urban explorer Anon
that was you
constantly looking for a thrill
wrapped up in whatever /x/file shit you could find
and not above milking it for a video
so this was why you were summoning a succubus at 3 AM
at a shitty house you'd found in the woods
really not the wisest idea
but whatever
those threads had to be bullshit
you were going to put it up on YouTube for clicks
even claimed you bought the summoning shit off the dreaded dark web
it worked for other trend chasers
so why not you
you left off the jerking off into a cup portion of the ritual
didn't need to have a video immediately striken down the second you posted it
defeated playing around with online audiences
you might as well just do it in private and where was the fun there
you were thinking of a click bait title while working through the rest of the ritual
black candles offered dim light in the ancient living room
the smell of musty furniture wafted took up permanent residence in your sinuses
the place was pretty shit but you'd come here often to hang out
you'd found it years ago and no one else seemed to think it was neat
the ritual had some sort of chant
you were sure you got it right
Latin wasn't your first language and you knew the bare minimum
that's where the trouble began
the ritual was real
the stranger online who sent it had no idea what they had
in their ignorance they'd botched it before it came to you
it probably wasn't out of malice
granted what it summoned didn't seem to have any idea either
you were genuinely surprised when your seed spilling across the floor was met with a pillar of fire taller than you
red and black flame formed a...
it was not human, a canine face and black and red fur it was made of those flames
the room was sweltering and it immediately locked eyes with you
the glare made you fall backwards
then you realized something about the demon
your foot broke the seal for the ritual
the demon noticed immediately and lunged
the knocked over candle didn't even have time to roll before you were pounced on
”who dares summon me?”
the voice shocked the demon after he spoke
he looked bewildered and dropped you
the demon stood up and a mirror caught his eye
unsteady cloven hooves walked in front of the tall broken mirror
the demon noticed what you had when you summoned him
”what did you do?”
this hellhound demon was… very much a succubus
to put it lightly
he looked at his paws and realized how sleek his body was
then he swiveled back on you and pointed his claw at you
”you'd better have a good explanation for this farce!”
well, /x/ told you to do it?
his anger simmered but it was hard to take seriously
horned canine demon or not he was smaller than you and bare naked
he glared at you after receiving that answer
he advanced and realized you were taller than him
this made him rant further
the demon's pupils were orange novas in a black void
with midnight black fur broken up by red and orange around his hands and ankles he was striking
a devil tail erratically swung around as he explained how you fucked up
once more you shot back that the internet told you how to do this
you thought you'd get nothing and just fake a spooky ghost in post
yeah, you were filming
you had a demon strutting around on camera
you were going to get so many views
it was a shitty phone camera but still
you broke away and grabbed for the phone you'd set up on a nearby table
you got a close up of a demon dog staring daggers through your samsung face barricade
this was fantastic footage though
crystal clear
”go through what this ritual entailed. step by step.”
his claw prodded your chest hard
you turned off the video for now and brought up the thread
when you brought up the ejaculate he facepalmed
you gave him a moment and then continued
the hellhound tensed up and then snapped and grabbed your shirt
he found out he couldn't lift you after an attempt
”I am the door of the stygian gates. Hell's master entrusted me with that power. you've reduced me to a lust demon. fool!”
trying to dramatically shove you aside had no effect
he huffed and walked over to the summoning circle
he squatted down and looked at the ring of candles
”all that responsibility gone.”
he wasn't speaking to you now
more like rambling to the void
his thin tail was slumped on the ground
just one more picture to have confirmation
he heard the click and his side eye burned in your direction
”pictures? imbecile,” he growled
you feared another reprisal but he didn't rise uphe just looked back on the ritual circle
you didn't know if staying was wise after you got more than you wanted
the demon could be someone else's problem
when he saw you going for the exit that's when he reacted
then he marched up to you
”I was a jailer since antediluvian times and you just try to walk away? leaving me like this?”
he pointed a claw to his hips then once more in your chest as he continued
”you and this /x/ are taking responsibility. we are leaving this shithole immediately.”
”no. you made the pact and I came.”
how easy would it be to evade him?
he had you against the wall but he was smaller
his snout was an inch from your face so he saw your eyes dart for the door
”no,” he growled, “I'm going too.”
he was hard to take seriously but this was still a demon
so you'd go along with this
at least until you could get a free chance to run
you calmly put out the candles before leaving the room
you'd put him at ease
he might be a demon but you were smart
when you walked out of the ruined out you enacted your secret technique
run away
running hard through a dark forest with a demon
the demon screamed at you
the term “castrate” came up and you heard cloven hooves behind you
little did he know, threats to chop off your testicles would only make you run faster
your car was so far it might as well be in the fucking Balkans
lungs started to burn after sprinting for so long
the chilly air didn't help
felt like knives in your lungs
the thumping pursuit behind you told you you needed to keep running
he was making promises about “to the ends of the earth” and maybe he could make good on that
you didn't like how he wasn't winded enough
if he could keep yelling at you while in pursuit he was still full of energy
man was a persistence predator but this demon was putting that to the test
no way in hell were you sparing a glance over your shoulder
you saw your blue shitbox in the distance
you'd parked off the side of a barren dirt road
sanctuary was within reach
the footsteps behind you pushed you harder towards your car
you realized opening the door would be a mistake
you'd have to stop
he'd catch you
an idea flashed through your mind and instead of going for the car door you juked left
the demon couldn't stop and you were rewarded with the sound of your car door getting smashed into and a string of obscenities
you'd run around the front of your car while he pulled himself up
hopping into the passenger door would be the safest option
a black and red blur flew over the hood and you dodged the demon again
your hand was on the door and you threw it open into your pursuer
he swore once more
it was easy to slide into the driver's seat but he'd gotten into the car before you could take off
he tried yanking you out of the seat and your car ended up cruising downhill and you were stopped by a tree
it wasn't hard enough to jostle the airbag but between the dark and the demon strangling you by your shirt collar you couldn't easily readjust your car
”you are taking me home!”
you didn't want to be dragged to hell
it didn't sound fun
your attempt to escape the car had him pulling you back
blindly fumbling for the door with one hand, you tried pushing him back with the other
he wasn't exactly stronger than you
but he was hard to wrestle him off when he had a grip on you
his hands were dexterous as a human's but he had claws on top of that
when you reached out and grabbed one on the pointed goat horns on his head he tried to suppress a moan that quickly turned into demands to release him
he was grappling you and was making demands you release him?
your other hand reached for the other goat horn and then the fight turned into him trying to awkwardly kick you back in your phonebooth of a car
he gripped at your arms as he wiggled around in an attempt to escape
the demon cursed you, your mother, and everything in-between
you weren't about to let him go
a hoof ended up in your stomach and that made you release him as the air left your lungs
the demon pressed his advantage and pounced on you
your hand grabbed for the door handle and both of you spilled out onto the forest floor
he had you pinned face down in the dirt and all his limbs and even his tail were focused on restraining you
in the panic to scramble up you realized your arm was touching something wet
his legs had wrapped around your right arm, his arms squeezed around your hips and his tail was lashed around your throat
”you are driving me to your house,” he demanded while trying to hold you down
the wetness on your arm was a funny thing to focus on but it stood out
you tried moving that arm only to have the demon try and bite your ass through your jeans
”d-don’t you dare.”
he didn't break the skin but that did get your attention
he wasn't nearly as impressive as his talk made him out to be
if he was such a badass jailer why was he having trouble with you?
you couldn't really vocalize that without a mouthful of leaves at the moment though
your free hand was trying to pry the thin tail from around your neck
if only you could have used your legs
but he was trying his damndest to keep you on the ground
”home dammit! bad enough you did this but you're really going to be this stubborn?”
you stopped trying to pull the tail off around your neck and opted for another approach
you tried to reach back as far as you could and yanked on the base
the demon arched his back into you and suppressed another groan that he silenced by biting your ass once more
”you bastard,” he murmured into your pants as you quickly realized he just came on your arm
of course
he was a succubus
maybe he was getting off on this
why did this one turn out to be some furry and not look like that Darkstalkers chick though?
but you had your weapon
his tail was still in your grip and you tugged again, overwhelming the demon
he didn't shoot that time but he released his grip enough you got him in a headlock with your legs
that at least got him quiet
he now had free hands to grab your other arm
both of you were in a standoff
he was like a bulldog
hard to tug him off once he got ahold of you
he managed to get you off his tail so you didn't have that weapon
at least for now that weak spot was freed from your grip
the demon was still trying to spout insults between your legs
you positioned yourself so you could speak
why in fucks name was he that damn desperate to come home with you? he was free, right?
why not run off into the night or something
he mumbled something and you rolled a little so he wasn't muzzle first in the dirt
you asked him to repeat it
”you idiot, that spell stuck me to you! who summons a succubus to let them just ‘run off’?”
how did that even work?
”the summoning is a contract you dumbass!”
it was just a ritual
”and guess who signed on the dotted line with their seed?”
what the fuck?
you felt him struggle but you weren't about to release him
he was stubborn though and you weren't exactly a trained athlete
he finally pulled his head free and tried chewing your thigh to get you to let go
that did it, even through the jeans
he quickly scrambled up off you and climbed into your car
you were shocked he didn't go on the attack
nope, now he just occupied the cramped back of the vehicle
”now, you're taking me home.”
he was taking a different approach to this
probably act like dead weight when you try to yank him out
”so where's your house?”
he was sitting in it
the demon didn't speak
if a look could kill
those pupils burned through the dark and you were tempted to let him have the car
maybe you could just live out in the street
wise idea
you got up and tried to back away when he spoke from the back seat
”Get. In. Here.”
it was cold and authoritative
what if you didn't want to?
he didn't repeat himself
just grabbed the headrest and stared into your soul
he'd probably pounce on you the second you'd try to bolt and you were winded from that chase and fight
so fine, you'd sit in the damn car but you wouldn't be pleased about it
when you sat down he spoke again
”so you listen to strangers over this internet and you live in this.”
well you were done listening to /x/ after this
the naked demon in your car was real but nothing you'd imagined
well, maybe the ass was about correct
you did point out you did YouTube travel stuff and you had a day job
you weren't a loser
no idea why you felt the need to justify yourself to this demon
but you also wanted to insist to yourself you weren't some deadbeat
”so you film things with that camera,” he remarked as he watched your from the dark of the backseat
”including me, apparently.”
well, duh
he was the first real supernatural thing you'd ever seen
”so you don't go around ejaculating other demons into existence here?”
this was you trying something new
he scoffed at that
”you wanted a fuck,” he laughed
well, you didn't think the whole thing would actually work
you'd probably have pretended to see some stupid orb on camera and called it a video otherwise
then /x/ would call you a slur
”I want to call you several already.”
the attitude was unappreciated
”neither was getting pulled out of your honored duty because someone wanted some hell harlot for oral sex.”
but you didn't think you'd summon a real succubus
he almost objected but stopped
he hated that thought
he sat back in the backseat
was he a succubus now?
he'd looked down on bimbos like them
yet he had desires now that he'd never felt before
he held those thoughts back with all his willpower
just because he was summoned as for sex didn't mean he had to cater to the desire
the desire
no, he shook his head and made himself comfortable staring daggers into the back of your head
you quietly sat there, trying to think about the next step
a naked demon occupied your car
you had work in the morning
what did you do next?
you looked back and asked how binding was this contract?
”I wouldn't still be here wouldn't I?”
so was he obligated to service you?
he huffed and curled up in the back
again, you didn't think this would actually work
you could only throw your hands up in the face of all his outrage
so you asked him if there was a way to send him back
”if demons knew the rituals they wouldn't need humans to do the work would they?”
the hellhound was one of the devil's strongest soldiers and he was stuck with the indignity of wondering what this human's cocksweat tasted like
he pouted as he curled up in the seat
for now he'd try to sleep
dismissing him back to hell was something he'd need time to figure out
you were initially hesitant to stick around once you saw him close his eyes
the black fur made it look like a void occupied your backseat
when he shivered you cursed silently to yourself
the next morning he woke up covered with a heavy blanket
you were already driving to your shift in town
peeking over your shoulder, you told him you had work so he'd have to wait in the car
until you could figure out how to banish him, you couldn't do much more about the situation
your life had to carry on regardless of the new wrench thrown in the works
he pulled the blanket to himself
he missed the heat of hell
while you worked at the gas station, he tried patiently waiting in the car
keyword being tried
you worked shifts by yourself in the little booth
he tried to willpower through it
but unfortunately, he realized something after
since you lived in this car, it smelled of you
he was fighting urges he'd never known before
the blanket smelled like you
he realized he was hugging it to his face a little too much and pushed it away
all those centuries as a jailer and he was imprisoned in this steel box by a botched ritual
he'd have gutted you if you didn't smell so…
”no,” he shouted as he refocused his thoughts
his shoulders were so heavy with the weight of responsibility
he'd never faltered once
it was his job to be an unyielding bulwark
and his cock was leaking under the blanket
he cursed his newfound libido
stupid damn human
he huffed while he grew impatient
he had to find a way back to Hell somehow
someone was no doubt gunning for his position
he hoped this form wasn't permanent
his legs involuntarily rubbed together
curse that stupid ritual
human ejaculating like that
should be…
”dammit,” he loudly protested as he curled up in a ball under the blanket
you maintained the gas station without a thought spared for the demon at first
occasionally you'd look over at your car or sometimes go over that video
just to prove you had seen what you did
still hard to believe and you'd wrestled him
not like you could leave the booth all that much
customers didn't give you much time for pensive thought
when you finally closed shop you made sure to purchase dinner
beef jerky
the high end shit
fuck yeah
you'd come back to the car and pulled up to the office portion of the station
you had to close that too but they had a shower in the men's room and more importantly they had heat
looking in the back seat you saw the demon watching you
you couldn't read him all that well
he didn't want to claw your face off but still a mystery
you pointed out hot showers and the ears on his head perked up
thankfully there were no cameras in the office
you didn't need to explain to the boss about demons
the shift did at least allow you to think about how this demon was reacting
you did lull him from whatever he did down there
even though you didn't think it would work, it did
you stranded him up here and you'd have to help
you got out of the car and he followed
you offered him some of the jerky
he passed on it
he wasn't hungry
not for food
after spending a day leaking onto your car seat he could use the the shower
so he accepted that
the prospect of you undressing was making him think things he fought hard to not think about
you had put some thought to it
this demon didn't ask to be summoned by you so you'd at least try to be pleasant
as reasonably as one could be to a demon
plus it would only be smart not to make an enemy out of him
eventually you'd figure out how to get him kicked back downstairs
an actual demon
it was hard to believe
he was a lot less intimidating now
seemed super twitchy though
you let him sit down outside the locker room for the tanker truckers
it was a tiny station but it was basically a halfway for for the company fleet
you had a change of clothes ready and eventually you'd find him pants or something
you were accepting this pretty well all things considered but you were good at rolling with the punches
a hot shower felt great after the chilly weather outside
if you could get away with sleeping in the office you'd stay here
the car left a little to be desired
but the company wanted you out
good enough to work there, not enough to use it as shelter
so you made your shower brief and changed into new clothes
you'd have to go to the laundromat soon
outside the door the demon could hear the water
he had to have self control
had to hold on
his stomach was suffering from a constantly gnawing craving
he tried that jerky despite his insistence he wasn't hungry
but that had done nothing
it didn't even taste that good
his claws were driven into the chair armrests as he tried to focus
you offered him the shower and he jumped at the surprise
he should have heard you
but his mind was so far elsewhere
before you left him alone you had to remedy something
he had to have a name
that brought him back down to earth for a moment
”my master called me Garm.”
strange name
but he was a demon
you gave your name in return as it was only fair
he went to grab a shower and maintain some composure while you wrangled up spare clothes that might fit him
for someone that's never been horny before, the hellhound was not familiar with these urges
his skin under his fur was flush
the cold from last night was forgotten
he felt like he was on fire
his mind was a mess
it wasn't even a normal amount of arousal, the demon was a dam cracking under the intense pressure bearing down on him
the name
your name
the idea of screaming it out with you pistoning in and out of him
it was like every sensation was cranked up
he had planned on a boiling hot shower but went the opposite route
the frigid water still steamed off him
he was a burning up and his body screamed for fuel
he'd willpower through this
he held the gates
him alone
the towering black beast
his master's last loyal hound
no matter how vivid the daydream of tracing the veins of your cock with his tongue were right this second, he refused to yield
the steam grew and spread from the shower as the demon struggled in the fight of his life
meanwhile you'd found pants but the only shirt you found was a woman's uniform shirt
it was a little small
well, clothes were clothes
you heard whining from the bathroom but declined to investigate
instead, you went to work trying to figure out how much of that footage from last night was good for YouTube
bit weird
you mulled over the name but other than how unique it was, you didn't give it further note
maybe it had some meaning
the demon perked up when he heard you speak his name
he could hear you even through the shower and the bathroom door
you'd said his name
his cock left its sheath without him thinking about it
a thick log that grew to about 8 inches
he hated how he only had that one masculine trait
he never had a dick before
his master didn't see the need for one
and now his mind was completely frazzled at the air and water touching the throbbing orange fleshy thing
he needed to bring this down
instead, he stood there, whimpering
if only you'd just storm in and force yourself on him
no dammit
he realized he was dripping onto the shower floor
the cold water was instantly burning off him now
just walk in dammit
pin him to the wall and shove it into his ass
Garm had to stop himself when he realized he was submitting against the wall
just ass pointed out
offering it
you were oblivious to his plight
editing the video was easier than you thought
actual evidence of spooky shit
you looked up from your tiny screen
was he scratching in there?
you decided not to investigate the noise
succubus or not, that was still a demon and maybe he'd kill you
you were still at a loss for this
so you went to /x/ for all your answers
under the semen retention generals and a thread about hollow earth, you found the succubus general
they'd offered you the ritual
maybe they had answers
so you typed up a well written query about your dilemma
no response yet
you'd summoned a demon and maybe someone could help with what you did next
more whimpering
after much deliberation you knocked on the bathroom door and asked if he was ok
it was only polite
in the shower stall he heard you speak
his tail actually raised a little more out of instinct at your voice
he didn't want to answer
he needed you to be curious
be a dumb little human and peek
come in
meanwhile he was rapidly pumping his cock with both hands as his face rubbed against the shower wall
he needed relief
fucking human cursed him and the least you could do is take care of him
you needed to kick that door open and breed him into the shower floor
he was pumping and pumping but couldn't seem to climax
not like last night when you tugged his tail
did that stupid fucking ritual confine his orgasms to your touch?
