She enjoyed the stretching sensation as her cunt took in his fullness; she was a little surprised that his shaft was almost as big as the head of his cock had been and murmured her satisfaction. She felt Mrs. Beaker being pushed forward against her and surmised that she was being mounted too. Danni felt a delicious tingle of excitement course through her entire body as she thought about what was happening. The woman at her ear placed her fingers between the two women's mouths and broke the kiss apart even though neither woman desired it; she then placed her own mouth on Danni's, turning her head slightly to get a better angle. Danni heard Mrs. Beaker mewl a bit in frustration and then felt another woman come up to her other side; from the wet sounds she then heard, it sounded like the new woman had occupied Mrs. Beaker with her mouth. Danni enjoyed the hard slow thrusts from the man behind her, he drove her hard onto the ottoman with each deep thrusts, forcing air out of her lungs as he made her take his full weight while the woman continued to kiss her mouth and fondle her breasts. The man reached under her chest with his right hand and pushed the woman's hand from her right breast before absolutely squashing it in his strong hand, he then moved his hand to the peak of her tit and crushed her nipple in his iron grip. Danni mewled in pain and the woman kissing her stopped and observed what was happening.
"You're hurting her, you big oaf" the woman snarled.

"Oh, she's fine. She can handle this easily, can't you baby" the man replied as he continued to maul her right tit.

"No she can't" the woman barked sharply. "She's not used to such treatment. Your wife maybe enjoys it but this young woman obviously does not. We also want her to be able to last for the others so ease up on her right now." The man muttered low under his breath but removed his hand from Danni's tit and Danni sighed in relief, she had contemplated using her safe word but had been worried that if she had, the entire mood would be spoiled. She put all of this from her mind as she concentrated on the sensations the man's stiff prick made gliding in and out of her; she started pushing her hips back to meet his thrust, slamming their hips together. Danni heard Mrs. Beaker's muffled whine and realized that the other woman was on the throes of an orgasm, then she heard the other woman's breathing increase as she fought her way out of the kiss from the woman occupying her. Danni's sharp ears picked up the low mutterings and swearings from Mrs. Beaker as she fought her body that was in the midst of her orgasm; Danni could hear the rapid smacks of the man riding her hard even as the man riding herself picked up his pace. It felt wickedly decadent to listen into another woman being pushed into orgasm as she herself was starting to feel the pressures build. Danni felt the increase of the flow of her juices running down her inner thighs as she continued to push back against the man inside of her; the woman kissing her kept her mouth locked onto Danni's lips even as Danni twisted around seeking more air as her breathing quickened. The woman was humming "Pop goes the Weasel" into her mouth and had shifted her hands so that she was now kneading Danni's tightening neck muscles. Danni heard a short sharp shriek and then a slow shuddering sigh from Mrs. Beaker as she achieved her orgasm although from the wet smacking sounds going on over there, the man had not yet climaxed. A moment later, she heard his groan of triumph. Neither Danni nor the man riding her were at their climax and they continued to push furiously against one another, each enjoying the growing sensations. The man muttered something about how wet, slick and wonderful her cunt felt as he gasped for breath; Danni could feel the drops of his sweat fall upon her back as the woman fastened to her mouth continued to massage her upper shoulders. Danni was feeling total bliss as her body began building the pressure of a huge orgasm; her thighs began to quiver as she felt hot flashes in her cunt and she fought her mouth free to suck down more air, grunting loudly as her cunt and clitoris began twitching spasmodically. The woman at her head quickly warned the man inside her that Danni was probably in the midst of a massive orgasm and that he better be prepared for her reactions. The man just grunted in reply and continued to thrust into her as he was also near his edge. Suddenly Danni gave her own shriek of accomplishment as she bucked her ass back hard against the man, driving the air from his lungs and forcing his own climax in the process as she orgasmed very wetly against his crotch. The mixed come from the two of them streamed down their legs as the man collapsed heavily on Danni's back causing her to oof loudly but not interfering with her feelings of immense elation as she sensed a second orgasm trying to happen. The woman who had been kissing her rudely and roughly pushed the man off of Danni, swearing at him in a high pitched voice as she did so and fastened her warm, eager mouth onto Danni's dripping cunt, driving her tongue deep into its folds. Danni lay there panting as the woman noisily sucked up all of the juices, wriggling her lusciously wet tongue around in Danni's hot little cunt; Danni's thighs began to quiver again as the woman struck a deliciously sensitive area in her probing. The woman noticed her reaction and quickly went back to tonguing the area that had caused it, pushing Danni back into the brink of orgasm; Danni moaned her approval almost constantly as her body reacted. Danni could feel her second orgasm begin to occur and tried rolling onto her back but the woman pushed her face harder against Danni's hot soaking hole and fought her back onto her stomach; Danni squealed as she discharged, her vaginal muscles contracting and relaxing about a dozen slow agonizing times before she fell into a slight stupor from her efforts. As she lay semi-conscious, she heard a number of people gather behind her; she heard the high musical laugh of Mrs. Beaker as she remarked to the woman who had caused her orgasm that she had a face full of come and it coated her eyebrows. She was vaguely aware of another woman attending to that woman using her tongue to clean off the sweet juices and felt the warm darting tongue on her overheated clitoris, she moaned in approval, hoping that it was Mrs. Beaker. Another woman rapidly guided whoever had her head between her legs away and replaced her, this new woman obviously had a wide mouth and was putting it to her advantage, fastening it to Danni's sloppy cunt and creating a vacuum to clean up her juices. Danni was aware that all of the women had come for a quick taste of her and she certainly had no problems with that; some of the women explored her hole more than others and one woman came very close to triggering a third orgasm in her with her energetic tonguing before a man interceded.

