It was always the same. The feeling of being paralyzed, like you were stuck watching a movie.
A movie you couldn't turn off, or change the channel.
You watched as those wretched memories tauntingly danced in your mind.
You wanted to look away, you wanted it all to stop.
You couldn't, and it wouldn't.
Always the same places, the same people.
You knew how it ended, but were still stuck here until the end
you watched numbly as the events played once more in front of you, utterly helpless to stop it.
It was like being locked out of your own body, watching from behind your eyes as you made choices you knew were the wrong ones.
A sudden, loud, bang rattles your mind
you bolt upright from the oversized bed and freeze
you could almost swear your ears were ringing.
You are still for a moment, trying to remember where you were.
Oh, right.
Shaken from your stupor, you blink at your trembling hand
You frown
It was perched in the air, a knuckle white grip reaching for a rifle that wasn't there.
For a moment you just listened to the quiet apartment, covered in a cold sweat as you leaned over the side of the bed.
That outstretched arm going limp and falling to your side as your heart felt as if it was going to punch its way through you.
Listen to the gentle rain outside.
the sound of your own shallow breath bounces lazily around the room.
Collapsing into the bed, you stare at the absurdly high ceiling.
the oversized room now feeling tight and cramped.
You clench your eyes closed, breathing still shallow, feeling as if the walls were just waiting to inch further in.
...Fuck this.
You roll over and get off the bed, standing uneasily as you step out of your room and into the hallway.
She didn't think you could open doors, so they were never locked.
You quietly walk over to the large, looming door of your owner.
Am I really doing this?
Yes, yes you were, dignity be damned.
You knock on the door.
A grumbling sound echoes from beyond the slab of hardboard,
Maybe this was a bad idea, you worry.
Just as you're about to walk dejectedly to your room, regretting even bothering her, the door opens.
She stands in the door way, her snow-white fur a chaotic mess from laying against the bedsheets.
She also isn't wearing anything. At all.
Huh...Well, you suppose it'd make sense she sleeps in the nude.
She tiredly rubs her eyes with a massive paw, the polar bear looking down at you with concern.
"Is everything okay 'nonny? It's 3 in the morning." she asks
You look down and shake your head,
"No..." is all you can manage, that tightness in your chest returning.
A furry digit gently rests beneath your chin, raising it to have you look at her
She looked awfully worried. Her large blue eyes pored over your form.
"Did you have a bad dream?" she asks, her voice filled with maternal concern.
You nod, struggling to keep your composure.
You were drawn back to the thoughts that have been gnawing at you ever since you got here.
You were alone. For all you knew, everyone was gone.
There wasn't a way home, you were stuck here in this world.
...A world where you were lucky just to be kept as a pet.
How would you even manage to tell them how you felt, if they would even care. You were basically a dog.
She crouches down, those large arms wrapping behind your back as she pulled you into a tight hug.
...She cared.
No matter what happened, she cared.
She loved you.
Even when you felt like a useless and broken person
Pressed tightly into that warm, soft fur, you felt the dam break. The tears you choked back freely falling as you failed to hold back.
The feelings you'd bottled up for the past month forcing their way out of you as you were held.
You felt her rub your back, she comforted you as you quietly sobbed.
"'s okay 'nonny. I'm here....mama's here." she whispered.
You hugged her tightly, trying to bury your face into the thick blanket of white.
You didn't care how unmanly this was, you didn't care if you felt like a child.
You needed this. You couldn't hold it in you anymore.
You felt her scoop you up in her arms, taking you inside the room as she held you to her chest.
You listened to her heart as it thumped beside your head, the arms that could probably bend steel cradled you possessively.

