirtless human
a male human
it took a millisecond for him and he kind of got this weird look on his face and tried to excuse himself for another patrol
he wasn't due to do one for another half hour or so
but you let him
well Devin was still kind of girly
the gay thing didn't exactly surprise you any
him saying he liked liked you all those years ago was weird
now that you knew how stuff worked you figured no big deal if he was gay
you didn't get to see Devin panicking behind the warehouse trying to brainstorm playing off that image
the giraffe wasn't even doing rounds so much as he was pacing back and forth silently cursing
because he couldn't keep separate picture galleries
you were unaware and patiently waited
what Devin was unaware of was in his rush to get away from the conversation he left his phone in the booth
Devin finally realized his mistake and worked through entire scenarios
you no doubt were checking out his phone
he was utterly convinced
you'd see his contact nickname for you
all of it
you'd find the selfies he was saving just for that one possible occasion it would be appropriate to send them
Devin couldn't even be scared of the patrol
he wanted someone to kill him right now
there needed to be a serial killer lurking in the bushes
being trapped at work right now meant he couldn't flee
he'd have to come back to the booth and you
there was a chance you would just leave
maybe disgust or boredom
he didn't know
right now he was inwardly screaming
his fear was unfounded
you hadn't touched his phone despite the curiosity
you felt like it was in bad taste
if anything you were getting a bit worried he was gone for as long as he was
going out to find him had crossed your mind
it had been about forty five minutes
after a bit of debate you closed the booth door behind you and tried calling his name quietly
the search was short-lived
only about five minutes of walking around
you heard an "eep" from around a warehouse

you followed the source of that noise to see Devin trying to scamper into a window
trying being the key word
for someone as bottom heavy as him, agility wasn't his strong suit
he tried playing it off as stretching on the window sill
that was very strange
he acted completely nonchalant
Devin was never known for confidence and couldn't pull off the smooth act
you were confused but he could do him
you pointed out he left his phone in the booth
"you have it on you?"
when you replied you left it where he had you could see the boy relax instantly
he just completely loosened up
internally Devin still worried maybe you lied but for the moment took your word
he tried to hide how erratic he was just moments before
Devin kept trying to play it cool on the walk back to the booth
while ignoring the shirtless guy elephant in the room best he could
there was an urge to tease him but you decided against it
if Devin wasn't bringing it up you wouldn't either
you both settled in for the rest of his shift
with how chilly it was getting he'd probably limit his next visits which was fine with you
for a while he was very timid
very noticeable shift from how gregarious he normally was
you didn't pry
you just tried to get him back to talking
it really wasn't a big deal he was gay
you weren't exactly big on girls at the moment too
but you didn't want to make it like some very special episode
it was hard to articulate
maybe if you bopped him in the arm
that got him perked up
small victory
you decided to catch up and ask how his family was
"they're fine"
he didn't elaborate much more
this had become awkward
so you decided on an ice breaker
neither of you had gotten into your fortune cookies
those ears popped up
you handed him his cookie and opened your own
"love can last a lifetime, if you want it to"
well that was kind of corny
you heard a gasp and realized he was reading yours
you asked what his said and he dismissed it as some generic saying about spring
"so, who's the lucky girl?"
he seemed curious but looked down at his hooves
well, you didn't have a girl
hadn't in like years
you were honest about your dating life
you were a bachelor with not a lot of prospects
"oh really?"
his head whipped up to look and you and there was a look I'm his eyes you couldn't place
that seemed to perk him up briefly
"I mean, uh, that's a shame."
he seemed relax a little and eventually went back to his default perky mood
thankfully the phone thing seemed to be a distant memory for him
although he now seemed hesitant to share his phone
you weren't going to bring it up if he wasn't though
the rest of his shift seemed to fly by
you offered to let him hang out at your place that day and he practically skipped to his car
granted the hanging out would probably amount to passing out but that was fine
he asked to shower before he rested and it wasn't like you were saying no
you fell asleep almost right away
the morning was uneventful
he was up before you
he had coffee going and was attempting to make breakfast
attempt being the keyword
as girly as he seemed talent in the kitchen wasn't part of it
you had cracked one eye slightly open at hearing a whispered curse at an egg
why was he cooking in just a shirt and underwear?
he usually wore pants
you rose from bed and he jumped and spun to face you when he noticed
"sorry. I just wanted to do something…"
he poked his pointer fingers together as he looked regretful
"I didn't realize the toaster would be that powerful"
the black shingles on the plate behind him told the story
well at least he didn't burn the place down
"scrambled eggs will be ready in a minute though"
his eyes grew wide and he turned back to the tiny stove to tend to them
you grabbed a mug of coffee and sat back down on the bed
you asked what his schedule was today
apparently he was shopping around for a fourth job
holy shit he was going to kill himself at that pace
"is your family that bad off? can I help?"
he paused for a moment before he realized he was stalled and replied
"no no. it'll be ok. I'm ok. eggs are ready."
he handed you a plate
he at least used cheese in them
toast could barely be salvaged but it was edible
he got away from the job discussion as much as possible
"what are you doing today?"
he sat down next to you on the bed and poked at his food a little before judging it safe
you had a late class but nothing else
the morning was relatively free if he wanted to hang out
which he accepted enthusiastically
the morning was pretty much all video games
he was chipper even when failing spectacularly
Devin even did that thing where he'd lean around while playing
constantly bumping into you during Virtua Fighter matches
it was nice to have him around again
actually relaxed a little
you could tell he was the same too
granted he was always chipper
but around you like this he actually lightened up
he at least stopped acting weird
it was good to have a friendly face around
unfortunately after a few hours he had to head out and got his pants on
you made plans to see him that Sunday
going though the rest of week flew by until you met him at the hotel after he was free
he seemed to have dressed fancier for this occasion

perhaps it was the hotel job requiring it
Devin was decked out in what appeared to be a cheap suit and tie
blue fabric looked strange next to his orange fur
at least to your eye
he paid it no mind
still Devin
he knocked a mug off his desk with his hips
he flew into a panic and almost grabbed the broken glass before stopping himself
"just give me a minute to clean this up."
he rushed off from the lobby and came back with a broom and dustpan
you held the dustpan and he swept and fretted
the other shift was there by the time it was all cleaned up
the rest of the day was yours
you two headed over to your place to drop off his car
you figured you'd be generous and offer the drive around the town
he had a change of clothes in his car and got dressed in your place before coming back down
just a t shirt and jeans, nothing fancy
not that there was a lot to do
didn't even have a mall
there was still a mom and pop movie theater for cheap and a bowling alley
both had been around since you were kids
Devin dragged you to see a Power Rangers movie when you were both little
the bowling alley had good nachos if you remembered right
you just figured staying inside playing video games was fun, but you came back here for a reason
you were glad main street still had the same small town charm from when you left it
apparently intentional on the part of the town
no obnoxious tapas bars or overpriced novelties like some places
just the same diner you'd seen for ages and said bowling alley and theater
it would be a long shot if the theater still had the same arcade cabinets but the way things looked it might
you hadn't taken a lot of time to reintroduce yourself to this town but Devin gave you the perfect excuse
you talked with him a little about town, seeing if there was news
"diner changed hands to the owner's kid. remember Kevin from school? that's him."
he tried thinking back on anything else major
"they're talking about putting some developments out on the town limits."
that was new
hopefully it wouldn't change up the town too much
the hotel Devin worked at was pretty new so maybe they planned to build up more
he struggled to think of more news
by then you'd arrived at a parking lot just off main street so it was good timing
popcorn and drinks were amazingly cheap
tickets were the same
the theater played older stuff out of circulation so they no doubt don't worry too much about overcharging to keep afloat
you paid for the stuff as a courtesy, with Devin thanking you profusely
he was bashful accepting the food and drink but soon relaxed again
the place had seen better days but it was the same as it always had been
you'd almost picked up front but Devin got self conscious with his height
both of you agreed to a back corner
you pretty much had the theater to yourselves
after settling in you made the mistake that would change everything
in the dark you reached for popcorn the giraffe boy held
in his lap
you weren't looking
multiple things happened all at once
you realized instantly you had a handful of dick
Devin realized fairly quickly too judging by how he arched his back and moaned
what the fuck did you do now?

