For those two weeks we came together to iron out the final requirements to take over the world.
The four of us, Bliss, Bri, Charlie and myself, all coming from different backgrounds have come up with the ultimate system to wrestle power from the elite and make us all equal again. Well, the normal people will be equal. Us four evil masterminds will control everything.
Charlie is just finishing with the details of the overall plan and starting to go into how we are going to split up the country. That is when he stumbled, trying to right himself on the large black marble table. His eyes looked at me with a pleading look in them and then he went down. falling hard to the floor.
Bri jumped to her feet and started to rush around the table. Slowly with each step. I watched this as my world went hazy. The shapes of them are starting to blur. Bri lost the grip on the back of the leather chair as she started to say, "you". I followed her eyes and saw a grinning Bliss walking my way.
"Oh Wander," she said as she pushed my chair back. I tried to hang onto my world, but I could see the black creeping in further and further. "Poor Wander, just like the others and trusted me," said purred as she straddled my lap. "You should have known better. There is only going to be one power and that will be me." She leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Don’t worry I will break those other two to only be my services like the others I control. You I’m going to break you but I will leave your mind open behind the curtain. I think it will be fun to watch you struggle as I take over the world. Don’t worry, if you are taken to the program and become my drone like the others there will be many, many pleasures for you." She turned and looked over her shoulder. With a snap of her fingers one of her servants came to her carrying a tray.
She removed the helmet looking thing from the tray and held it in front of my hazy eyes. "This is my newest model. Not as small as I would like but it gets the job done pretty quickly. A cycle of the program and your mind will be broken and you will be under my control. Two cycles and you will come out the other side my obedient drone. What do you think of that?"
I tried to answer, but my words came out all jumbled and didn’t even make sense to me. I was drifting further down the slope now. I could not stop her even if I wanted to. The headset was placed over my head and turned on. The spiral and hum was the last thing I remembered.
I woke up, my body in a weird position. Like I was swaying. I tried to rub my eyes, but my arms would not move. I blinked a couple of times, and I finally could see what was going on. My mind pounded as I saw the dark room. Two other shapes were in front of me. Both of them in weird positions like me.
One was Bri, the smart and sexy scientist. Her body was hung upside down supported by rope. Her legs spread wide open, and a machine penetrated both her pussy and ass. She moaned, not a moan one who was deep in pleasure, but one that was broken, and it was her body's response. Her eyes were open and staring at me but there was nothing behind them.
I turned my gaze to the other form. Charlie, the man who put it all together was tied and hung like a side of beef. The black rope dug into his skin and the parts not laced with it were red. The cart next to him was covered with all different kinds of impact items. As he turned slowly, I noticed a black ball gag placed in his mouth. The black of the rope and gag was a perfect contrast to his shiny red body and blonde hair. My eyes looked at his and I saw the same dead look coming from his as Bri’s.
Then I looked down and saw the swaying because I was tied up too. My arms tied out in front of me, my body leaning forward, and my ass raised. My legs bent at an angle, opened and tied at the knees. I did not spin like Charlie, but more rocked back and forth.
The door opened before I could look more at the contents of the room. Bliss walked in confidently. She was no longer dressed in the business suit. Now it was a deep red leather dominatrix bodysuit with six-inch heels to match. As she stepped to Bri’s form she said to me, "you are awake Wander. That is so good. Now I can start to train you to be my new drone. You will be my second but do everything I say." Her hand lowered Bri’s rigging. Her eyes stayed on mine as she untied the broken woman. "She was easy to break, Wander. Most of her kind are. Just keep throwing pleasure at her and once her body gives in her mind is not far behind." She turned her face to Bri and asked," isn’t that right my sexy scientist?"
"Yes Madam Bliss. Your scientist drone is ready to serve," she said in a monotone voice.
"Good drone, you may knee for me." Her heels echoed on the floor as she walked to Charlie. She started to undo his rigging. "You see Charlie here needing a different reinforcement. His body needs pain to be broken and that is what I gave him." She lowered his form but kept the rope harness tied around him. "Tell Mr. wander who do you belong to?"
Charlie’s head turned to me and said in the same monotone voice, "this drone belongs to Madam Bliss."
"Good drone," she said as she caressed his cheek. "You May knee my drone." He did without a thought. She turned without giving him a second glance. "Now for you, wander. Did my mind control take on you?" She removed a paddle from the cart and slowly strutted over to me. With her free hand, she traced her fingers over my naked body. The only time her fingers came off was when they found the rope holding my body. "Now let’s see if you are my good drone like the others."
"What game are you playing at Bliss? Are you three fucking with me," I questioned?
"Main Drone activate," she said, and I could feel something happening. My mind is still there but like it is locked behind a glass screen. I can see what is going on but have no say in what my body is doing. "Are you in there, wander? Do you see what I did to you? I wonder how long before you mind and the drone mind mesh into one. Until then you get to enjoy the ride. You see you and your other evil doers should have looked a bit deeper. You would have seen I don’t play well with others. I always want my way. The best way to do that is through mind control. No agreements from anyone. Now let’s see what kind of fun I can have with you."
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