be nerd
bullied all throughout middle and high school by a jock awoogirl
late high school
she's the football captain
yet she hasn't been able to land a long term relationship with a guy, most furbois tend towards faggotry
one afternoon walking home after practice, tired, frustrated, not a great practice
gets a text from her bf
he's breaking up
this is the 6th time for her
vocally and angrily groans, starts walking furious back home
she runs into you
"What do you think you're doing here, twerp?"
you worriedly look away, start turning to walk back the way you came
"Hey, get back here!"
violently grabs the back of your collar, swinging you back around, picks you up by the shirt and slams you against a wall.
"Don't you try and walk away from me!"
throws you to the ground, straddles you, looking ready to beat your shit in

"No, please, I don't have anything you want right now! I-I can give you money tomorrow!"

she's breathing heavily, "No, you have something"
undoes your belt while pulling down her sweatpants

"H-Hey, what are y-?!"

she grabs both of wrists one hand, covers you mouth with the other
"Shut up! Not in the mood for your whinging!"
grabs your erection "You're hard. You want this. You want this."
she guides your cock to her vag and slams down on it
can't help but let out a meek whimper as the stimulation hits
you attempt to break free of her restraint to no avail
furiously pounding down on your pelvis, she pants and grunts loudly

"Wh- Why... a-are you..."

you can't even muster the strength to finish what you saying
doesn't register to her anyways, she's completely engrossed in what she's doing to you
it all feels so wrong yet so right
she's since let go of her restraints, but you don't do anything to break free
pressure's rising, close to busting

"F-Fuck, I can't h-hold it any-!"

seems it was loud enough for her to hear, she pulls out and finishes you off while finishing herself with her other hand
spouting long white ropes onto her tight shirt that slightly reveals her chisled body
her hand strokes slowly rev down, as both of you are left in a exhausted panting state
your eyes lock together
a good 15-20 seconds of looking deeply into on another
her head jitters, looks down at herself
"Hell, you made a complete mess of my stuff, you moron!"
she gets up, pulling her pants back up and looking around worriedly for onlookers
seems no one was around to notice
looks back at you, "No one will believe you, but if you tell anyone, you're dead meat."
picks up her bag and sprints away
by the time you had composure to get up, she was long gone
better just get home, it's late

back to class the next day
going to locker
you and her spot each other, eyes lock
she narrows her a bit
you dart yours away
later, in classes
she’s almost constantly staring at you behind your back
catch her looking away just as you look back a couple times
after classes, you grab your stuff ready to head back home
hear some yelling
investigate, peek around a corner
it’s her
some furboi looked like he just got shoved to the group by her
he starts getting up, “You crazy bitch; I said it’s over!”
”Why do you bois always have to go for on another?!”
”Because of bitches like you! Maybe if you weren’t so pushy you’d get more action! I’m done with this, go rot!” he slams a door behind him
”Fine! I don’t need impotent fuckers like you!”
she turns around and spots you peeking
shrink back behind the corner
immediately her the patter of her paws starting to run
before you can start running, her hand swings around the corner and pins you to the wall
fuck she’s fast
look back at her glare

“I won’t tell anyone, okay!”

”You better.”
let’s go, still glaring
slowly start to move
she blinks and shakes her head a bit, “Wait.”
she starts to take out a notebook “Coach’s stuff”
rips part of a spare page out
starts writing something on it
pushes it into your chest, she turns and walks off
uncrumple it a bit
it’s a discord name
look back up
she’s gone

at home
done with school work, good screen time
discord notifications
just a shitposting friend spamming @everyone
hey that reminds you
pull out the page
deliberate with yourself for a bit, but send out a friend request
it’s almost immediately accepted
”this anon?”


”listen I just wanted to say im sorry for the other day. something came up that just put me over the edge and I vented on the first thing I saw and it happened to be you”

“What happened?”

she tells you about how she got a break up text

“Was that the guy in the hall?”

there was a short bit before she responded

“Sorry to hear that.”

”do you forgive me”
you were held up; your gut said no, but something could bring you to just say that

“I’m not sure.”

”im sorry to have hurt you if I did I just couldn’t control myself”
”it just felt so good I couldn’t stop”
your heart skipped a beat
what more, she quickly deleted that message specifically

“Why’d you delete that?”

”it was wrong to say sorry”
”i fucked up this is my fault”
a response came to mind
you tried to bury it, but you couldn’t get it out
it was true after all
you tentatively typed it out, and sent it

“I enjoyed it too. It’s not really that bad.”

there was a long pause between the response
her typing notification was up for a bit
”that’s good to hear I guess”
another tentative response

“I forgive you. Just be more in control of yourself next time.”

despite how hesitantly and carefully you typed it all out, you nearly forgot “of yourself.”
another long pause
you were just about to click out and do something else
”have you ever known what it feels like to not get in return what you’ve given to others in a relationship”

“No, I wouldn’t.”