the water was evaporating off his body as soon as it touched now
the locker room was a sauna
molten metal flowed through him as he begged to be broken
you'd already done this
why couldn't you just feed him?
it felt impolite to go in
but you hadn't gotten a response…
you weighed your options
the feeling was too much for Garm
his knees buckled and he fell face first to the shower floor
he frantically jerked himself off the while time, ignoring any possible harm he could have taken
he needed cock
the noise from the bathroom made your mind up for you
you rushed in
you saw the demon ass up, fucking his hands
you stared in disbelief for a moment
the mist was rolling off the hellhound and he was completely lost in breeding his hands
you wanted to turn back
but something rooted your feet in place and eyes on him
the room was so hot
the air was so sweet
it was enticing you
his devil tail moved to point the tip at the orange, lubricated hole that winked at you
he wiggled his generous ass towards you as he waited, holding his breath in anticipation
you needed to be responsible here
he couldn't explain what was happening to his body but he knew your dick was the key just on instinct
he'd become some shameless whore because your stupid ritual and he needed to be that whore more than ever
his body was reforged for this
the air was thick now, holding your mind prisoner
your mind was getting fuzzy
you weren't into guys
your cock was straining in your pants and you couldn't explain that
he kept presenting himself, ignoring his dick so his clawed fingers could pry his cheeks apart
his tailhole was lubed like you had thought
maybe because of being a lust demon
his tail aggressively pointed at his hole
it was hungry
you felt your foot move forward
the sleek black and red fur was burning hot
he was shimmering like blacktop in the summer
his cock looked massive on him and was flowing like a faucet
Garm's mind was gone
words were hard to think about
much less any concept but the dick near him
hunger was the only thing on his mind
he'd wither away if you didn't take him right now
the Garm of old would no doubt be ashamed about this
the Garm of now wanted to choke on your dick
shame was foreign to him
when you walked closer his body tensed up and released
he was eager
his body was burning magma
his master in hell didn't hold the sway over him that his new one did
you found yourself stripping
the heat was unbearable
the closer you got the harder it was to reason
you could taste the demon on your tongue and you weren't even touching him
Garm was shaking
he was addicted to something he'd never had before
his body was a sweltering inferno
he could feel his hole leaking as you watched it
this ritual changed his body
his ass was a pussy now
and he didn't care about shamelessly showing it
he was on the brink of starvation and a banquet was within reach
he didn't know he was flooding the air with desire
he'd broken your will in seconds when you stepped into the bathroom
the steam was magic the second it burned off his body
he couldn't control it
it was a tool to draw in his food
all Garm knew was he was burning and throbbing
you couldn't figure out why but the demon was the most attractive thing you'd ever seen
you didn't give pause to why
just lined up your cock head with his hole and he slid onto your shaft without a second thought
Garm couldn't reason why he needed this
or why he took you to the hilt so readily
he couldn't help himself now
all reservation was gone
you were fine with being gay now
Garm needed human cock
he tightened around the base and held you for a moment
he had been a virgin
now his mouth was open in a silent moan as his tongue tasted the air
the spell wasn't a curse
he had to thank this human for this gift
with how much heat seemed to exude off the demon, you had thought he would burn
you'd whipped your cock out regardless
but you were rewarded with the most perfect feeling as you sunk in
the whole thing was overwhelming
he was fire
you needed to feed it
before this you weren't into men
let alone a dog demon
you'd seen some internet pictures that might make your dick twitch but this was different
he needed breeding
you were merciless
whatever happened flipped a switch in your head and you fucked his lubed hole
the water was chilly but it was drowned out by Garm's heat
you jackhammered down on the demon and he rewarded you by moaning your name
he found it hard to say anything else
he realized as soon as your cock touched his hole that he was claiming a virgin
he couldn't explain it
but it tasted even better
he could taste this
it was utterly delicious
he needed this cock more than oxygen
when your hands grabbed for his horns and held on his body shuddered
this was right
Garm craved this
his body was rebuilt for this
the wet slaps of his ass against your thighs was music
the throbbing heat made his tail wag
he was once his master's hound and now he was his new master's bitch
the room only got hotter and hotter
the water wasn't even touching you now
the fire needed fuel
you pulled his head back by his horns and Garm splattered cum across the shower floor with a primal scream
there was no stopping though
he yearned to feel the jets of seed decorate his new insides
he would happily toss aside his hell forged warrior past for this glory
his orgasm last night was enough to dangle the temptation but the one this night was enough to destroy any desire to go back to that
he would bring the same gates he protected to the down if it meant more of you
his defiance had vanished like the water and he begged for release
the thin tail moved on its own now
you paid it no mind until the arrow tip of the appendage jabbed into your thigh
you yelled out and Garm paid it no mind
the pain vanished in seconds but you still looked down at it wound after the tail withdrew
Garm's body had moved on its own to insert a potent cocktail that would give you a boost
the demon instinctively decided to gift you back
after all, your ritual made him for this
so his lust demon magic felt you needed just a little push to ensure you flooded him with the most powerful burst of life possible
as good as this felt, Garm was flooded with possibilities that his subconscious promised
you could last for hours with more help
practically break the demon on your dick
and all with that little shot he'd given you
it tempted him with more pleasure
promises of his whole body becoming more of a sexual organ than just his cock
who knows
with enough energy
he could be his own master
wouldn't that be wonderful, the voices dangled in front of him
that ritual took the angry giant wolf of hell and crafted him into a thing of androgynous beauty
and it could only get better
if he just let you cum inside
right now Garm desired nothing more
after that mess with the tail you resumed your pace
but you could notice a change even through the haze
you felt stronger
last night you were winded by the chase with this demon
now it felt like you had a second wind out of nowhere
in fact, you acted on an idea that flashed through your mind
without skipping a beat you pulled yourself up
with Garm firmly gripped, he came with you
you'd actually picked the demon up with your dick
there was no time to marvel at the idea though
his hooves locked around your back and his hands braced against the walls, Garm was now pounding back on you
he would spit in his old master's face if he could
this was glorious
this was pulsing, wet, hot divinity
flesh joining flesh in a buffet of sensations
your hands went to his waist and you used the demon like a fleshlight
Garm couldn't help but let his tongue hang out as he experienced ecstacy he didn't even know existed before
he clamped down hard on the center of his world
you found it harder to pull out, the tight muscle pulling your shaft back in readily
for Garm, his gate had been broken down and he welcomed the invader with open arms
he whined as he felt yet another climax ripple through his body
he was made for this, the voices whispered sweetly
he just had to give into it
the cum splattered everywhere as the hellhound emptied his nuts once more
his cock flopped around as he pleaded for his reward
hadn't he been good?
his climaxes were amazing but he craved your own more
when you sunk to the hilt one last time he could feel your nuts tighten up as the biggest load you'd ever blown poured into him
his arms gave out but his hips didn't stop rolling on your cock as he thanked you over and over
he could feel the life of each little cell that swam in him
it was the greatest sensation he'd ever felt
after living since before the garden, one son of Adam managed to impress upon you
he couldn't go back to the gates now
he was a ruined, soiled thing
and right now he loved that
your cock was his master and he'd pleased it
in doing so he'd pleased himself
he'd never felt this full before
hell, he'd never felt this much pride before and he was face first in a shower stall covered in his own seed
he'd… need a moment
as did you
the afterglow was eventually interrupted by the frigid water
Garm was no longer a furnace
two things
you realized you'd fucked a guy and loved it and Garm felt the cock slip out of him
he had thought… things
cursed his master
thrown out his loyalty for a meal
pleaded to be broken in
he was now standing in a pool of his own cum
his shame was enormous
but not compared to his rage
at you and at himself
he pulled your hands off his waist and told you to leave the room
after all that you were confused but he repeated himself louder
you walked out, slightly annoyed at the mixed signals the demon was giving out
after all that he got pissed?
you had to throw your hands up
Garm pouted for a moment while the cold water washed away the seed he'd spilled
he watched it slip into the drain
why did he crave that?
what tempts a demon?
he sighed at tried to calm himself
this ritual had screwed him up
he was sure when he got back to Hell he could explain everything
yeah that was it
he let the water pour over him before he was content he'd frozen himself enough
he missed the fires of Hell but that heat that burned through him earlier frightened him
it was strong
just what sort of ritual did that human do
you got annoyed with how you'd left your clothes in the bathroom and decided to risk Garm's ire to get your pants back
you walked in on him huffing your boxers after his shower
he froze and your eyes met
Garm didn't know why he did this
they were just sitting there though
how could he not?
they had smelled good
why not?
before he got excited again he stopped himself
you coming in reminded him that he should be angry
the boxers were forcefully tossed in your direction as he regained his composure
the demon was annoyed with himself
you put your underwear on and you tried to break the tension and said you got him some clothes of his own
that got the demon to snap out of it and he got up
”good,” the demon thought to himself
maybe you won't paw at him like some animal if he was dressed
he tried to bottle up any lust
the room reeked of sex and that was hard to ignore
the sooner he left the room the better
you got dressed and followed him out
he hated that it was hard to get the pants past his hips
silently, he cursed you with a glare
tonight you took both of you into another secluded parking lot and he curled up in the back again
after that fucking, it was so easy to sleep
you woke up to Garm punching your arm and yelling out “you son of a bitch”
after the unwelcome wake up you whipped your head at the demon
he stared you down until you demanded to know what that was for
”you did this!”
he pointed down to his stomach
your eyes followed his claw
his fur was different
his abdomen had a strange heart pattern in vivid orange
it was very ornate
he'd been naked enough around you that you knew it was new
when you poked at it he tried to swat your hand away while he suppressed a moan
”don't do that.”
you don't know how that happened though
he muttered something about feeling like his ass was fatter too
you'd be pulling back a stump if you poked that right now
this wasn't your fault though
you were at a loss too
he hugged his knees as he tried to ignore how good that finger had felt
that sex the night before had changed him further
would more do the same?
he had to be strong
stronger than cock
you checked up on /x/ while he silently looked out the car window
you had off from work today but the free time would no doubt be awkward
you hadn't told him yet
browsing the board was a minefield once again
some dude was pleading for answers about some cursed game cartridge
your own thread got minimal results
the typical “pics or GTFO”
so you snapped a picture of Garm and posted it
he looked confused but you explained they may have answers
you'd look elsewhere though
just in case
you glanced back at him and realized something
his horns looked longer
both of you were confused about the effects but it was clear last night had caused some transformation
you couldn't offer an explanation
perhaps some weird occultist had done the leg work for you
Garm was beside himself
he'd cursed his master
been disloyal to his duty
worse yet?
he had loved every second of it
reveled in it like a sweet wine
he sighed as he went over everything
at least you two knew just having sex wasn't putting him back home
that little optimistic observation earned you a jerky wrapper tossed at your head
you did finally take the opportunity to tell him it was your day off
he looked confused
”day off?”
he worked
but didn't he have shifts?
you certainly couldn't work every single day of the week
he seemed to not understand that
did he seriously watch a gate full time with no breaks?
”of course,” he replied with outrage
you weren't calling his vigilance into question
no wonder he was a wreck
he scoffed
why would he need time off?
you pointed out he seemed to enjoy unwinding last night
”that was a fluke.”
great, you were gay and he thought it was a fluke
you'd no doubt have interesting search results after all this
you accepted you fucked a guy pretty easy
the demon thing was a bit stranger than being with a guy
and even that felt sort of mundane after a couple days around him
he certainly lost a lot of intimidation factor after the noises he made
you decided to grab breakfast instead of musing over this
he watched you quietly as you pulled out of the parking lot
you'd grab a mcmuffin or something
you had a coupon for it so why not live a little
coffee might do you some good
best to let that /x/ thread be for a while
Garm looked out the window at the orange trees passing by
this place still felt so alien
he'd only heard about trees
he relaxed against the backseat until you handed him a sandwich and a coffee
he didn't feel like he needed to eat any more but he accepted it
maybe you could get some information at the library
you thought about that while you sipped at the coffee
it was much too hot
Garm had downed his in one gulp
you look at him for a moment and he noticed your glance
well, made sense
you shrugged and took the car over to the library
you would be quick
just check out a few books on demons
you took a sip of the coffee before handing it off to Garm
stuff tasted blah but he seemed to like it
better than wasting it
he'd mellowed out since receiving that sandwich
you wondered how much pop culture got right about succubi and wondered if he even needed the food
he drank it and then realized he could taste you
just based off the cup
he sat there for a moment thinking about how this indirect kiss tasted
he found himself savoring the drink
savoring you
he didn't need actual food to live now
all these offered meals of meat were pointless in all honesty
his stomach never felt full with these meals
the only thing that satisfied him was last night
he recalled it all perfectly
every bead of sweat
every grunt from you
why could he remember everything that vividly
was his mind that warped by sex now
he started feeling strange again after you'd went into the library
his mind was wandering
how good would his balls feel on your face?
how good would your balls feel on his face?
he needed self control
don't focus on that
he caught himself licking at the lid of the cup and stopped
he was better than kissing a fast food coffee cup
what if you kissed him instead?
that was around the time you got back into the car with an armful of books
you looked bewildered at him yelling in your face
he tried to play it off
well, he was fucking weird
so you decided to not question it too much
you had found a few books on demonology
it was his turn to be confused
a lot of people think the whole thing is for wackos
but there was a living breathing demon in your backseat
you knew this shit wasn't fake
he resumed hugging his knees and watching you
Garm had started to piece together a theory of his own
his thoughts only really lingered when he was separated from you
otherwise, he could sort of attempt to have lucid thoughts
the craving was still there
but it got stronger and harder to ignore the further he was away from you
a thought crossed his mind
what if he was trapped like this?
not just up here but practically bending over when he was around you?
he didn't know why he thought that just now
he should be craving home
he felt conflicted and he didn't know of he could completely lay the blame on a botched ritual
he sort of kept to himself while you studied
it sort of sucked to be doing this on a day off but you wanted answers
Garm was tense but quiet about it
he kept sipping at that second coffee for some reason
you flipped until you got to stuff about succubi
a lot of stuff you already knew
the normal shit about living off souls
did you give your soul to Garm?
nothing really felt different
it would be pretty funny if you'd traded your soul for all that
you knew that was a possibility
but there were YouTube views to consider
so, demons definitely existed
you could tell this much
but how to actually kick them back home?
none of these books seemed to offer information you didn't know
always with the Lilith thing
some seemed outright incorrect based off the book that said succubi killed their partner
you were very much alive
or saying that they were female
incubi were male demons and they targeted women
Garm didn't fit that description
you'd speed read through one book and another and none of them could really give you any new insight
perhaps that ritual really was botched
you thought about that
checking back on the thread on /x/, you were greeted with calls that the picture you'd taken was fake
anons wanted a fucking timestamp
there were thankfully some more helpful sorts
wanted some information on Garm
some were in the thread the ritual came from
you'd checked the archives and found the thread was pretty much dead but thankfully there were some lurkers
no one had apparently tried the ritual except you
however, they took your success as a sign
some wanted to try it now
this was not your intent
you wondered if Garm would be pissed to hear that
wisely, you kept quiet about that part
but you told him about how some people knew about the ritual
that gave him a little hope
surely, some men would know how to undo this if the information was out there
he was optimistic
though he also worried what said ritual being public would mean
you were able to summon him
what if someone else had the same idea?
well, that wasn't comforting
worse case scenario some idiots would summon him again after he got back to Hell
he didn't want anyone else summoning him
the idea of being summoned again disgusted him
”only if it was…”
he cut that thought off short
you were why he was in this mess
Mr. lives in his car
you caught Garm staring at you when you turned to speak to him again
he averted his eyes
man, he was weird
probably thought you were weird too
to be fair
oh well
but yeah, now you had some lead
the problem with anonymous image boards is you couldn't exactly track down a random poster all that easy
but hopefully the other people might be helpful
more realistically, you probably just proved to a bunch of crackpots that a succubus summoning worked
but hopefully the damage would be minimal
being Pandora wasn't your intention
after a couple hours of research you proposed some fresh air
”where? I'm sure you can't just go walking around with a demon.”
that did rule out the strip mall and several churches
but hey, there was still the woods he was summoned in
no one gave a shit about the outskirts
you could do the whole innawoods thing
you joked about walking into a skinwalker now and he just scowled at you
tough crowd
maybe even a trip back to the house
you tossed him your hoodie just in case
not exactly a foolproof disguise but at least it might work from a distance if a hiker asks
with how dull things were today you could even shoot some more footage for the channel
when you mentioned that he had to ask
”why do you feel the need to record everything?”
as you drove you gave the answer some thought
the ad money might be cool but you weren't some jaystation shit
you ultimately liked filming stuff
the money was just a bonus
hell, you'd wanted to do a scary movie with your friends in high school
but people drift apart
go to college
an ex wedges herself into the mix
shit just happens
you used to have a shitty camcorder you folks got from a flea market
aspirations sort of dried up with the circle of friends going off
you weren't bitter about that
some people think they like peak in high school and never move on
sure, you weren't in an enviable living arrangement
but you were happy
if you wanted you could pick up sticks and move wherever
you were your own man
the filming was an extension of that
you were a little to old to do stupid urban exploration but fuck it
you hadn't been stabbed by a vagrant yet
plus you'd always like folklore and stuff
despite catering to the algorithm a little, you did like learning and showing off spooky stuff
you'd used a camera most of your very unspectacular life
outside of cheesy shit for possible views you enjoyed the idea
nowadays you could be your own man when it came to that shit
years before the internet you were beholden to what others wanted you to see
even if you were a small fish in a big pond you were independent
no chains
Garm listened to you spill you spaghetti
independence was not a concept he knew
loyalty to his master was its own reward
he'd held onto that for eons
you spoke of freedom
this was alien to him
he couldn't relate to it
you felt like you were prattling on too much because he was just silent in the back
it was strange not to have abuse hurled at you
some people might call you a loser
but you didn't feel that way
everyone just had a different path
you weren't sure your way was right but you were sure you enjoyed it
it was simple
and you rolled with the punches easy
screw being bitter about things
and just maybe chronicling some nobody's life might relate to someone out there on the internet
one day you might drop the clickbait titles though
you laughed at that thought
still hadn't uploaded the video with that ritual you did yet
you'd pulled into the same stone lot near the house from a couple days ago and shelved that thought for later
after the initial fear of Garm faded you found it nice to speak openly with someone again
you didn't know much about the guy other than “I am lucifer's top guy” or “I really need that dick”
so you decided to elbow him a little for that
so you helped him out of the car and decided to ask him why guarding a gate was so important to him?