"Don't wear her out, you'll have plenty of time later to indulge yourself with her. Let her rest so that she can handle the next one of us" he said quietly to the woman who was between Danni's legs. Danni heard her give a small whine of protest but allow herself to be led away. Danni took the opportunity to stretch her body, working out the kinks and then sighed in contentment, resting her tired body. A couple of minutes later, she felt a small kiss on her earlobe and a voice she had come to associate with the "Pop goes the Weasel" hummer, whispered in her ear that she had a nice cold glass of water for Danni. She steered Danni's mouth to the glass and tilted it for Danni to drink; Danni slurped down the cold water gratefully, even though it was cold enough to make her teeth ache slightly. The woman stopped her before she finished the glass and quickly slipped another one to her lips; she had to tilt this one quite a bit more because there was less liquid in it. Danni felt the warmth of the brandy suffuse her mouth as she drank it; it spread warmth throughout her body as it made its way to her belly, she liked the pleasant glow she felt. The woman gave her a moment to savour the brandy's taste before she brought the water glass back to her lips, encouraging Danni to drink the remainder of the water. She inquired softly as to whether or not Danni needed to use the washroom and when Danni replied in the negative, she began to massage her neck muscles. Danni lay there relaxed, having the stress stroked out of her muscles for a few minutes as she recovered her strength. Then the woman asked Danni if she was ready to continue and Danni stated that she was.

