Accumulation of Round 1 Vote Results, 17/03/2022 23:00 GMT
Voting parties: Sakuran (>>20287032,>> 20287077), /nasa/ (>>20287983, >>20288505), /who/ (>>20291623), /wg/ (>>20291913), /meat/ (>>20309473), Hoshiyomia (>>20294554), /inf/ (>>20304482), /nasfaqg/ (>>20329504, >>20329544), /rrat/ (>>20379004)
Total: 9/92(+schizo wastelands) threads, ~10%

Preliminary notes:
Keep in mind that my knowledge in writing such documents is limited, also I’m ESL, so this won’t be the easiest piece to read. Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.
The voter size needs to be noted. We have reps for roughly 10% of the potential nations. Whether that’s a satisfying number I won’t comment on, but I do think it would be good to keep in mind.
Specific comments:
/wg/, I appreciate that you decided to combine your answers of every section in a continuous paragraph instead of points, as I understand that is how you would perhaps prefer to do it, being from /wg/ and all. However, the reason I had the questions set in points to begin with, was to be able to get the relevant answers quickly and accurately. I realise that may break the flow of writing, but this had the effect of me trying to glean your answers from your text and making slight conjectures to fit them in the relevant format, which made my job slightly more difficult. I would prefer that next time, if the questions are given in points, you also try to answer in style.
/rrat/, I see you only decided to answer a few of the questions. It was not much of a problem, apart from writing No vote and Abstain to a lot of votes, but I would like to ask if there was any particular reason for that, as I am curious.
/inf/, small comment, but after the initial rep vote, you skipped the next 4 that were related to it. I understand that at a first glance that would make sense, but for 3 of those your answer would have still been relevant, even if you answered N to the initial prompt.
Also, it seems some of my prompts were either not very clear or were lacking critical information, for which I would like to apologise.

(Note: Y=Yay, N=Nay, U/A=Undecided/Abstain, n/a=not applicable)

Regarding thread management:

Do we want a rep to be responsible for making posts like this one, where matters are voted on? Y/N

Sakuran: Y
/nasa/: Undecided
/who/: Undecided
/wg/: N
Hoshiyomia: Y
/inf/: N
/meat/: Y (mentions wanting more than one person, which I believe is solved with rotation, so I counted it as a Y)
/nasfaqg/: Abstain
/rrat/: N
Summary: 3Y, 3N, 3U/A. Three-way tie, we either tiebreak or the vote does not pass. TBD

The next 4 matters to be voted on are related to the above:

Would such a position be permanent or rotating?

Sakuran: Rotating
/nasa/: Rotating
/who/: Rotating
/wg/: n/a
Hoshiyomia: Rotating
/inf/: n/a
/meat/: Rotating
/nasfaqg/: Abstain
/rrat/: n/a
Summary: 5 for Rotating, 1U/A, 3 n/a. If the previous vote passes, the position will be rotating.

What would you suggest is a sensible time (ie day of the week/month, also time of day) for the vote post to be made, and how long should the votes be kept open?

Sakuran: Friday noon UTC for 48h, for each round of votes if multiple are necessary
/nasa/: Weekends
/who/: Weekends
/wg/: 24h duration, when thread is most active
Hoshiyomia: 3 day duration
/inf/: No vote (Abstain)
/meat/: Friday, at least 24h, ideally 48h, any time of the day
/nasfaqg/: 24h on Friday for suggestions, 48h over the weekend for voting
/rrat/: No vote (Abstain)
Summary: General consensus is votes are started on either Friday or Saturday, and last for at least 24h, but preferrable 48h hours.

Should a different anchor post, similar to the prompt and lore ones, be made each thread for people to attach their suggestions to, that can then be voted on the vote post? Y/N

Sakuran: Y
/nasa/: Y
/who/: Y
/wg/: Y
Hoshiyomia: Y
/inf/: No vote (Abstain)
/meat/: Y
/nasfaqg/: Y
/rrat/: No vote (Abstain)
Summary: 7Y, 2A. Vote passes by vast majority.