”consider yourself lucky”


”hey do you have any games you play”


”wanna team up?”


over the course of the week, the mood between you and Augusta becomes less weighty
likewise, her bullying tendencies come back, but it all a lot less mean spirited
your physical encounters are less about taking things from you and inflicting pain; now it’s projecting her strength and showing she’s in control
verbal jabs are more cutesy; “twerp” and “moron” become “lil boy” and “smoothie” (as in skin)
has started sharing selfies with you (later ones have her in more revealing clothing and less benign looks)
the aura of contempt quickly shrank away until there was none left; inversely, lots of smugness
her friends start noticing it too; they don’t think anything of it though

after classes one day
in the library on a school computer program for an AP class
all’s quiet in the school
get ready to head back home afterwards
when you get outside, you hear a ton of commotion and the field lights on
what the hell, let’s check it out
the football team is up against its rival
they trailed in the 4th quarter, 17-28
ever so clueless about football games, you begin walking onto the field towards the team’s bench
a lot of the players were worried, time was running out to close the huge lead, and it got worse as the opponent scored a field goal, now 17-31
you saw her hunched over on the bench, hands clasped, elbows resting on the legs; she looked exhausted
she glanced over to see you nearing the bench
you were flanked by an official by the looks of them, told you that you couldn’t be on the field
she pushes the official away
”He gets to stay.”
she walked out onto the field with the rest of the offensive team after the punt
official begrudgingly lets you stay
the next drive was nothing like the offensive drives before
she was able to get the ball down the field to a TD at lightning pace
before the defensive team could get on the field, Augusta started scolding them about how they’re screwing up
gets them pumped enough to hold the other’s offense when before they looked completely run down
prevents opponents for scoring at all
offense repeats an incredible drive for another TD, 30-31
Augusta opts to run it in, doesn’t want to leave it to OT
successful, 32-31
no time for opponent to score
crowd erupts
team bench rushes to the field to celebrate
Augusta doesn’t seem concerned whatsoever, casually strolling to her stuff as everyone celebrates around her
begins walking to you

“Hey, congra-“

she sweeps you off your feet into a bridal carry
nearly everyone following freezes in shock
she just looks back with a self-satisfied smile
passes by her old bf, equally as stunned
”I don’t need him” she says
”Not when I have you”
carried back to her home
the night is quiet
still being carried by her; holding onto you tightly
face her

“You know, I can walk if y-“

”No.” She interjects as she looks back towards you
she’s had a smug smirk with half closed eyes ever since she scooped you up
your eyes move away
she stifles a laugh
later, arrive at her home
”We can hang out together for the weekend. We can do whatever; my parents won’t be back in town for a while.”
her grin widens a bit as your face turns redder than it already was
get carried all the way up to her bedroom where she finally lets you down
the tension is palpable; all you can hear is her deep, long breaths and what sounds like the beginnings of rain

“Sooo, what specifically did you have in mi-?”