you whipped your hand back and Devin instinctively hid his long face in his hands
"oh my God," he whimpered
you'd honked his junk and he made the most whorish reaction possible
it was hard to focus on the movie
you really wished you'd grabbed popcorn just a few moments ago
you tried not to think about the noise he'd made
or how he felt through his pants
he was your friend
he was another guy
but that was a sort of awakening in you you were unprepared for
was it ok if it was Devin?
the giraffe boy and you didn't make eye contact for the next ten minutes or so
the silence hung in the air
punctuated by the Arnold movie you two had picked
what do you say?
there was no easy path here
you stole a glance and saw he glanced back through his hands
you were glad he at least didn't bolt
when you were both dumb teenagers you could have played this off
his ears drooped on his head as you made eye contact
did you say you were sorry?
was that the right answer?
it didn't feel right
silently, you worked through your feelings
maybe… he wanted that?
that wasn't a bad noise he made
he didn't reprimand you
maybe you should just take the leap
if it was Devin it was fine
you weren't into some giant meat head guy
Devin was different
he was cute like a girl
played video games better than one though
so you decided damn the torpedoes
fuck it
finally you spoke and he nearly jumped
you asked if that was a good or bad mistake
he was a little shy in responding
but finally he spoke up
"a good one," he squeaked out
well there was that
you were both adults, you could handle this like adults
you agreed with him and you could practically see all the tension melt off of him
you nodded
if it was Devin it was OK
maybe that little confession in the woods all those years ago was still dangling over your head
you weren't going to start banging in the empty movie theater but why not go for it
you leaned up and over and kissed him on the cheek and he heated up
he squeaked but didn't fight it
that was your first real kiss with someone that you gave a shit about
he returned the favor with a clumsy kiss on your lips
your arm draped around his shoulder and you two quickly forgot the movie
now if it was Devin you'd prefer it
you didn't turn to frenching in the dark theater
that was too sudden
this was testing the waters
while you were both guys you had no idea how to approach this and didn't want to screw it up
you didn't want to lose a friend if you fucked it up
though maybe Devin wanted to further it
he didn't seem to yearn to take the lead
despite being tall enough he had to lean down to kiss you he sort of let you be I charge
was he the girl here?
had to be
Devin didn't scream "take charge and kick ass"
you didn't know how the gay thing worked because you'd never assumed you'd do this
so you two just slowly kissed while trying not to draw too much attention
he kissed better than a girl that much you figured out
just very tender and passionate
like this was the center of his world
his face made kisses very unconventional
not bad
just different than with a human
you broke briefly to breathe
in between breaths you asked how he was so good at that
he stammered and fumbled through a non-answer
he briefly attempted to break away and try to not look you in the eye but your hand gently pulled him back by his neck
he was no doubt self conscious about his slightly longer neck, considering his habit of turtleneck sweaters since he was a kid
now the graceful exposed connection was a weak point
just not in the way he thought
he melted at that touch
"I've never really… kissed"
he mumbled the rest of the answer
you could barely make it out as him admitting virginity
you weren't exactly a Casanova yourself
took you a second or two so come clean about that
"but… how?"
he was genuinely shocked as you pulled him into another round of kisses
he had made your sexual orientation clear for you now
the experimenting was a success in your mind
this might be part of the reason you didn't go far with girls
"seriously though."
he broke the kiss this time
"you've never done anything?"
sure as you could be
"and you're doing this with me?"
you buried yourself against his neck and he smelled like perfume
something flowery and sweet but not too strong
he had known just how much to use
"I think I'm dreaming," he muttered
he rested his head on yours
you were keenly aware of how tall he was
it took him a little coaxing to get the courage to embrace you
"you don't regret this? now is your chance"
sure this was unusual but it felt right
you didn't regret it
"no take backs"
he almost reminded you of when you were both kids then and there
the seating in the theater made a full hug awkward but you two managed
"I'm definitely dreaming. well I'll take what I can get. it's a good dream"
you could feel him a pout a little
he really was worried he was going to wake up
so you reminded him of how you had to move and his little confession
he was shocked
he broke the embrace to look at you
"oh my God you remembered that?"
there was a twinkle in his eye
I had stuck with you for most of your life after, in the background but it was there
he looked genuinely touched
he had to look away for a second
"sorry, I just didn't expect that"
you laid out that this was still all new to you
being with a guy you meant
you were thankful the theater gave you the privacy for this moment
you guessed it would be different seeing each other naked now, as opposed to when you two played doctor
he got all bashful again and you laughed at seeing him at a loss for words
after a moment he laughed with you
"I guess you're right on that. but we can take it slow."
slow was good
not that you weren't keenly aware of the end goal here
but that would give you time to sort through all this
as opposed to just diving headfirst into the deep end with water wings still on
you could see the relief in him now
he must have been holding onto this since that confession
so you held his hand in yours while you two came down
his hand was bigger but he accepted your fingers intertwining with his without struggle
like puzzle pieces perfectly cut to match
the rest of the movie flew by as you decided to pay more attention to each other
you'd never seen Devin so chipper
in hushed tones you talked freely
you could tell he felt liberated
you asked if he'd carried those feelings since he was a kid
"you were amazing. still are. we were practically brothers so I'd always kind of worried…"
you had that in common
you'd worried about going too far
you both had a lot to lose if you botched it
you promised yourself you wouldn't
so the shirtless guy on his phone?
he squeaked
then glanced at the wall
Devin avoided eye contact
but broke within seconds
"fine fine"
he pouted
"you sort of gave me a… human thing"
human thing?
your raised eyebrow scrutinized him and he sort of slumped into his chair
a bit of nervous whimpering
then finally he broke under your bad cop interrogation
"fine. human guys are hot to me. happy?"
he tried pouting
you were coming around to a guy being cute yourself
even slouching in the worn chair he was about your height
you gave him another kiss on the cheek as a sort of reward
that seemed to placate his anxiety
soon enough the credits were rolling and you both realized you'd missed the entire movie
that wasn't important though
you offered to pay for a light dinner
"you paid for the theater food"
it was no issue
"no no now I put my foot down."
so sandwiches it was
and he paid
you took him back to your place and he accepted the offer to stay at your place
it was dark out and he didn't have work
this time you offered your bed
you promised to be a gentleman and he promised to do the same
it was weird to be the big spoon with a guy bigger than you
you asked if he still believed this was a dream
"still worried about that. hug me tighter just in case"
Devin's worries didn't come to pass
you woke up with the lean giraffe boy still cuddled up next to you
it was just like when you were kids
just with a new context to it
he was clumsily hogging most of the bed
he had a t shirt and his underwear on
you tried to be a gentleman and not be grabby
his fur was soft to the touch though
it made him very warm
the orange color gave him a warm glow in the sunrise
he stirred a little after you
his tail lazily swatted against you for a moment before he realized where he was
"oh my God"
he flopped off the bed
maybe it hit him that it wasn't a dream
he landed on his ample butt
waking up with morning wood around him would feel awkward for a while now
you wondered if he'd feel the same
he rubbed the sleep our of his eyes and you helped him up
he had work later and you had classes so you both set about to get cleaned up and fed
he got a bare bones breakfast ready for you both while you took first dibs on the shower
he was nice enough to do hashed potatoes and fried ham for you
he wolfed down his own portion of potatoes while waiting for you to get finished in the bathroom
today he had a day shift so he couldn't stick around too long
before he rushed out the door you nabbed him by the shoulder and kissed his face
just to show him he wasn't dreaming
he got weak in the knees but managed to get to his car
you'd noticed a change in Devin after that night
he'd become super affectionate in his texts
slightly more flamboyant
just reserved for you
you were seeing the real him now
the next few days you didn't hang out
just chatted over the phone
both of you were tied to your responsibilities
occasionally his texts were flirty but you could tell he wasn't one for taking charge
you decided to do some research about yourself
one night you asked for a big step
you wanted to see if you were committed and asked for a nude
you prefaced it was OK if he said no
he kept typing
the "..." kept appearing and disappearing
you could have just looked up porn but you preferred to see Devin
after all that's what you'd be seeing
he finally mustered up an answer after a minute or two
"just give me a minute"
Devin was in a panic
in a way, a long distance reveal was a double edged sword
he worried about rejection and it gave him some distance
but would you react genuinely through text?
doubts weighed on his heart
he didn't want to screw up
granted you'd seen him naked before but that was ages ago
it also didn't have the same context
this was very different
what if you didn't like it
he kept worrying
but you did ask him
you'd have to see him naked sometime
Devin was at the pizza place today but in between deliveries
he was pacing in the work bathroom
brainstorming how to do this
what was a proper picture?
he'd never sent one or had one sent
the urge to leave the text on read was there
after all you said it was OK if he didn't want to
but he wanted to have you look at him
he mulled over it for about ten minutes
then made triple sure the door was locked
he was about to pull his pants down
quadruple checked the lock
he was confident now
he was going to do this
he tried to think what he thought was sexy
he'd just copy that
that was the ticket
you were alerted to a text a few minutes later
Devin was standing in the mirror of a bathroom
his hand pulling down the waistband of his pants and underwear
a semi erect six inches of dick flopped out of his pants
his shirt was tugged up with his teeth
exposing the fine orange fur of his stomach
he tried looking flirty but it came off goofy to you
like he was acting
however you felt more confident with a guy now
Devin looked easy on the eye
you thanked him and asked if he wanted one in return
it was only fair
he stammered around for a few minutes again, his bashfulness pouring out from every text he sent in a flurry
Devin hadn't anticipated a response like that
he was panicking
he'd seen parts of you
even sort of maybe pilfered a pair of your underwear
not that you'd said anything
he felt less weird about that now
taking a few deep breaths he calmed himself
perhaps he was curious
plus it was only fair
so in the name of fairness he agreed
"you can send me one if you want"
he tried not to sound too desperate
you complied
you felt it best to mirror his picture
so dick out and everything
you felt you weren't anything to write home about but you weren't there for his reaction
Devin had to go back to work with a raging erection
Devin welcomed working outside in the cold
at least then maybe outside factors would keep his penis down
so he was the first to volunteer to deliver that day
his boss noticed he was a tad… twitchy
he played it off as too much coffee
which was a bold faced lie but the boss bought it
thankfully tucking his dick alongside his leg helped hide it
just barely
the giraffe boy was hung
it was a point of embarrassment for him
thankfully the drive was just the distraction he needed
you were busy with classes for a while but texted him occasionally
both of you appreciated the other's picture
you could now say Devin was attractive
you'd definitely go for it if he wanted it
at the moment you'd take it slow but you bet being a guy would mean Devin would love putting out
that was a bridge you could cross later but seemed to be a big benefit to being with a guy
you wanted to date before jumping into that
something he agreed to
you had to admit his nude was making that decision harder
classes were dull
your professors were not nearly as exciting as company
Devin was your best friend beforehand
maybe this was just the step in the next best direction
it was going to be weird telling him you loved him and all that
you could get used to it though
just had to find the best way to genuinely say it
you decided to ask him to hang out at your place whenever he had the time
you were already doing that before you touched his junk anyways
"I would love to"
Devin was thankful text couldn't convey his nervousness
he just had to play it cool
after all this was just like when you two were friends
so it shouldn't be weird should it?