”it is my life,” he remarked as he slid the hoodie on
you pretended not to notice he smelled it a little before putting it on but he seemed in control
with your mind clear, your reservations about being with a guy were still there
but he had challenged a lot you thought about yourself
if it wasn't him, you'd say no to a guy
he did have an appeal
so maybe you were gay for this specific demon
he wasn't one for pouring his heart out apparently
except in the cases of rage or lust apparently
you tried to pry a little as he followed you
why was it his life?
”it is,” he shot back
yeah, but why?
you were a drifter in life
such a great responsibility sounded impossible to you
maybe your freedom sounded impossible to him
you shocked him by grabbing him by the shoulder and taking a picture of the both of you
he almost threw your hand off but something made him pause
he still tried to hide under the hood of the bright blue garment
that… smelled of you
he remembered his duty again
it kept him in check
he wouldn't fly off the handle like some whore this time
you showed him the selfie and he didn't know what to think
that was him
draped in another man's clothes
in his embrace
this had become strange
you were a little more accepting
sure it was all weird but you'd always thought something was out there
Garm here was just confirmation of what you knew all along
last night kind of disarmed you too
you asked him if he had any aspirations aside from the gate
that made Garm stop in his tracks
did he seriously never consider an option besides his duty?
you stood on the ratty porch of the house as he sat at the bottom of the steps
all Garm really knew before this was his job
and you could just care less about your own
how was that possible?
he sat on the stairs and thought about that
he almost envied how simple you were
every moment he was away from his duty could be disastrous
the demon thought about his failure
last night he even pleaded for it
he was ashamed of that
you really didn't don't why he was moping on the stairs but you cut your daylight exploration short to sit next to him
he didn't take notice at first, being deep in thought
you felt sort of bad roping him into this given how it worked out
he was hot, sure
the sex had been mind blowing and whatever he'd put in your system had been amazing
but you hadn't meant to basically kidnap the guy
you apologized
though you were glad you met him
it was a bit early to have a big heart to heart
but as bad as you felt about bringing him up here, you didn't regret meeting him
maybe in another life you'd have had him as a boyfriend
but you'd do all you could to make things right here
he seemed to consider what you were saying
the demon quietly looked down at the ground
things were complicated in his mind
never before had he felt that good
but he had his duty
feeling you next to him wasn't helping him
he was growing distracted from his job
it was annoying
but that night he just gave I was the best experience he'd ever felt
it was tempting
very tempting
he sighed
staying angry at you accomplished nothing now
that much was obvious
there was no malice in what you'd done
he could see that now
hearing the word boyfriend had made his ears perk under the hoodie
Garm was the definition of “married to the job”
outside his master's accolades he didn't see affection as a necessity
”what's the catch here? why are you being pleasant?”
well, neither you would get far if you were at each other's throats
you'd just figured it was a good idea to bury the hatchet
you meant what you said
you didn't really date much
most dates ended with “let's got to your place” and you had to drop the bombshell on them
he never really got far before that
Garm was peculiar
not a lot of people could say they were in your shoes
you wanted to know more
your interest in weird occult stuff helped
you were honest
but ultimately you understood why he was upset and you had wronged him, even by accident
his claws rested on his lap as he listened to what you said
you enjoyed having the company
even if it gave you death glares
your hand rested on top of one of his paws and he allowed it
he sounded like a great guy
that was all
you did appreciate his drive
never had you seen someone so deadset and stubborn
aside from a moment of weakness in the shower
but you left that part out
it was nice to see
for someone that let the wind carry them like yourself, that determination was fascinating
Garm reluctantly accepted the praise and moved his paw to hold your hand back
this was a tumultuous time, his mind was conflicted
this whole thing was still foreign to him
while you'd made peace quickly with any inner turmoil the demon dredged up, he had a tougher time
it was easier for you to roll with it but Garm might have gone centuries without a thought to the contrary of his life then
the demon shivered when a breeze kicked up through the woods
you instinctively wrapped an arm around his shoulder
he didn't fight it
just silently meditated on things
he was a tough nut to crack when he wanted to play quiet
at least he didn't seem to be angry anymore
you'd joke about your dick fixing that but you didn't want to test your luck
Garm was thinking about something
before last night introduced him to that craving and the little temptation in his head he'd never even considered the idea of leaving
but it had become something he was thinking about
the idea lingered around
teasing him
could he find satisfaction this way?
this affection felt good, yes
but he'd be selfish
a dereliction of duty spurred on by his own desires
chasing highs and spiting his master
it felt good
he'd even cursed his master for a taste of more of it like a greedy pig
could he look him in the eye again after that?
you however, offered this affection freely
with no strings attached
and you had to fucking smell good on top of it
this was completely unorthodox but you enjoyed someone to hang around with
you decided to change the subject in the hopes to get him out of whatever was killing him
he'd seen the house before but you did offer that perhaps being where the ritual happened might help solve the mystery around it
the demon stood up and followed you inside
no one had disturbed place since you ran out
thank fuck the candles didn't burn the house down
Garm couldn't help that his first instinct was to look at where your seed spilled on the ground
it had sealed the door to home
he knew that
but the idea of your seed here made him a little excited
he didn't want to admit it
only squatting near the ritual circle to look it over
the thing was the work of a novice as far as he saw
granted, this human was not the brightest when it came to working with forces beyond his comprehension
Garm didn't see much that could help him though
the place was as rundown as he saw the other night
you didn't see much either
you decided to start going through the house
when you did the summoning you had decided on the first room you saw
you nearly leapt back when you saw something huge framed in the window of a kid's bedroom
then you shut thr door on what was an agitated buzzard that had gotten into the house
Garm sat at the circle
deep in thought
did you really want to go home?
that tiny little voice came back
he shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind
he had more self esteem than to get weak in the knees in this dump
just in case he went to follow you
that little voice would only get more annoying the distance between you two
he realized all he was doing was following you like a little puppy and part of him grumbled about it
but he accepted it as his hooves clicked across the wood floor
he'd also better make sure you didn't get killed doing something dumb
that's when he heard you jump and his hooves clicked hard against the floor as he ran to you
you saw him come around the corner and laughed
when you explained yourself, he looked annoyed
well he could see the buzzard for all you cared
you opened the door to agitated wing flapping
he slammed the door closed again
your home tour was uneventful otherwise and you guided Garm back out
walking around the exterior of the house yielded nothing of interest until you got near the kids bedroom
the buzzard got bold and swooped out of the window and you scooped up Garm and ran back around the building
that bird was an asshole
you stood there for a moment before Garm demanded you put him down
he adjusted his pants for some reason and refused eye contact
no idea what got him angry
well, you'd about seen everything that could be seen in there
you suggested swinging by work for another shower and his ears perked up
that old house left you feeling dirty and you could hit the laundromat afterwards
you could sneak him in even with the other shift working at the booth
Sundays were pretty dead
he agreed it was an acceptable idea and followed you to the car
Garm hated that “shower” instantly flashed memories through his eyes
a small part of him hoped you'd join him from the start before he forced that notion right down
no, he was going to control himself
you asked if he wanted the passenger seat for once
the hoodie and the setting sun would grant him some cover
he took you up on that
he held his tail in a tight grip so it wouldn't betray his mood right now
you put on some /x/ reading channel for the drive
something something skinwalkers
you probably weren't getting Garm out of his shell so you needed some noise
the demon quietly listened to the prattling machine narration
a lot of the stories involved idiot humans going into the woods
his idiot human was in good company
he sighed as he allowed himself to relax
while he needed to go home, there was no use in panicking about it
this human was at least trying and he had to admit that much
he still like how his body betrayed him
getting erect at getting held like that
he needed to hold himself to a higher standard
sure enough, the shift had closed up shop at the station
it was just you two
you decided to shower first and just when you went for the door, the demon's thin tail caught your hand
Garm cursed himself as he realized it was acting on its own again
he didn't want to shower at the same time
but then you offered that deal and he quietly shuffled in behind you
something made him desire it
but he wasn't on fire like last time
and the little voice wasn't there
he just felt like being close
you didn't know why he had changed his mind just then
no way were you looking a gift horse in the mouth
something in Garm made it… agreeable
he was honestly worried if he'd act worse if he was separated
so showering with you might help
it certainly felt more relaxed than the other night
he undressed and it felt right
he could do this
maintain his dignity
then you underessed
Garm held himself together
easier said than done
but he figured being near the temptation might be better for his mind than being away from it
it couldn't taunt his mind that way
at least, that was his theory
in practice it was harder said than done
but he didn't suffer like the other night I the shower
he would preserve
he would beat cock
the hellhound got undressed himself and you gave him privacy
at least the shower didn't look like a warzone after the other night
you saw light scratches on the tile though
hopefully no one else would notice
meanwhile, Garm was waiting patiently for you to start your shower
he was looking away the whole time
something you took notice of
due to recent history you knew the shower could hold both of you
so why didn't he just step in too
the demon shivered for some reason
he was screaming at himself about how this was a dumb idea and he was dumb
he'd have to reign his new libido in
he was in charge here
neither his or your penis was calling the shots here
”yes,” he meekly replied
why was this so difficult
did he subconsciously push himself to be near you?
he just had to keep it together
he wouldn't look
just get his shower
he was chastising himself for thrusting himself into this situation
then caught himself on the poor choice of words
the hellhound seemed troubled
or at least quieter than usual
you'd only known him for a couple days though so maybe you were overthinking
Garm was trying to not thinking about thrusting
”this was a stupid idea,” he kept reminding himself
but that little voice started sneaking out of the corner of his mind
saying how you probably appreciated his company
how beautiful he was and how good it was he was desired by you
Garm had no desire to be beautiful
he was a soldier
what good is beauty when he was duty bound?
why should he care if you wanted him?
impressing a human should be the least of his concerns
he just remembered his training
standing constant vigilance
holding his gate from legions
there was no way your manhood was stronger than his master's enemies
he'd held that wall for eternity
so why
why was he stumbling trying to ignore your body near his?
his mind somewhere, deep down, pushed him into this situation
it was like he couldn't win
if he isolated himself it was torture
if he got closer his body and mind tried convincing him its all he needed
concentrating on a shower was hard but he pledged to his master he would survive this ordeal
you didn't push your luck
having him accept you a little was more than enough
he might have acted like he regretted sleeping with you but you could tell he was at least friendly
didn't help you weren't exactly suave
if he hadn't been instantly turned on the other night he wouldn't have gone far with it
the shower here at least had one good memory now
he was hot and even with a clear head now you could admit it
you liked a guy now
a demon hellhound
water gave his midnight black fur this shine that caught your eyes
and then the colors of red and orange all over gave him a pop that drew your eyes everywhere
you'd lucked into this
but he wanted to go home
and you weren't about to hold someone against their will
didn't mean you couldn't check out his bare back as he washed himself
his tail did the speaking for him again
the tapered tip started to launched itself toward you and you nearly jumped back until the slender tail wrapped itself around your leg
Garm instantly realized what was happening and pulled the tail back by force
”no,” he thought
his body wasn't betraying him
he took a deep breath and finished the shower
whatever machinations his subconscious or whatever temptation had been dangled in front of him hadn't worked
he was clearly better than this
he wouldn't turn into some moaning bitch
getting dressed was difficult for him with the raging erection
even more so with his attempt to hide it
you'd took notice of course
thing was like the size of a monster energy can
how could you not?
dinner was a frozen dinner you'd stored in the work fridge
you offered Garm meatloaf
his stomach had been growling even during the shower
so hopefully that would help
you really had no idea how his biology worked but it only felt polite
he accepted it with some hesitation
the night was uneventful otherwise
you picked a decent lot to rest
after all the fun today that was easy
in the morning, you checked on /x/ and had noticed the thread kept going
multiple anons apparently had tried the ritual
you had opened up Pandora's box because it indeed worked
everything about the chanting, the mirror and the candles
Garm here wasn't a fluke
speaking of, the hellhound noticed your shocked reaction
more like he saw the phone over your shoulder from.the backseat and then your shocked reaction
”what the fuck did you do?”
you wanted to clarify
this wasn't your fault
it was a handful of replies, sure
but it had spread
the original ritual was started to get spread over the internet further and further
/x/ was small time but then anons started spreading
reactions to the ritual succeeding seemed mixed
probably should have explained Garm was a guy in that picture
maybe should have clarified the succubus was well, not a girl
a couple anons protested
one was pissed because the horse demon he summoned instantly went for the prize and his hips hurt
some talked about sharing it
one said he was going to make a 3 am video about it and you were outraged
that was your story to break
Garm smacked you upside the head when you mentioned that
”you broke open the gates and now there's demons up here doing who knows what.”
well, you proposed you knew what they were doing and he stared daggers into you
”unbelievable,” he growled
his stomach growling slightly broke the tension
you offered him a slim Jim in these trying times
he waved it off
Garm hated that he knew why he was hungry
meat wasn't doing it
he hated it
he didn't want to admit I but the little voice was persistent
and right
and then there was this one
his orange pupils locked back onto you
that ritual just made matters in Hell significantly worse
no telling how many demons were just conscripted into an army of harlots for men up here
all probably suffering the same curse as Garm
all of them…
taking cock
Garm readjusted his pants
he didn't know why that idea excited him
he should be angry about Hell's bastions becoming vacant
and you did this
you denied the blame
all you did was ask for information
because he, and clearly he, wanted to go home
so now you had the opposite problem
you tried to add some levity by pointing out maybe here will feel more like home
a hoof nearly made contact with your temple and you decided not to agitate him
at least any more today
looking at the time make you realize you had work soon
he was annoyed at that
you were ignoring the issue
your work wasn't important
you asked if his was
the hellhound burned his eyes into your rear view mirror
you pulled into the station lot and excused yourself
thank God, you thought to yourself
never had you been so glad to be late for work
that wasn't good enough for the demon
he started shouting
”you are going to fix this.”
you had work, sorry
”I know where you live!”
shouting that out the window made you wince but you could safely avoid that problem for 8 hours
Garm knew enough not to make a scene around people
thank goodness for that
if you had to deal with him the whole shift it would have complicated things
but like all good things, it came to an end
never has you thought the shift being over would be a bad thing
you procrastinated with shutting everything down
the situation was sounding worse on /x/
it created a domino effect where people got interested in trying this ceremony
some for shits and giggles
some out of loneliness
the pictures were coming in too
multiple demons
and the ritual seemed to “pretty” them all up
the horse you knew about
but there was two black goats
a crow
one guy accidentally got seven rats
the reports were bad
then someone uploaded to porn sites
because some of them weren't as… chaste as Garm and you
”this shit really worked,” the cameraman remarked as a toad demon built like a woman throated his cock with slitted eyes enamored with the camera
it was looking bad and only spreading
you were hopeful that time would have given Garm a little window to calm down
orange blazing eyes locked on you from the dark car
so that was a no
you were preparing to blame social media when the hellhound hopped out of the car
guy was sort of breaking the facade here a little
you told him to go back into the car in case customers saw
just because the station was closed didn't mean someone couldn't see the hooved guy powerwalking at you
a claw pointed in your direction and you knew a rant was coming
you asserted that you didn't know this would escalate
it was one ritual you'd thought was harmless for Christ's sake
he poked your chest
”you stick me in this rustbucket,” he gestured to your car
”leave me alone and all I'm stuck doing all day is worrying about the repercussions for Hell and smelling nothing but you.”
his stomach growled
he scowled in your direction
”fine! fuck it! drop your goddamn pants so I can think straight!”
you looked around the parking lot
”pants now.”
when you were hesitant he grabbed your waistband and pushed you against the side of your car
you tried to protest but he'd ripped your pants down
Garm grumbled the whole time
”aggravating” came up
”cock” also came up
he smoothly squatted down to face your crotch
”after this you're going to tell me what's going on. got it?”
once more you went to speak up but he silenced you by lapping at your balls
yes the lot was sort of secluded
and yes the sun was already making its way under the horizon
and yes a blowjob felt nice
but out here where someone could see
you tried to move him off so at least you could get into the car
he growled and grabbed you by the hips, pressing you tight against the door with a shove
you tried pointing out how risky this was
”then you'd better finish quickly if you know what's good for you.”
your dick didn't need much encouragement and he gave it one long, slow lick from base to tip before lapping off the precum that was starting to come out
frustrated didn't begin to cover how Garm felt
he wanted to curse you and your ancestors and your children and your children's children
that grudge struggled with the desire to taste your cock after a day of work
it was hard to think straight when he was starving and at least when you blew your load that was one problem solved
he hated that he liked the smell
his cock throbbed in his pants but he didn't feel the need to touch it
in fact, he bet the blowjob might make him cum with how excited he was
with his muzzle it was easy to take the whole thing but he felt slight disappointment his muzzle also prevented it from going further down his throat
a double edged sword
but he didn't let it hamper him
you grabbed onto his horns and that was enough to make a slick precum leak from his cock and his hole start lubing itself
however, you almost jumped away when his tail tip jabbed your scrotum without warning
it was a quick sting that went away when Garm kissed at it
the demon couldn't control that but in his mind something told him it was needed
the more doses that he gave you the bigger a meal
the curse might have changed him but it gave him the ability to really push you to human limits when it came to this
his body needed the absolute best if it was going to serve
Garm shoved those little suggestions back down and focused on the task at hand
meanwhile, your dick was getting a vigorous tongue bath
the hellhound knew instinctively that a mouth wasn't enough and one paw stroked you, squeezing and pumping gently
the meal was coming
Garm could sense in it those balls as he licked at them
the taste and smell were a drug unto themselves
he spasmed as he got close to cumming in his pants but he didn't stop worshipping the cock
he didn't mean to think of that term
he should be worshipping his master
”but you are,” the sweet tantalizing voice suggested
that thought made him cum
you held his horns tighter and started fucking his face
aiming your cock diagonally got you deeper and he seemed to like that
whatever he did was burning your body up and you'd long since forgotten you were in the lot
somehow he was able to perfectly balance on those two dainty hooves while you got forceful with feeding him
Garm couldn't explain why he was starting to love this
the way you looked down at him
those fists gripping his horns
maybe he stung you a couple more times you'd really break him in
his eyes were half lidded as he enjoyed being a fleshlight
anyone could drive by and see if they wanted
the darkness was covering you though
but if someone caught his darling human using him
normally, he'd be disgusted at saying darling and that the thought made him wiggle his ass
right now he needed to eat
he didn't care about looking shameless
when you came it was hard to stay standing
you flooded his hot mouth and he grabbed at your hips to keep your dick wedged into his mouth
your orgasm was earth shattering and you lost count of how many bursts you shot into the demon
there was a brief afterglow before Garm regained his senses and let the cock slip from his muzzle
his fire returned and he shot back up
his claw was pointed at your chin
”just because we did that doesn't mean you avoided the talk earlier.”
he sucks your dick then nags you
you pulled your pants back up and decided it was best to come clean
you showed Garm some of what you saw earlier
the cat had been let out of the bag
he rested his hand over his eyes after he'd seen enough
this was unreal
one ritual does this
one ritual and apparently several lonely men
Garm leaned against the car
this situation had gone to shit
with that ritual out in the public, there was no shutting the gate
”good,” the little voice said
he ignored that and hoped he could eventually fix this
the hellhound was practically glowing as he reclined against you vehicle
at least he wasn't furious
he seemed contemplative
he sighed
you let the silence hang there for a moment
so he wasn't angry anymore?
