Episode 10: Treasured Fans

Kamira: Ze, ze...... yes, I'm broadcasting to you today from the rehearsal room-

Kamira: I'm out of breath because the rehearsals were really hard. So, since it’s been so hard, I'll pass.

Mito: Eh? Eeeehhhh!?

Mito: Well, um......um.......

Iroha: Hello everyone! I'm Senju Iroha!

Iroha: And this is Shiromaru Mito. We’re substituting for Kamira-chan!

Comment: 'It's Gold Horn and Silver Horn-chan!’ 'They were cute!' 'I'm amused that the camera is blurry.’ ‘I also saw RinRin the other day.’ ‘The aerial battle was really hot!’

Mito: T-T-T-Thank you very much. We’ll......do our best the next time too.

Comment. 'So precious!’ 'Phoenix Splash, you really did it!?’ 'You shouldn't worry about the posts and stuff.’ ‘We're rooting for you!'

Iroha: ......Posts?

Towa: -So, you ego-surfed, saw the anti's comments, and you're depressed.

Mito: They’re awful, those posts.......

Iroha: Come on, Mito-chan. I'm fine. I was prepared to be compared to the Senju family.

Towa: (‘Ah, that's a poor job, Senju.' ‘I saw it, but it didn't meet my expectations.’ ‘She’s dry compared to her sister.' ......I see, it's just a bunch of self-proclaimed critics with low IQs writing all over the place.)

Towa: Well, think of it as a tax on your fame and ignore it. Don’t worry about it.

Towa: If anything, the fact that you get criticism is proof that you’re becoming more well known. You should be happy.

Kaname: That’s right, you care too much Mito. You should be less sensitive to the things on social networks.

Kaname: No matter what you do, we live in an era where you can be criticised no matter what.

Kaname: So, cherish the fans who support you. There will be a fan meet-and-greet soon.

Kaname: It's a waste if you don't enjoy your precious life. Right♪

Mito ……Yes!

Kaname: Well, if you slip up, I’ll just say what I want to say.

Kaname: Your boss is ruthless when it comes to things like this, you know. Ku ku ku.......

Iroha: Hmm? ......Wow, I got a great message.

Mito: Could it be, the usual member number 1?

Iroha: Yes, it is. They care about me a lot, I can feel that they are supporting me.

Iroha: For those who support me like member number 1, I'll try to be a better performer!

-A few days later, at a fan exchange meeting.

Machiko: How are they doing?

Kaname: As well as can be expected.

Machiko: I see. A word to the newcomers-

Iroha: Wow, thank you for all your support.

Iroha: Signature? Of course I can!

Mito: Oh, no......I'm just trying my best, but I still have a lot to learn.

Mito: But I'll do my best so that people will continue to watch .

Kamira: Oh, really? You're watching me to that extent?

Kamira: Oh no, I can't relax! I'm really happy!

Machiko: .......

Kaname: Even if you don’t say it, they know what they're doing.

Machiko: Seems like it.

Pub: 09 Oct 2023 19:24 UTC
Edit: 10 Oct 2023 14:32 UTC
Views: 259