the next time you were both free was around Sunday
he asked if he could grab a shower at your place after a early shift at the hotel
no problem there
when he came by and ensued himself to the bathroom you asked him if he wanted help
mostly to see how he'd take to flirting
his reaction was to turn bright red best he could under the fur and stammer out some rapid fire sentence before rushing to the bathroom
that was endearing
well you had to at least attempt to shoot your shot
his shower was quick and he had a new change of clothes
a new skimpier change of clothes you noticed
he wasn't showing off that much orange midriff when you were just friends
or wearing shorts like that
was this his way to flirt?
he sat down next to you on the bed and relaxed against your shoulder
you decided on a movie for that night
he relaxed next to you
his fur made him warmer to the touch
you'd nabbed your pillows and put them against the wall so you both could recline and watch the tv
with how rinky dink the apartment was it was either have the tv face the couch or tv and you liked sleeping with it on
the chill from outside had you sharing a blanket
you didn't keep the apartment like an icebox but you couldn't have the heat on full blast either
you'd picked a few horror movies for the occasion and he agreed
even though he was a scaredy cat when you two were younger
"that was then. I'm fine now."
ten minutes in he clung to your arm
his slender arms snaked around your own
it wasn't even that scary a movie
you weren't going to complain though
plus you bet he was fine with the cuddling under the blankets
he squeaked at a really gory kill
you laughed softly and he shot daggers at you
"you did this on purpose"
he pouted and your laugh grew
you didn't but you can always get up and change the movie
he pulled you back to the pillow and you two continued your marathon
you awoke in the middle of the night
age must be catching up with you or you were just that comfortable
he'd passed out cuddled up to you
his leg somehow ended up draped over you
it was like it came naturally to him
you let him rest
the soft fur rubbing against your skin had become comfortable
you found yourself falling asleep again but before you did you kissed Devin softly on the forehead
you awoke buried in the nape of Devin's neck
he really was accustomed to being the little spoon
the warmth was nice
you tried not to press your morning wood against his ass
his… pillowy thick ass
well that wasn't helping your morning wood
trying to scoot back only had Devin scooting back to meet you
the ass was impossible to escape
eventually you were backed against the wall with Devin's back to you
he mumbled as he woke up
unconsciously he pressed against you harder and you silently begged for mercy
you were wedged right into the middle of his ass
he turned his head slightly to look at you
"is that what I think it is?"
well you had to be honest
he processed this for a moment
"I mean we're both guys."
you wondered where this was going
you could tell he was hesitating but you waited to see what he was thinking
"I'm hard too"
was this happening?
he sort of awkwardly left the conversation hang there
maybe he wanted you to take charge?
you reached downwards and ran your fingers over his stomach
he didn't panic or stop you
instead he turned to face you
"are you sure about this? about us?"
you were
this was all new to you but it felt right
"I was sort of holding onto this as my trump card but since you're fine with going further…"
he gently grabbed one of your hands at the wrist and pulled it up to his face
you were confused
then he stuck the pointer in his mouth
oh fuck
it didn't stop there
you felt something circle around your finger
coiling slowly like a snake
his tongue could do that?
then you were shocked when he pulled your finger and it's like his tongue kept coming out with it
it seemed endless
you weren't exactly an expert on anatomy but clearly giraffes were different
he did this all without breaking eye contact with you
his eyes were pleading and sweet despite the debauched act in front of your face
you couldn't see your finger now, the blue tongue just covered all of it
you didn't need him to paint you more of picture
your dick was now straining to tear out of its prison and find a new home in the grip of this hot flexible muscle
well you were into Devin and really really wanted to be IN Devin right now

he slowly ended his demonstration and uncoiled the blue tongue from your digit
you were definitely won over
guys it was
Devin it was more like it
holy shit
his face carried his familiar chipper attitude after seeing yours
"so you like it? I tried measuring my tongue once and it was about 21 inches"
holy shit
the long neck and long face may have helped hide it
"at least I think it's that long. it's a giraffe thing apparently"
good lord your imagination was swimming, which must have been the intent
"don't get me wrong. I love the idea of being your boyfriend and I don't want to sound greedy."
there was that doubt snaking into his eyes
his confidence seemed to wane as the seconds passed
screw it
dick was going to do the talking for you now and you hoped it was the best call
you asked if he ever gave a blowjob
"well no. I always wanted to but…"
he fumbled and you saw the timid Devin return
"I was kind of hoping… you know. with you?"
dick assumed full control
you asserted yourself a little and grabbed ahold of one of his horns
they were just big enough to wrap you hand around
he went wide eyed
this was happening
you gently scooted him off the bed and guided him onto his knees
you sat up and glanced down
you could see the shy Devin ebb away when he was inches from your crotch
he looked like he could scarcely believe he was here now
then he saw your manhood twitch and he gasped
his hands gently rested on your knees and he moved closer
Devin was right
why not enjoy every aspect of this relationship together?
the romance, the friendship and the lust
you saw his dick, making the little underwear he wore useless
he was leaking precum like a faucet out of the strange tip
so at least you were sure you weren't the only one that wanted this
but you still felt the need to make sure
you asked if he wanted to keep going, no pressure if he said no
you'd respect it even with blue balls
his reply was to slowly snake his blue tongue past your waistband while looking you right in the eye
his tongue was strong and flexible enough to curl and then pull your underwear back
it was strange to watch
Devin was definitely different than a human but it wasn't bad
in fact you liked it more
he had this exotic quality and it added to the taboo of you both being guys
deep down though, this was your Devin
the same guy you played tag with in the woods
and now he was tenderly tugging you dick free from its imprisonment
this was meant to be
it felt right
once your cock and balls were free he looked in awe at it
it was very different than his
you couldn't lie and say you were bigger than him
but he didn't seem to care about that
you relaxed at seeing him awestruck
"I'd seen human dicks over the internet," he softly breathed against your dick
"but this is yours. wow."
he nuzzled up to it and that sent a jolt through you
you were glad he seemed impressed
this was the first blowjob you'd ever gotten
and it sounded like he was just as new to this
hopefully it was as fun as it looked on the internet
when his tongue poked out and slowly snaked up your shaft it was already better than it looked
his blue tongue climbed further and further still, gripping your cock as deftly as fingers
this was fucking unreal
your fingers gripped his horns as he kept going
being enveloped in hot tight muscle
was he just built for this?
you groaned and he stopped to look up
you were fine and you pushed him to keep going
soon enough base to tip had vanished in the coils of your boyfriends tongue
he flicked hair out from in front of his eyes and then took you for a ride
the prehensile part came into play and your entire dick was being milked all at once
you thrust your hips up greedily
his hands occupied themselves playing with himself
he was frantically stroking his flared cock while he jerked you off with his tongue
his trump card was a complete success
you didn't even want to jerk off any more
you wanted to use him instead
you could tell he took extra care to tease the tip, his tongue capable of that much independence
it was insane and nothing could replicate it
he had you at his mercy
and you loved it
the look in his eyes was that same joyous glitter you'd expected from Devin but there was a sultry look to them too
if this was him seducing you consider yourself seduced
he came violently against your bed and himself, the girly moans close enough to your leg it could be felt
his shaft poured ropes out everywhere like a hose
you could feel him tire briefly from the afterglow but he wasn't leaving you hanging
he moved forward and his tongue and your cock vanished into his mouth
he braced his hands against your legs and looked up like a pet pleading for treats
you couldn't help yourself
you needed this man
all the doubts were gone and you used his horns to fuck his sweet face
he didn't even gag, just kept milking until finally you tilted your head back and erupted down his throat
you bellowed his name as it came flooding out
you'd used your hand plenty but this was fucking life changing
with the most satisfied sigh you'd ever made, you released your grip and he pulled back slowly
"so," his shyness returning "was I good? I hope I was"
his eyes looked to yours for validation and what else could you say but that was amazing
he lit up and embraced your torso, nuzzling your stomach with his head
you hefted him onto your lap
it was a little difficult
with how tall and bottom heavy he was
but you didn't like the idea of him stuck on the floor
he hugged you after the initial surprise
"so I guess it's official, right?"
you were already almost like brothers
now you two just deepened it further
definitely not like brothers now
but yes
this was very much official
you were both a mess and you suggested once more a shower together
you know
to save water
this time he was happy to agree
his positivity had fully crept back into his voice
"I promise you won't regret it"
he squeezed you like a stuffed animal and nuzzled you
his fur was noticeably sticky against your stomach but warm nonetheless
you definitely didn't regret it
"I'm happy you came back"
he sighed and held you there
Devin was a bit like a housecat now
in that he was so perfectly comfortable sitting on you you didn't want to ruin the moment
your hand felt like it had sunk into the flesh of his thick ass
something he didn't protest
you weren't very confident in carrying him to the bathroom but to hell with doubts
you'd gotten your first blowjob and discovered for sure you were into guys all in one go this morning
why not try and actually sweep Devin off his feet
you were new to the gay couple thing but figured he'd be impressed by you picking him up
"wait, what are-"
his sentence was cut short by his squeak as you lifted you don't know how many pounds of giraffe boy into the air while rising
you weren't like out of shape but this almost felt like an undertaking
still, no way were you losing face now
full steam ahead
you tried to hide a rushed pace but were halted at the bathroom door
you needed to gingerly turn sideways so as to not immediately bonk Devin against the door frame
the sudden activity would no doubt have your back screaming later but you had definitely impressed the other boy
his eyes told you plenty
right now you were probably looking like some conquering brute and he seemed to have a thing for that
you gently set him down on his feet in the shower
he tried to hide his growing erection and the girlish excitement by fiddling with the water
after having the life nearly sucked out of you you needed a second but you felt arousal growing as well
had he always looked this good?
or was the friendship holding you back just a little?
until that theater incident you'd only seen him as a friend
you hadn't considered him as something more
here you were, both naked
it was a bit different than when you played doctor
you realized you were staring and he'd noticed
his eyes glanced briefly at your own dick
you weren't hiding yours
you snapped back and realized
you'd dropped your underwear on autopilot at some point
however you resisted the urge to push your boyfriend against the shower wall and go wild
you wanted him to be your boyfriend
and rushing headlong through it all might be too much
so you took a deep breath and hopped into the shower
the thought occurred of lifting him and screwing him into the wall
supposed to think unsexy thoughts or something
this was still your Devin and not some whore
you were going to do this right
he deserved better than that
however you were mentally making a note you were going to take up lifting to fulfill that very daydream
you bet Devin would appreciate that too
this shower called for a different approach
you spun him around and just embraced him
he was initially surprised but quickly melted into your hug
you murmured up to him
you were happy you came back to this town and to him too
maybe this had been destined to be
ever since that confession in the woods maybe this was what was set out for you two
you ran your hands over his lower back as you both felt the warmth was away all the grime
you loved him and you whispered that right up to his ear
he almost sounded like he sniffled at that
"I love you too"
he squeezed you tightly
his voice was a little choked up but he pulled himself together just as quickly
after a few minutes he was the one to break the hug and turned to bend over and grab soap
you had to maintain all your control at that moment
his ass was nicer than a lot of girls' you'd seen
his tail swished back and forth
this was perhaps innocent to him
your erection was trying to get you in trouble right now
he turned back and offered the bar to you
"you want to get my back for me please?"
must maintain
you audibly gulped and silently hoped for your erection to go down
was this Devin teasing him?
it was working
good God was it working
nope nope
you were going to go about this all civilized
then he cooed at you rubbing his back
attempting civilized
it did give you a better chance to see Devin in a new light
you'd never really considered his curves
or the tight muscles in his back
he wasn't ripped by any means but he wasn't completely soft
aside from that ass
that was pretty much a pillow
his fur felt slick under the water
it was actually sort of relaxing to wash him
he sort of shivered when your hands started washing along his shoulders
he tried to hide it but you caught it
you carried on with business as usual
for a guy he was actually pretty and being hands on like this allowed you to appreciate it
eventually you finished up, despite taking your sweet time
he turned around and offered to get your back
you hoped to stay somewhat in control but damn did he make that difficult