”oh I'm absolutely livid.”
he glanced to you
at least he wasn't violent mad
so there was that
you two leaned against the car
the ramifications of what happened were insane to think about
you accidently unleashed Hell on earth
Garm was annoyed with himself but at least he felt full for now
he really had no idea how to fix this
neither of you were really at fault here
while you two stood there watching the moon slowly come into view, forces beyond your control enjoyed the chaos
Asmodeus, lurid master of sinful lust had gotten what he wanted
such backstabbing was common in Hell
just not to this scale
the demon was gaining so much power from all this fun
Garm didn't know that and you certainly didn't
you'd been pawns in all this
Garm still wanted to go home
he was still pissed
but he could live with this for now
until he got back down to Hell
his anger would be held back
he hated that his stomach marking felt fantastic
he didn't want to mention the rush of euphoria that blowjob had given him
sucking someone else's cock had done that
his life was a mess
but he was tired of being pissed at you for it
for now at least
if you said something else stupid he might put a hoof in your head
the next couple days saw the events get worse
some people thought the stuff was staged
the ritual really spread when it was broadcast
you spared Garm the details but he could tell something was amiss
he seemed to gradually relax though
the feedings probably helped
the hellhound slowly found himself enjoying the act
as much as he was loathe to admit it
you looked into demons as much as possible but the situation felt hopeless
nothing this overt had ever been seen
nothing of this magnitude
lonely guys were turning to this idea in droves and it was working
you'd gotten the internet fame you wanted alright
just not the way you'd hoped
Garm awoke in the middle of the night and slipped into the front seat enough to undo your pants
you woke up to the demon lazily blowing you
chalked it up to a midnight snack
after waking up a little you noticed his horns had gotten longer
the horns were starting to gradually curl like a ram's
the fur on his head had started growing out
you'd noticed little changes here and there
but that was blatant
it was relaxed and quiet
you'd gotten used to him feeding by now
into either end
he didn't mind and neither did you
there was no need for regular food for him now
you offered him stuff all the same but it was like the food just burned completely in him
it never really fed him
Garm had made peace with the fact his tailhole was purely for sex now
it was strange at first
but feeding off the sex felt delicious
he had grown to accept it for the moment
starving to death wasn't appealing
what was starting to sound appealing was the little voice
it was offering vices unimagined to the demon soldier
he still held power over his own decisions
but the urge to indulge felt less dishonorable
there was a dirty thrill that went through the hellhound when you held onto his horn
the demon's stomach felt warmer and his hearts beat a little faster
he started resenting all this less and less
with every feeding he felt a sort of power well up inside him
it was different
not like the type he'd used to crush legions
something seductive
it snaked its way through him
he was starting to love what the little voice told him
after all, he'd spent so much time holding a gate
lonely Garm
always dutiful
yet his loyalty never seemed to pay off
”this new master loved you,” the voice reminded him
love and affection were as alien as his own sexuality when he first arrived
Hell had no use for affection
you groaned as you came down his throat
he squeezed out every drop
afterwards he slept with his head in your lap, basking in the warmth
you let him lay there, falling back to sleep yourself
when he woke up he was face to face with your dick
the demon was growing to like the change in scenery
but composed himself enough not to immediately jump on your morning wood
he had some dignity left
still smelled it a little before he got up
you were also quick to wake up when he moved
today was a rare occasion
A) you were off and B) it was Halloween
you had no real plans
maybe break out that antique portable DVD player with the flip up screen and dig out your DVD-R discs
paying for movies was for suckers
you hoped Garm would let you take off from the research tonight
maybe you had some movie about demons that would take his mind off things
you plugged in the DVD player
he looked on curious
it was the season after all
you were a bit old and broke to celebrate otherwise
the heat was on, you had snacks, and you climbed into the back
he was definitely confused by that
you wanted to relax and that was the best seat for that
Garm seemed conflicted but you shared candy with him regardless
that seemed to disarm him
genuine affection in general seemed alien to the guy
you had no reason to be a dick to him
were you dating?
you didn't know how this worked
you sure fucked him a lot and you were watching Evil Dead with him
so that was two signs for
Garm was sort of content for once
this was… peaceful
his life before this had been nothing but bouts of violence
he'd killed so many demons
yet rest was never his
it was only about the calling
about the duty
and that was off his shoulders
he wasn't about to throw away any chance to go home
but he was starting to enjoy himself
the movies were new to him
being this close, he was starting to see the appeal to earth
mortals were interesting, judging off you
he still yearned for his duty but every day, every feeding made him miss it less and less
this was one such occasion
halfway through Evil Dead 2 he pulled your cock out and started blowing you while you both still watched the movie
the act had become a habit for the demon now
just yank down your pants and feed
it was obvious now
when he first was summoned the thought was horrid
now, he did it with absolutely no hesitation
it was amazing how well the demon could multitask
Garm watched the movie while throating you no problem
his experience seemed unreal at times
maybe it was instinct
you weren't keen to get an answer either way
he'd probably be pissed if you asked and his muzzle was around your dick
bad timing
trying to pay attention to the movie was a bit more difficult for you
his tongue was amazing as always
something made him stop his work however, the tongue and hot breath holding your dick prisoner for a moment
his ears pointed up
then got flat as he growled around your manhood
you were worried about the state of your dick but realized the source of Garm's anger wasn't you fairly quickly
the interloper was gawking through the car window and didn't initially react when both of you looked up at him
neither of you expected to see someone outside your car window
let alone filming
you should have known better than to do this in broad daylight but your libido had overtaken reason
while you were very annoyed, Garm was beyond pissed
the guy bolted the second you both noticed and despite your insistence the hellhound was out the door and giving chase in seconds
he hadn't been around other people
you pulled up your pants and ran after them
Garm would catch the guy, sure
but you knew how violent he could get
the hellhound couldn't be out in public
you'd already caused enough damage as it was
no need for Garm to compound the problem
you barely kept up with the demon
but the run was easier than when he chased you
something gave you a boost
maybe whatever the demon did with his tail had messed with your body
you were still barely keeping up but you weren't dying
you couldn't stop him when he snatched the smartphone out of the guy's hand
he nearly turned to confront the demon but Garm made him think twice
he kept running and the hellhound gave up pursuit after getting what he wanted
the phone burst into pink flames in his grip
you were recovering
he looked absolutely annoyed
”why is my fire pink?”
he glared at you like you had an answer
you shrugged as you swiftly regained your breath
the footage was dealt with and the voyeur chased off
all's well that ends well
the demon watched the fire play in his hands as the ashes from the phone drifted away on the wind
you were a little taken aback that he could just disintegrate a phone like that
he'd stroked your dick with that paw
you wanted to leave the incident behind you
he allowed you to place your arm on his shoulder
so you got rudely interrupted
why not take the movie marathon elsewhere
an idea hit
even better than just sitting around watching movies
you suggested the two of you go out through town tonight
he looked at you suspiciously
”how's that going to work?”
it was Halloween
if any day could have Garm walk around out in public, it would be today
it might seem unwise to have a demon in public
especially after the close call right now
but you wanted to clear your mind
leaving your hellhound in your car seemed dickish
you wanted to be on good terms with him
he didn't object to the walk
but pointed out he would stick out around people
you had the solution
digging into your truck you found a bedsheet
he looked perplexed when you cut two rough holes into it
when you threw it over him he yelped and tried fighting a bedsheet
you told him to relax
moving the sheet around, you were greeted by an orange death glare
he was a ghost now
that stare said he wanted to make you one too
but now he could walk around with you
he was a bit too big to go trick or treating but walking around wouldn't get him an audience
you figured the time outside might be good for him
he must hate being stuck between the car and your work
well, it was cool with you
but he might feel differently
you still didn't know what you two were but this could be a date too
you grabbed the Jason mask you used from last year and the year before that
your trunk was a bit of a mess
maybe you'd ask one of your friends in town if they were doing a party tonight
might actually go
your high school buddy Riley was having a party out at a cornfield
sure he was sort of estranged after the thing with the cops
but he was more than willing to share some beers around a bonfire
you'd buy a cheap 24 pack just to smooth things over
you hope you didn't mind bringing a plus one to the occasion
Garm would just have to wear that bedsheet around company
as plausible as it sounded, no one would buy the demon was just a really good costume
a little bit of socializing would do you some good and clear your head
the hellhound wasn't the most keen on it
he was wondering how this helped in any way
you brought up how sometimes hanging out with friends was necessary
one had to charge their batteries a little
now you weren't some extrovert but even you conceded some in person social events weren't all that bad
the hellhound was confused
Hell wasn't exactly a place brimming with friendships
he had companions he fought alongside
but again, affection was sort of lacking down there
the only thing keeping them unified was wrath
pure unbridled anger and hatred directed at an enemy
that and the duty to uphold such rage
still, he was trapped up here until a solution could be created
he'd play along with this
not like he had much of a choice with the new body at the moment
a little voice in him was giddy
yes you
you were showing him off
didn't Garm like the idea of being brought around his friends?
and they would know
they'd know he belonged to their friend
that you had claimed him
Garm suppressed his hearts from fluttering at the suggestion
”who knows,” the voice sweetly suggested, “maybe the l-word would come up?”
at least this sheet meant he could cover up this damn erection
it was risky to bring a demon around people
most would call the suggestion stupid
but you'd started this little train ride by playing with unknown forces in an abandoned house at 3 in the morning
couldn't get much dumber than that
part of you sort of hoped at something here
as abrasive as the hellhound could be at times, he really was the best date you'd ever had
you'd deal with a hoof occasionally being launched at you if the alternative was ever to try dating ever again
you just saw the sex as something more
well, hoped for it
you wanted to be optimistic about the situation
though you never wanted to force the demon to go farther
the whole thing was dubious but you were hopeful
Garm didn't realize you had a reason for your procrastination or else he might kill you
but you seriously wanted to win him over
he charmed you
so yeah, part of this was bullshitting
as crazy as the situation sounded and as selfish as you felt, you wanted hope you could salvage a real connection here
maybe building the thing out of deception wasn't a good idea and that gnawed at you
you weren't one to manipulate others
as much as it would benefit you you might have to confess to Garm sooner or later
you'd plucked him out of whatever life he had
and now he seemed addicted to your dick
how much ot that was him and how much of that was the spell made you feel guilty
so this trip out to the cornfield party was at least an attempt to connect with Garm as a person and not some sextoy that lived in your car
you liked him
you wanted him to like you
thinking about it, it all sounded slightly pathetic
the drive out to the fields gave you plenty of time to beat yourself up
if Garm suspected your deception, he didn't confront it
but sooner or later you'd have to have a honest heart to heart about this
you'd screwed up a lot in life
wouldn't be living out of a car if you made good decisions
this one you wanted to really fix because you'd gotten someone else stuck in your mess
you didn't think the ritual would work
that didn't absolve yourself of what happened after
you could blame whatever magic Garm worked on fucking on and off
but that wasn't enough to clear your fuck up
the whole mass demon incursion wasn't your fault though
that one you asserted was the internet's fault
it would be easy to blame all of this on whoever posted that ritual
dude used a name for that post, then never returned
but that was too easy
laying blame on strangers didn't solve the problem
setting things right was the onpy sensible thing
but that selfish part of you hoped he wouldn't go to Hell
secretly, you needed him to stay
you wanted that connection
you could see glimmers of Garm in the sexual acts
they were partially for feeding but you wanted to see affection there
hopefully, you weren't reading too much into it
but since he'd really started doing things willingly it had been a hope
there were a lot of hypothetical here and a lot of wishful thinking
ultimately you had to stop ignoring the issue
if he really was miserable you couldn't detain him
whatever this was that would just make it rape
you weren't about that
you'd wanted company and YouTube views
and you feared you'd get neither in the end
you had to course correct before you flew too close to the sun and someone got hurt
you'd confess to him after the party
that was the best idea
you'd get good and buzzed
that would give you the courage to just tell him
you wanted him to stay
he was a keeper but you needed to convince him to be kept
so it was in fate’s hands
you almost thought God's hands but you were pretty sure the guy upstairs wanted nothing to do with this shit
you were probably on his shitlist for the whole “Hellhole” thing now
God you felt dumb about that
little did you know Asmodeus just needed a fall guy for all of this
once the lowest among the demon nobility, this upset benefited him greatly
a constant and steady influx of demons on earth and they were all granting him power
the goatbull royal watched his work with glee
men were such a gift
he could visualize any demon linked to him ritual and that gave him the best seat in the house
well, second best
his pink pupils studied the car ride from the perspective from the cute little hellhound Garm
hard to believe that boy was once 1 ton of fiery muscle
the goatbull snickered at that
the ritual did fine work
of course Garm's new beauty still didn't match Asmodeus’ own
he was a slender feminine example of perfection
any man could be swayed into sodomy when he worked his charms
but Garm was a close second, he'd concede
the human the hellhound bagged was fascinating
if things got any more exciting the demon lord might need to bring in the best seat in his house
not like his darling was that far from a summon
demons could pluck humans straight from earth as easily as humans could pluck demons from Hell if they knew what they wanted
and Asmodeus always knew what he wanted
that cute little man was the inspiration for this scheme and Asmodeus would have to reward him appropriately
until he was as dehydrated as a mummy and his pelvis pleaded for mercy
you continued to beat yourself over how to handle this with Garm oblivious to your plight
the hellhound was slightly annoyed this wouldn't get him closer to Hell but a part of him kept feeding him arguments
”a cozy bonfire with a man beats hellfire alone”
he shook his head under the bedsheet
he needed to prioritize Hell
his duty
just because this felt good didn't mean he should take pleasure in it
he should be better than this
instead of longing
instead of constant feeding
but some part of him was right and he was annoyed by that
he should be with his master but…
both of you were unaware of your depraved observer currently having his ass eaten out as he watched his plans all come together
seeing everything getting hot and heavy again made him kidnap his darling for a surprise
the drive was quiet with both of you deep in thought
Asmodeus normally would be bored with such a thing but he was anticipating the storm on the horizon
his clawed hand forced his husband's face deep in between his asscheeks
this man had been a lawyer once
he was just depraved enough behind closed doors that the demon noble found a better use for his tongue
meanwhile Asmodeus busied himself watching a lower horse demon railed over the hood of a pickup truck
the thick horse used to be a foot soldier
now he was spaying semen across the grill of the truck
seven mice boys crowded around one man's girthy cock
they kissed and licked and fought to kiss the precum out of each other's mouths
once these were dignitaries for Mommon, the highest prophets of greed
accursed accountants
of course they'd covet the cum from their partner
there were cases like this all over the world now
and growing
in fact one lonely anon just summoned a goat demon that was once Lucifer's advisor
said goat just realized he went from wizened devil to a shortstack
the confusion delighted Asmodeus as he blasted a rope of cum across the floor of his throne room
his attention turned back to you parking the car out near a cornfield
the demon lord rubbed his thighs together in anticipation
Garm was such a legend down here and seeing him corrupted had filled Asmodeus with glee
the ritual was random but he was glad it had picked such a perfect first subject
Garm and you sat in the car for a moment
you were rehearsing how to introduce your buddies to your new girlfriend
the bonfire was already in full motion before the sun fell over the horizon
the hellhound glared at you
he was annoyed that he enjoyed the front seat next to you
that little voice said his lap might even be the best seat in the house
he would do this meet and greet and then hopefully you would go back to finding him a way home
you'd do this stupid party and then he would ride your dick in the backseat
he fought his daydreams and wrestled control back towards his goal
no goddammit
Hell, he needed to go back to Hell
silently, he seethed under his cotton bedsheet
why the fuck did it ALSO need to smell like you?
you had a surprise for your buddies
not one but 2 24 cases of the cheapest beer money could buy
and marshmallows
you were generous when you could be
the party had at least three dozen around the fire
Josh's dad owned the farm so you wouldn't be chased off by cops tonight
Josh was another guy from school
more of an acquaintance but the friend of a friend thing secured you a spot
the big crowd was great
Garm wouldn't stick out as much
especially since there were costumes everywhere
you had hopped out but he was a little less eager so you opened the door for him
this was sudden but it would be good to be out and about
you apologized for sort of keeping him in the car all this time
while this was sudden, it could also be fun for him
this was the best opportunity for him to get outside without having a dozen cameras on him
he softened behind the sheet
you didn't know where you two stood but you wanted things to be better for the demon
with any hope, you thought to yourself, he would enjoy himself and forget all about Hell
maybe here could be home
well, maybe you'd actually have a reason to actually get a place now
you were still feeling a little selfish but you hoped that summoning could be turned into a positive for both of you and not written off as an accident
some higher power put you two together and you really wanted the demon to see that
Garm was deep in thought
that seductive voice was telling him how much of a gentleman he'd bagged
how he was lucky to get a man
he hushed the voice
the hellhound cleared his mind
”romance” should be a meaningless word to him
this wasn't a “date”
this man wasn't a “boyfriend”
he tried repeating those points and ignoring all thoughts to the contrary
his hearts weren't helping
he sighed and got out of the car
best to get this over with
human small talk was alien to Garm
he was far more accustomed to screams of the damned
he didn't know which he preferred now
he stood in his sheets you did the talking
he fought his tail trying to wag when you introduced him as your “significant other”
the joy gave way to cold silent fury when he went with the fake name Karen
he was not a Karen
Garm would see you pay for this insult later
you knew you were paying dealing for that but your buddies would ask questions about what the hell kind of name was Garm
even now you felt the hellhound boring holes into you
when asked where you met you bullshitted and said “the internet” because it wasn't exactly wrong
thankfully they bought it when you lied and said Karen was very shy
helped the beer and marshmallows were a good distraction for everyone
the rest of the party went about their business and Garm sat down on a wooden bench that had been brought over
letting him sort of do his own thing didn't precisely work out
some of the girls at the party also wanted to meet the new meat as it were
there was the obligatory sexy vampires and nurses
most of the girls had jackets on due to the chill
if small talk annoyed Garm, “girl talk” made sure he would obliterate your pelvis before this night was over as punishment
he attempted to keep quiet and nod but they were insistent on conversation
hiding under the sheet could only provide so much protection
but a little voice told him he should behave
be a good boy
damn little voice
under the sheet Garm had his arms folded and desire to kill you for forcing this social interaction on him was growing
eventually he had to switch to verbal answers
they mistook his angry silence with being a wallflower
trying to get him out of his shell
”at least you're prettier than them”
the voice wasn't fucking helping
you were socializing but ran out of shit to talk about when it came to recent events
none of them really knew you were living out of your car
not like you advertised it
but thankfully they weren't as persistent as the girls bugging Garm
you spared a glance towards the sheet ghost and orange eyes made you look away immediately after
so he was probably pissed
well, at least he was getting out
Garm realized something
your voice was the only one that didn't annoy the hell out of him
that realization however did annoy the hell out of him
your gambit was a crazy one
you knew as much
but it was really the only time you could easily bring Garm out around people
you hoped he wouldn't be too angry for too long
reading his body language was hard under the sheet
but those eyes were pissed any time you looked over your shoulder
eventually the conversation turned to the typical guy talk
how good a lay was “Karen”
you turned to look over your shoulder
even through the party goers he heard that
how to best answer this?
you attempts to brush it off got them more curious
G-Karen is very…
that's what you went with
the gathering seemed to accept the answer
it was the truth though
so maybe that sold it better
the crowd just didn't know special in any specific way
not like you were one to brag about such shit anyways
you were careful with your words
didn't need to trip on them and reveal the whole demon guy thing
with their acceptance they moved onto other guy's conquests
Garm was at least relieved you didn't embarrass him
”why should you be embarrassed? you suck his dick without shame, right?”
ignoring the stupid little voice was easier with girl gossip drawing it out
it was their turn to start talking about sex, something that the demon really wished they'd have avoided
stupid horny humans
Garm suppressed a growl when one of the girls asked him if he touched your dick
you were not walking right for a week after this
then he sighed
might as well make this experience easier on himself
”yes,” he quickly snapped
that was not the end of his struggle
in fact, what was an attempt to appease the chickens around him only made them more curious
”did you suck him off?”