Do you prefer a voting system like this one, where reps reply on one post and their answers are gathered at the end and summarized, or using poal links?

Sakuran: Vote posts
/nasa/: Vote posts
/who/: Vote posts
/wg/: Vote posts
Hoshiyomia: Vote posts, but suggests tripcodes as necessary for intended function
/inf/: No vote (Abstain)
/meat/: Vote posts
/nasfaqg/: Vote posts
/rrat/: No vote (Abstain)
Summary: Vote posts, like the ones we have done so far, are how we vote from now on. Poal links are optional and hold no weight.

Regarding the map:

A decision has to be made regarding /jp/; is it in an alternate dimension, is it on our current planet? If it is the latter, is it on the surface, but not shown on maps, or underground?

Feel free to add your own suggestions as well.
Sakuran: Alternate dimension, accessible through portals
/nasa/: Different plane of existence
/who/: Another dimension
/wg/: Another realm or Antediluvian
Hoshiyomia: Alternate dimension, accessible via portals
/inf/: Antediluvian
/meat/: Alternate dimension
/nasfaqg/: Not on the planet, perhaps on the volcanic moon orbiting the planet
/rrat/: Abstain
Summary: Preferred location of /jp/ is in an alternate dimension. Accessibility via portals TBD.

Connected to the above, is the vt planet Earth sized? Y/N. If N, what alternatives do you suggest?

Sakuran: Y, small adjustment is fine
/nasa/: Y
/who/: Y
/wg/: Y
Hoshiyomia: Questions relevance to the game, suggests that Venus-size is fine
/inf/: Y
/meat/: Y, minute adjustment is fine
/nasfaqg/: Y
/rrat/: No vote (Abstain)
Summary: 7Y, 1N(Venus), 1A. Vote passes by vast majority, planet is now confirmed Earth-sized.

As a matter of fact, what should the name of the planet be?

Sakuran: Eavth
/nasa/: Uses codename “Planet - /vt/”, leaves offcial name to popularity vote
/who/: Chubaearth
/wg/: Vitalia
Hoshiyomia: Vitria
/inf/: Veetee
/meat/: /vt/. Suggests that different countries probably use different names
/nasfaqg/: Abstain
/rrat/: No vote (Abstain)
Summary: Multiple proposals but no convergence. Will require further examination. TBD

Should /fbk/'s and /mion/'s locations be swapped? Y/N

Sakuran: Y
/nasa/: No comment, not aware of the situation (Abstain)
/who/: No comment, not aware of the situation (Abstain)
/wg/: No vote, can be left to the involved threads (Abstain)
Hoshiyomia: Y
/inf/: Y
/meat/: Abstain, not knowledgeable about the involved threads
/nasfaqg/: If both nations say yes then Y, if even one says no then N (will count as Abstain for now). Also give both sea access to the bay
/rrat/: Abstain, not aware of the situation
Summary: 3Y, 6A. Vote does not pass. It seems most voters were not aware of the situation to vote. Will be explained further below. TBD

Should /OKFAMS/ be also added on the map, perhaps around the area of /duck/, /mogu+/doog/, /fbk/, /mion/? Y/N

Sakuran: Y, map suggestions at >>20076380, >>20076414
/nasa/: Y if they stick around long enough (will count as Abstain for now)
/who/: Y, possibly as a federation
/wg/: N, suggests an alliance instead
Hoshiyomia: N, general does not exist most of the time
/inf/: Y
/meat/: Abstain, not knowledgeable about the involved threads
/nasfaqg/: If all agree then Y, if even one disagrees then N (will count as Abstain for now).
/rrat/: Y
Summary: 4Y, 2N, 3A. Results indecisive. Due to conditionals, will be discussed further below. TBD

Should /pyon/ get their rabbit island(s)? Y/N

Sakuran: Y
/nasa/: Y if it does not affect the climate (will count as Abstain for now)
/who/: Y
/wg/: N
Hoshiyomia: Y, close to equator
/inf/: Y, give them the pre-existing three islands and move them closer to their original location
/meat/: Y
/nasfaqg/: Y
/rrat/: Y
Summary: 7Y, 1N, 1A. Vote passes, /pyon/ get their island. Location TBD

If Y to the above, what should happen with the now empty /pyon/ location? If N, should /pyon/ remain where they are or be moved to an already existing island around them?

