

“Fauna… huff… this view better be worth it…”

“It will be, Kronii, I promise!”

“I swear if it isn’t…”

The two of them have been hiking for a few hours after Fauna begged Kronii to go with her. While they walk, Kronii notices something different in the kirin. She seems a little listless.

When they reach a clearing, Kronii realizes it’s a cliffside. They can hear is the wind blowing and the waves crashing into the rocks. Looking around, it’s a field of bellflowers, their petals dancing around in the wind.

Fauna walks towards the edge, making Kronii worry for her safety. She breathes a sigh of relief when she stops some steps away from the verge. She goes to stand next to her.

"What do you think about death?"

Kronii blinks then turns to look at the kirin.

"That's a sudden question... Almost as sudden as dragging me all the way here."

Fauna giggles.

"You mean Calli?"

"Nope, I mean in general."

She looks ahead to the scenery, she can see a beach nearby.

"...It's inevitable." She starts. "No matter what you do, no matter what happens, it doesn't even matter who you are, it's waiting for you."

"That’s strangely comforting."

"You think?"

Fauna walks closer to her.

"That just means we can do whatever until then, right?"

Kronii notices a change in her tone of voice, making her worry a little more.

"...Yeah, I guess."

They watch the waves. The sudden silence makes Kronii uneasy.

“…Can you see it?” Fauna asks.

“…See what?”

“You know…” Fauna fidgets a bit. “People’s… endings?”

Kronii raises an eyebrow.

“I… I guess I could look into the future, but…” She sighs. “That’s just depressing, you know?”

“Yeah, that’s true.”

Another moment of silence passes. Kronii keep stealing glances at Fauna.

“Can people tell, then?”

Kronii stares at her.

“When their time comes?”

Kronii doesn’t respond for a few seconds.

“Well…” She looks down. “There’s that entire your life flashes before your eyes kind of thing…”

“I see.”

Kronii can’t handle it anymore.

“Fauna, is something wrong?” She walks towards her. “You can talk to me.”

The kirin turns to look at her. She gives her a rueful smile.

“Our first meeting was very awkward, huh?”

Kronii’s heart drops.


Fauna falls back. Kronii can barely react and catches her. She somehow feels so much lighter than usual.


Kronii’s hands begin to slip through her body.

"I love you."

Fauna’s body crumbles, turning into petals that fly in the wind.

Kronii's stunned. She watches how they slowly drift away. Her eyes widen.


She reaches out to catch them, they all slip away from her grasp.

"This isn't fair!" Tears start to well up in her eyes. "Was that why you asked all that?!"

She falls to her knees.

"I... I can do something!" Tears fall down her face. "I HAVE to do something! I-I could--"

She can't stop herself from sobbing.

"I could turn back time! And..."

She shakes her head.

"What could I even change?! I don’t even know what happnened!" She covers her face with her hands. "Kronii you moron!"

"What the hell am I supposed to tell everyone?!"

She cries.

“Why didn’t you tell me anything…?” The tears won’t stop. “I should’ve noticed something was wrong…”

"I just..." Defeated, she lowers her hands. "...I wanted to say I love you back..."

"Well you could always say it right now!"

Kronii feels someone hugging her from behind. A very familiar warmth embraces her.

She turns around to find a smiling kirin.


"I'm heeeere~."

She pulls herself away. She stares at her incredulously. Fauna simply keeps smiling at her.

"But I..." She holds her face. "But I saw you..."

"You really think the Keeper of Nature would just up and die like that? I can’t believe you, Kronii!” She waves her hand, making flowers appear like magic. “Do you like them?”


Kronii doesn’t know how to react. Fauna brings up her hand towards Kronii's. Right as it touches Kronii's hand, it crumbles into petals. As she moves it away, it reforms.


"Cool, right?" Fauna gives her a smug face. "I can even decide what petals to turn into!"

Kronii squishes her face.

"Y-you mean you're fine?"


“Since when were you able to… to do that?!”

“Uhhhh…” Fauna’s eyes dart around. “It’s a secret!”

Fauna holds Kronii's hands without turning into petals. "I can be with you wherever you are!" She rubs her hands. "You just have to call out to me! …Crying isn’t necessary thou— Ow! Owww!"

"You heard that?!" Kronii pulls on her cheeks. "And you just didn't want to show up?!"

"I jusht couldn't find the wight moment!"

"OH MY GOD!" Kronii lets her go and walks away. "Give me back my tears!"

Fauna walks behind her.

"You could turn back time~!"

"That's not the point!" Kronii walks faster. "I'm already embarrassed no matter what I do now!"

"Awwww Kroniiii!"

The clock refuses to face her.


Fauna turns into petals again and reappears in front of her.

“They should give me an Oscar, right?” Kronii almost slaps her; but decides to ignore her. “I thought you liked bittersweet things!”

“NOT WHEN IT’S ABOUT YOU!” Ticked off, Kronii summons Tick and tries to slash her. “THAT WAS SO SUDDEN!”

Fauna doesn’t move, knowing Kronii won’t hurt her. She puts her hand on her chin.

“Yeah, I guess I could have planned it better…” She smiles. “But I got a good reaction!”

Kronii summons Tock.


She tries to attack her. Fauna plays along, slightly dodging her stabs and slashes.

“Sorry, Kronii.” She waves her hand again, throwing flowers at her. “I can only be killed by love~.”


The kirin turns into petals and reappears behind Kronii.


"No can do!" She hugs her, rubbing her face against hers, wiping off some tears. "You're not getting rid of me for a looooong time!"

Kronii struggles for a while. She eventually drops her swords and makes them disappear. She holds Fauna’s face and her arms. The kirin notices her trembling.

“You’re never telling what happened to anyone.”


“You’re doing whatever I want for a month.”


Kronii’s grip tightens on Fauna’s arms.

“…Never do that again. Please.”

Fauna squeezes her.

“I promise.”

The wind starts to blow again. Kronii turns around and hugs Fauna, trying to shield her from the wind.

“Hehe, I’m okay, Kronii~.”

“I don’t trust you.”

Kronii doesn’t let go even after the breeze dies down.


“…Shut up.”

Fauna giggles. She ruffles Kronii’s hair.

“I’m sorryyyy~.”

“Never, ever.” Kronii tightens her hug. “You hear me?”

“Hehehehe…” Fauna puts her head on Kronii’s shoulder. “I’ll never leave you.”

“…You better not.”

t. Name

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Pub: 12 Jun 2022 17:38 UTC
Views: 805