”how big is he?”
”did he eat you out?”
Garm was a stranger to these women and they asked him all of this after sitting down
no doubt booze was involved
fuck it
by the end of this he'd need to be drunk himself
knowing that answers only brought forth more questions now, he was more hesitant to give information
he'd stood before demonic lords before unflinching and here he was trying not to stammering about his sex life
for fucks sake why did he have a sex life
Garm excused himself
he needed to uh, use the bathroom
it was a lie but you'd used it as an excuse to avoid his retribution before
then the girls pointed out that the cornfield was an option
then a few also said they had to take a leak
why the fuck were they wanting to go with him?
he was going to hatefuck your pelvis into oblivion
in retrospect you shouldn't have left the demon unattended
just because the disguise was great didn't mean it was flawless
that and you underestimated just how little Garm gave a damn about the charade at this point
you heard screaming from the cornfield
the whole party stopped in its tracks
it was something clichéd out of a horror movie
the girls came running from the corn
you glanced around and saw no bedsheet ghost
you chastised yourself
but didn't linger that long on it
what happened would normally be hilarious
it was simple
the demon had slunk away in the cornfield in an attempt to clear his head
trying to get away from his new entourage wasn't working
unfortunately he was popular
until he tripped on the sheet and pulled it off himself in the fall
the girls noticed immediately
even in the dark field they instantly realized the new girl was something
orange eyes glanced down at the sheet and Garm muttered a word
you knew exactly why they were running around like screaming idiots
but didn't want to betray it completely
trying to come up with any sort of fib
Garm was annoyed by all the screaming and moved deeper in the field
with any hope they'd forget him or you'd look for him
he was right on the latter
in all the commotion you saw your chance and snuck off
you'd find the demon and hopefully escape before people started asking questions
those girls had seen a demon in the field
but it seemed like they didn't understand why there was a demon
the conversation was nonsensical enough for a distraction
one guy pointing out he'd seen videos online was the motivator to get the fuck out of there
so you slipped into the cornfield and started silently looking for Garm
relying on natural night vision, you decided to simply walk towards where the girls ran from
you didn't dare shout
avoiding the crowd while finding Garm was the goal
you didn't exactly know what was next
just sneaking to your car wouldn't be easy
maybe you could pretend Karen was replaced by a skinwalker?
would they buy that?
it was an idea
you filed that one away
orange eyes glared at you through the corn
unbeknownst to you, Garm had already found you
he wanted to make you pay in interest for making him deal with people
”instead of dealing with him and him alone?”
if Garm could reach out and strangle that voice he would
he stalked you, covered back up in the sheet
you weren't some amazing tracker and every rustle from the wind could be cover for Garm to move
he wanted you deeper
”in the field?”
fucking voice
the party seemed to be wrapping up in light of a demon spooking the girls
a few party goers were pissed and put two and two together
that was your date right?
your car had trash pitched on it in juvenile retribution
if they had eggs and toilet paper they'd have resorted to that
the guys thought you'd pulled some kind of stupid fucking prank
you almost yelled out as a white blur tackled you to the ground
”you idiot!”
the pale bullet that took your legs out from under you was angry whispering curses at you
he'd grabbed your shirt collar
”stick me with the tramps.”
this socializing wasn't going well
”am I not good enough company?”
he stopped assaulting your collar for a second when he realized what he blurted out
the demon huffed and you didn't really react one way or the other
let him get whatever this was out of his system
you realized something though
he was naked under the sheet now
probably for good reason
well, the sex was a little risky near the party but you'd manage
he noticed you were getting comfortable
”I'm not letting you off that easy.”
fucking sounded pretty easy though
he freed your dick with one paw while he never broke eye contact
”stupid voice is telling me to ride you until your hips break or I get puppies. for once I agree with it.”
you objected to that but then the tail stung at you a couple times
your body reacted with blood rushing to your cock just like he wanted
the pain faded instantly
replaced with a warm haze
that only got warmer
the demon was doing that thing where he started burning up again
you didn't know if he did it consciously or not
Garm was furious
and right now he really needed to take it out on something
that seemed to be your dick
the twin attacks of whatever heat he threw off and his tail was making you drunk
his eyes burned down at you
”bad enough,” he grunted as he impaled himself completely, “you leave me like this.”
he was really trying to lecture you while perched on your dick
”but then you have the gall to think you can talk to other men?”
he clamped on you like a vice
but those were friends…
where was all this coming from?
why was he jealous?
”don't care.”
his hooves planted in the ground and he gave you no respite or warning
just immediately slamming his ass down on your hips
all the while hurling admonishments
about how you stuck him like this and how you were going to be a man
when you went to grab his hips he laughed
remarked that it was about time
”the next time you try to throw me in some stupid party in wringing you out, got it?”
you just thought he might enjoy other people
”what made you think I want to enjoy people?”
so he wasn't sociable
lesson learned
fuck he was getting hotter
he said there was a nagging in his head, telling him you were all he needed
he couldn't tolerate this stupid party and those stupid girls and the whole time they wanted to talk about sucking cocks like they knew how
he was a ranting, furious mess as his hips slammed down harder and harder
venting all his lust and rage into the act
”who the fuck brags about sucking cock? do you hear me bragging?”
he stung you a couple more times
he was definitely on the warpath
he planted his paw on your stomach for balance as he took a moment to roll his hips
all the while he eyes blazed down at you
Garm wasn't taking prisoners
clearly a party wasn't the best idea
it was getting harder to think straight and try to debate back
you replied that you felt guilty keeping him to yourself, that you wanted him to meet other people
”why the Hell don't you keep me to yourself?”
he bucked hard on your cock and was actually arching his back
”there's all these demons on Earth because you wanted a hot hole around this meat.”
he shuddered as he blasted cum over your own half assed costume
clearly Garm was bipolar as shit
insulting you while he came on your dick
maybe he was still struggling with it all
you were at a loss for words at this point, so enamored with the demon as his body worked its magic charms over you
the party past the field had dispersed, no one eager to go out and look for a corn demon or you
you were at the mercy of a very furious succubus
best you could do was hold on for dear life
Garm clearly wanted to vent
a lot
the hellhound was burning up on the inside
well you wanted thrills when you went for this damn ritual
this was a thrill alright
Garm's ass was trying its damn best to drain you
but your stamina had gotten better
it was like doing constant cardio
”fuck,” he growled as he fucked himself on you
the heat was oppressive but he gave you no mercy
you attempted to thrust up only to be violently pushed back down
”don't you fucking dare try to assert yourself now.”
he kept cumming over your chest
you weren't counting how many times he'd emptied his balls all over you
it was actually cathartic for him to unleash a little sadism here
just shut off his brain and ride dick
why did that idea sound appealing?
well, he ignored that question and just kept pounding down
all his feral strength pistoned his ass down on your dick
the voice was winning him over now
he couldn't even fight back
right now he was more concerned about getting you off and abusing his prostate at the same time
the burn was spreading through him
he couldn't explain it
he was hungry, yes
but the thoughts and the feeling weren't something he'd felt since that shower
he didn't know what spurned it on
”fucking idiot. making me feel like this.”
he growled but it was losing its menace as he whined
he needed satisfying and just using you as a dildo wasn't enough
his asshole was a pussy now
he knew that
he was built for it now
at the moment he wasn't pissed about the transformation
he didn't even think about that now
just focused on how good he felt
and the ecstacy and fury was mixing together
he wanted to punish you
but fucking Hell was this glorious
he needed you to pour your seed in him
right now
when you finally came, you did something that was perhaps dumb
a poor choice of words as you flooded him with cum
three brisk little words
pink fire immediately consumed the bedsheet and the couple
you were understandably freaking out as it happened
a flash of blinding pink flame made you shut your eyes reflexively
you allowed yourself to look after it felt like it receded from your face
Garm was… very pink now
all the orange and red fur was a very vibrant pink
even his pupils
it contrasted with the black fur
he looked down at his newly colored paws
then ran his hands over himself in a panic
”my ass is bigger. why is my ass bigger?”
you twitched inside him and remembered you were there
”you,” he growled
Asmodeus felt like a crescendo had hit in his song
he wiggled down onto his partner
the human held on for dear life as the bull goat ejaculated onto his throne room carpet
this was what he was waiting for
lust was only so good when it was just carnal desire
now you'd twisted it with your affection
the lust was entwined with love
just like the man attempting to pound into Asmodeus, you looked sappy enough to take that step
some of the other demons wouldn't get to push past fuck buddies with their men
but the occasional guy will take it a step further
that pink looked becoming on the hellhound
pink mist coiled from the lord's mouth as he sighed in relief
”how about this,” he muttered as he pulled his lover by his cock
Asmodeus was now face down and ass up
all to give his partner a little more leverage
he was hitting the prostate so much better this way
the massive demon's ass was getting pummeled now
his attention was on the demons and their human partners
a smile formed on his snout as he watched Garm considering taking a swing at you in the afterglow
a taunting laugh reverberated through the demon lord as his husband kept attempting to breed him
he rested his head on his hands as he enjoyed his handiwork
ignorant of his unseen benefactor, the hellhound couldn't see or feel all the changes immediately
you however could after the haze faded from your mind
his curved horns were massive now
everything was indeed pink and black
the heart pattern on his stomach was practically glowing
you would have laughed at the womb tattoo if you weren't sure he would kill you
you don't think he meant to keep milking your cock but his ass kept your dick stiff with constant pressure
he was already tight before
he now had a full head of hair
more like black fur that grew out past his shoulders
his tapered devil's tail now had a pink heart on the end
he was still angry but his hips rolled and he groaned at that sensation
he didn't mean to do that
but he enjoyed it despite trying to focus at the task at hand
Garm insisted he had to be angry still
also why the fuck were his nipples sensitive now?
both he and you realized something about the same time
he had wings now
bat wings on his back
he flapped them
what the fuck did that ritual do?
Garm flapped the wings again to test if he wasn't dreaming
only nobility had them
Asmodeus wiggled his own as another orgasm ripped through his body
the hellhound was getting tempted and the lord knew it
he savored the banquet in front of him as the debased performances continued
with Garm as the delightful main course
his grin was growing wider
you were still coming down from the war the demon waged on your pelvis
passively observing as he flicked his new appendages
the implications were lost on you but Garm was absolutely awestruck
he was… nobility?
in all his years of service he'd never been granted this
but one ritual and a sinner later?
the hellhound didn't look furious so you decided to let him have the moment
better for him to be distracted for a while than to turn his attention back to you
even if his ass was reflexively milking your sore dick all the while
you took the chance to quietly recover your strength
”those words,” Garm thought to himself, “did this?”
when he exhaled a soft sigh, pink breath rolled out from his throat
he watched the vapor fade into the air
there was a power surging through him
the heat was something new now
when he decided to stand up you almost laughed
the fur that was around his hooves had grown up his legs
he looked like he was wearing some sort of pink thigh high stockings now
he caught your tired smirk and looked down and then scowled back at you
”don't think we're done talking about this.”
he reached down and helped you to your feet
you would have to sneak back to the car
more like limp
goddamn he pretty much poured all his anger into that ass
your eyes went to it
damn it was bigger
dude had a thicker ass and hips now
when you looked up he was glaring over your shoulder
not like you could perform at the moment anyways
you poked your head out of the field first
no reason to spoon anyone else if they were still hanging around
the fire was dead
you'd been in there for an hour or two
strange they'd just up and quit the party
was the “demon sighting” enough to scare them all off?
your car was parked by itself
with a busted window
you were annoyed
Garm was furious
”and these are your friends?”
well not all of them were
the party hadn't exactly gone the way you imagined
they probably felt the same
you'd tape up the window with a blanket or something to keep the chill out
”you should be angry, you know.”
well, what could you do
not like you knew who did it
”this is your home.”
Garm had his arms folded looking at the damage
yeah, but you could hopefully fix it
he huffed and got in the car
you took the vehicle to a secluded spot and in a shock he yanked you into the back
he was hotter than the breeze trying to get into the car now
it was harder to sleep in the back but he draped himself over you like the warmest blanket you could imagine
the next morning he refused to move until you called your friends
Garm was very insistent, the heart tail poised on your balls
you tried to say the window didn't matter
”someone needs to be punished for that. your choice if its the culprit or your nuts”
his claw prodded your chest
with that compelling argument you started calling up your friends
occasionally the demon would coax you
no idea why he was so deadset on this
your car was a rolling junk heap
it was just one more thing wrong with it
why should you worry
the demon was stubborn though
and he had leverage on you now
actually pushing him off was harder
especially since SOMEONE had left your hips aching
so you called around to your friends
a few expressed concern that you just vanished last night
some asked if Karen was ok
there was gossip about a demon you tried to downplay
apparently the common consensus was it was drunk girls fucking around
at least that's the big picture you got from talking to a few
but that wasn't what you were being coerced into talking about
you wanted to find out what trashed your car
well, you didn't
but you couldn't say why you were curious
Garm just wouldn't let this go
it didn't take long for someone to throw someone else under the bus
couple of guys named Rory and Rich
they were already trashed and got pissed your date interrupted the party and spooked the chicks
the combination of drunkenness and anger was ideal for a dumb decision
after a few hours of detective work you had your culprits
Garm knew it too
the smile he flashed on his snout was worrying
”so when can we go and meet the lucky vandals?”
he rose up off you and slid into the passenger seat
you didn't really have plans to meet them honestly
he turned his head back to meet your eyes with his own
one clawed finger pointed at you
”no one gets to do this shit to you.”
you had work today anyways
he seemed to accept that but then pointed at you
”vengeance after work.”
it wasn't that simple
you couldn't just vandalize them back
that was illegal
you could get arrested
”you could be arrested.”
he smiled
there was a glee in those pink eyes you distrusted
just because you hadn't done the best job of keeping Hell under wraps lately didn't mean you needed Garm getting into mischief
you had to put your foot down here
he put his hoof down in kind
”you know I can just steal your soul, right?”
you didn't know if he was bluffing
the grin hadn't left his face
look, this didn't matter
besides why did he care that much?
it's just a window
”an affront to you is an affront to me.”
the demon was acting weird
he was at best tolerating your presence and at worse wanting to take your head off
you pointed this out
”so I want to punish someone? is that a crime? I used to do that for a living.”
but that still didn't explain his new erratic behavior
he was rushing to defend you from some perceived slight
did he love you?
was that what this all was?