you didn't know how much of this was Devin just being nice or him flirting
possibly both
he was still the same timid guy to you and you doubted he'd go that much out of his comfort zone
your racing mind was wrong about him flirting
instead he contented himself to wash your back as gingerly as possible
if anything that intimate touch from him was almost as good as anything sexual
he ran his hands over you smoothly
"I was always fascinated by how bare human guys could be," he murmured
"not that you don't have hair but it's just so different from me. it's cute."
so he liked how unlike you looked
you had to agree with the sentiment
you don't think you'd be I human guys
maybe that was shallow
though Devin being Devin was the foot in the door for you
he was still your best friend
just more than that
so he looked extra attractive to you
and you weren't ashamed to admit it
you complimented him back, saying he was honestly the prettiest guy you'd ever seen
"pretty? w-well I don't know about that. but thank you"
you meant it
you admitted he'd single handedly changed your mind on men
and he was the best looking
that made him stammer for a second
"me? I did that?"
he'd stopped washing your back for a minute, probably deep in thought
you were glad you did what you did in that theater
"well I'm glad you did too"
he hugged you from behind and rested his head on yours
that gesture from him was always cute
after the shower you toweled off and both got cleaned up
the usual morning traditions
for breakfast you both went out to a local diner
this time Devin wasn't going to be happy until you at least went Dutch, which you finally conceded to
you brought up the idea of another movie this weekend
at another empty showing
he read between the lines and got bashful but agreed
"I enjoyed the last… movie"
you agreed
the rest of the meal was relaxed otherwise
he was chipper when going over the last work week
he'd finally heard back from his boss at the security job and he was cool with you coming in for an interview
Devin would train you for a few nights but it was a pretty straightforward gig
when the check arrived your hands bumped and he got all flustered
same old Devin
the rest of your day felt… lighter somehow
perhaps Devin was the missing puzzle piece that brought it all together
he was certainly a ray of sunshine when it came to it
always doting on you
was he openly gay out in town?
it didn't seem like it
you figured it out but you were close
you were driving the two of you back to your place and you felt like it was right to talk a little
you asked if he would like to meet your parents
maybe it was a little sudden but he did make it feel like the right call
he was initially shocked
"they're OK with you being well…"
he was the first person you'd have brought home
your parents were pretty chill though
he was floored when you said he'd be welcome with you no matter what
you meant it
you didn't want to screw this up and you really wanted to make this work
so you wanted to show you were serious
it didn't have to be tomorrow or anything but you left the offer on the table
he was touched
I'd… be honored."
you squeezed his hand as you got to your apartment
you spent the rest of the morning playing video games before you both had to head to your work and school
the coming weekend and job training would at least be interesting
Devin came over every night or day
whenever he was free
he was welcome
some might say this was going too fast but you two had already gotten into the know each other phase when you were in elementary school
so it just made sense
he was your friend
so you already knew him plenty
it was meshing together as boyfriend that was new
but all that meant was being more touchy feely
you weren't like fucking yet
just the occasional fooling around
your bed was his
curiosity got the better of you and you asked about his place
he got quiet for a moment
"you… uh wouldn't want to see it. I feel sort of bad imposing."
he wasn't though
you said as much he was always welcome
your hand on his waist had him ease up and lean back against you
the tender little touch had that warm joy return to his face
that reaction was a little confusing
you just sort of cuddled back on the bed and had dinner while watching TV
the internet out here was kind of crap so you still used DVDs and what not
he seemed content watching the same stuff
dinner was Chinese take out
he paid this time
the only stipulation was the lo mein was veggies
which wasn't the worst
he grabbed you dumplings to compensate
it was a good dinner
after a long shift he fell asleep against you before even finishing his meal
you let him rest
the giraffe boy mumbled sweetly in his sleep
he snuggled up closer to you and you gently took his plate from him
it was hard to rest sitting up but you did it anyways
he was soft against your skin
he pushed himself too much
you could see that much
you had no room to judge but you felt he did too much
you knew he has good reason but it didn't make it right
you were both young do maybe you both could fix that
he didn't spell it out but you could see he stressed to get everything together
he carried a lot of weight on his shoulders and didn't want to bring attention to it
you'd be there for him
eventually you two awoke
he'd eventually knocked up both over on the bed
how he slept like that you don't know
it must hurt to sleep like that
he groaned as he woke up
it was cute
breakfast, cleanup and chill
it had become a welcome routine with Devin
he was attempting to do more kitchen wise
you noticed he would bring groceries over for meals for the both of you more often
you kept offering to pay and he kept turning it down
but he was supporting your parents would be your protest
"never mind that," was his reply
he wasn't letting you pay for food he was cooking, he reasoned
what if he screwed it up?
then you'd be out money
he didn't screw up though
his cooking started off rough
not that you were one to talk
but all he'd really make is pizzas for the most part
you both still talked about the same stuff as always
in a lot of ways nothing changed between you two
you didn't feel pressured to do things too differently because he seemed to approach it the same way too
maybe this was what the gay thing was?
you didn't exactly have the experience and neither did he
the little romantic gestures just felt right when you two did them
such as him serving you breakfast
he didn't do well with meat but still made you ham and eggs regardless
you didn't know how he ate vegetables for everything
you guess maybe it was part of biology
still pretty nice of him to make you special meals
the eggs were better than his last attempt
the morning was peaceful
you decided the theater wouldn't be it
you offered to take him to the park and he was flattered
perhaps you could spin it into a picnic
well rain check on that
but still, nice thought and it seemed to flatter him
so park it was
it was a tiny lot of land but still pretty
thankfully your apartment was close enough it was within walking distance
a walk with Devin allowed you both to relax
you both weren't sure about PDA in town
you'd practically groped each other in a dark theater but that was different
this was out in the open
that part was difficult
but you at least still act like "good friends" out in the open
quietly chatting gave you a little insight with Devin
he wasn't out in town
unsure how people would react
because honestly until you came back he felt alone
sure there was the internet but that wasn't exactly healthy
Devin was just content to be himself in private
you asked him about if his family knew and he piped up before attempting to change the subject
you didn't make an attempt to force the discussion
he'd tell you in time
so you played with the change in subject
he asked about classes
you didn't want to bore him but he was enthralled all the same
maybe it was a grass was greener attitude
most of it was online crap so ho hum there
but he still hung on your words and occasionally looked to you to for eye contact
this early in the morning the park was pretty dead
so it just seemed to be you two and you picked a spot near a fountain in the center to lounge
the weather was nice and he was dressed pretty as could be
he had a worn denim jacket he'd kept for years
a shirt that clung to his chest and pants almost as tight
being open with him was looking pretty good
the place was so small you could see the borders of the place around you so no surprises
you looked around and when the coast was clear you pulled his head close and kissed him on the cheek
he stammered and tried to suppress his blush
in time he'd openly be your boyfriend and he'd love it
for now a little gesture like this was enough
he tried to look at his feet and flicked some of his hair away from his face
trying to look casual in the moment
meanwhile his mind was rushing a million miles a minute
then you had him almost yelp when you held his hand
you couldn't do a whole lot in the open right now
but this felt right
and it seemed to bring him around to the genuine Devin you'd seen behind closed doors
he was lovestruck and somehow you caused it