she quickly grabs the back your head to pull it forward and tilt it up a bit as she lowers hers down to yours
her tongue shoots out into your mouth as deep as she can get it
need to heavily breathe through your nose
after a long labored embrace, she finally retracts
both of you panting
she lets go of you to start taking off the football equipment she still had on
the shirt and pants she had on under her gear are drenched in sweat
pulls down her pants and compression briefs down to her knees
a long strand of vaginal juice hangs down from her crevice
you stand frozen, hands back against the front of her bed
”C’mon, kneel. Do it for your champion, tiny.”
she hooks her leg around the back of your knees and pulls forward to bring you down
she’s been a lot nicer to you over the past week, but that doesn’t stop her from getting rough with you every so often
nearly face to face with her pussy
”Don’t keep me waiting. Dig in.” You can hear the eagerness in her voice
you reach your tough out, rubbing around the labia
a small sigh of relief comes out from her
you penetrate your tongue through the folds, feeling around for where exactly she wants you to be
”Higher… higher… right there.”
you begin to make larger, deeper movements
her breathing intensifies, quiet moans escaping
juices are excreting at an increasing rate
you lap up as much of her nectar as you can
she tightly grips your head and pushes your face further into her muff, heavily panting
you feel some of the her saliva she exchanged with you earlier dripping down onto your back
the rushing air from her furiously wagging tail cools her excretions that missed your mouth and flowed down your neck
all of her muscles quickly tense up
feel her legs on either side of your head trembling
hear a small howl burst out from her
as everything relaxed, she pulled your head out from under her
”Good boy…”
you looked up to her eyes
she looked down with a loving aura
you believe you say a faint glow in her eyes
you started to get back on your feet
”Now, take off those clothes. All of them.”
she began to as well once you started
you looked back to her once you had finished
she had just pulled her shirt off, leaving only bra and worn socks
she had the body of a football captain, alright
fairly thick assets almost everywhere
could see a fair amount of muscle definition, even underneath all her fur
she looked like you wouldn’t stand the slightest chance against her in a wrestling match
she looked down to see your member, erect from the earlier eat out
looking back at you, she quickly grabbed a hold of your body, lifted it up, and tossed you onto the bed behind you
you sat up a bit to see her beginning to crawl towards you as she undid her bra
she tossed it aside to reveal her well-sized perky breasts in their full glory
you began to retract back a bit, but it wasn’t long before she was completely over you
you had smelled her musk before, and it became render all the more intense as she lowered herself onto you
she reached down to grab your dick
”You’re mine. All mine.” She said as she stroked her paw along your girth
she pulled it up and inserted it into her wet slit
a moan immediately escaped your mouth
she takes the opportunity to send her tongue in again for another sloppy kiss
your wails became muffled against her maw as she continued to ride up and down
her paws quickly snatch your wrists as you try to grab onto her to resist, pinning them down to either side
she unwinds the twisting grip her tongue had on yours to release your mouth
you immediately gasp for air as her drool continues to drop down onto your face
you could help but vocally and quite loudly whine; the pleasure was simply overwhelming
it felt like she was restraining you harder than during your first sexual encounter with her
instead of exerting herself only to keep you from fighting back, you felt nearly all of her strength in holding you down
she wanted you to know who was in charge here
she giggled as your head rolled backwards a bit in ecstasy and the strain on your facial expression became more apparent
”Aw, what’s the matter? Too much for you to handle?”

“A-Augusta, please-“

”That’s good. Let it all out. Let me know how hard I can push you.”

“Ah, fuck, aaah…”

you turned more and more into a driveling mess
both of your breaths became more labored
your body was begin to seize up as you and Augusta edge closer to a climax

“I-I don’t think I can last much l-longer!”

her face was nearly as strained as yours, but was imbued bliss rather than worry
she stared deeply back at you
her eyes were radiant
her motions became more and more intense
she reeled her head back as she let out a deafening howl
you let out a cry of your own as your body had completely tensed up
Augusta had pulled you out just before you blew
your seed shot up into the air, landing on her abdomen
both of you were left short-winded
you tilted your head forward to see Augusta leaning back with her face to the sky and tongue hanging out the side of her mouth
she looked down at you, then down to her torso
she ran her digits down through her now matted fur
”Hell, you made a complete mess.” She says as she looks serenely at a sticky strand held between her digits
brings them to her mouth to lick them clean
”Maybe I should add a bit of you to my protein shakes everyone once in a while. Hmhm…”
”So, how was that?”

“That was great, Augusta.”

”I knew you’d love it.”
she lowers herself back towards you, now laying on top of you, downward muzzle nearly touching your face
it seems she’s just enjoying herself looking at you

“So, are we, like, official now?”

”I’d say we were a while before this night, but sure.”

“What, before or after you forced yourself on me?”

”After how I had treated you for all these years, to forgive me so quickly after I did something like that? I like to think we had a little thing going on before then. I could have picked on anyone in our school at any time, lots of easy targets, but I kept coming for you. You were special.”

“Nah, I don’t think so.”

”I don’t know. It sounds to me someone’s a little embarrassed that they so easily put out for their personal tormentor when things heated up. You clearly like it.”

“Oh, shut up.”

trying to hide a smile
”You really suck a lying.”
wraps her arms around you tightly, digging your face in her chest fluff

“Egh, can’t you just quickly shower off before you doze off? You stink.”

she pushes your head further in
”Make me, squirt.”
at least your nut didn’t make it that far up her torso; just her sweat getting in your mouth
”I’m gonna make sure you get to know every inch of me. Everyone will know exactly who you belong to.”
it’s not pleasant, but you don’t feel anything to try and pull yourself away; something about it was intoxicating
not like struggling would get you anywhere anyways
”Tell you what, next morning you’ll shower with me.” She tilts your head up. “Sound good?”


”Good boy.” She says ruffling your hair.
she reaches over and turns off the lamp on her nightstand
both of you close your eyes
her eyes reopen
see only her glowing eyes


”I love you.”

“I love you too.”

the glow slowly disappears under her eyelids and her grip around you tightens
all you hear the pattering of rain against her window, her breath, and the faint beat of her heart from her chest
close your eyes and drift off to sleep

Pub: 22 Aug 2024 08:50 UTC
Edit: 22 Aug 2024 08:57 UTC
Views: 574