A man was quickly behind her, obviously alerted by the woman tending to her and he rested his heavy body on her back as he began placing light kisses on the back of her neck, while using his hands to lightly stroke her aureoles and nipples. Shortly, removed his hands to gently open her cunt lips and place himself inside of her; he took is time pushing his erect prick into her wet hole, letting her enjoy the gradual stretching of her pussy. She heard some furniture being moved near her head and then felt her head being pulled gently down towards the mouth of a woman lying on her back that she was sure was Mrs. Beaker. She could feel Mrs. Beaker being jostled a bit as a man positioned himself between her legs and entered her; the two women eagerly shared kisses and tongues as the men inside them began their thrusting in earnest. It was hard for them to coordinate their kisses as the men energetically fucked them and soon they were giggling as their bodies got pushed around; Danni knew then for sure that it was Mrs. Beaker because of her high musical giggle. A woman joined them again and shared kisses with them as their bodies were rocked by the men screwing them; Danni was sure that this was the "Weasel" woman, it seemed as though she was a very good friend to Mrs. Beaker. Danni accepted the kisses from the other women but tried to keep her concentration on the actions of the man riding her, she squeezed her vaginal muscles slightly on him as he was entering her; she was rewarded by grunts she took for approval as she did this. It soon became apparent that the man was not going to last much longer in her and she felt a small sense of disappointment as his strokes started to falter. Suddenly she felt the rush of his come bathing her vaginal walls as he gave an urgent grunt. The fact that the man inside of her had climaxed seemed to spur on the man riding Mrs. Beaker and he finished inside of her a moment later. Again there was a flurry of sound as the other women rushed to join the two fucked women, they pushed the men away and began kissing the mouths and cunts of the two women. Danni rapidly realized that the woman who had almost brought her to climax before was now back between her legs and she seemed determined to wring that third orgasm from Danni, Danni had no objections to her actions, whispering affirmative utterances as she enjoyed the pleasant sensations the woman was creating in her. Danni could feel the pressure build within her and the electrical spark course through her cunt with the actions of the woman with her mouth pressed to her pussy, she was panting with excitement; she was a little surprised when the "Weasel" woman eased her hips under Danni's upper body and pulled Danni's mouth down to her crotch. She speedily got over her surprise and buried her tongue in the older woman's furry, fragrant cunt; she did find that she had to pause momentarily to whine as the woman licking her pussy found a particularly sensitive spot which she spent a fair amount of time on. Danni comprehended that she was on the verge of her orgasm so to distract herself somewhat she buried her face into the pussy in front of her, moaning into it as her tongue caressed the soft folds of skin. Danni raised her head, gave a sharp little scream and orgasmed wetly into the face of the woman between her legs; her reward was that the woman attempted to push her tongue even deeper into Danni's pulsing cunt. After about thirty seconds more of punishment on her extremely sensitive clitoris, Danni again screamed her joy, this one lasting about forty-five seconds as she spasmed with her fourth orgasm of the day; she quickly reached her hand down between her legs to push away the face of the woman eating her before that woman forced her into a fifth orgasm. The woman fought Danni in an attempt to get her tongue back inside her but two of the other women helped restrain her to give Danni a chance to recover. Danni lay panting, enjoying her feeling of tremendous exhilaration as her clitoris felt like it was flopping about like a landed fish. She heard the whine of disappointment from the "Weasel" woman, recognized that she had a job to perform so took a deep breath to calm herself a bit and bent to her task. The woman muttered her appreciation when Danni slid her tongue back into her wet hole; Danni discovered that she had to stop a few times to deal with her own muscular spasms as she pleasured the other woman. After more than five more minutes of intensive licking by Danni the other woman gave a gasp and began to orgasm; her juices leaked from her wet cunt and Danni licked them up, they weren't as sweet as her own but she found them to be delicious. She gave an immense sigh and rested her head on the other woman's soft hip, gathering her scattered wits.

A few seconds after laying her head down, Danni was grabbed by the feet and shoulders by two women and gently moved off of the "Weasel" woman; her head was still near the woman and she heard the unmistakable sounds of someone sucking on the woman's wet pussy. The woman who had handled her feet quickly parted her legs and cleaned up the juices on her cunt; Danni lay there lost in bliss. The men stayed away and let the women play, Danni heard more than one woman squeal in joy as she was brought to orgasm by another woman but she was too tired to offer much to anyone else during this time. A woman brought her some cold water to drink and played a little with Danni's breasts while she drank; the woman leaned in and softly suckled her nipples before taking the glass back from her, Danni realized that the woman had not been Mrs. Beaker or the "Weasel" woman but one of the other six. Another woman knelt by her head and offered Danni some fruit, which she accepted; she was fed banana, strawberries, grapes and apple slices. The other woman kissed her in between offering her the pieces of fruit and Danni really enjoyed it as she recovered.

