Ranch hand Anon by /bara/hmoma/ writefrien

Stallions embarrassed about how they can't last longer that 10 seconds


Anon is the new ranch hand working in a prestigious stable
Assigned to handle and aid the stallions specifically
Horses of all breeds and vocations, from pretty little Arabians to big tough Shires
Gets mercilessly flirted with from day one, turns out being hired in spring meant dealing with their rutting period
The first incident occurred with Dale, an American paint horse.
Paint horses are "stock" breeds, meaning he comes from a long line of hard workers and laborers, this naturally put him at odds with the more prestigious breeds.
He was certainly prejudiced, insisting that race horses were all "fast little fillies" who were too quick both on and off the racing track
As for shires, he tapped his skull, smirking as he suggested they were more fur than brains.
Like him or not, he was your first customer, and he seemed to be due a full brushing and a shoe replacement.
He was surprisingly helpful, keeping still and casually handing you your tools as you worked on his hooves
It was during the brushing session that things got...quiet
The talkative horse stopped yammering on about how his great grandpappy built the very barn they were standing in back in eighteen aught seven (that didn't sound right)
He seemed pretty clammed up actually, and his breathing was a little heavy
He might be in pain with the new shoes and trying to tough it out, which was unacceptable.
He had his back turned to you, letting you comb his mane to get the leaves and twigs out
You decided to just ask, the last thing you needed was a leg injury, and this guy seemed like the type to let his ego get the better of him and put on a brave face
Leaning in close you whispered if he was feeling okay
He jumped a little, ear flicking at your sudden closeness
"F-FINE! I'm just peachy! Work away!"
You sighed
And then immediately grabbed his broad shoulders before swinging him around to face you
Ah, there was the problem
Dale was sporting one hell of a stiffy, fit to burst
Rightfully mortified, the equine quickly tried to cover up his shame, to little effect considering that it was a literal horsecock
A horse in rut was easily excitable, and you weren't dumb, like all the other guys his brain was fogged by rut, a stray breeze would have had him popping a boner
"It's not what it looks like! I-it's just you have really warm hands and you kind of smell like flowers and...oh god..."
He was red as a beet
He was squirming under your gaze as you thought of what to do
No way that monster was going down any time soon, but you had shit to do!
But you also couldn't just leave him with dirty fur...
You remembered hearing about a "last resort" move for situations like this. Apparently it was horse racing's worst kept secret for when a stallion was "distracted" right before a run
You produced a tub of coconut fur oil, used by the show horses to keep their coats shiny
Spreading a liberal dollop between your palms, you lubed your hands up nicely.
Without missing a beat, you closed the gap between yourself and the still stammering work horse, pinning him to the wall
"What're y-" a finger to his lips and a quiet shush stopped him from interfering as you moved your hand downwards
You casually gripped his throbbing cock, making him jump a little
One hand slowly applied lube to his member, while the other went to his ample butt
You began teasing his hole a little, tracing circles with your finger
He looked absolutely scandalized that you were molesting him like this, but that didn't stop you
He looked ready to protest, but you intercepted
"Easy big fella, you're in rut, and I'm here to take care of you"
you gave his flared cock an appreciative sqeeze "Just relax and enjoy yourself"
Well lubed with his own pre and the oil, you tightened your grip, beating him off properly, whispering praise and massaging his hole as well
What felt like seconds later his, legs started wobbling like crazy
"W-wait I'm gonna-"
Of course he didn't want to cum straight away, but time was of the essence here
You kept it up, "c'mon, just let it aaaaall out~"
"nngh, FUCK!"
...Annnd boom goes the dynamite
The horse bucked his hips forward, shooting thick ropey loads of hot stallion cum all over the stall's wall
It took him longer to finish than it did to get him fully hard.
You gave him an appreciative pat on the head
"Good boy, now sit, I need to finish getting the dust off of your back."
He was too stunned to speak as you plopped him back into the chair and went right back to work
Eventually he turned his head over to the frankly ludicrous amount of cum all over the wall
Ah, it probably stunk of sex to his sensitive nose right now, luckily you two were alone
"Don't worry about that, I'll clean it once we're done, now keep your head straight I need to-"
What a drama queen "I can't rightfully clean you when you're popping a stiffy the size of a baguette Dale, jeez..."
You went on to explain that while it isn't implicit, section 24-C of your contract did state that you had to have the horses ready for work "by any means necessary"
He was once again stunned into silence by your interpretation of that rule, he mustn't have been cleaned regularly enough, poor thing.
Eventually you had gotten him sparkling clean, and a quick bucketful of water had removed all evidence of his "happy ending"
He was STILL blushing as he got dressed, looking at you uncomfortably as he slipped his jeans back on.
"Y-You're not gonna tell anyone right?".
You smirked at him "What, that I had to beat you off or that you didn't last more than thirty seconds?"
If looks could kill, you'd be a pile of ash on the floor right now
Snide comments aside, you eventually convinced him that your lips were sealed, if only he knew that most stallions you work with don't make it past 20 seconds.

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Pub: 30 Jan 2022 09:36 UTC
Views: 1617