Garm pouted in the front seat and refused to answer your queries now
he dismissively waved his hand when you tried to get him to explain himself
you didn't know what to think
he couldn't have had that much a change of heart based off some confession from you
but at least his anger might be directed elsewhere
when he spoke up again he had a new question for you, changing the subject
”how bad is the ritual spreading?”
the thread on /x/ died
the board is normally slow
searching the catalog showed a couple threads asking what happened
also panicked or relieved threads trying to get answers or saying the shit works
you stepped out of 4chan to see the bigger internet
social media had a few people bragging
a couple of “demon sightings” written off as nut jobs
the sex tapes were everywhere though
the ritual was all over now
even spreading internationally
Asia specifically allowed it to spread like wildfire
you'd settled into the driver's seat and allowed Garm to look
a lanky pink and white crow demon taking it from behind
wings and a heart tail like Garm's
bat wings felt sort of redundant on a crow but he didn't seem to have natural ones
his partner was giving you a behind the shoulder POV as he railed the absolute shit out of him, the camera work was surprising for an amateur video
both of them saying ragged declarations of love
the hellhound's eyes were wide
Garm recognized Malphas
despite the new form, enough of him remained to be obvious
40 legions
and this is what a high general of Hell became?
this ritual had gone this high up to him
”perhaps, it's not so bad if the general likes it,” that sneaky little voice remarked but Garm was entranced when the man interlocked his fingers with Malphas’ own
he wasn't even listening to the voice tempting him
he was focused on those hands
a high general
doing this
Garm rubbed his legs together
he didn't know why
Malphas was saying he loved some human
the crow demon's voice was lighter than when he commanded but he was distinctly repeatedly saying “I love you”
the human pumping into his tailhole reciprocated
it was frantic as they both obviously sped up
they were trying their damned hardest to cum together
when they did they growled out together and the crow demon barely was able to stand
the wall Malphas had used to prop himself up bore deep scratches from the demon
this wasn't the first time they'd done this here
both of you sort of had to shuffle in your seats as the human leaned in to kiss his demon's beak and the video ended
that was impressive
to you
it was clear this ritual had really gotten out of hand
you spared a glance to Garm
he was glued to the screen
it's not like he hadn't seen such things before
you'd shown him other evidence of the rituals but this was the first demon he recognized by sight
and Malphas was a direct superior
he looked like he was enjoying himself
was this really so bad if others were enjoying it
as much as he loathed to openly admit it, he loved the new experience
it was still hard to come to terms with it
but Malphas swore oaths like him
and he was readily in a man's arms
hadn't Garm felt that warmth too?
right now, he was eager to distract himself by punishing the vandals that broke your car
these thoughts were dangerous and that tempting little voice kept whispering to him
basically leaving Garm to his own devices made you feel a little guilty
by his own admission he wasn't a people person
but you still felt bad about having him stuck in your car
so this shift you decided on something new
no one batted an eye about you having someone in a hoodie follow you into the booth after the first shift left for the day
you were glad no one looked too hard
Garm would be able to at least hang out somewhere new
so the party was a mistake
you'd approach this a different way
actually try to talk to the guy heart to heart
you didn't get a chance last night to talk to him about staying
he normally brooded in the back seat when he wasn't feeding
so here was a chance to really talk
Garm was confused but whatever
his thoughts went back to that Malphas video
it was world changing
not that he'd admit it
demons shouldn't love
but that word came so easily from Malphas
he was conflicted
the affection felt good but the hellhound didn't think it was his duty
he still had Hell to think about
as nice as this could be
you tried getting him to speak while you two were in the booth
he was so deep in thought he didn't register what you said
little seductive voice was trying its best to say Garm should stay here
that other demons had found bliss here
all his years of service and he deserved the reward
he barely registered that voice too
what a mess he was in
you had decided showing more interest in him might make him relax
so you started with easy questions
he had clearly dedicated himself to his job so you asked him why he guarded a gate, for what master and against what enemy
you were serious about wanting to know more about him
just because you'd summoned a succubus didn't mean you didn't value his input
he was a man like you
despite it all
you didn't say that last part bit you hoped he understood
he wasn't just some toy for your amusement
you'd honestly wanted the company first and foremost
well, alright, you also had hoped for YouTube clicks
but you wanted Garm to like you
you knew it wasn't right to force it though
the ritual had been jarring enough
when you started asking him about his work that seemed to be the ice breaker
”I held the stygian gate for so long against rogue armies. Lords that didn't agree with Lucifer. Hell is not a very trusting place.”
you figured as much
some demons were down there for good reason no doubt
but he was different
he had a sense of honor about him
he was the only demon you'd met personally but the best thing you could compare him to is some knight
a warrior sworn to his master
the idea was romantic in a way
you didn't say that because you were sure he'd dismiss that as nonsense
but you admired the drive
could you have the heart to send him back?
you'd known Garm for only so long and it wasn't right to keep him caged if he didn't like it
if he desired Hell over you you couldn't stand in the way
just didn't feel right
inwardly, Garm was still troubled
he knew where his duty laid
but it was starting to not feel like the “correct” path
but he didn't want to entertain the other idea
collared like some sort of pet
”was that any different than what Lucifer did?”
the voice cut right to it and he hated that
he served Lucifer faithfully
yet this stupid human was showing the interest and concern his master never did
this love was strange
he hated admitting it was growing on him
you kept lightly pressing him for information
you did have to admit you envied how fantastical his life sounded
he seemed to have his shit together
a goal
you were the opposite
maybe opposites attracted after all
you were optimistic
being with a guy was a lot better than you thought it would be
Garm really was a special case though
but it seemed like the talk was disarming him
he was definitely a lot more receptive than when he was first summoned
you actually felt like you were starting to get through to him
then a customer knocked on the booth window and you had to deal with that for a minute
part of the reason you weren't worried about customers was you blocked any view past you in the booth
raised as it was, you both were safe
the sleepy little gas station was the best answer for this
you went about socializing with the demon all wrong
these chats outside your vehicle would allow him to dip his hooves in the water
that party was just you tossing him in the deep end and hoping he could swim
so it wasn't the smartest idea
you realized this now
with the customer gone you asked him to continue
you were no psychologist but maybe letting himnl assert himself more would make him happy
give him control
hell, he might have felt like he had none since he'd come here
the names he dropped seemed familiar from browsing through /x/ and the library books
when he talked about Malphas you knew that one
the shock came from his news that the good high general was the one in that video you both watched
this ritual was nuts
you quietly proposed something dangerous because you worried he might act
what if there's no off switch for the ritual?
he didn't insist there had to be one
honestly, Garm was starting to think whoever created the thing never intended on a reversing
the ritual preyed on every lonely guy who considered it
at least the hellhound assumed it was guys
it's all either of you saw
maybe women just weren't into the dark arts for a mate thing
maybe it didn't work for them
the ritual seemed to have very specific effects
Garm could see and feel that much
surely it would bottleneck with most guys not wanting a demon
he hoped the humans weren't that depraved
”is it really that depraved to be on your back for him?”
great shook his head to clear that voice away
centuries he'd never shown his back to an enemy and his urges had him want to do it for you
this ritual was dangerous
but he came back down when you asked him to talk more about himself
this interest was strange
he was still not used to someone being this friendly
oaths and duty were constant companions but they didn't make for good bedfellows
it was stiff formality and outright hostility at times
maybe he liked being appreciated
there was a distinction here
at his job he was “appreciated”
you were different
mortals were a complete wildcard to the demon
he'd never actually interacted with men before
outside the sinners that he had misfortune of making an acquaintanceship with down below
you were simple
not completely free of sin
just… there
and the ritual had let him meet you
so perhaps it wasn't that bad
he could treat all this as a vacation before he went back to work
then he could enjoy it guilt free
Garm shocked you when he asked about you
you'd already covered most of it though
not exactly the wisest guy
in fact, you sort of felt guilty about the whole thing now
it was hard to put to words at first but in all honesty, having Garm around shined a light on how you lived
when it was just you it didn't matter
but what about the future
you couldn't have Garm sleeping in the backseat in your 60s
”you write yourself off. why was it ok before?”
because it was just you
no one to worry about
”except yourself. don't be such a doormat. the happy go lucky thing only goes so far before life kicks your ass.”
strange to be getting life advice after all this
then he realized what you'd said earlier
”what do you mean by your 60s?”
a claw was probably pointed at your back as an accusation
you were just being realistic
nothing was adding up with this ritual
you couldn't just conjure up a reverse on it overnight
it might take years
”if this is a ploy to keep me here, I'll take your soul right now.”
you had no doubt of that
you turned your head to look at him
at least to convey your honesty here
but you did admit that having him around for decades would be nice at least
the claw lowered as he decided now he didn't want to make eye contact with you
besides, he was a demon
it would be a drop in the bucket for him if it happened
this was all a hypothetical
you just wanted to be honest
finally, you told him you wanted to help because you didn't want him to feel forced to be with you
that's not how you wanted things to play out
Garm mulled over that
his mind was a mess and he asked himself a question
”why the fuck does he have to be considerate?”
at least if you were an asshole he could be angry at you
but no
you were trying to help
couldn't make this easy
Asmodeus watched the hellhound pouting behind his human and he had to laugh
the lord had cleaned up since his last meeting with his lover and was lounging in a sheer red negligee
the one with the black hearts pattern all over his lover liked
the love payoff was already fantastic and more and more demons kept getting plucked from Hell for this
but Garm was still the most fun to watch to see his pride and wrath get chipped away
he might even have to admit he liked his new life
Asmodeus let his lover recline next to him in bed as they watched the events unfold
it was easy to carry the display into the bedroom
occasionally the lord would switch through demons
watching progress
more being summoned, more building some twisted relationships
the chaos it was causing down in Hell was enjoyable
eventually the source of the ritual would be tracked down
by then it would be too late
eventually events would accelerate to the point the goat bull was unrivaled
how funny would it be if Lucifer was snatched at random for the ritual?
the idea would be beyond humorous
some poor human stuck with that goat
Asmodeus loved the idea so much he rolled over and moved between his lover's legs
that rebellious fallen angel getting his prostate turned into a toy
sucking a mortal’s cock
just like this
with his size it was easy to bathe that cock with his tongue
there would be no stopping this and it only kept growing
Hell belonged to lust now
Garm didn't know why but part way through your shift he had an urge
you regretted bring him in the booth a little when he shocked you by slinking past you
he squeezed himself under your desk and licked his teeth
Garm probably wouldn't take a raincheck
Asmodeus and Garm both lovingly huffed at cock and lapped at their partner
the hellhound had started to taste your cock before and just really needed to feed
his ears picked up a customer coming to the window
well, that was your problem
keeping your composure was difficult
you never had much of a poker face before
much less when someone was slobbering over your dick
and of course Garm wasn't stopping
you didn't know what brought this on but you carried on the transaction best you could
when you closed the booth window he pulled away to look up and laugh into your crotch
”hard to think when your body is just throbbing, right?”
he forcefully spread your legs wider to give himself easier access
pink eyes focused on the drop of precum that came out of the tip
he slipped the cock back into his muzzle and forced your hands onto his ram style horns with his paws
the message was clear
you wanted to go back to business as usual?
you needed to feed him
the canine tongue of the hellhound twisted around and lapped every inch it could reach
Garm was toying with idea of just bouncing on it
oh, you might get fired
oh no
right now your job was to cum for him
your bitch needed laying and the customer could wait
he was enjoying himself and he didn't need some strangers getting in the way of that
so your attention was divided
you were trying to cum as fast as possible while keeping a lookout
didn't want to enjoy it too much
just because Garm's head was covered by the desk didn't mean some customers wouldn't notice if you really started to enjoy yourself
it was a balancing act
at least Garm had full-fledged handle bars now
the eventual orgasm and the demon's meal came shortly but not without your paranoia having you look everywhere
last thing you needed was yet more company with a phone camera
when Garm was satisfied he pulled back and breathed in your crotch
”it would serve you right if I cost you your job like you cost me mine.”
well unless a demon wants to summon you to Hell for sex you would be safe
the hellhound laughed softly against your leg
”I'm dragging you down there myself when this is all said and done.”
he probably meant that
so there was that promise hanging over your head
you didn't even dismiss it as merely a threat
because you knew he'd make good on it
you replied that wasn't exactly endearing you to the idea of getting him back to Hell
”oh come on. you'll love it there.”
his claw poked at your exposed nuts
you almost flinched
”can't be any worse than this tedium can it?”
considering you'd probably be flayed alive eternally down there or fed to Lucifer in a frozen wasteland, wageslaving it up felt like the lesser of two evils
his pink eyes glimmered as he looked up to you
and another customer knocked on the window, spoiling the moment
you rose carefully
the transaction was smooth
you were in control
then right after the hand off of the cash someone felt being mischievous
you had to grit your teeth when demon teeth nipped your thigh
the customer looked at you funny when he noticed your small jump
the transaction was complete and when he went to the pump you gave Garm a death glare for once
he'd drawn blood with the bite and seemed amused
”finally. save some of that anger for tonight.”
oh crap, his revenge scheme
you felt a little more dignified after zipping your pants back up
the hellhound had taken his seat behind you again and you had to put your foot down and insisted nothing was to happen tonight
he put his nose close to your ear and kept his voice low
”you're not going to take that insult and I'm going to have some fun or else I'm going to have you looking like a mummy. your call.”
yeah, but he would do that anyways
he rested his paws on your shoulders
”didn't you want us to ‘socialize?’”
something you noticed with his close proximity, he always smelled nice
one would think he'd reek of sex
but he always smelled sweet
or was that his breath?
a small amount of vapor escaped from his lungs
”no one is allowed to insult you like that, remember?”
he was so insistent
his paws gripped your shoulders
”you're a man.”
he flashed a toothy smile next to your face
”at least I think you might be.”
there was mockery in his tone
why did he really want this?
another customer
fucks sake
you didn't know if keeping Garm in the booth was such a hot idea
another smooth transaction
sitting back down was the invitation for the demon to grab you again
”look, I want some fun. it'll be a learning experience.”
you didn't trust him to not make a scene
a learning experience for who?
that's what you were afraid of
you didn't need him to make it so you had to skip town
Garm was enjoying seeing you squirm
he didn't know what he'd do when he found those guys
but there was a drive in him telling him they shouldn't have fucked with you
he hid it but it was something that told him they'd suffer for what they did to you
the demon couldn't explain the attachment
but it was strong
even if you wanted to forgive and forget, he didn't
who just rolls over on their stomach and begs for… rubs
Garm forced that temptation out
not now
point is
they'd pay
Garm helped himself to your cock three more times during the shift
you could swear he was doing it on purpose to toy with you
he was
normally he didn't need to eat much
the hellhound reasoned that if he was stuck addicted to your cock, he might as well make a game of it
he hated to think he was addicted but it was the first word that came to mind
what else do you call being on your knees four times in three hours
this damn ritual made him like this
and you were still somehow amazingly able to cum
you'd think by the fourth time you'd be tapped out
despite the most stressful blowjobs ever, work was uneventful
the hellhound snuck out of the booth behind you and decided to try and suck you off a fifth time while you counted down the till
at least this time you could lean back and relax in the office
you pulled his hoodie back and held his curved horns
he was impossible
you were going to be drained and it wasn't even night yet
he broke the kiss with your cockhead to look up and laugh
”how about a deal?”
his voice was low and you didn't know what to think
but you asked
what deal?
”fuck me on your boss' desk.”
that was insane
what was in it for you?
”you get to fuck me on your boss' desk. duh.”
he smiled
you didn't know why he was acting like this now
usually there was a little bit of edge to him
here he was blatantly flirty
he ripped your button up uniform shirt open
”come on. you know you want it.”
Garm was getting overwhelmed now
he blamed the ritual and you saying that damn l word
drinking down your cum and being close to you all day
you talking to him
trying to relate to him
it pissed Garm off to have you be this nice
he wanted to be angry at you
but it was like staying angry at a puppy
Garm played that night in the cornfield over and over
the best he could do is make you super uncomfortable around others as payback
served you right for sticking him with a gaggle of hens talking about how they sucked cock like they knew anything about sucking dick
his mind was an erratic mess but something made him really want to push your buttons
corrupt you right back
not that he had to do much for a pervert like you but he could sense there were limits he could break
just needed to try enough
that little voice was making good points now
with last night the urges where getting stronger
”maybe he'll have to get you a collar if you want to be his pet that bad.”
right now, he also craved that
hopefully in pink
that color was growing on him
you felt like you wouldn't actually get much choice about your boss' desk
so might as well fuck Garm on his desk
he slid up to meet you face to face
his muzzle pressed against your lips
the tongue that had bathed your manhood for hours was shoved past your teeth
while you were distracted, that tail jabbed you a couple times
that was followed by him breathing into you
the demon was getting you doped up more and more
you didn't know if that was at all a good thing but you had given up counting change for the obvious issue at hand
that voice was working through Garm now
telling him how it would just take a little teasing
a little more flaunting
he wanted his human, didn't he?
that's what summoned him
that fat dick
it could be his whole world
this human actually loved him
he could be like that slut Malphas
in fact why settle for being like
he could be the crow general's superior here
why not?
he was the first one here
his pride as a demon didn't have to center around some silly gate
why not pride himself on how much power you poured into him
all that love
and he could be even better than before
the hellhound was fed daydreams of untold strength
and showered with gratitude from his little human
just steal his soul and drag him down to Hell
the sin could be eternal
you were most certainly going to burn
why not make the best of it?
the voice was making convincing arguments
the smell and taste of this human was inviting Garm to fall deeper
could a demon fall?
when you picked him up by his ass to carry him, the demon and his voice celebrated in unison
as delighted as Garm could be, there was the tiniest sliver of his subconscious that told him he was still him
indulging like this was a good way to lose his identity if he wasn't careful
he'd already changed so much but the last thing he needed was to be some sort of demonic blowup doll
after the desk sex he would reassert himself and you two would visit those vandals
the hellhound might not be protecting gates any more
but he was still going to protect something
even if it was a 30 year old sedan
but right now, he needed just one more load
that might appease him
for a time
both of you had a lot to dwell on
none of it was a priority at the moment
caution had been thrown to the wind
you carried him over to the manager's desk
you might get into trouble but Garm drove a hard bargain
once the post nut clarity hit you'd get the place cleaned up
but right now your dick was calling the shots
both of you stripped and Garm threw out subtlety by shoving damn near everything off the surface and sat his ass on the desk
he enjoyed the desperation you showed in throwing yourself clothes off
he had this
you were in the palm of his hand
it was getting hard to think of anything but hands
getting hard to focus for both of you
frankly, both of you were at a loss after the fact
you woke up three hours later
the demon lying under you, still trapping your manhood
the desk was a mess
Garm was as groggy as you
only with a clear head did you notice something
the office had a camera
every detail had to be caught on tape
you had scratches all across your back, fresh air and movement making you very aware of them
Garm's fur had streaks of white splattered across it, contrasting with the black
he stretched and you still couldn't pull out
your mind was waking up and you were in full panic mode
you pointed out the camera and he started to aim his paw at the device in the corner
he was still a little ragged but pink fire was swirling around his claws
you pulled the hand down
you didn't need unexplainable fire damage on top of this
just had to break into the storage room the data was in and delete it
you weren't some master hacker but it was a gas station security feed
hell, it might even refresh and delete old footage every day
you'd never had to use it before
but it couldn't be that complicated
you had finally managed to free your sore dick from the demon's grasp and set out to clean the place up
Garm picked up on your panic
”oh come on, you had fun.”
you shot back
it wasn't the smartest idea
”do you even like your boss all that much?”
you saw him like once and a while
not even enough to form an opinion honestly
very hands off
you asked how would his boss like it if you fucked Garm on his desk
the hellhound froze for a second
why did that idea sound good?
he filed that away
and pouted now
”so do you regret it?”
well… no
only then did he join you in cleaning up the place
”anyways, let's go find those vandals.”
no, tonight had enough excitement
for once you had to be firm
right now you needed to find that camera footage and wipe it
Garm didn't mind being filmed but he wanted it on his terms
something tasteful like what Malphas did
he didn't really care if you got fired though
you'd just have more time to fuck
he corrected himself
you still needed to find a way to reverse the ritual
maybe a job was getting in the way of fu-research
Garm hated having to correct himself but the urges were getting worse
ever since you'd forced this pink curse upon him
that whirlwind of breeding on this desk was at least enough to satisfy the nagging feeling for a while
Garm was definitely relaxed
enough that he could think straight
only took five loads to finally quell the fire
you were exhausted but once everything looked alright you took Garm with you to go get the camera footage
it was easy enough to get in
you saw the feeds and found the boss’ camera
the playback was… something
you were awed into silence seeing yourself then
without your mind muddled now you practically looked like a different person
you were jackhammering the demon with a feral energy you didn't think you could muster
yet there you were
claws on your shoulders made you remember the other half of that video was standing right behind you
he wasn't shocked by what he was seeing
his body remembered it
he wasn't expecting to hear his voice say “I love you”
you'd growled it out and he reciprocated
both of you had been so lost in it
Garm gawked
you didn't understand the significance but he did
was he that far gone?
there he was locking his legs around you
he'd said it so readily on video
just like Malphas
and that crow looked eager to abandon his station
for a human dick
you appreciated a certain irony that since Garm had shown up, you seemed to be the one person not fucking filming him
it would be funny if you weren't having to play damage control
the demon at least was less handsy now
maybe he was satisfied
God knows you don't think you had another in you for a while
he stopped you from deleting the video
it took you a bit to find the option buried
old as the system was, it was at least easy once you had found it
you had to ask why
”is there a way to save it?”
the hellhound immediately paused when he realized what he requested
why did he want to keep it?