Sakuran: Remain empty for future threads
/nasa/: Undecided
/who/: Space for new generals
/wg/: Nearby threads can split the ex-land of /pyon/
Hoshiyomia: Empty slot
/inf/: No vote (Abstain)
/meat/: Empty lot for future threads
/nasfaqg/: Reserved for a future thread
/rrat/: Distribute among neighbours
Summary: 5 for Empty slot for new threads, 2 for Distribution among nearby nations, 2A. Vote passes in favour of Empty slot, ex-/pyon/ is now empty and reserved.

Should the land acquisition of /who/ over /uuu/ be voided? Y/N

Sakuran: Y, suggests protectorate
/nasa/: No vote (Abstain)
/who/: n/a
/wg/: N, but suggests shrinking of acquired land
Hoshiyomia: N, but if an /uuu/ representative arrives then must be had another discussion.
/inf/: No vote (Abstain)
/meat/: Abstain
/nasfaqg/: Y
/rrat/: Abstain
Summary: 2Y, 2N, 4A, 1n/a. Vote does not pass, /who/ keeps possession of the land.

Should /israel/ and [insert another new thread I forgot the name of] be added on the map? Y/N

Sakuran: Y, if they stay stable until the end of March (counts as Abstain)
/nasa/: Y
/who/: Y, suggests addition of /aa/ as well
/wg/: N
Hoshiyomia: N
/inf/: Y
/meat/: Y for /aa/, Y for /isreal/ if they stick around (counts as Abstain)
/naqfaqg/: N. They have to remain stable and ask to be included
/rrat/: No vote (Abstain)
Summary: 4Y, 3N, 2A for /aa/, 3Y, 3N, 3A for /isreal/. Results indecisive, no clear majority. TBD

If Y, where?

Sakuran: /pyon/’s ex location
/nasa/: /pyon/’s old territory
/who/: /pyon/’s previous spot
/wg/: n/a
Hoshiyomia: n/a
/inf/: In the borders of countries of their relevant continent
/meat/: old space of /pyon/, even /gorls/ and other inactive threads if necessary
/nasfaqg/: n/a
/rrat/: No vote (Abstain)
Summary: Most in favour of taking over /pyon/’s previous land. If the previous vote passes, that is where /isreal/ and /aa/ will be sent.

Similarly, regarding any new threads added from here on out, what do you propose is done for them to acquire land?

Sakuran: Cannibalise land from relevant threads
/nasa/: Work with the land we have, territories may have to cede land
/who/: Find generals that are willing to cede territory
/wg/: No vote (Abstain)
Hoshiyomia: Take land from inactive countries
/inf/: Choose a general location based on relations
/meat/: Remove threads that have not been around for a long time (not in-game, but on the board itself), cut down land size if necessary
/nasfaqg/: New threads will likely replace old threads that have faded out from the board. If necessary, add islands near tectonics or take land from inactive generals
/rrat/: No vote (Abstain)
Summary: Multiple suggestions, generally converge on taking land from relevant neighbouring threads that are inactive in-game.

What should happen at the poles?

Sakuran: Frozen Siberia project in the north, cold ocean in the south
/nasa/: Continent or glacier ice shelf
/who/: Arctic oceans
/wg/: Suggests following /3/ anon’s lead
Hoshoyomia: Frozen wastelands
/inf/: Nothing. Maybe future research centres for /nasa/ in the future
/meat/: Nothing, or something but unknown
/nasfaqg/: Polar ocean
/rrat/: No vote (Abstain)
Summary: Multiple proposals, converges on an ocean and a land mass. To be discussed further down. TBD

Regarding the Rushia situation:

Multiple lore proposals have been made in this thread, following a brief explanation of what transpired during the incident from a fandead, however nothing concrete was decided upon to be anchored. Ideally, we would get an in-universe lorepost from a/the Rushia representative. I see that may be difficult, so reply to this question with your own lore, either by writing one now or linking a previous post.