A short while later one of the men came over to enquire whether or not the women were ready to proceed; Danni had recovered and was ready to get fucked again but she heard a whispered squabble break out amongst the married women. She was unsure as to what the problem was and worried that maybe one of them was jealous of her man being with Danni even though she hoped that wasn't the problem. The argument rose in pitch with one woman stridently stating that they were not being fair and that she had as much right as anyone else; the men quickly came over and the group discussed things in low tones away from Danni who strained to hear what the disagreement was. A woman came over and rubbed Danni's neck for her as the rest of the group tried to sort things out. Danni whispered to the woman asking what the problem was and the woman laughed and told her that two of the other women wanted to be fucked at the same time as Danni so that they could share their orgasms with her but the other women argued that there wasn't room to do that. Eventually it was decided that there was room for the two new women to be placed in front of Danni and it would be fairest if that was what happened; there was no shortage of men willing to be used by the women.

Danni sensed the two women getting down on ottomans in front of her, one to each side of her and felt the women's heads brush hers as they moved themselves into comfortable positions. Both women took the opportunity to nibble at the base of Danni's neck as they situated themselves; Danni was a little astonished as to how horny she felt when both women were lightly kissing her neck at the same time, she felt her thighs starting to get damp. The men must have been trying to coordinate things because Danni felt the man behind her thrust into her at the same time that the two women were pushed against her by the men entering them; Danni wondered if the other women felt the same flash of excitement that this small action had created in her. She realized that she found it incredibly erotic to be screwed while listening to another woman being put into the same situation and apparently it didn't have to be Mrs. Beaker with whom she shared the experience for it to arouse her. Danni was thinking more about this than what was happening around her so she was a bit surprised when one of the women forced her head sideways and force a tongue down her throat; Danni realized that she had felt this tongue in her before but it had been pushed up her wet cunt previously and now was being thrust down her throat. She gagged slightly as the tongue brushed her uvula but managed to keep her composure; the woman's large tongue felt great inside her mouth and she sucked greedily on it. The woman moaned her approval into Danni's mouth; the other woman nibbled on the base of Danni's neck, scraping her sharp little teeth on her soft skin and used both of her hands to fondle one of her breasts. Danni could feel herself being pushed forward by the man thrusting into her loins at about the same time that the other women appeared to be forced forward by their men; Danni wondered what this group looked like to the people watching and whether or not it looked as hot as it felt being involved in it. She took the opportunity to squeeze her vaginal muscles down lightly on the hard prick inside her and met the man's forward thrust with her hips; she was rewarded with a happy groan from the man riding her. The woman with her tongue in Danni's mouth removed it and began panting in earnest as the man inside her had clearly hit a spot that she found seriously arousing; the other woman took advantage of the other woman's distraction to turn Danni's head toward her and covered Danni's mouth with her lips, planting steadfast kisses. Danni's whole pussy began to feel like it was on fire as the nerve endings started firing their aroused message to her brain, her breathing commenced to increase in rate and she was moaning her approval and need to the man fucking her. She ignored the woman kissing her slightly as her mind was occupied by the sensations the man inside her was creating in her; she enjoyed the wet, squishy sounds of cock sliding into cunt culminating in a sharp smacking sound of hips meeting hard and the feeling of it happening was incredible as well. The woman kissing her recognized that Danni was distracted and nipped Danni's upper lip sharply to bring her attention back; Danni was astonished by the harsh pain this had caused her and how unbelievably aroused she felt from it. Danni had never realized that she was a woman who got exceptionally aroused by feeling her own pain and she lost her focus for a moment as she wondered how it would feel to be whipped; she shivered in incredible arousal as she imagined the sensations that would create in her mind and body, the woman kissing her paused momentarily wondering what had drifted through Danni's thoughts as she recognized Danni's loss of focus. Danni came back to herself and applied herself to the task at hand, namely getting herself and the man in her off in an amazing fashion; she quickly picked up the man's rhythm again and met him with punishing bumps of her own hips. It took less than five minutes of such action before the man spewed warm cum deep into her pussy; Danni noted that the woman with a large tongue was gasping in the aftermath of her orgasm as the other woman began the whining of a woman caught in the throes of her own orgasm. Danni sighed in contentment as the man in her collapsed onto her pushing her into the firm surface of the ottoman.

