Created with RimPy Mod Manager
(database: 28094334
Mod list was created for game version: 1.5.4297 rev1078
Local mods that were not found in the database are marked as yellow labels with packageId in brackets [unknown mods in the list: 5]
Mod list length: 401
4. Core {packageId: ludeon.rimworld}
6. Royalty [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.royalty}
7. Ideology [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.ideology}
8. Biotech [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.biotech}
9. Anomaly [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.anomaly}
- HugsLib
- SRTS Expanded
- Transport Shuttle 1.4 and 1.5
- Cherry Picker
- Vanilla Expanded Framework
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Empire
- (SRTS) Transport Shuttle Retexture - VFE-E Empire shuttle texture
- Graphics Settings+
- JecsTools
- XML Extensions
- Humanoid Alien Races
- Tabula Rasa
- Achtung!
- Advanced Power Plus
- Adaptive Storage Framework
- Adaptive Primitive Storage
- Vanilla Psycasts Expanded
- Alpha Animals
- Vanilla Fishing Expanded
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures
- Alpha Memes
- All Specialists Can Work
- Allow Tool
- Almostthere1.5
- Alpha Biomes
- Alpha Genes
- Alpha Mythology
- Vehicle Framework
- Vanilla Vehicles Expanded
- Alpha Vehicles - Age of Sail
- Alpha Vehicles - Neolithic
- Ancient Armory
- Anima Gear
- Anima Bionics - Forked
- Anomaly BodyMastery Trait Eyes Patch
- AnthroGenes
- Anthrosonae
- Apparel Tainted Only When Corpse Rots
- Archotech Weaponry (Continued)
- Auto links
- Auto-Cut Blight
- Automatic Night Owl
- Backstory Constructor
- Bed Rest For Food Poisoning
- Better Traders
- Better Workbench Management
- RimFridge: Now with Shelves!
- LWM's Deep Storage
- AI Upscaled Textures - Core
- ReGrowth: Core
- Vanilla Textures Expanded
- ReGrowth: ReTextures
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect
- [SYR] Processor Framework
- Medieval Overhaul
- Big Little Mod Patch
- Bioferrite Torchlight Belt
- Geological Landforms
- Biome Transitions
- Bionic icons
- Biotech Expansion - Core
- Biotech Expansion - Insectoid
- Biotech Expansion - Mammalia
- Biotech Expansion - Mythic
- Biotech xenotype expanded - Rotfish
- Biotech: Reptilian Humanoids 1.5
- Build From Inventory
- Buildable Terrain v1
- Bunk Beds
- Buyable Quest Rewards
- Call A Trader
- Castle Walls Reborn
- Ceiling and Floor Lamps[continued]
- Character Editor
- Character Editor Retextured
- Clean Pathfinding 2
- Outland - Terrain
- ReGrowth: Aspen
- Vanilla Plants Expanded
- Clean Textures
- Colored deep resources
- Compact Hediffs
- Compressed Raid
- Float Sub-Menus
- Craft with Color
- Craftable Animus Stone
- Craftable Glitterworld Medicine
- Craftable Plasteel 1.5
- Craftable Psylink Neuroformers
- Craftable Royalty Weapons (Continued)
- Custom Playstyle Presets
- Dark Ages : Crypts and Tombs
- Defensive Positions
- Denim
- Designator Shapes
- Disable Automatically Select Travel Supplies
- Divine Order
- Doormats
- Doors Expanded
- DragSelect
- Dress for the Weather
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Anima Theme
- Dryads & Gauranlen Trees Reworked
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Dryads
- Dryads & Gauranlen Trees Rework + Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Dryads: Compatibility - Greater Dryads
- Dark Ages : Medieval Tools
- Common Sense
- Dubs Break Mod
- Dubs Mint Menus
- Dubs Performance Analyzer
- EasyIdeoSwitching
- Edge of Descension - Monoblades
- Edo Themed Expansion
- Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded
- T's Samurai Faction
- Edo Themed Expansion/T's Samurai Faction redundancy patch
- Enable Oversized Weapons
- Epitaph
- Erin's Cottage Collection
- Erin's Decorations
- Erin's Final Fantasy Animals
- Erin's Hairstyles - Redux
- Erin's Hairstyles 2
- Erin's Valheim Creatures
- Fahrenheit and Celsius
- Fallout - Nuka Cola Collection
- Fallout Stimpak (Continued)
- Carry Capacity Fixed (Continued)
- Fallout Traits Continued
- Fences And No Floors
- Fish Traps
- Fishing Boats (Continued)
- ATH's Styleable Framework
- ATH's style Draconic
- ATH's style Gothic and Bloody Gothic
- ATH's styles Norse
- Flak Dusters
- Flintolcks Extended
- Floors Are (Almost) Worthless
- Outland - Genetics
- Forgotten Realms - Biotech Edition
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
- Fortifications - Industrial
- Fortifications - Medieval
- Fortifications - Neolithic
- Fueled Smelter + Crematorium(continued)
- Gain Skill Passions
- Gene Tools - Forked
- Get Out Of My Chair!
- Geyser Deconstruct patch
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded
- GloomyFurniture
- Gloomy Furniture Fix
- Gloomy Furniture Upscale
- Go the Fork to Sleep
- Grimstone : Beasts
- Outland - More Floors
- Gulden Biome
- Hidden Eyes
- Holsters
- RimFantasy: Medieval Overhaul Edition
- House Van Illa
- Ideo Roles Don't Forbid Work
- Ideoligion Icon as Faction Icon
- Ignorance Is Bliss 1.5
- Incident Tweaker
- Integrated Genes
- Integrated Xenotypes
- Just Put It Over There
- Keep Bed Ownership
- Keep On Linking
- Less Stupid Romance Attempt (Continued)
- Letter Permanent Injury
- Level Up!
