Proposal of a rework for the Voting and Writing System

This proposal is to address issues of the current system that might lead to speculation of falseflagging for malicious reasons such as overtaking votes or to write for unrepped threads. Notice that most of this is guidelines rather than absolute rules of law (THIS IS ALSO A PROPOSAL. Things will be adjusted as we work with it.)

New Vote system

The changes:

  • Votes will now be held by "regions" instead of by singular people for each nation.
  • A regional group makes decision for themselves if it does not concern other regions at all. (Small Border changes due to map cleanup or lore reasons, the desire of a new thread to move to a location in the region, other small changes) Only if a region cannot come to a conclusion or if a change seems out of line do other regions step in.
  • When a group reaches more than 5, it should be split into a subgroup of 3 each. For example, in the South Heavenly group, if /haha/, /LazuLight/, and /NijiEN/ became active again, they would be split off, while /nenmen/, /2434/, and /nijimales/ would be retained.
    • New non-company names would be invented for these splits.
  • Thread Votes will need 66% or a 2/3 majority for a vote to be accepted ideally, with higher majorities needed as listed below given circumstances.

The idea is to have regional groups for the purpose of voting. This is done to make falseflagging for gaining votes useless because they would need to falseflag as a large number to outdo groups and even then, if they only "control" 3 groups, cannot swing votes on their own. This also furthers discussion among regions as well as makes decisions a more universal agreed change.

Furthermore, it takes the vote out of the hands of a single person which seems to cause a lot of issues.


If we assume that "North Indie, West Ailivian, East Ailivian and Neutral" all are dominant by "Oldfags" then they would only have 4 votes of needed 6.

If we assume that "South Inie, North Heavenly, South Heavenly and Peninsular" all are dominant by "The Clique" then they would also only have 4 votes of the needed 6.

Even if the Fetish Region where to join either side, neither can dominate a vote and needs to convince a region from the other side for a mutual agreed upon decision.

Furthermore, this removes voting entirely from writing and thus people that might want to falseflag to write for a certain thread don't also get a whole vote to themselves that could influence votes but even in such a case merely would get to discuss among their region. Making falseflagging once again less likely.

I also propose giving these groups non-company descriptors:

  1. North Indie
  2. South Indie
  3. Fetish
  4. West Ailivian
  5. East Ailivian
  6. North Heavenly
  7. Neutral
  8. Peninsular
  9. South Heavenly

If you have better names, feel free to propose. I am using the descriptor names for the continents such as Ailivia, along with geographically terms such as Peninsular, North and South Heavenly, and finally totally netural terms like neutral and fetish.

Regional Groups

Other notes

  • The maximum number for a single group in practice should be 5 and the minimum at 2. The current borders do not convey this, but the active threads should.
  • In a situation where there is a number of groups that aren't divisible by 3, such as 10 or 11 groups. the percentile should be at ~70%. Doing math, 12 groups would require 8 votes, 15 groups 10 votes, etc.
    • Thus, in situations like 10 or 11, the threshold should increase by one and two respectively. This in effect will make it even harder to spam groups if that is a concern because as things stand. Each group has three people in them (Northern Indie aside). Let's say we bring back all the nijiwriters just for arguments sake, that gets us up to 11 groups (5 and 4 threads respectively) and furthermore let's assume they all vote the same. They still need the approval of 2 other groups to pass anything. The same would still be true if all the Peninsular writers came back, albeit they only need to convince one, but there is a point to be made about how unfeasible and exhausting this would get.
    • Furthermore, it can be decided to make a smaller split in such a case to balance out, such as dividing a holo region containing 4 threads into 2 regions with 2 threads.
  • If a group has less than two people in it, it should be merged into another group until the threshold is reached.
    • To give an example, let's say North Indie only has one active rep. This would mean they would vote along with their southern neighbors.
  • In an instance where the group total drops below 8, the percentile shall be set at ~70 to 80%. Meaning that you will still need 6 votes out of 8, 5 out of 7, etc.
  • As for how these votes will be verified, it is proposed by me that each thread in that region provide an edited lore doc as proof of their activity to put within the regional lore vote. Trips are irrelevant to this system.
  • I would hope that this system would also encourage regions to work together lore wise more, as building rapport and trust between each other would be important here overall, and furthermore would encourage regional projects.
  • In the same light, I also hope it would further enough lore between neighboring regions and everyone in general for the aforementioned trust and rapport elements, but also because this should eliminate the concept of two rival factions competing since they would need to compromise and work together to get anything passed.