The other women of the group rushed in and shooed the men away before settling themselves to enjoy the three fucked women; Danni felt her legs being pushed wide open and felt two tongues licking at her squishy pussy, it felt really good, gave her an erotic chill up her spine, so she wriggled her body and moaned in passion. She heard a whispered comment about her liking what was done to her and the high pitched laugh in reply and she realized that it was Mrs. Beaker and the "Weasel" woman who were currently between her thighs. She lay comfortably as the two women ran their tongues all over her crotch area; it even seemed to Danni like they stopped sometimes to share kisses with each other. As Danni lay there enjoying the attention, she began to think about how she had felt when the woman had bitten her lip and she truly started to get very turned on by the thought of being bitten on her ass. She whispered softly to the two women, asking if they would bite her ass; the women paused momentarily before asking her to confirm what she had asked for, which she did.

"Are you absolutely sure you want that, dear? It's going to leave a mark" Mrs. Beaker asked Danni. Danni quickly murmured her confirmation that she did indeed want it, so Mrs. Beaker said to the other woman "You're better than me at this sort of thing. Do you want to take care of it for her?" The other woman relayed her willingness to put a bite mark on Danni's ass and began licking an area near the bottom of Danni's left ass cheek, she guided her fingers into Danni's pussy. The woman stroked her fingers in and out of Danni, who had tensed in anticipation when she thought the woman was going to bite her, and Danni slowly relaxed again, which is what the woman had intended; when it was apparent that Danni was comfortable once more, the woman bit her hard sinking her sharp teeth deep into the soft flesh. Danni screeched in pain before moaning in arousal as a series of complex emotions flooded through her brain; she recognized pain, lust, shame and thrill but was not sure of some of the others. All she knew was that she had orgasmed when the woman had applied her teeth to her ass and she was being driven to another orgasm by Mrs. Beaker's darting tongue on her turgid clitoris. Danni lay panting, trying to analyse why the pain in her ass felt so wonderful, as the two women resumed their licking of her twitching pussy; she was dimly aware that the other women had stopped what they had been doing when she had screeched in pain, she heard one of the women remark in some astonishment that she was a pain slut. The men had come over to check on what had happened and Danni was now aware that the whole group was gathered around her watching her be driven towards an orgasm by the eager tongues of the two women between her legs, she felt tremendously aroused by this fact, surprising herself again. She had never realised before about what an exhibitionist that she actually was; her clitoris was twitching and not just from the women's tongues, shivers ran up her spine, her nipples were hard as rocks and her brain was a stew of endorphins as she lay gasping. After the women cleaned up her pussy, the joined her by her head and started placing soft wet kisses on her mouth and face as she gradually regained her composure; this continued for around fifteen minutes before the women determined that Danni had regained enough strength to continue. Danni thoroughly enjoyed the quiet time sharing kisses with the two women.