Garm felt it had significance but he didn't outright say that
you needed to delete the footage before someone came in and saw
the hellhound felt that was a loss
but wouldn't admit he hated to see it go
”you can make another video later.”
that voice offered that up and Garm hated to admit that idea was enough to let him relax
”just because you're jealous Malphas got a video out first doesn't mean you won't have one.”
that wasn't it
Garm tried to drop the topic and relax a little
his cravings were under control at the moment so the task at hand should be more important
after that success, you needed rest
you'd find somewhere comfortable to take the car and crash
you would have no problem sleeping after all this
Garm might still be hungry down the road but your body was weak after all that
no amount of demonic doping could fix your legs feeling like noodles for a while
respite was going to be welcome
even if the car was freezing now
when you got in the front seat and tried to rest you felt the paw rest on your shoulder
Garm flicked his head to beckon you into the backseat
you protested you were exhausted
”get back here, dumbass.”
fine, fuck it
he felt like a furnace as he laid on you
you asked if he would be cold
and like that both of you eventually got some rest
the next morning had you off from work but work still found a way to come to you
someone noticed the missing footage and started asking around
why they instantly blamed you was anyone's guess
apparently all cameras were wiped
and you were the only one there last night
so maybe it was pretty obvious why they blamed you
but you lied through your teeth and feigned ignorance
after all, you didn't really know shit about all that equipment
they seemed to at least accept that as an answer
one awkward phone call over with and you allowed yourself a moment to breathe
”so when do we punish those vandals?”
it was too early in the morning for this
you glanced over to the hellhound in your passenger seat who was clearly wanting to be let off the leash
you started to say things weren't that simple but he pressed his paw to your mouth
indulging Garm seemed like an dumb idea
but he hadn't released his paw until you nodded
he had quietly waited for you to agree
it was, in fact, a dumb idea
when you drove to one of the guys’ houses Garm leaned out the broken window and pitched a pink fireball at the guy's car
just nailed it like a fast ball
you'd given him free reign and he decided to torch someone's car
you sped out of there with the sedan bathed in pink flame in your mirrors
Garm sat back in the car with a massive grin
you got far enough away you couldn't see pink dancing flames I the dark
and just had to ask
what the fuck?
he didn't seem to grasp your hang up on what just happened
of course the demon was impulsive
not like he had to deal with cops
so you nearly get in trouble at work and now this
was he trying to get you arrested?
”so who was the other guy that smashed your window?”
look, you weren't having him torch another vehicle
”what did you think I was going to do? get them to say sorry?”
alright, maybe you should have known better
but you were digging your own grave any deeper
no, you weren't visiting the other guy
”but they need to be punished.”
no, no they didn't
you were taken aback by that
”you heard me. someone hurts you and you just let it happen?”
it was a window
”it was an insult.”
you pinched the bridge of your nose as he looked over to you with his arms folded
things weren't that simple
you couldn't just wage a vendetta against someone over a car window
you asked him to be realistic
if this other guy had his car vandalized, everyone would know for sure who did it
you couldn't just explain it away as an eye for an eye
”but I'm not blinding anyone yet.”
he couldn't just turn a car into a BBQ without repercussions
”oh, like you summoned a demon without repercussions?”
you didn't have a reply for that
at the moment
how were you supposed to know an anonymous poster had a ritual that worked?
well, either way, you weren't visiting the other guy
Garm huffed but it wasn't going to work
already had enough Halloween trick or treating for a lifetime
you'd try to go somewhere and get some rest
when you moved to get into the backseat a hoof pushed you back by your chest
”how about those repercussions?”
so you slept in the driver's seat
let him pout
you were firm on this
Garm was trying to put up a strong front but inside his stomach and his libido were conspiring against him
he remained resolute
this quarrel was all about you being soft
you should want to torch those cars
both of you went to bed frustrated
the next morning thankfully didn't see you surrounded by cops
but you worried
there wasn't a whole lot of evidence and you drove by at like midnight
but criminals always get caught when they're smug right?
you'd just work your shift and that would be just a normal day
when you offered to sneak Garm in the booth again he refused
the hellhound wasn't going to crack
he held his head high
just because he moaned like a bitch doesn't mean he had to wimp out now
surely, you'd see his point of view before he would crumble
Asmodeus frowned
normally he'd enjoy the soap opera but this cold spell was an annoyance
you'd both said your adorable little “I love yous” and the lord was satisfied he played Eros
that was supposed to be the end right?
his lover said he loved him repeatedly
also begged for him to stop riding cowgirl style but that part wasn't important
who whines about a sore pelvis in Hell
for all you know your neighbor is getting dipped in a burning coal bath
it's all about perspective
but grumbling about Steven and his misgivings about having his demon lord sit on it was not the issue here
Asmodeus just couldn't understand this new conflict
you just had to fuck and make up
no reason to be complicated
at least there was more progress with more demons getting thrown up on earth
now there were precisely 347 demons hit with the ritual
all in various states of the transformation and all from various stations
early today the lord saw the funniest thing in fact
insecure and envious as he was, Leviathan took to the ritual's transformation like a fish to water
that poor man got smothered in a thirty foot long sea serpent that refused to let him go and kept mumbling “mine” to no one in particular
one lord tied up in this as much as his lover was now tied up in his blue coils
the scene was enough to make Asmodeus wish he had a replay feature on this scrying
just perfect
but the goat bull went back to you and would be annoyed with the news that you were still holding out
Garm was making such amazing progress
no need to be stubborn
but you were not going to let the hellhound have free reign and get you thrown in jail
and Garm refused to allow anyone to insult you and get away with it
the hellhound pouted in the car while he pretended he wasn't looking over at the booth out of curiosity
you were going to be stubborn about this
so far, no one suspected a thing
but you would no doubt be a suspect
maybe they'd right it off as a shitty neighborhood
you spent much of the work day anxious
you did start to feel a little culpable
what did you think Garm was going to do?
you just didn't expect him to go nuclear right out the gate
like deli meat on the paint job level prank, fine
you just saw the car engulfed in pink fire and bolted
the same car that was rolling into your station
that was now hot pink and glittered
with the guy coming out of it looking like he was going to kick your ass
oh there was no doubt he wanted to kick your ass
door and window locks made you go full hermit crab mode
the douchebag had found your place of work
well, no duh
you had found his car through phone calls
the gorilla slapped on the window a couple times
Garm had picked up the noise before he saw it
he was confused at first then the phrase “kick your ass” came up
”you'd like his ass unharmed,” the voice suggested and the demon was already out the door
you saw what was happening and tried waving the demon away
too late
again the car was wreathed in pink flame along with its owner
the lonely station played host to a breif but bright light show
but to Garm and the attacker's dismay the car and him were still there
Garm because he wasn't able to incinerate them
the douchebag because his car was somehow more obnoxiously pink and glittery
then he looked down and realized he was dressed in pink
his hands were pink
in the mirror all he saw was the same color
anger had given way to confusion and he got in his car and sped off
but not before saying he'd kick your ass later
Garm looked tense through the window
”open. the. door.”
you didn't want to
a customer forced your hand and you had to admit the grump in
you didn't need him revealing himself to some strangers
more than he already had
he stomped into the booth, glaring at his hand
the demon had questions you had no answers for
at least he didn't blow up a car and kill a guy
but you didn't know why that happened
Asmodeus did
and he wasn't telling
Garm would have to work to get his powers under control
incineration of one little phone was one thing
greater power was uncontrollable at the moment
it amused the lord to no end
eventually, Garm might be able to piece that together
but until then the hellhound should get used to having the amazing power to give sparkling makeovers
when you told the demon for the fifth time you didn't know he threatened to make you pink
see how you liked it
a customer coming to the window cut the discussion short
there was a God
you were beyond thankful for the diversion but knew with you shift being almost over you'd have to go home
to the car
you could feel eyes burning into the back of your head while you counted the drawer
silent rage
well at least he wasn't trying to hit you
he was still pissy but hadn't made it physical
not like you could do anything about it
if Garm was withholding fucking before, he was adamant about it now
he reasoned he just had new fuel thrown on the fire
the stupid pink glitter fire
it would be so easy to change your car into a pink glittering eyesore
so easy
but then Garm would have to live in it
stupid mortals
again, you went to bed in the front seat
the next morning Garm's willpower showed it had a limit when he was starving
you woke up to the horns and black hair in your lap
the hellhound knew he had crumbled but the hunger pangs had become too much
it actually had gotten worse sense he changed further
his mouth had worked your cock to hardness
he'd gotten good at it
Garm was still mad at you but he hated to admit this tasted good
you allowed Garm to retain some dignity and didn't bring the situation up
he fed and went back to his seat angry
but you elected not to make matters worse
instead you sat there and looked out to the woods
dawn was just peeking out, giving the faintest light on the horizon
you just sat there and basked in the moment
there was still a chill in the air
coming through the window
you stared that shitty cover barely keeping the cold out
maybe you shouldn't live like this
the freedom you thought you had was vulnerable
post nut clarity was a bitch because it let you sit there contemplating where your life had taken you
didn't really enjoy the train of thought
the hellhound curled back up in the back and went to bed again
or at least sat back there quietly
maybe this was what marked it was officially the holiday season now
almost made you laugh despite the depression hitting
the following months were rougher
Garm was still pissy and there was the subject of your family
they'd expect their son to be around
of course
you weren't the golden child but they didn't really push you one way or the other
aside from a few sarcastic jabs about how well that YouTube career was going, your dad was quiet for the most part
they'd made peace with the fact you were a grown man and your fuck ups were all your own
very hands off
however, a thought had occurred as the days counted down to it
you didn't think it would be appropriate to bring your demon to Christmas
would he even know what Christmas was?
would he burn like a vampire or something?
snow lightly floated into the broken window
you really needed to fix that
as frigid as it was outside, the hellhound was artic cold
you didn't know if he was pissed about the situation or was still hung up on the car
you really needed to fix that window somehow
the demon didn't seemed bothered by the cold
the snow had been relatively new to him though
the deepest layers of hell was just hoarfrost from several thousand betrayers
all trapping themselves in the ice as they all feebly scream and curse and bury themselves deeper in the frozen waste
betrayers buried by their own words
well, Garm had been down there plenty
you'd already avoided the subject of Thanksgiving dinner with the family but they really wanted you to come to Christmas
Garm was blowing you in a parking lot and you were trying not to think about family about now
despite the attitude the demon accepted he needed to eat
the past month or so didn't help with the gloom
the demon thing was already making things spiral out of control
now, the Vatican was actually taking notice
ever fucked up so bad the Pope had to issue a speech?
you were sure the governments were doing something too
you really should have used a VPN for posting
you'd lose count of how many people were talking about demons among us
but the Pope thing took the cake
internet had spread the ritual like wildfire and attempts to censor it only made people spread it more to spite those censors
couldn't really talk to dear old mom and dad about this over the dinner table
Christmas around the corner and you had the church warning about the satanic rites causing Hell on earth
well, you could tell your dad the internet fame took off
just didn't pay for shit
well, if they went after anyone they should go after whoever posted that ritual first
you were just an innocent in all this
blasting a load down the hellhound's throat at least took a little stress off
Garm retreated to his little backseat throne
his pink eyes glared towards you
the demon had been moody for so long
was this normal for a couple?
you wondered how long he could be mad
at one point you apologized for all this as a way to make amends
to no luck
granted, you just plucked him out of his duty
but again, it wasn't intentional
you couldn't force him not to like that
but you'd grown accustomed to angry blowjobs and didn't press the issue much any more
if he was pissed he was pissed
not much you could do
the mood was wearing down on you
stress putting you on edge
work was the same routine and then you'd be stuck with the hostile silence of your breezy car
maybe it was time to clear the air
you'd danced around the shit for months because you feared the situation
Garm wanted you to defend yourself so why the fuck not now?
you had brought him into the office for the shower
so why not now?
the hot water had been a relief with the cold air
you knew the sting from the wind would return the second you set foot outside
so you figured it would be a good idea to confront your improvised heat rock and hope he'd stop being in such a mood
Garm wouldn't even touch you outside obligatory blowjobs and withholding that intimacy after enjoying it was actually tortuous
it was funny to think you could complain about daily blowjobs
but the sex without a glimmer of affection felt hollow
the casual sex was just empty
you craved more again
you were a greedy man
it was only human nature
after the shower you went out to talk to Garm outside the bathroom instead of just heading to the car like usual
you were up front
you wanted to talk
he lost his edge for a moment
it helped you didn't bother dressing yet
you had to have some weapon going into this
the demon glancing down at least showed you disarmed him
you didn't want to be at each other's throats because in all honesty all you both had was each other
like it or not, that ritual linked you two
that bond could be a curse
but you didn't want it to be
you apologized to Garm about all of this but were frank and said you didn't regret it
you'd do it again
he would steal glances at your crotch and you could tell he was listening
if slightly distracted
you told Garm that you wanted his heat back
maybe you were right that you needed to be more steadfast
you admitted you liked that about him
his pride, willpower and confidence were something you'd never seen before
and you wanted him to stay
couldn't Hell wait?
Garm's face flashed in anger at the suggestion
he was about to object when you spoke over him
yes, the gate
yes, his master
you knew he had pressing concerns
but did he really want that?
you wished you hadn't deleted the recording of him saying he loved you
you'd forgotten that night with all that had happened
but seeing it afterwards was a pleasant surprise
but you hoped to appeal to that somewhere in Garm
you wanted him to stay and you knew somewhere in him he wanted that
so you approached and got his back against the wall
to his credit, the demon let you
all this anger needed to end
when you went in for the kiss the hellhound didn't push back
Garm was slightly taken aback by you being this assertive
you weren't violent, just very sure
a shift from your recent cold feet
he was still pissed at you
but you were warm and pressed against him
maybe you had a point
he still had his pride and his duty but he mind lingered over the satisfaction this sort of thing brought
he wouldn't make it easy
but he had to admit, this was feeling a lot better than just feeding
reminding him of the fuck on your boss’ desk wasn't fair
so for now, he'd go along with this
only because you'd brought up that damn love word
it was far from a smooth reconciliation but the both of you were embracing
Garm was just something different
but still similar enough you felt affection for him
you didn't want this cold war
and the way he hugged you told you the feeling was mutual
there was a quiet hanging over the moment
you'd made the first move again and he was vulnerable to that
Garm had to convince himself he was still upset with you while his devil tail excitedly wagged
he couldn't stop it from stinging you a couple times
a feeling you'd forgotten for a while
you gently pulled up his hoodie, careful of the wings
exposed and chest to chest now
Garm glowered as you broke the kiss
”that wasn't fucking fair”
well, you had to do something drastic
and it worked
being direct seemed to help
you felt sort of lucid despite Garm doping you up
you were fucking him for sure
but you still had your senses about you enough to make sure you considered him
his face was pouty but his eyes said otherwise
you needed him to stay
you demanded he stay, gripping him by his upper arms
there was no way you'd let him go so easily
his cock twitched through his pants when you said that
you felt that against your own
he stung you a couple more times, just to make sure
something in the demon told him he really wanted you to wreck him
he'd been so silly holding off from this
you didn't even flinch at the tail, instead undoing his pants
you'd had enough cold blowjobs
there was more
and you were going to have it
you'd started the mess fucking the hellhound in the shower
so why not revisit it
Garm hated to admit he liked when you picked him up
his tail instinctively wrapped around your leg
it stabbed you a couple more times for good measure
clearly making up for lost time
the hellhound hoped to see a little energy I'd you were going to fuck him
the black and pink demon would accept no less
he needed to relax
his arms and legs wrapped around you as you carried him
that little voice had come back to the hellhound
”doesn't this feel that much better?”