New Writing System

The changes:

  • Four-tiered system of how to strongly to consider lore 'canon' for a thread.
  • No tier of lore has any special power in regard to voting anymore.

The Tier System

Loremaster: Someone that has a deep love for the thread in question, they know the history of a thread well as well as their culture and can make decisions in regard to lore for the thread in question with a well-informed background. They also can judge the work of others that include the thread in question and give feedback of how well this represents the thread in question as well as can be approached for help in regards on how to best write the thread in question. (Examples: Retro in /vrt/, Hoshi in /星街すいせい /, Meatbro in /meat/)

Judge: Someone that has a good understanding of a thread in question because they visit it frequently but not to a degree, they feel comfortable that they can overall make a good judgement on their own in regard to all things for the thread in question. (Examples: Warsuner in /voms/, PP in /NijiEN/, Dragonsister in /yeah/ )

Lector: Someone who is in between having a good understanding and not knowing much of the thread. They may be people who visit it infrequently as an example to a degree that there is a good degree of familiarity but not enough to have a good enough understanding. (Examples: Emma in /nenmen/, Mepman in /moon/, Lunaito in /lig/)

Acolyte: Someone that doesn't know much about the thread in question but just enough to make some feasible judgements on a base level or for the purpose of creating stories for the thread in question. (Examples: Deadbeat in /risu/, Moonafic in /zomg/, Z in /ahoy/)

Novice: Doesn't really know anything about a thread in question except for some very basic assumptions that can be made of a thread on a first glance for the purpose of interweaving them in their lore or mention them in their story. (Examples: Alice in /sakuran/, Nasfaqronie in /RuMiNa/, Organic in /ehe~/)

The idea is to encourage people to make a fair judgement of their knowledge about a thread and how deep they want to write about a thread without the need to falseflag as someone else and people being able to feel safe about someone writing outside their usual Thread without the worry of trying to take over for it or to try and falseflag for a nation to overtake votes.

Other notes

  • Chuuni names are welcomed for regional flavour and most importantly fun. However, it must be noted that the above names are used for bureaucratic purposes.
  • I personally do not know how to "assign" roles, but I think it is up to your own judgement. Remember that the greater the tier, the greater the responsibility. I would caution people from proclaiming themselves Loremasters because that can be rather daunting.

Questions and Answers

If a current writer wants to place a thread, what should that process look like with the province system?

Anyone can propose the placement of a thread with the province system, but they would need to explain themselves and your relation to that thread if this is out of nowhere. From there it should be put to vote.

All of it depends on intent, and is up for the thread as a whole to discuss before we vote.

Examples of Bad Intent:

  • If you seem to only grasp very basic stuff about a thread.
  • only seem to care for a chuuba and not the thread.
  • place it as neighbour to a thread you write a lot for with intent to become friends with or as a war enemy to beat up.
  • set lore for it that seems a bit dubious as in how it portrays that nation.
  • try to make it giant with provinces.

However, it if it as thread you partake in and like place it where its sensible and treat it like its own unique nation. The placement should be based on if you require it, and shouldn't rely on relations with other nations as a general rule of thumb. Furthermore, if you are really enjoying writing for a thread and want to place it to integrate it into the world, that should be considered as an option too.

This should give more flexibility back, but keep in mind that we aren't "Opening the floodgates" of trying to set up lore for each and every thread. Have some moderation.

Pub: 21 Jan 2023 23:00 UTC
Edit: 27 Jan 2023 14:28 UTC
Views: 593