Sakuran: Proposes >>20274625, also adds that people who abandon the hobby=dead, changed oshi=immigrants, waiting for revival/conclusion=refugees.
/nasa/: No proposal (Abstain)
/who/: No proposal (Abstain)
/wg/: Follows >>20274625, adds that no bodies were found by search parties.
Hoshiyomia: Wasteland with undead, endless storms, skywards purple spiral from the royal palace, capital radioactive
/inf/: Suggests >>20274692, >>20272390
/meat/: Suggest >>20274625, also can weld multiple proposals together
/nasfaqg/: A wasteland that fandead are abandoning due to a disaster
/rrat/: Abstain, suggests this should be the fandead’s responsibility
Summary: Multiple suggestions, converges on currently being a wasteland. Details TBD

Similarly, for chuubas that graduate, or vt-related threads not tied to any specific chuuba fading away, should a set way to erase them from the map be decided upon or should it be investigated on a case-by-case basis?

Sakuran: Case-by-case
/nasa/: Should depend on whether the chuuba got terminated, including channel suspensions
/who/: Depends on the situation
/wg/: Case-by-case
Hoshiyomia: Investigated case by case
/inf/: Case by case
/meat/: Case-by-case basis
/nasfaqg/: Case-by-case basis
/rrat/: No vote (Abstain)
Summary: General preference on investigating each situation on a case-by-case basis.

Regarding Jannies and the smiting that may or may not be incorporated into Rushia lore; what are they in regards to our world/pantheon, and what effects and powers do they have? Specifically, assuming their existence is acknowledged, what can be said for eg /meat/, that gets deleted on a regular basis?

Sakuran: Metaphysical cleaners of our dimension that stop chuubanite destabilisations and hate /meat/.
/nasa/: Jannies weight 300lbs, eat hot pockets and work for free. Can discuss the /meat/ matter if they get permabanned
/who/: Jannies are fat and unreasonable. /meat/ matter will become an issue if they get permakilled
/wg/: Forces of nature, such as natural disasters, huge storms, chuubanite instabilities etc, but not personified
Hoshiyomia: Archangels, untouchable and invisible to people, work from the shadows if something needs to be put under control
/inf/: Celestial and/or primordial beings, incomprehensible to us but working to maintain a status quo. Views differ from culture to culture.
/meat/: Powerful, but not divine, intelligent and somewhat predictable entities who are unwilling/unable to communicate with mortals. Actions can be erratic. Perhaps unkillable, but not unstoppable nor truly divine. Suggests dragons, ringwraiths or other mythical beasts as examples.
/nasfaqg/: Spiritual entities, can possibly hide between mortals. /meat/ matter is not an issue unless they get permabanned.
/rrat/: No suggestion (Abstain)
Summary: Multiple suggestions, generally converge on jannies having mythical powers. To be discussed further below. TBD

Regarding Chuubanite:

Is Chuubanite the final name we want the material to have? Y/N

Sakuran: Vitubium, with element symbol Vt
/nasa/: Chuubanite is the name of the ore, the refined material is Vitubium
/who/: Y
/wg/: Y, seconds /nasa/’s proposal
Hoshiyomia: Y, with Vt the element symbol
/inf/: Vitubium
/meat/: Thirds /nasa/’s proposal
/nasfaqg/: Chuubanite is one mineral form of the element Vitubium (Vt)
/rrat/: Vitium/Vitubium
Summary: Chuubanite and Vitubium are the main suggestions. The question referred to the material, that is, the refined version of the mineral. With that in mind, Vitubium with symbol Vt is the element, and Chuubanite is the/one mineral form of the element in nature.