the birdsong overhead was thankfully your only company
the sunshine and unseasonably warm weather made for a good day
so you enjoyed the quiet little moments
Devin was good company
even if it was just sitting on a park bench
eventually your conversation picked back up and he got comfortable being that affectionate out here
video games, shows, the like
"what movie would you like to see for our…?"
when you finished his sentence with "date" the flustered Devin returned
he however agreed after collecting himself
you would wing whatever movie was there
you were sure they had something
plus your attention probably wouldn't be on the movie
just a guess
so you weren't committed to a specific movie as long as Devin was there
his palm felt smooth against yours
he was still a skittish about being out in public but with you he seemed to relax
"I didn't think I could get this far."
he looked down to his feet and you caught the faintest smile
you smiled back
you were glad he got this far
you hoped to go farther
after a while you decided to head back home
today wasn't super busy but you didn't want to get caught off guard and have to rush
plus you had time for a surprise
he was floored when you gave him a spare key to your place
it wasn't like he wasn't welcome before but now you wanted him to be able to come and go whenever he pleased
he pulled you into a hug and it would have taken a crowbar to pry him off
after feeling like a small stuffed animal he finally set you down
he smelled nice
did he use perfume today?
it had a sort of light cherry scent
you wanted to remark but instead just hugged him tightly back and let the smell of him stick to you
"you won't regret this," he sighed
the hug was about the nicest feeling you'd had in ages
it was a pain to break that embrace
but you needed to both head out
he was as reluctant as you but kissed you on the cheek as a parting gift
made classes tolerable
occasionally he texted you and you him
made things pleasant
whereas before you talked about mundane stuff like tv shows or video games there was more romantic and even carnal texts
he was so happy you accepted him
you were happy to have someone in your life
he made you smile and from the way he spoke he shared that sentiment
you had a boyfriend
never would have thought life would be like this when you moved back
but you were glad you did
he was off work a bit later than your classes but asked if it was OK to come over
"I don't want to be a bother."
he could never be such a thing
you replied you gave him that key for a reason
that brought forth a series of thank yous
after classes you headed straight home and got some leftovers
you lost track of studies and before you knew it Devin had let himself in
he hopped in the shower real quick and didn't bother wearing anything but panties when he came out
you wondered if that was intentional
it made studying a little more difficult as you tried not to glance over
he wrapped a slender arm over your shoulder and then turned on the tv
this was him comfortable
you were thankful for baggy sweatpants
though he might appreciate the "appreciation"

he had made himself super comfortable around you
this was essentially just what you two did beforehand just with alterations
it was a miracle he didn't make you erect this much back then
maybe because you still saw him as just a friend
he didn't seem to have held that reservation
so you decided to tease him a little while you studied
you'd had a hunch on something for a while
after all he was the only one that had visited
he sipped slowly on a glass of water and that's when you decided to strike
so you disarmed him with a soft smile
not like this was bad
you asked if he liked the boxers he took from your dresser
that had his eyes shoot wide open and he nearly choked on water
you set down your books and laptop and laughed softly
your hands groped for his legs and you heaved him up onto your lap
he tried to look everywhere in the room but directly into your eyes
your hand rested on his thigh and he instantly lost any cool
well you hoped he liked them
you kissed him on the cheek and he still averted his gaze so you tilted his face towards yours for a gentle kiss
he melted then and there
his arms wrapped behind your neck as he tried to recollect his thoughts
you told him he was adorable and you didn't think he would ever speak coherently ever again
his body was super warm to the touch
his bare fur was soft to the touch
you called him cute

still trying not to look at you

it was cute
he leaned into you all the same
"so… maybe I took your…"
he pouted
well you understood why at least although you didn't see the appeal of your boxers
he mumbled in response
you raised an eyebrow at that and he couldn't sneak out of it
"fine," he replied with a soft whine
"I kind of sort of maybe jerked off with them."
well you guessed as much
his dick seemed to be straining now under your interrogation
those panties hid nothing
your hand reached for his dick
he stroked himself like that
after all the studying and classes it would be good to burn off some stress
he gasped but practically surrendered to your touch
you were feeling a lot more confident with a guy
more than you used to
his blow job and showing off for you made it official
Devin made you hard
and judging by the meat in your hand he did the same
he felt your dick digging into his soft ass and showed some initiative
his hand snaked into your pants and fished it out
"you're hot to me. always have been."
it just took you longer but you agreed he attracted you
"so yeah, I liked your boxers"
you shifted him so he straddled you
both of you frotted your cocks together
it was different than just jerking off
way way way better
the way he moaned your name was cute
you wanted him and he wanted you
his kiss started off cute then hungry
his tongue easily out wrestled yours and it felt like he wouldn't stop
it was like deepthroating him while your hips worked in concert rubbing your dicks together
your hands naturally squished his ass as you both let lust overtake any reasoning
he finally reeled his tongue back in to allow you to breath
he nestled next to your head and moaned a soft little song of "I love you"
he was soft in your grip
neither of you had gone this far with a guy
both of you just ran off instinct now
he was cute when he was in the throes of passion
you both bucked your hips against the other
his ass just felt so good to squeeze
he moaned when you did it
his tongue was a constant invader
you'd have to get used to every kiss being a messy one that robs your breath
neither of you touched yours dicks, content to get each other off like this
more than once his tongue snaked too fair in his eagerness
you'd cough but were back to it in seconds
he'd be worried briefly then he was back to tasting the inside of your mouth
your cocks throbbed and you knew you were close
he threw his head back as he broke another hungry kiss
your stomach was a mess as he shot his seed
he didn't stop grinding up against you though
within seconds it was enough to push you over the edge with him
it was fucking amazing and in the afterglow he slumped against you
you could hear the smile in his voice as he cuddled up to you
you both passed out with him blanketing you on the couch
the next morning you were rudely awoken by his alarm
he fell backwards off the couch and all the weight was off your lap in an instant
you were half awake and saw him scrambling for his phone on the charger near the couch
he shut it off and the noise instantly vanished
you feebly got up and helped him to his feet
it was alright
looked dark outside though
you asked what time it was
"4 AM. really sorry."
you stretched and remarked that it was no big deal
you didn't have classes today so it wasn't an issue
he had a shift in a bit for the hotel so you suggested a shower and taking him for breakfast nearby beforehand
you were both a mess from last night
"you have a point and I could eat. but I'm fine with oatmeal or something."
well at least he was easy to please
you did happen to have oatmeal so that was fine
coffee too
you put the pot on before you both stepped into the shower
the temptation to make it more was there but you didn't want to make Devin late
that didn't stop you from kissing the back of his neck to see him lock up for a second
caught him in mid sentence and everything
but you didn't push it farther
"that's not fair you know," he remarked with a laugh
"made me lose my train of thought"
he was talking about the security job, you reminded him
"oh right"
you suggested you come by tonight to do some of that training
he saw the wisdom in that
after getting cleaned and toweled off breakfast was good
even if it was just cinnamon oatmeal and coffee
he kissed you before he headed out and you caught up on some more sleep
your trip over to the warehouse later was fairly quick
small town traffic was absolutely amazing for that
he'd been there for a little bit before dark and you pulled up a little later into his shift
this wasn't official training or anything but it was also an excuse to hang out
you brought a late dinner for you both
it was leftovers but he was appreciative nonetheless
he pulled you into another tight hug before he reminded himself to be semi professional at the moment
he cleared his throat and relaxed
"thank you"
you smiled
he got flustered again
that reaction got a laugh from you
he pouted in retaliation
he was adorable
despite his insistence he wasn't right now
"I'm supposed to be working…"
you relented because you weren't going to spoil his job for him
so you let him recover and changed the subject to what this entailed
it was about as challenging as he described earlier
he really got you a relatively stress free job
so you went over the procedures
you wanted to let him regain a little bit of his self esteem about his work so you let him talk
it was actually cute to see him like this
it probably took a lot for him to be as collected as he was right now
he was in full boss mode
a rare glimpse at a new side of him
he wasn't full drill instructor but there was a serious responsibility behind his training
he wanted you to learn and you wanted to uphold the trust he put in you
when it came time for the rounds he was taking you with him
there were no cameras because the higher ups figured a guard was enough deterrent
so at least things weren't complicated
no one ever broke in so this really was the easiest work
he grabbed his flashlight and waved you to follow him out of the booth

walking around in the dark with Devin was almost funny
he was a little bit of a scaredy cat from previous experience and it seemed that trait was still there
he peeked around corners
like something would jump him
despite him repeating multiple times before that nothing ever really happened here
he didn't see the grin growing on your face
you picked up a pebble without him noticing
following him around made it easy
he was so preoccupied with the dark around the warehouses that he didn't notice
when you heaved the rock at a corrugated steel shack you didn't account for two key things

