This is the Job Board for Oasis, these are here serve as writing/RP prompts. They can be completed by anyone via greentext, RP or rentry short stories. Anyone can do whatever quests they want, they will just be treated as alternate interpretations of events so don’t be shy to do the same one as someone else if you have your own stuff you want to do with it. New quest batches will be posted the first weekend of each month but there will be an archive of previous ones if you still want to do them for fun. The ones we like the most will be the canon outcome and either way we will include all the submissions and resolution beneath each quest.
[Bounty Jobs]
[Jerk of the Skies] - for: Flygon Courier
"A rogue Flygon has decided that the skies around the West of Oasis are his and that I'm an intruder. The Nerve! I cannot do my courier routes with him here, get rid of him, I'm not fussy how"
Rewards: 500p, Fancy Envelopes, Sky Gem
[Boreal Business] for: Braixen
"I had a little run in with an Abomisnow a few days ago in the Ice Dungeon. I have unfinished business with him. Capture him and bring him to Room 3 of the Inn"
Rewards: 3000p, Leather Leash, A Perfect Stick.
[Need for speed] for Impadimp
"I wanna go fast, Fast, FAST! Help me capture the rush of SPEED! I'll be out at the Salt flat East of Oasis, look for the Tent"
Rewards: 500p, 6 Bottles of Carbos, Quick Claw
[Fire and Ice] - Slugma and Bergmite
"Slugma and I are looking to move into Oasis together, but we need some stuff to help us keep our temps comfortable. Flygon was meant to deliver them for us but he can't because of another Flygon. He should be out towards Cedar Valley. Please bring the Heat Rock and Nevermelt Ice to us"
Reward: Diamond, Choice Band, 200p
[Acquisition Jobs]
[Spring Flows] for: Nina
"I'm working on a very special project, but for it to work I need special water. I'll give you two canisters I want filled from two springs. One is in the Glacial Dungeon on floor 75. The other is in the Canyon dungeon on floor 64. These will be arduous and the springs are heavily guarded, but I promise if this works all of Oasis will benefit"
Rewards: 10000p, 50% voucher on Inn services, Perfect Apple
[Ship Repairs] for: Captain Beheeyem
"Seven Rotations ago we received a communiqué from Dit that he had come across "the most bangin' juice you space-[word scratched out by 4/Forest]'s ever had!". Intrigued we came and purchased several cases of this brew and it was indeed "bangin'!". However one of us in our inebriated state puked all over the control console. We require spare parts and according to our scans there should be some in the refuse piles around the back of the town. Please fetch us 3 modulator switches and magnet. We would get them ourselves but the local construction crew seems to be very hostile to us for some reason"
Rewards: Vibro Probe (New in box), 70 Space Credits, A free drop off to any location on this planet.
[Fancy Hat] for: Merchant Hypno
"One of my favorite, "trading partners" as recently decided he wants a fancy hat. He specifically wants a felt had surrounded by Sharpedo teeth. I have the felt, now I need the teeth. Alledgedly there is one at the bottom of the Oasis's depths, but there are also likely some in the Beach Dungeon."
Rewards Mixed Orb Grab Bag, 1000p, Enigma Berry
[Investigation Jobs]
[Missing relative] for Wisp
"A few days ago one of the Zed clones went missing. He was last seen entering the Fairy Dungeon saying he was "going to get us all some pink tail". Nobody has seen him since. As you know we're a lot more tangible now meaning he may be in actual danger. Please find what happened to him and if possible bring him back!"
Reward: Negotiable
[Heatran] for Aella
"I've recieved reports this week that there was a Rogue Heatran in the desert causing havoc. It was defeated by members of this Guild and fled soon after. This pokemon poses a risk to the region, I want someone to find and monitor it's behaviour and whereabouts and report back as soon as possible"
Rewards: Joy Seeds, Pick of 2 items from the treasury.
[Back of the Board Jobs] (aka the lewd ones)
[Big Needs] for: Slacking
My usual hookup had an accident the other day and I got a man flu real bad, so I'll sweeten the deal. Come help a girl out and I'll make it worth your while.
Reward: 2 Golden Seeds, Silk Scarf.
[Severed Strings] for: Widow Gardevoir
"I'm so alone now. It's selfish but I cannot bear another night alone on this lonely trail. Please, stay the night with me."
Reward: Destiny Knot(frayed)
[Knot now!] for: Lycanroc Dusk (Switch)
"I was just a Rockruff till the town got attacked by that big smoke monster. I evolved during the fight and now my body has gone crazy and I can't even leave my den without embarassing myself. Would you lend a guy a hand?"
Rewards: Rare Bone
[I'm fine too] for: Foragato (f)
"I need dick and I need it in my ass NOW"
Reward: What the fuck you need to pay for this? You already get to fuck me in the ass! Fine! 1 x Crate of Fireworks