Is it radioactive? Y/N

Sakuran: N. Not conventionally, affects the psyche in the effect of madness in high doses and psychedelics in lower doses.
/nasa/: N. Depends on what it bonds with; if the bonding partner is radioactive then yes
/who/: Undecided
/wg/: N
Hoshiyomia: Y
/inf/: Differs on the user’s lore (will count as Abstain)
/meat/: N. It does decay naturally, but does not affect the body nor does it cause chain reactions, with exceptions arising from source beyond mortal control.
/nasfaqg/: N. Not in the traditional sense, emits magical radiation.
/rrat/: No vote (Abstain)
Summary: 1Y, 5N, 3U/A. Passes by majority that Vitubium is not radioactive by itself in the conventional sense. Suggestions that it does decay but causes psychological effects to humans TBD.

Does it differ from nation to nation, meaning it absorbs some of the qualities of the thread ruling over the area it is in, or is it a simple element which is used differently by separate nations depending on their lore?

Sakuran: Has slightly different properties according to a nation’s deity’s affinity
/nasa/: Each nation has its own kind, but all can be refined to pure Vitubium somehow.
/who/: Undecided
/wg/: Differs, but should gain some of its power from mortal worship.
Hoshiyomia: Simply an element with set properties
/inf/: Differs
/meat/: Differs, absorbs qualities from the deities that are associated with that particular type of Chuubanite is associated with.
/nasfaqg/: Chuuba-alligned deposits; while the element Vitubium is the same everywhere, deposits differ in every nation, gaining their powers from their respective chuubas.
/rrat/: Differs per nation, but can also differ due to refinement and device that is used in. Dead zones where it stops working can also exist.
Summary: 7 for Differs, 1 for No difference, 1 U. By vast majority it is decided that Chuubanite differs from nation to nation, absorbing some power from the local deities in some way. Exact variations TBD

If the answer to the above is the former, what happens when the land the Chuubanite is on changes owner?

Sakuran: The Chuubanite senses the change and adapts to the different properties related to the new owners
/nasa/: Depends on the lore of the thread’s general (that is losing the land). (counted as Abstain)
/who/: The techniques (of use/refinement) are changed, presumably lost or replaced
/wg/: Changes properties according to the new worshipped deities
Hoshiyomia: n/a
/inf/: New owners of the land get access to that specific type of Chuubanite until it is exhausted.
/meat/: Qualities stay even if the Chuubanite changes owners, either due to occupation or shipping, but rate of decay may increase where faith to its associated deities is uncommon/non-existent.
/nasfaqg/: The deposits lose a lot of their qualities when the land changes owner.
/rrat/: No vote (Abstain)
Summary: 2 for Qualities change accordingly, 2 for Qualities are lost when owner changes, 2 for Qualities remain until exhausted/decayed, 2A, 1n/a. No real convergence, needs to be discussed further. TBD

Is Chuubanite only found in the ground initially, then spread around by plants/humans/bacteria/planetary natural processes, or does everything inherently have Chuubanite in them, like mana?

Sakuran: The former, but at this point small amounts of it have spread everywhere
/nasa/: Not midichlorians, ie not like mana. Further research required to determine its nature.
/who/: Chuubanite is rocks
/wg/: Not a midichlorian microbe, it is a physical resource.
Hoshiyomia: Found in rocks and caves, glows
/inf/: Started in the ground and spread out. Also suggest that is a rechargeable source that gains power when the related deities stream
/meat/: The former, but in practice everything will have a small amount of Chuubanite in them as part of their natural processes
/nasfaqg/: Rock for the mineral, few lifeforms can utilise the element itself when it leaks out
/rrat/: No suggestion (Abstain)
Summary: Multiple suggestions, converge on Chuubanite being a mineral that originates from the ground and has spread around the globe.


Regarding thread management:

Regarding the vote rep position, would such a position be permanent or rotating?

Summary: 5 for Rotating, 1U/A, 3 n/a. If the previous vote passes, the position will be rotating.

What would you suggest is a sensible time (ie day of the week/month, also time of day) for the vote post to be

made, and how long should the votes be kept open?
Summary: General consensus is votes are started on either Friday or Saturday, and last for at least 24h, but
preferrable 48h hours.