  1. he was in front of you
  2. he would move away from the noise

you were knocked over by a giant orange blur that immediately fumbled and tripped over you
you couldn't help but laugh though
"not funny"
you explained what you did
by your reaction he'd figured it out before that
"I'm not helping you up for that"
he wasn't actually angry or at least for long
he was up and had his hands resting on his hips
the pout was cute from down on the ground
it was worth it though
you weren't crying laughing but it was still funny as hell
this job could be fun
despite his earlier statement he helped you up
he did however bop you in the arm for the trouble
you were just keeping him on his toes
then he laughed
you suggested going and apprehending the offending pebble
"I could just lock you out of the booth, you know?"
but then the offer of energy drinks in you car perked him up
"OK, I may relent."
you offered to protect him from any any dangerous pebbles
"you're lucky you're cute."
you made a note to show him another scary movie when he came over
he couldn't a smile as you laughed
you headed over to your car and grabbed the drinks
you were digging through the backseat when hands grabbed you
you had no time to react before you were pantsed
then Devin ran back to the booth giggling the whole way
you pulled your pants back up and headed over to your future coworker
the nonchalant whistling was a good touch
you had an energy drink and he did end up thanking you
you did point out pulling your pants down in public felt different now somehow
he nearly spat out the sip he just took and instead coughed
you lightly smacked his back while he gathered his composure again
you thought about joking about your coworker sexually harassing you
but then he might not give you more blowjobs
you would hold that one off for later
the price was too great
so instead you two just settled in for the rest of his shift
the next time he went out for his rounds he eyed you suspiciously
"no funny stuff this time?"
you swore to protect him from any strange pebbles leaping out in the night
"see this is why I'm not apologizing for the trampling"
you pulled him close by the waist and promised to stay by his side the whole time
he melted at that but quickly recovered
"just be forewarned if something jumps out I'm hopping in your arms like Scooby-Doo."
oh no
the horror
full sprinting while carrying him sounded difficult though
not that you said that part aloud
or would he like you calling his ass big?
you had no idea how gay compliments worked
did they go around complimenting the size of each other's balls or something?
thoughts for another day
er, night
you did point out that perhaps he should carry you
"oh you want to be the girl now?"
ok point taken
he was the girl now and forever
without a repeat of the earlier incident the rounds were done in minutes
all the while Devin eyed you over his shoulder
clearly he suspected mischief but you'd gotten that out of your system
for now
you put him at ease asking about plans at the theater
that worked and you could see any anxiousness about the dark warehouses vanish
you two agreed to a movie neither of you had seen before
since the theater was one of those second run ones it had been out before but it was skipped over
some sort of action thing
Devin really was the sole reason you were going to the movies nowadays
you admitted as such
"same for me. you're more fun to watch though."
so it was almost promised you were getting lucky in that theater again if the planets aligned
the trip to the theater was delayed
Devin was coming off work and said he wanted to freshen up
that's where the trouble began
seeing him undress so openly around you was amazing
he realized you were staring and then got bashful
"am I that much to look at?"
he was asking that while bent over and his bare ass was out
he was either super oblivious or fishing for compliments
God he was hot
the primal urge to just shove it in was there
you couldn't lie
he saw the bulge in your jeans and took that as an answer
"we… I should get ready… you know, for the…"
his mind was drawing a blank as much as yours was
you were way past the point about caring that he was a guy
in fact it was doing the exact opposite for you
crossing the room and grabbing him by his hips felt right
"oh fuck!"
he'd dropped his slacks from the hotel job in shock but he wasn't exactly against the idea
his ass was so soft
the fur was beautiful
your fingers sunk in as you gripped at it
the movie could wait
you reached around and sure enough his dick was as hard as yours
a couple of pumps of the shaft made him whine
your hand ventured up to his chest and you pulled him back up towards you
he followed the dance pretty well
you wanted to kiss him
he agreed
it was a messy hungry kiss
Devin didn't seem to be capable of anything less
his slender neck allowed him to easily turn and push back with a kiss
your hand freed your own dick and he broke the kiss to gasp
"I don't have lube on me"
he looked apologetic
that was the one obstacle from getting his ass?
well you didn't have any and you weren't that creative
so you pulled back and slammed it between his thighs
your head barely peaked out between his thighs
you two would make do
you weren't so horny you'd hurt Devin
you double handed his twitching cock and just decided to let it out
he moved to kiss you again, moaning your name before going in for it
the movie could definitely wait

Devin moaned into your mouth and kept thrusting his ass back towards you
he wanted this as much as you
fucking him for real could come later but right now ypu couldn't imagine anything better than his thighs
he squeezed so tight around your dick
his hands were keeping him propped up against the wall
all while you sawed your manhood in and out of his thighs
"I'm really sorry I don't have lube"
he didn't need to apologize
you loved him
it wasn't just his ass
you frantically matched the rhythm of your thrusts with your pumping
you told him he made you feel good no matter what
he groaned and arched his back as he came ropes against the wall
"fuck I love you!"
his ass and hips flexed as he got shaky knees
before he collapsed on you or against the wall your hands grabbed at him
with a palm on his stomach and another wrapped around and gripping the opposite shoulder, it was clumsy
you made do and kept pounding away at his hips like an animal
you growled into his ear how much you loved him as your seed joined his on the wall
you grabbed his hand, both of you doozy after that improvised performance
you kissed his knuckles as you both gathered your strength
"I think… I will get lube. on the shopping list. definitely."
he giggled enough that you felt it through his back
there was still time for the movie so you cleaned up the wall while he finished cleaning himself up
when he came out you noticed his pants hugged him a little tighter than his usual attire
the drive to manhandle him again was creeping back into your mind
he caught that instantly
his palm planted against your chest and he wagged a finger
"down boy"
he laughed and pulled you into a hug
"that had looked cooler in my head. but let's have a little night on the town before you go all caveman."
he blushed and tightened
"I still can't believe I make you react that way. maybe this is a dream."
you grinned underneath him and gave his ass a pinch through his pants
he squeaked and instinctively shoved you back
so, he had proof he finally wasn't dreaming
he folded his arms and tried to pretend he hadn't just made that girly noise
you shrugged and gave your best innocent smile
he tried to look stern and then immediately folded with a sigh
"I'm going to have to watch you aren't I?"
you couldn't help be a lovable scamp and asserted as much
he disagreed
the way his eyes narrowed said he had your number
so off to the movies it was
you drove and amazingly got there right on time
just before the last trailer
even had enough time for popcorn and a soda
it felt like ages since you were here despite it only really being weeks
despite his insistence he was fine and you didn't need to get him something he did sip your soda
the place was empty
you hoped they actually did business
believe it or not you two were on your best behavior
Devin and you must have worked out all your sexual frustration before the movie
at least for a bit
no promises for later
you both actually paid attention to the movie
occasionally one of you would pop in for a joke or something
Devin continued to steal sips from the totally not communal soda
to think not to long ago an indirect kiss like that would have been strange to you
now it was just part of life
in the privacy of the theater you two could feel comfortable being more open
he leaned his head on your shoulder
Devin was personally on cloud nine
when he'd heard you were coming back he had hope in his heart
to have it actually come true was like a fairy tale
just a bit raunchier compared to the classics
not that Devin complained
he was about ready to let you screw him just a hour or so before
really needed to get lube for the occasion
maybe something skimpier you may like
not that Devin thought his figure looked good in much
he hoped you noticed the new shampoo he got
you had noticed he smelled nicer than usual
the locks of his hair were softer than his fur if that was possible
while you both had worked out your hormones earlier, you were both young guys
it didn't get past some soft kissing and petting in the dark though
making up for lost time with some horned up hijinks
both of you could not be happier
it was hard not to walk out of the theater arm in arm
however, Devin had concocted something devilish from what he thought of earlier
"so I had an idea…"
he dangled the sentence out there, hoping you'd take the bait
how could you not?
"we get a nicer room at my hotel for a night. plan things out a little."
you raised your eyebrow at the proposition
"if… you want."
well you did want
certainly had to be an improvement over your little apartment for what you thought was planned
so you headed to the car and talked about a date
something that would work for both of you
you offered him your place for the night
tomorrow he'd be at the warehouse and you'd join him after classes
for tonight you both curled up on the couch nearly naked
that hotel date would be something to mark on the calendar
you were growing accustomed to Devin squeezed up to you
in the middle of July it might be an issue but for now it felt good to have that warmth
he was chest to chest with you
how he slept with such an awkward neck was a mystery
you just sat there in the morning sun feeling him against you
his breath soft as his chest rose and fell against yours
it was like he needed to be in your arms, no matter how you two fit together
it felt right
you didn't wake him, instead preferring him to wake up naturally
when he did that's when you pulled him into a tighter hug and he reciprocated
his voice near your ear was pleasing
when you two finally broke the embrace you both got up and stretched
sleeping on the couch wasn't the greatest thing to make a regular event but you both recovered from it quickly
you tried not to watch the way his muscles and curves worked as he bent this way and that
he really was a work of art
you kicked yourself for not seeing it sooner
going about your day you felt a little more relaxed
his texts help between classes helped
at one point you got an unsolicited candid picture of his bare stomach from him
pizza place must be fairly boring today
your gain at least
you didn't have opportunities to strip like him but you appreciated it
his orange soft fur was a welcome sight
you remembered how warm he was to the touch and it was amazing
you had a wild guess for what he wanted that hotel room for and you were all for it
that night at the warehouse was as uneventful as usual
training had been easy and quickly forgotten in lieu of just goofing off
despite Devin maintaining a professional front, he couldn't help but relax around you
it wasn't long before you two were sitting on the floor
you were leaning back against him with him peaking over your shoulder
being the bigger spoon to Devin was fine in bed but not when watching TV or something
this was the best postion for that
you knew how a stuffed animal felt
his arms wrapped around you as you both watched stupid internet stuff on your phone
occasionally he'd hug a little tighter
when he had to do his rounds it was an excuse to stretch your legs
you swore you had better not spook him
he demanded that you not toss any pebbles in the dark
his glare on you was more humorous than anything but you reassured him
"I'm watching you"
it wasn't a serious threat
the urge to try it again was there but there was a line between teasing and being an asshole and you didn't want to push it
so away you two went through the routine
sure enough, no burglars
you asked what the warehouse had that was this important
"I was told electronics. makes sense to be cautious with that right?"
he had a point
he plopped back down on the floor and slapped his thigh to signal you
you didn't have to think twice and laid back against him, his arms pulling you into a comfortable embrace
both of you talked and he nonchalantly brought up that hotel date idea
"you're really fine with that idea?"
you looked forward to it but you didn't want to make him feel pressured
"it's what I dreamed of."
his arms squeezed tighter to emphasize
"let's mark it on a calendar now. make it official."
so you went through you phone schedule and both of you planned far ahead
his slender finger poked a specific date
"I'm completely free that day"
it was a little ways away but that seemed to be the best chance
you wondered just what he had planned
hopefully he didn't go overboard trying to please you
though maybe that was your chance to make things memorable for him too
a chance to step up your game as it was
little did you know he was thinking the same
he reached over you to try and grab his coffee
it was just out of reach and you grabbed it to hand off to him
he took a sip and then you took a sip from it after he handed it back
"that was because of the soda isn't it?"
you laughed
he pulled you closer and you two finished out his shift in relative peace and quiet