he wanted to pout but you'd already gently pushed his back against cold tile and memories flooded back
memories that made him actually flustered
he was possibly, very possibly, entertaining the idea of sticking around a while longer
you impaled him easily
didn't need to guide yourself with your hand
just instantly slid your dick in home
you didn't want him angry
no more
you'd hilted in him in one smooth stroke, his ass taking you without trouble
the hellhound whined
after all the hostility this felt like a dam bursting
you were dumb
he shouldn't demean himself laying with a mortal
but his pride was gone in the face of the warmth burning him up again
he was a dying fire refueled
he'd have time to be angry and conflicted later
when you growled next to his face after another thrust, he just wanted your puppies
Garm was being degraded and he craved it now
down in Hell, your audience was beyond happy
sex was great, perfect
but Asmodeus wanted more of that spark
he wanted perversion
hence all the relations being man on man
the sodomy made it spicy
but he liked sewing the growing affection blossoming
it was an optimistic side effect
and it looked like Garm stopped being a grumpy one
for now
the lord knew that one could be temperamental
even now, despite the hellhound panting and whining as he was ravished
there was a little spark of fury buried
well, he'd gotten a patient human
that worked out perfectly
wasn't intentional but the hellhound was in good hands
some humans would have found him too much of a handful
the ritual had been an amazing success and this hellhound was the poster child for it
by now almost everyone in Hell had suspected if not outright declared they knew Asmodeus was the culprit
they couldn't unsuck human dick now
playing house husband to his little lawyer, the demon lord was absolutely beaming
the humans had figured out something was awry and would no doubt attempt to interfere
whoever tried separating the couples would incur Asmodeus’ wrath now
things had come along too far to allow the chaos to stop
the pounding had allowed both of you to vent without words
both rabidly doing your best to push the other over the edge
you abandoned reason and knew only Garm's pleasure
hours spent in each other arms
the hellhound lapped the sweat off your neck as you stood there, panting
you'd poured seven thick loads into the demon and he'd cum twice as much against your chest and stomach
as far as you considered, you'd made up
however, you weren't dumb enough to think it would be that simple
you whispered in his ear how you'd keep him
he didn't get angry or shoot his mouth off but he did growl faintly
while burying his snout in your neck
it was becoming harder for him to think about a time before this
even harder for him to miss it
but you'd found your balls a little here
ended up emptying them in him too
he hugged you tighter
maybe this was ideal
and Lucifer could wait
that last thought sounded more and more like the best option
all the warmth spreading through him better and better
the rest of the evening you stood there like that until your legs started to give
going out to the cold car was a shitty reminder
however, Garm clamped onto you with enthusiasm
”if I'm stuck here, you're making it up to me.”
the threat was weak but you'd do what he'd ask if you could
sleep came easy and you woke up with Garm riding your cock in the backseat
he was an inferno as he pressed his bare chest to your face
the whole car rocked as he quietly fucked himself on your dick
was this making it up to him?
you'd been practically drained yesterday and here he was trying to get blood from a stone
the shocks in the car were getting a harder test than any drive you'd taken it on
it felt good but the body was weary
when you tried to move he clamped his arms around your head
you had a feeling he wasn't going to surrender you up easily
so for now you'd play along
you grabbed him by the hips and assisted him in driving himself down on you
just merciless
he seemed to enjoy that
you enjoyed it even more when you finally came and he let up his assault
didn't take long for him to start right back up
he was relentless
when you told him you'd have to go to work he smothered you against his chest
”work is secondary,” he moaned out as he rode your trapped dick
he wasn't letting you leave that car
no idea why the hellhound was now this insistent
but he wasn't letting up
your protests were muffled by the fur in your mouth and he took time to roll his hips
it was apparent he was breathing out that pink mist and the only thing stopping you from being doped up to your eyeballs on the stuff was that shitty broken window providing ventilation
the breeze coming in couldn't keep up with the heat Garm was generating
fucker was trying to melt you at this rate
after two more climaxes you tried to push him back and he held on
the cramped confines of the car made his jackhammering hard to shake off
he was going feral, refusing to relent
and that doping shit was affecting you now
this was dangerous but you hoped he'd get out of his system before he somehow killed you
you were fortunate you at least picked a secluded lot for the rest
but right now you were being suffocated in demon
you finally managed to twist around but he had you leglocked in an instant
you'd need a crowbar to get him off
so you weezed out “what the fuck” as he tried fucking himself on you with his back on the seat
despite all the demon steroids or whatever he'd been stabbed you with, Garm was hard to wrestle out of
especially while he attacked your senses
you didn't want to actually hurt him but he was getting tired be too much
his claws raked over your skin, tearing through the back of your shirt like butter
you insisted that he was going to kill you at this rate
that seemed to fall on deaf ears
Garm was slamming you into him with his legs in an improvised mating press
you couldn't tell what the fuck you were thinking but panic was trying to fight off the arousal burning through you
the final nail was his tail tip jabbed right into your back and left there
he started laughing and gripped you tighter
harder to think
you woke up and it was dark out
you almost chalked all that up to a bad dream but Garm was under you
you hurt like a bitch
every part of you was sore
moving woke the demon up
you had to ask what the fuck was wrong with him?
he stretched best he could under you
was he dead set on killing you?
”we both know where you're going.”
he was just so frank about it
was he trying to kill you?
he shrugged
”I guess I wanted more. you summoned me like this, remember?”
you sighed and looked at your phone
missed calls from work
yeah you were getting in trouble
not that they'd believe you life or death struggle
christ you were thirsty
trying to move just resulted in Garm gripping tighter
your body ached
you asked again, what the hell was his problem?
”you didn't feel that way earlier.”
OK, so he was clearly trying to turn you into a mummy
you had to take a break
no idea what was going through the hellhound's head but you were only human
twisting put him back on top but you still couldn't shake him off
where the fuck did this bipolar extreme come from?
this was almost as bad as some of the dating horror stories with girls you'd heard of
trying and succeeding to wiggle out of you backseat, you managed to maneuver to the front
all the while fighting the demon claiming on you from all angles
no telling how long you'd had that trapped erection but those commercials used to say four hours was “go to ER time”, right?
you got the door handle in your teeth and rolled out clumsily
there was no graceful maneuvering here but the roll did slightly dislodge him enough to give you a chance
you felt him slip for just a second and broke free from his arms
the privacy of this lot at least allowed you to keep your dignity from this impromptu wrestling show
fucker was like an oven now
”come on,” he whined as his paws tried to scramble to grab your arms to your sides again
no more today
you protested
you were not a cow
to Garm's credit he wasn't being hostile here
it was why you held back
there wasn't a trace of anger in his tone
more like a pleading
you held his snout back and tried to peel him away
you were smelling like this hellhound despite a dozen showers now
he scrambled to grab any hand hold on you, while keeping his legs and ass clamped on you
this was fucking ridiculous
he was wearing you down
you didn't know what would happen if you even broke free but you hoped to think up something on the fly
memories of him chasing you down to your car came to mind
one hand gripped into the meat of his hip and with one last burst of energy you heaved him off
it was an unceremonious tumble into the gravel but the demon was scrambling to his feet and recovering fast
you were only a mortal but adrenaline did miracles
your second wind had you sprinting on burning muscles
the sole street light in the lot played host to a strange chase that night
Garm was persistent but so were you
against any better judgment you ran for the woods
where else could you go?
to the car?
you didn't want to hurt the hellhound
whatever was happening here was unusual even for the demon
a quick glance over your shoulder confirmed pink burning eyes focused on you in the dark
eventually you'd tire
he knew that
fucking hell
turns out he didn't wait for that
one smooth pounce launched you both down a lightly snowy hill
the tumble could have been hazardous if Garm didn't immediately grasp you with every limb
even his wings cocooned around you, bigger in scale than you'd ever seen them before
the demon wasted no time and mounted you when you'd both finally rolled to a stop
he kept you all to himself in a world of pink and hazy flaring sexual heat
the wings shielded you from prying eyes and the falling snow as he fucked you out in the dark woods
eyes burning down at you as he arched his back
he groaned your name and shot a load across your chest
search parties eventually found your car
the snow had covered up tracks but your body wasn't so far out they'd miss it
detectives couldn't quite figure it out
whole thing reeked of foul play
who runs out in the night into a ditch out in the woods
but the strange thing was you were bone dry
like just completely mummified
this wasn't the right conditions for that
cops couldn't figure out what crumpled you into a raisin
especially in winter in a forested area
you'd only been missing for weeks judging by the work vacancy
everyone had initially assumed the car in the lot was broken down
your parents were somewhat shocked by the news later but your dad chalked it up to drugs
local authorities would get no answers for this but you wouldn't be the last unexplained case of this nature
no culprit would usually come forward and the case would go forward
some would put 2 and 2 together and notice almost all the victims to be socially estranged
on a local level internet habits were considered but demons?
totally written off
the government at large started to become more and more cases popped up
a lot of concern was written off as superstition but eventually evidence of the demonic came out
as it turned out, dealings with demons weren't human friendly
you sat up after what felt like a long heavy sleep
you saw fire
plenty of it
then you remembered what happened
snow and darkness
then you got pissed
you shouted out to the one you knew did this
upon hearing your name, paws pulled you head back against a fluffy chest
this time you pulled back from the embrace and the culprit relaxed and allowed it
you turned and faced the hellhound but he felt a little different
bigger? a little taller? hair seemed fuller?
he just seemed more
that was the best way to put it
maybe all the weird magic shit
but that wasn't the point
you pointed a finger
why the fuck did he kill you?
Garm didn't flinch from the accusation
”you were going to die anyways.”
that wasn't a valid defense
”oh come on, don't tell me you were looking forward to being 70 and still living in your car.”
that didn't matter
it was your choice if you wanted to live until your 70s in your car
not his
the demon stood up and pointed a finger back
”you yanked me from here without much say either, remember?”
so definitely Hell
fucking demons
you slapped your forehead
so eye for and eye
that didn't change that you had a life up there
you wanted to make that crystal clear
why the fuck did he get fucking scary about it?
why didn't he just talk to you?
how did all this work?
as if on cue a giant of a demon made you appear before his throne
some bovine farm animal pink looking thing in a crown
now you weren't ever pegged as the most clever guy, but you knew this demon was above Garm on whatever scale they had down here
and some regular ass dude stood next to him in a suit and tie
the demon leaned forward and a grin crept across his muzzle
the urge to chuck Garm at him and bolt was running through your mind
you could talk shit back to Garm
despite it all he was still him
this one had a different aura to him
you felt a knot forming in your stomach as he appraised you
his eyes were like a goat's
but why was his smile as threatening as it was?
then he spoke and it was honeyed
velvet smooth
you faltered back a little in the face of it
”you've no doubt figured out where you are and why you're here. so let's get down to business.”
your eyes glanced over to the hellhound
he seemed to know who this was and showed some sort of reverence
that didn't bring you much comfort
demon looked like he was 12 fucking feet tall or some shit
your eyes went to the man next to him
guy didn't seem bothered
then the demon lord snapped his fingers and you looked down to see an off white tux
a quick glance next to you saw that Garm was thrown in some slutty facsimile of a wedding gown combined with silk lingerie
very pink
this dude had a vibe
”man and bride, blah blah blah, and now kiss.”
he waved his hand and looked to you expectedly
OK, this was getting to be too much
Garm killed you and you wanted answers
you finally had enough of this guy and stood slightly firm
”fine fine.”
another snap of his clawed fingers and you were holding a pink leather leash that connected to collar around the hellhound's neck
that didn't answer shit
you were supposed to visit your parents for Christmas
you had a 9 to 5
you had a home
sort of
point was, you didn't appreciate being removed from that
that was your life
you addressed both Garm and whoever this master of his was
you guessed Lucifer for as much as he name dropped the damn guy
upon hearing you address him as Lucifer, the demon started laughing
a hearty belly laugh that had the demon lord leaning back on his throne
there was still time to heave Garm at him and run
but to where?
he got up out of his chair and bowed briefly
”not many get to see Asmodeus’ humility,” he spoke as he sat back down and crossed his leg over the other and lounged back
”in fact, all three sole witnesses are in the room.”
he ruffled the hair of the man standing next to him affectionately and then he rested his chin on his knuckles
”Lucifer is much too tight assed to do what I do~”
you glanced over to Garm and noticed him looking intently at your hand gripping his leash
that made you release the strap
this was already complicated
you'd read enough to know what Asmodeus was and that really made a lot of shit add up
so this was a big guy
sounded about right
you didn't get mouthy on the off chance he could still rip you apart
”so, why aren't you kissing the blushing bride?”
eyes went over to the hellhound and for once his eyes didn't meet yours
his dick twitched in the panties provided
you had to protest
this was undeserved
Asmodeus looked at you curiously
you were robbed of your life up there
what about the people you left behind?
he was slightly taken aback
his goat eyes went to the mortal man next to him
this had all been because of a ritual you didn't even think was real when you did it
”so do you regret little Garm?”
that was your turn to be stuck in silent thought
outside fucking killing you, no
you didn't regret that
the whole thing was surreal when it first happened
but in short order you'd grown to appreciate the company
was he an asshole?
even before the murder
but when he left his guard down you could see a glimpse of someone driven
hell, he even had a vulnerable side
it was good company
but you'd only just met him and now you were stuck down here
you really didn't have much choice did you?
strangely, Garm had been quiet
you looked to him
and he looked back, wanting to hear a response as much as Asmodeus
you sighed
despite having your life cut short
you didn't regret him
”so it's that easy.”
Asmodeus seemed satisfied
this was a lot of bullshit though
”I'd spent an eternity chasing pleasure. I was listless.”
oh boy
where was this going
Garm seemed satisfied with your response and had gotten closer to you
Asmodeus continued
”someone changed that.”
he spared a glance to his side, intent on giving the suited man his attention
”you don't regret things do you, Clarence?”
the nude demon lord watched his partner
the lawyer had been quiet the whole time, allowing Asmodeus the floor
demon courts resembled human ones enough he was comfortable
that's how he'd gotten here
countless millions of souls had crossed through into Hell and Heaven
he was a defense attorney in life
occasionally scummy
that career wasn't enough to condemn him
it was his private life that led to this
all his life, through private schools to university, saw rigid discipline beaten into him
it had taken
privately, he wanted more
chased more
something taboo
it was hard to do everything anonymous with his status
but he'd managed
but it never felt satisfying
just constantly questing for highs that never lasted
getting shot by one of his clients cut his career and life short
he was guilty of lust
dumped down here in this same pink court
nude and in front of the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen
how could he not?
reminiscing would lead to him wanting the lord's company in private later
the lawyer maintained his composure and answered “no”
he regretted nothing
”see? you have this adorable little puppy and you want to fret over details. be merry.”
this demon sure was jovial
the demon lord was normally a good read on people
mortals were easy to manipulate
at least that's what he used to think
sure, there was those with strong wills that denied him time and time again or were too tied up in one of the other sins
but he never used to think much of any mortal
a common point of view amongst the infernal courts down here
humans were toys to be led astray
played with
but the first thing that Clarence said before his hooves changed things
the lawyer had whispered three little words
ones that Asmodeus had never been told
sure, plenty lusted after him
he was pleasures of the flesh made manifest
why shouldn't every mortal want a piece?
the lawyer upset the demon's long standing world with three simple words
that's what this mortal did with his audience with a demon lord
well, that changed things for Asmodeus
gave him a different perspective on his sin
that deviant little lawyer was infatuated with him
both the sin and he
they were intertwined
Asmodeus had learned not to underestimate these mortals with that simple declaration
no one in his eternity of existence had professed love to him
since shunning the heavenly father all he'd known was debased disgusting demonic debauchery
constant highs that felt hollow every morning after
this human's soul was like nothing Asmodeus had ever tasted before
ambrosia failed to compare
Clarence had dared at something and it had charmed the bull goat into emotions he thought impossible
three little words was all it took
the demon lord realized briefly lost himself in nostalgia
he'd be sure to wear that leather get up that Clarence liked later
the one with the spikes
Garm and you were sort of feeling like third wheels while this demon and human made fuck me eyes at each other
the hellhound had hooked his arm around yours as you both sort of waited for them to settle down
Asmodeus realized this eventually
the jewelry he'd decked his horns in rattled slightly as he shook his head to clear his mind a little
there were more important tasks right now
finally getting you to fuck your lovely bitch was the real priority
there was time to think about a certain someone's manhood leaking as Asmodeus rode his face
the lord knew he couldn't force the issue
Garm was still a grouch since the last time Asmodeus had fought him several centuries back
however, he could see he sold the hellhound on this little slice of paradise he'd concocted
the primary issue was it was a harder sell to you
you were not as depraved as some sinners
baby duck adorable compared to most
and you were clearly upset after dying
normal response from most mortals when they realize they are, in fact, mortals
that companionship though
despite your insistence you didn't think the ritual would work, Asmodeus predicted there had been a sliver of hope
buried down there
and you hadn't rejected the idea after
the lord just had to figure out how to make a case and tempt you
he was trying to find a weak spot to exploit
and the sentimental card had seemed to strike a nerve
despite the anger over your death, you didn't regret Garm
so he'd just have to work with that as a means of attack
Clarence had picked up on Asmodeus’ thoughts
if the lord could read people the lawyer could read him
you saw him direct the giant down and whispered something into one of his bovine ears
Asmodeus smiled
seeing this guy happy like this didn't exactly put you at ease
you woke up in your car
was that all a dream?
your eyes darted around
the window was intact
snow had fallen over the car
you scrambled and found your phone
no texts from your boss
them the date was mind boggling
it was the day before Christmas
glancing into the back seat, you realized you were alone
maybe that had all been some bizarre dream
something felt off but you had to go to work
you'd have to go to your parents after work tonight
hopefully you'd have time to grab some last minute gift
you went about your day
it felt crazy you had such a vivid dream
clock in, and do your shit
day in
day out
nightfall and resting in the car
sleeping in the back seat felt more comfortable for some reason
you set your alarm and browsed the internet before you would go to bed
that footage from that ritual was a wash
you really couldn't fake a demon
maybe a 3 AM ghost or some shit
/x/ had been bullshit
the actual footage of the ritual sat at like 5 views on YouTube
jerked off in some old house for no reason
you felt foolish
a lot of stores closed early on Christmas eve
all except your little station
mom and dad didn't seem too broken up by you showing up empty handed
your dad said he expected it
you didn't bring up the “summon a succubus” video
thank God they didn't actually watch the channel
at least you'd been able to just camp out in the station lot
with an actual dinner in your stomach to boot
place was closed tomorrow so you really had nothing to do
maybe sleep in
that sounded good
your internal alarm probably wouldn't allow it
but you would make the attempt
Christmas day
you were browsing 4chan on your phone
staring out at the gently falling snowthe blanket sort of worked
but it still felt drafty in your shitbox car
you were tempted to go in the office and make coffee
at least that would be comfortable
maybe in a bit
another day
at least you got paid for the holiday off
everything was quiet
kind of boring, honestly
but you'd break out the DVD player and put something on later
at least that might be entertaining
another year
knocking on the window made you panic
after nearly losing the grip on your phone you quickly regained your composure
it was some guy
he looked familiar
but you couldn't place where you remembered him from
he was asking to be let in but despite the guy being dressed nice, you didn't trust him not to kill you with a hammer
you awkwardly held his gaze as he again politely requested entry