Should a different anchor post, similar to the prompt and lore ones, be made each thread for people to attach

their suggestions to, that can then be voted on the vote post? Y/N
Summary: 7Y, 2A. Vote passes by vast majority.

Do you prefer a voting system like this one, where reps reply on one post and their answers are gathered at the

end and summarized, or using poal links?
Summary: Vote posts, like the ones we have done so far, are how we vote from now on. Poal links are optional and
hold no weight.

Regarding the map:

A decision has to be made regarding /jp/; is it in an alternate dimension, is it on our current planet? If it is the

latter, is it on the surface, but not shown on maps, or underground?
Summary: Preferred location of /jp/ is in an alternate dimension. Accessibility via portals TBD.

Connected to the above, is the vt planet Earth sized? Y/N. If N, what alternatives do you suggest?

Summary: 7Y, 1N(Venus), 1A. Vote passes by vast majority, planet is now confirmed Earth-sized.

Should /pyon/ get their rabbit island(s)? Y/N

Summary: 7Y, 1N, 1A. Vote passes, /pyon/ get their island. Location TBD

If Y to the above, what should happen with the now empty /pyon/ location? If N, should /pyon/ remain where

they are or be moved to an already existing island around them?
Summary: 5 for Empty slot for new threads, 2 for Distribution among nearby nations, 2A. Vote passes in favour of
Empty slot, ex-/pyon/ is now empty and reserved.

Should the land acquisition of /who/ over /uuu/ be voided? Y/N

Summary: 2Y, 2N, 4A, 1n/a. Vote does not pass, /who/ keeps possession of the land.

If Y, where?

Summary: Most in favour of taking over /pyon/’s previous land. If the previous vote passes, that is where /isreal/ and
/aa/ will be sent.

Similarly, regarding any new threads added from here on out, what do you propose is done for them to acquire

Summary: Multiple suggestions, generally converge on taking land from relevant neighbouring threads that are
inactive in-game.

Regarding the Rushia situation:

Multiple lore proposals have been made in this thread, following a brief explanation of what transpired during

the incident from a fandead, however nothing concrete was decided upon to be anchored. Ideally, we would get
an in-universe lorepost from a/the Rushia representative. I see that may be difficult, so reply to this question with
your own lore, either by writing one now or linking a previous post.
Summary: Multiple suggestions, converges on currently being a wasteland. Details TBD

Similarly, for chuubas that graduate, or vt-related threads not tied to any specific chuuba fading away, should a

set way to erase them from the map be decided upon or should it be investigated on a case-by-case basis?
Summary: General preference on investigating each situation on a case-by-case basis.

Regarding Chuubanite:

Is Chuubanite the final name we want the material to have? Y/N

Summary: Chuubanite and Vitubium are the main suggestions. The question referred to the material, that is, the
refined version of the mineral. With that in mind, Vitubium with symbol Vt is the element, and Chuubanite is
the/one mineral form of the element in nature.

Is it radioactive? Y/N

Summary: 1Y, 5N, 3U/A. Passes by majority that Vitubium is not radioactive by itself in the conventional sense.
Suggestions that it does decay but causes psychological effects to humans TBD.

Does it differ from nation to nation, meaning it absorbs some of the qualities of the thread ruling over the area it

is in, or is it a simple element which is used differently by separate nations depending on their lore?
Summary: 7 for Differs, 1 for No difference, 1 U. By vast majority it is decided that Chuubanite differs from nation to
nation, absorbing some power from the local deities in some way. Exact variations TBD

Is Chuubanite only found in the ground initially, then spread around by plants/humans/bacteria/planetary

natural processes, or does everything inherently have Chuubanite in them, like mana?
Summary: Multiple suggestions, converge on Chuubanite being a mineral that originates from the ground and has
spread around the globe.

Not concluded:
To be discussed and voted on in Round 2:

Regarding thread management:

Do we want a rep to be responsible for making posts like this one, where matters are voted on? Y/N

Summary: 3Y, 3N, 3U/A. Three-way tie, we either tiebreak or the vote does not pass.
Needs to be voted on. I asked for feedback for exactly this situation in >>20409001, but no one responded.
The question to be voted on remains the same, but I am open to suggestions.