the next few weeks seemed to fly by
Devin stayed at your place pretty much any night he wasn't busy
he was more than welcome
the video game nights or movie marathons would turn into a sloppy blowjob sometimes
he liked it and every session felt better than the last
neither of you would plan it, just bam his head would end up in your lap half way through some movie
he did the cutest thing flicking his hair away from his eyes while looking up to yours for approval
you weren't quite at the dick sucking stage of questioning your preferences but he didn't seem to mind handjobs
the way he bucked and whined sometimes told you he liked your touch
his body was growing familiar to you
you loved tracing your fingertips over his smooth fur
the orange was warm on your eyes
his face was constantly joyful
even when your dick was poking into his cheek
he was skilled at cock sucking and he was very right to claim that was his trump card to win you over
there was something hot about just toying with his own dick though
it's meatiness didn't match up with his girly noises he made as you stroked him
one night you tried something you'd seen before in porn and rubbed right below his balls
a few seconds of that and he practically shot his hips upwards with a scream and shot load after load up like a geyser
that trick was filed away as your own secret trump card
you were completely comfortable with Devin now
you could say that
every night you'd cuddle or do some regular hang out thing
calling it friends with benefits would be too callous
that ignored your growing romantic feelings
Devin was clearly always sweet on you but you had warmed up to him
it felt good to have someone that wanted to make sure you got home safe
like a real mature relationship
you'd never had something like this and it was very new
let alone with someone you already felt at ease with
one night a wrench got thrown into the works
it was while watching TV on the couch together
you'd asked how his parents were
didn't mean anything by it
he finally came clean
said you deserved the truth
truth was the extra jobs weren't because of his family
he came out to his family a year or so back
they didn't… take it well
"I've been working to keep a place of my own when I could do it."
all of a sudden a lot added up
he was always skittish about letting you ride in his car
he practically cried when you let him have a key
you asked if he was living out of his car and he tried not to look you in the eye
his attempt not to give away the truth did it for him
you informed him you had a sixth month lease
you'd be honored to sign a new one with him
until then he was your guest whenever he felt comfortable
he started sniffling
maybe after his parents did what they did he couldn't expect good from someone
you pulled him into an embrace
you told him since he was living with you he should had least give up one job so he isn't pushing himself
"I'll consider it"
you whispered into his ear how you'd give him a full time job if he quit one
with tips involved
he just started laughing and softly elbowed your ribs as he melted into the hug
after that revelation it was hard not to let him get closer
he felt more relaxed
no doubt that was a heavy weight off his shoulders
you had wished he wasn't such a workaholic before this
now you would insist he take it easier
making him a househusband might even be in the cards
you had high hopes but tried to be realistic
you were worried about botching this up
after all, a friendship was one thing, this was another level
just sort of running into a minefield blind
so you hoped you'd get to the other wise unscathed
not that you thought Devin was a red flag
you just knew how much was at risk here
you'd heard horror stories of high school sweethearts turned into vipers
divorce rates and all that jazz
maybe you were too young to worry about that but you couldn't help seeing it done wrong multiple times
so you handled Devin the best you could and he did the same for you
ultimately it just came down to you two doing what came naturally
after hearing about his situation you refused to let him sleep in his car again
how he even did that was a mystery to you
must have stuffed himself in like a clown car
you'd definitely resign the lease with him on it
working three jobs at least showed he was serious and responsible
slowly of the next weeks it became his place unofficially as much as it was yours on paper
he always worried about mooching off you but he paid you cash
he insisted on groceries and what not
as well as part of the utilities
if he thought he was mooching he was mistaken
it was part of the reason he didn't initially tell you
he didn't want you to pity him
he didn't want to feel like he was taking advantage of your generosity
he wanted it all to be square and equal
his drive to be a partner and not just be passive was endearing
speaking of, the day of your hotel rendezvous was fast approaching
as in a couple days
you asked him what he intended and he refused to answer
"you'll just have to be there."
there wasn't a whole lot of mystery what the surprise was but hearing it would have confirmed your suspicions
so you let him be on it
he decided before the event he was going to put in his two weeks at the hotel
well after your meeting there
he said something about wanting to clean up the mess himself or he'd feel guilty
that was sweet of him
the night of the hotel date you couldn't lie and say you weren't nervous
you decided to not come empty handed
flowers and chocolate were cliche but you figured he'd appreciate it nonetheless
he texted the room number
the door would be unlocked
"hope to see you there"
you wouldn't miss it
you wouldn't miss it for the world
you were getting laid tonight
you'd cleaned up and drove straight over
his room was unlocked and darkness greeted you
"shut the door then come here"
there was a sultry side to his voice
you'd heard it before when he'd suck you off
the voice alone had you at half mast
"get the lamp"
you did as he asked and your jaw nearly dropped
his orange fur contrasted with the bright pink teddy
his legs were on display with one folded over the other
his dick was fully hard and leaking, clearly he'd been sitting there aroused a while
he'd done up his eyelashes and his had the faintest hint of shadow on his lids
lipstick wasn't a go for his face but it was clear he tried to gussy up
the teddy didn't cover much of his chest, the "cleavage" was right there for you to see
his tail slowly raised up and down next to him, beckoning you
he reclined against the pillow and headboard
"so, did I do good?"
his look was soft, pleading
he did perfect
you were glad he got the courage up to do this
now you were as hard as him
you offered him the flowers and chocolate and he lit up
that was very much your Devin
the same guy your ran through the woods with
now you saw him in a completely new way
but buried under the sex and romance it was still him and you
he pulled you into a hug and he was burning to the touch
you started gently, kissing up and down along his neck after you set the gifts on the nightstand
he groaned at the attention and played with your hair
"we can make that good accident something a little more official tonight."
you agreed with the idea completely
with a dexterity you didn't know you possessed you had your pants off completely blind with one hand
he broke your kisses on his neck so he could lift your shirt up and over your head
he smiled at seeing you like this
both of you went to pull down your boxers
he was quicker on the draw
they were flung like a bouquet at a wedding
you wasted no time and pulled yourself close
even with his height over you it was clear he was the submissive one
he accepted you on top of him naturally
he smelled so good
you buried your face in the fur of his neck
he went all out with some fancier shampoo than usual
he moaned your name and gripped you tighter
honestly, his height just meant more to attack
you noticed with his neck against the bedframe he must be uncomfortable
so you fixed that
and showed off at the same time
your hands dug into his thick hips and he didn't have time to react before you yanked him fully onto the bed
he laughed and softly smile up at you
then locked his legs behind you
"that was kind of hot."
you kept up your attack on his neck
one of your hands gripped at one of his nubby horns
you both wanted tonight to last and make this perfect
his neck consistently proved am easy target
eventually he wanted more and he pulled your chin up
he looked into your eyes and you shared the silence for a moment
then he kissed you, hard
practically deepthroating a tongue was just a familiar experience now
it was your Devin after all
his kiss was as messy and hungry as usual
both your manhoods throbbed against each other
by now both of you were running on primal instinct
every touch was like a jolt
normally, if you weren't running on autopilot, you'd chide yourself for not doing this sooner
this was just impossible to consider a year ago, let alone when Devin made that confession all those years ago
you were aware enough now that you appreciated the warmth beneath you that cooed your name every time your dicks rubbed against one another
his body was do different compare to yours, the exotic feel of fur on bare skin felt amazing
if Devin had a human thing you had a giraffe thing now
not that you two would need porn all that much now
your fingers gripped as his ass as you ground against him
he broke another messy kiss and whispered into your ear
"before you got here I got… ready"
you didn't need it spelled out to you
you saw the lube on the nightstand and grabbed it
it felt prudent to lube up your dick just to make sure it was going to be comfortable
he drew slow lazy circles over your chest as he watched you getting the liquid all over your shaft
"I'm really glad my first is you"