A man placed himself behind her, between her legs and reached in with his hands to caress her tits as he gently kissed the back of her neck and shoulders; she could feel his erect prick poking her ass cheeks as he spent some time on ensuring that she was aroused, he definitely needed no foreplay. Danni felt her body drifting into a heightened state of arousal by what the man was doing to her and appreciated the fact that he spent some time performing the foreplay, a lot of men would just have assumed that since she had been having sex for quite a while that she would immediately be ready to take on another man but this man confirmed that her body was ready to receive him. Danni moaned out her approval of his approach and he took this as a sign to increase his caresses; he made a quick check between her legs to see if she was wet enough to take his cock without any further lubrication, grunting his approval when he determined that she was. Danni felt her cunt lips stretch over the head of the man's cock as he slowly worked it into her; both of them knew that he could easily have pushed himself hard into her and she would have accommodated him without too much effort but Danni appreciated his slower approach because she knew she would not last as long this time due to her earlier efforts. Danni decided that this time she would let the man do most of the work and would just enjoy his thrusting. He felt that he needed her legs to be spread a little wider so he removed his hands from her breasts to force her knees apart a little further and Danni complied easily; he thrust against her with slow, controlled strokes until she was taking his entire cock into her slick cunt with each stroke. Danni wondered briefly why none of the women were by her, taking advantage to kiss and pet her, unaware that he had waved them off when they had approached; the man wanted to use her without her attention being distracted by someone else and the rest of the group was contented enough to allow it. The man ground his prick into Danni's sopping cunt for about ten minutes, varying the speed of his thrusts enough to keep her on a happy edge but not enough to push her over into orgasm; Danni enjoyed the slow buildup of pressure in her pussy but began to feel a need for more action. She began pushing her hips back to meet his thrusts. The man took this as a signal to increase his rate and power and Danni started feeling his crotch bang against her ass hard as she moaned harder, feeling the orgasmic rush starting to peak. She was very frustrated when he shot his load of warm sperm into her cunt before she had come but was thrilled when he replaced his cock with three fingers to bring her to her climax. She was ecstatic that he had understood how close she had been and willing to help her to finish her orgasm. When she had given voice to her climax, the other women rushed to join them and she now felt their hands and tongues all over her body as they paid attention to her erogenous areas. Danni relaxed into a slight daze as the women explored her sensitive areas; the women moved her around gently to get better access to her. Two women shared kisses with her, each taking their time to trace her lips with their tongues before pushing their tongues deeper into her mouth; Danni was a willing participant although a less active one. She lay there humming a disjointed little tune as the women enjoyed her sweaty body.

After about five or so minutes, she began to feel her body's need to urinate and she shifted herself a little uneasily. The woman she had identified as the 'Weasel' woman was quickly by her side and asked if she needed to use the bathroom, which Danni confirmed; the woman helped Danni to her feet and guided her down the hallway to the bathroom where she assisted Danni to sit on the toilet. Danni urinated, feeling the same erotic thrill she had before at using the washroom while another woman watched her do so; she was shocked when the other woman knelt and took Danni's nipple into her mouth as Danni pissed. The other woman used her teeth to rake Danni's sensitive, erect nipple causing Danni to shiver in delight. When Danni was finished, the woman took a few squares of toilet paper and softly wiped her dry as Danni sat there enjoying the erotic thrill of another woman doing such an intimate thing for her. The woman then helped Danni walk back to the room, she enquired as to whether Danni wanted to continue or if she had enough for the day; Danni took a brief moment to consider and then decided that she felt fulfilled so she declined the offer to continue. The 'Weasel' woman went over to the rest of the group to relay Danni's decision to them after helping Danni to sit on the ottoman. Danni felt another woman sit beside her, their bare hips touching just before a glass was held to her lips and she heard Mrs. Beaker telling her to drink. Danni gratefully sipped the cool, lemon-tinted water. After allowing her a few minutes to recover her wits further and rehydrate herself, all of the women and more than half of the men came up to kiss her and thank her for participating in the afternoon's activities. Then the 'Weasel' woman and Mrs. Beaker took Danni back to the washroom and used washcloths to give her a quick little cleanup before taking her back to the front door where they dressed her in the trench coat.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: y anaрјс“lisis de chromecast 2?page=<a href=&ifm=off&sub_res=yes&url_subed=

Pub: 02 Apr 2024 23:43 UTC
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