As a matter of fact, what should the name of the planet be?

Summary: Multiple proposals but no convergence. Will require further examination. TBD
Current proposals include: Eavth, Planet - /vt/, Chubaearth, Vitalia, Vitria, Veetee, /vt/.
I personally believe this needs to be voted on for us to have some sort of consistency, though opinions differ.
Changing the question to “Should there be a unified name for the planet across all nations? Y/N”

Should /fbk/'s and /mion/'s locations be swapped? Y/N

Summary: 3Y, 6A. Vote does not pass. It seems most voters were not aware of the situation to vote.
This was a Sakuran proposal. I did think of including the details of the proposal in the question itself but I opted out of it in the end. I see now that was a mistake.
Therefore, this prompt will be revoted on. This time, I will be attaching the explanation Sakuran gave in their voting post:
“I have explained this before, but FBK interacts with the Stars in some degree, while Mio does not. This doesn't necessarily mean the threads themselves reflect this, but it would definitely make more sense if they were swapped. Additionally, FBK is an arctic fox, so being further north than Mio, who is I think a wolf in alpine forests, would make sense.
If the change were to be made, I would also suggest changing the size of the borders a bit, as /fbk/ is also represented in /bakatare/ and would get a bigger piece of land, while /mion/'s land would become smaller in the swap. /fbk/'s new land would be frozen however, so that should be accounted for.”

Should /OKFAMS/ be also added on the map, perhaps around the area of /duck/, /mogu+/doog/, /fbk/, /mion/?

Summary: 4Y, 2N, 3A. Results indecisive.
This is another Sakuran proposal. Depending on the conditional Abstains, this would pass. However, looking at Sakuran’s answer on the next question regarding /israel/ and /aa/, I would like to retract this proposal and put it on hold until the end of the month, when we can check again if they are stable enough to be included or they should just be an alliance of the area.

Should /israel/ and [insert another new thread I forgot the name of] be added on the map? Y/N

Summary: 4Y, 3N, 2A for /aa/, 3Y, 3N, 3A for /israel/. Results indecisive, no clear majority.
Results could go either way depending on the Abstains. I propose that this, too, is put on hold until the end of the month to check again. Alternatively, /aa/ would get a nation but /israel/ would not.

What should happen at the poles?

Summary: Multiple proposals, converges on an ocean and a land mass.
It seems at least one ocean and at least one land mass would be preferred, however with the recent discussion regarding straits in the thread I am unsure whether this still holds true. I suggest we wait for >>20440107 to give a full analysis of the options and then open it to a vote again.

Regarding the Rushia situation:

Regarding Jannies and the smiting that may or may not be incorporated into Rushia lore; what are they in

regards to our world/pantheon, and what effects and powers do they have? Specifically, assuming their existence
is acknowledged, what can be said for eg /meat/, that gets deleted on a regular basis?
Summary: Multiple suggestions, generally converge on jannies having mythical powers.
Apart from Jannies being some sort of mythical beings, no real conclusion was reached here. I do believe it would be for the best if we could decide on some parameters for them ie do they live on the planet, in the same dimension, are they killable etc. Alternatively, we could reduce this into a simple discussion matter, and suggest lore for them when necessary, that will then be read and criticized by other anons. Special mention to >>20306260 because it made me laff.

If the answer to the above is the former, what happens when the land the Chuubanite is on changes owner?

Summary: 2 for Qualities change accordingly, 2 for Qualities are lost when owner changes, 2 for Qualities remain
until exhausted/decayed, 2A, 1n/a. No real convergence, needs to be discussed further.
The results are a bit unclear on this one. The two votes that simply claim that the qualities are lost with land change could potentially be included in the first option, where the Chuubanite changes qualities. Since that was not explicitly said however, I did not add them together. Even in that case, due to the Abstains the results would still be unclear. Therefore, I suggest that this is revoted on.

Pub: 18 Mar 2022 03:59 UTC
Views: 710