Anon was shaking in your arms. You couldn't bear to see him this distressed.
No human deserved to feel this way. They were there to be loved, to be held.
You tried your best not to let his tired sniffles get to you.
You had to be strong, for him.
You couldn't what imagine poor anon had been through, you didn't think you could handle knowing.
Tomorrow, you promised, you'd see if there was someone who could help him.
The cost didn't matter, all that mattered was that he was happy.
Tonight, all you could do was be there for him, to let him know how much he was loved.
You whispered sweet reassurances as you carried him,
maybe letting him hear your voice would calm him down.
"It's okay baby, it's okay." you crooned, "I got you."
He hugged you tighter, and you felt his tears soak into your fur.
You bit your lip, feeling it tremble as you slowly walked towards the bed.
Not even bothering to pull the covers up, you lay down and cradled anon in your arms.
He calmed down as you lay together, rocking gently as you squeezed him tight, pressing his face into your chest.
His sobs ebbed in to the occasional sniffle, carefully rested your paw across the back of his neck, kneading it as gently as you could.
He craned his neck to look up at you, you leaned down and kissed his forehead.
He smiled, and you felt your heart flutter.
You wipe away his tears and rub along the side of his head. His small hand goes to cover your paw, rubbing gratefully in return.
You'd take that as thanks.
He's going to sleep in your bed tonight.
You shift and get yourself comfortable, letting anon lay on your stomach. You couldn't help but giggle to yourself as he used your bust as a pillow. He hummed softly as your paws rubbed his back, tracing gentle circles into the fabric of his PJs.
"I'm always here for you, 'nonny. Sleep tight.." you mumble, the emotional exhaustion starting to pull you back to sleep.
You swore you heard anon reply with a muffled "I love you too."
You fall asleep smiling.

You stayed awake for a while after she had long gone back to sleep. Occasionally she would give you a gentle squeeze, making sure you knew she was still there to keep guard.
You felt like some sort of reverse teddy-bear.
You were entirely surrounded by her: Her arms held you on either side, crossing along your chest as if afraid you'd be whisked away from her if you didn't. Your head was pressed in between the valley of her breasts, the dense fur brushed against your bare skin. The world would gently rise and fall with her breathing, warm breath softly blowing onto your head.
You stroked the soft tufts of fur along her bicep, feeling the dense muscle beneath the graceful layer of fat as your fingers sank in. The insulated fur kept the heat between you two, the bubble of warmth that enveloped you was blissful beyond belief.
Just being around her was rewarding.
You felt safe. Safer than you ever really have.
Nothing could harm you here, they'd have to get through HER first.
The thought gave you that warm-fuzzy feeling in your stomach. You never wanted it to stop.
You weren't sure what you did to deserve being sent here, but you're grateful that you ended up with her.
You closed your eyes, imagining you were sleeping along the shores of the beach. The warmth radiating from your owner's body reminding you of the sun's rays in the summer.
For the first time in a long while, you slept soundly.

It was the next morning, you sipped from your mug of coffee as you made anon his breakfast.
Humans weren't really supposed to eat normal food, but you read that you could feed them pancakes on occasion as a treat provided you didn't make it too sweet.
You felt like anon deserved a treat after last night.
You were busy setting the table and placing some pancakes on his plate when you heard the door open, and anon meekly poked his head out.
Wait, since when could he open doors?
Your thoughts were interrupted when Anon was suddenly at your side, hugging your waist. His arms were too short to reach all the way around you, but that just made it all the more adorable.
He looked up to you, those eyes of his no longer bloodshot from tears. You felt a glow in your chest.
For once, they looked happy. Relieved, almost. It was odd just how fur-like they were sometimes.
Maybe you were overthinking it a little. You let your blunted claws run through his hair, it was fun to watch him shiver as you did it.
You wished him a good morning.
"Thank you..." he replied.
You smiled, ruffling his hair. He really was such a sweet heart.
"You can come see mama whenever you feel sad, okay?"
"Okay." he replied. You felt like that was a clear enough indication that he understood.
Even if he didn't, he trusted you enough to come to you last night when he was upset.
The fact that he trusted you made you happy, it meant you were doing something right.
"C'mon 'nonny, your pancakes are going to get cold." you giggled.
Like a cub on Christmas morning he gasped and ran over to his side of the table. You took another sip of your coffee and watched as he demolished the stack of pancakes you had made for him.
To your surprise he eyed the leash along the wall before looking over to you.
"Park?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. You couldn't help but let out another childish squee at his behavior-it was too cute.
Today was going to be a good day.

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 12:21 UTC
Views: 218