Devin's voice raised a few octaves when your cockhead pushed against his hole
he wrapped his arms around you
it was cute to hear him whimper and you hadn't even pushed in
his orange fur was making you sweat already
he felt like he was burning hot
when you finally slid forward into him the heat only swelled
piercing into him got him softly raking over your back while moaning out your name
the bigger guy was putty in your hands and you had barely started
thick hips softly pushed up towards the invader while his ring clamped down hard on the invader
every inch was an uphill battle
you went for his neck again and again, relaxing his grip and soothing him
his thick black shaft leaked precum onto his pink teddy
he was so very different from you yet you both felt like perfectly fit puzzle pieces now
when you bottomed out his allowed his composure came back a little
"I'm really lucky you grabbed my dick in that theater"
you laughed into his neck as you felt his asshole strangle your manhood
he unbelievably tight and felt like he could get tighter if he wanted
maybe a talent
might top the tongue right now
you pulled him into a kiss and now you tried your damndest to out wrestle his tongue
your hand locked into one of his
his tail excitedly flipped to and fro across the bed sheets
he whimpered and growled into his mouth as you started moving
the giraffe boy felt his prostate rubbed over ever stroke of your cock
without thinking his legs spread further to let you go as deep as possible
Devin couldn't believe this
it had to be a dream
everything he ever wanted
right here right now
Anon was his and he was Anon's
it was better than any fantasy
the smell, the sounds, the touch
all way better than some of his daydreams
all those years of hoping and almost giving up on love
it led here
and it had impact
it wasn't just Anon wanting a back up "girl" or anything unseemly like that
Anon's goal was him alone
he was so overwhelmed receiving all of this
it felt right to be pinned and locked together like this
their tongues, thier fingers, themselves
it was like Devin was one half of something before this
it was crazy, wild and most importantly loving
Devin's free hand planted firmly on your lower back, he held you in
not that you'd imagine escaping
you'd see his ass in passing definitely
the ring of muscle was different than a human guy's
not that you'd gone around looking at guy's asses much before Devin and after Devin that was an impossibility now
you just didn't imagine it this strong
it was like being trapped
it made you sweat harder to exert all your momentum into every thrust
his thick fat ass cushioned every blow
you shocked him to the point of gibberish when you switched thing up without pulling out
almost like a wrestling match you'd repositioned your hold on him
all the while trying to keep up the pace
at first you'd both gone for missionary but now he found himself the little spoon on his side
your hand had gripped onto his thigh and had his leg up in the air
his own manhood bounced with every thrust into him
he murmured about being so close
you decided to push things along and he whined when you started jerking him off with his hand
yours over his
he immediately shot his seed in a spray across you both and the bed sheets
his body spasmed and he managed to get you to cum within seconds of him
"oh fuck. that's it. it's better than I thought it'd feel."
you tried your damndest to pump in and out when you came but he tightened around you
"no you don't. I'm not losing a drop of it."
his breath was ragged as he egged you on to cum your first load deep in him
you hungrily attacked his neck again and he came again without notice
it really was his weak point
you ran your hand up to his heaving chest
both of you were silent in the aftermath
"I really wish you'd have grabbed my dick sooner"
he laughed to himself and you were quick to join in
you ended up closing your eyes briefly and resting your head on his arm
"all tuckered out? was I that good?"
a challenge
his voice had that sultry edge to it again after he recollected himself
the teasing would be met with another attack
after all you both had the night
your dick was hardening up again and you felt his nipples through the teddy
you were going to ruin this boy
he was getting hard again too
no wonder he wanted to make sure he cleaned up this place himself
this time you wanted to try another position
he squeaked when you picked his hips up and had him on his knees on the bed
God his ass looked inviting
this was it
what you'd been missing
all the love and company and…
you smacked the left cheek softly
he shot his neck up with a "eek" that didn't match the whole attempt at seduction right before he was on all fours
with his neck you wanted to try something with the doggy style
his horns were as always excellent handlebars
you turned his head to kiss him while your dick slid between that ample ass
his couldn't help but grind back
all while moaning back into your mouth
he accepted you without question, submitting quickly again
in the dim warmth of cheap hotel lamplight you both enjoyed slowly grinding
you weren't ready to enter just yet
despite him pleading
and he definitely pleaded
even started giving you puppy dog eyes while grinding his ass on your dick
his cheeks were generous enough you could hot dog him if you wanted
rubbing your manhood over his greedy hole was making him desperate, slowly but surely
you asked if this felt like tuckered out
"as your boyfriend it's my job to tease you. you're not supposed to tease me. it's not fair."
he briefly laughed and smiled up at you
breaking the kiss allowed for continued assaults along his nape and shoulders
he must have really liked it because at one point he grabbed your head when you made to pull back
that whole neck area was yours and yours alone and he wanted you to have it
Devin was in bliss right now
while he really really really wanted you to go for round two all the foreplay told him you were the one
this wasn't just a pump and dump
you genuinely wanted him
that confession all those years ago felt like it would be unrequited
yet here you both were
sharing in each other in the most intimate of ways
he had promised his heart to you all those years ago
now the rest of his body was catching up with that promise and he was in heaven
occasionally he tried to maneuver his ass just so you'd slip in with an accidental thrust
but your penis was too smart for that little bit of trickery
you just kept sliding right over the hole
that's when Devin unleashed his secret weapon
"I love you," he breathed out
Devin caught on fairly early the easiest way to get you to do something was those three little words
you had no choice but to fuck him now
it was slightly easier to push in this time around
you had to grab the lube to give yourself another coat to make sure
Devin's hair was a mess now
that would always stick out to you in your memories
such a silly tiny little detail
mingled in with the smell of sex and some new scent he'd tried on before you got here
smelled sweet
when your hips met he groaned out and looked you in the eyes
the size difference made you really appreciate how much of a ass he had on him
it was thicker than so girl's you'd seen but not so huge it would be grotesque
just like perfect
like all of him
you couldn't get back that gap in school before you'd gotten back but you both were going to make up for lost time
every thrust had his cock swaying, the tip just an inch from touching the bedsheets
he had that thing but he preferred yours
that was an ego boost if anything
though maybe you'd eventually get used to this enough to give him a blowjob in the future
you eyed his slender waist and traced your gaze up to his again
both of you rutted against each other like breeding animals now
it was your turn to tell him you loved him when he came
the way he arched his back and nearly collapsed onto the bed was burned into your memory
however you weren't "tuckered out" yet
Devin would get his wish
once more you grabbed him, this time you slid back to sit on the edge of the bed
you'd pulled him up to sit on your lap
"wait, what are you doing?"
you wrapped your arms around his waist and he gasped
"wait I'm too big for this. don't try it."
another challenge
this was less mocking in tone and more concern
sure he may be bigger
but you wanted to cum
his protest was cut off by you jack hammering into him
"holy shit!"
his tail awkwardly flicked into your face several times and he was indeed hefty but damn the torpedoes
your hips moved with a strength you didn't know you had, though the bed probably also helped
one more slap to your face with his tail gave you an idea
you softly grabbed it with your teeth
you have thought Devin touched an electrical socket with how he reacted
this time he had a dry orgasm, his teddy and the bed sheets sullied enough
he arched his back against you and you couldn't help emptying your balls into him again
this time you fell backwards onto the bed, dragging him with you
you were squished face to fuzzy orange shoulder blade
you could feel his heart rate come back down against your cheek
"you are nuts," he weakly replied as he laid on you
you didn't fight his weight on you
the smell of your boyfriend was pretty much all you could breathe in
tonight was amazing
and you decided to show off your secret weapon tonight too
flowers and chocolate weren't the only things you'd picked up
it had been easy to get away to do it the other day
with your new work it was easy to justify a big purchase
well sort of big
you lost count of how long you'd both laid there
he was suddenly aware he was laying on you after a while
he tried getting up but you hugged his waist tight
"I'm probably crushing you"
holding tight
but you did suggest a compromise
you'd release Devin only if you two grabbed a shower together
"oh that's all I have to do?"
you could hear the wry smile in his voice
God you were happy accidents happened
you did ask if he was all tuckered out
"oh I'm never hearing the end of that am I?"
"you're lucky you're cute you know"
that dinky hotel room played host to you two finally consummating everything and you wanted one final gesture that night
when you both sat up you ignored how sore your hips felt
you really hadn't let up when you had him riding you
you watched him pull the teddy off and you still could not figure out whether he looked better with or without it
he gently elbowed you to catch your attention and that made you remember
he looked quizzical as you scrambled through your pants
when you slipped a promise ring on his finger he started tearing up
maybe that was a little much too soon or whatever
but the way he started tearing up made you pull him into a tight hug
you thought back
how courageous he had to be to do that confession all those years ago
you whispered up to him that you like liked him too and that ring was physical proof
the giraffe hugged you back with a strength his girly frame didn't seem to possess
it was about 1 AM and a hot shower next to him sounded like the best thing ever right now
you both separated and got into the bathroom
the shower was tinier than the one at your place
cramped up next to Devin wasn't the worst proposition though
at least you could both clean up
he occasionally stared at his and your rings
you were glad he told you all those years ago
while it wasn't immediate then and you kicked yourself for it now, hindsight was a bitch
so might as well enjoy the present
and possibly the future
3 years
a lot can change
things didn't go as planned
your parents didn't approve but to hell with it
you dropped out of college
switching over to a trade, your career accelerated rapidly
you had your motives for quitting
yes a diploma would have done a lot
but it would have taken you out of this town
it had grown on you
all of it
you'd rather help work at a sleepy electricians in a sleepy town instead of getting stuck in an office
as for Devin…
actually going fantastic
your parents were more pissed you dropped out than you were gay and bringing home a giant boy
they did remember Devin so that helped tide them over a little
he was of course a flustered mess the entire time
you talked that night in your bed
obviously the cohabitation had worked out
he was leaned up against you and had to look over his shoulder to look you in the eye
"I'm scared I'll weigh you down. I don't want to make you regret your life"
there was a pain there behind his eyes
sometimes he expressed fear that this was too good to be true
that it wasn't good
that things wouldn't work out
his anxiety came out occasionally
every time you'd hold him tight and hush his fears best you could
like now
you kissed along the back of his neck and grabbed his hand and kissed that ring you gave him in that dingy hotel room
you wanted this
no regrets
you felt proud he could quit another job
he worked part time at the pizza place now
partially because you'd pulled the pizza boy sex roleplay multiple times now
you were saving up for a house slowly but surely
ideally your old house
if you did get it you were definitely marrying him in those woods near it
you and Devin weren't exactly open in town but you'd ingrained yourself with the community despite that
helped everyone seemed to like Devin
he was even more chipper since he'd gotten serious with you
in those 3 years you'd grown together
despite the fears and uncertainty you refused to break that promise
that little Devin you'd met in the woods that day demanded your heart
he wasn't assertive enough to command your heart, you just couldn't betray those same sweet eyes on you
it wouldn't matter if you were 20 or 80
the giraffe boy had grown into your home and your future

Edit Report
Pub: 21 Nov 2022 01:10 UTC
Edit: 03 Apr 2023 01:19 UTC
Views: 5050