commission info... put whatever you have space for
u get to pick aren't u exited lo
via or scha (who tf even uses scha) he/she girlflux arospec lithromantic 16 (08) mentally ill & physically ill
to be noted npd & (eo) schizophreina who on rentrycordia gaf about my physical illnesses bro
east asian (cn) polyglot/multilingual im so talented
yumejoshi taken by my f/o since feb10 2024 (/ratio)
i will be the siren to lure u into the waters and suck ur soul out btw. associate me with uncanny valley im yet to make a tv trope rentry can u bear with me
also u can put a date (01/11/2023) or a heart and link it to /marry IT'S A WIP THE CURRENT STUFF ON IT ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE WHAT'S ON IT BUT THE ACTUAL DECOR IS COMING SOON.
anything on /more u can use if u need more info but i need to update it
directory /limb askbox @girl on neospring