- Vanilla Apparel Expanded
- Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories
- Vanilla Armour Expanded
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Coilguns
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Quickdraw
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Frontier
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Makeshift
- Machinists - A Faction Expansion
- RimHUD
- Vanilla Skills Expanded
- Mad Skills
- Make Anything Craftable
- Map Designer
- Map Preview
- Master of Crafting
- Mechs Don't Create Wastepacks
- Medical Tab - Forked
- More Vanilla Textures
- Medieval Fantasy Themed Quest Rewards
- Medieval Fantasy Quest Rewards Retexture
- Medieval Fantasy Themed Rare Resources
- Det's Xenotypes - Stoneborn
- Medieval Medicines Medieval Overhaul Edition
- Medieval Melee Sounds
- Medieval Overhaul : LWM's Deep Storage Patches
- Medieval Overhaul Deep Vein Mining
- Medieval Overhaul Extra Signs
- Medieval Overhaul: Air Vehicles
- Medieval Overhaul: Barbarians
- Medieval Overhaul: House Roxmont
- Medieval Overhaul: Toggleable Stuff
- Medieval Prosthetics
- Performance Optimizer
- Melee Animation
- Mineable Bioferrite Ore
- Misc. Training
- Misc. Training Medieval Retexture
- Misophonia Be Gone
- Mod Manager (Continued)
- More Genes
- Vanilla Traits Expanded
- More Ritual Rewards
- More Thrumbos (Continued)
- More Thrumbos (Retextured)
- MoreGloomyWalls 1.5
- Move Your Monolith
- Nephilim Xenotype
- No Burn Metal
- No Disabled Factions In Quests
- No Job Authors
- No Random Apparel on Ideology Edit
- No Random Relations
- No Starting Research
- Not My Fault
- Numbers
- OgreStack
- Out of Combat Move Speed Boost
- Vanilla Fishing Expanded - Fishing Treasures AddOn
- Outland - Core
- Outland - Eastborn Empire
- Outland - Furniture & Decor
- Outland - Motz Coalition
- Outland - Redburn Pact
- Outland - Vathun Nobles
- Paintable Royal Buildings
- PawnTargetFix
- Persona 5 Hairstyles
- Possessed Weapons
- Power Armor Refit
- Priority Treatment Ressurected
- Quality Colors 1.5 - Forked
- RT Solar Flare Shield
- Ragdoll Physics
- Raise specialist limit
- Range Finder
- ReGrowth: Arid
- ReGrowth: Boreal
- ReGrowth: Expanded World Generation (Continued)
- ReGrowth: Swamp
- ReGrowth: Temperate
- ReGrowth: Tropical
- ReGrowth: Tundra
- Red's Performance Fixes (aka. Comp EggLayer Fix)
- Relevant Stats In Description
- Repair Items
- Armor Racks
- More grouped buildings
- Replace Stuff
- Simple Utilities: Wall
- Replace Stuff Mod Compatibility
- RescueeJoinsPlus
- Research Tab Colors
- Research Whatever
- RimDead Redemption
- RimPy Mod Manager Database
- RimTraits: General Traits
- RimTraits: Medieval Talents
- Rimsenal - Hair pack
- Rimsenal Hair Retextured
- Rimworld Westernization Project (Continued)
- Roles Can Wait
- Roles untied to memes
- Romance On The Rim
- Roo's Minotaur Xenotype
- Roo's Minotaur Xenotype Expanded
- Roo's Faun Xenotype
- Roo's Satyr Xenotype
- Royal Thrumbos (Continued)
- Royalty Tweaks
- RunAndGun
- Scattered Flames
- Scattered Stones
- Scenario Searchbars
- Search and Destroy (Unofficial Update)
- Set Up Camp
- Shearable Mareep
- Show Me Your Hands
- Simple Recycling
- Simple sidearms
- SimpleCameraSetting
- Smart Medicine
- Smart Speed
- Smarter Construction
- Smarter Deconstruction and Mining (Continued)
- Snap Out!
- Standalone Hot Spring
- Stoneborn - Dwarven Style Pack
- Synthread Production
- T's Seal the Spirits
- Tainted Renaming
- Tech Advancing
- The Brotherhood Compendium "Continued"
- Dragons Descent
- [LTS]Systems
- The Profaned
- The Wild Fields - apparel and weapons
- Thrones plus
- Throwing Weapon Belt
- Thrumbo Extension
- Thrumboian Race
- Tilled Soil
- Trade Ships Drop Spot
- TradeHelper
- Trait and Backstory Icons
- Tribal Backstories
- Tribal Crib
- Tribal Tattoos
- Tribal Warrior Set!
- Ultimate Storyteller [1.4-1.5]
- Undraft After Tucking
- VPE Self-Cast This!
- Vanilla Backstories Expanded
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Classical
- Erin's Japanese Furniture
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Hats and Rags
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Icons and Symbols
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artifacts
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Sophian Style
- Vanilla Pawns Retextured
- Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Hemosage
- Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Puppeteer
- Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Runesmith
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Archon
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Custom Icons
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Genie
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Highmate
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Hussar
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Phytokin
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Pigskin
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Sanguophage
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Saurid
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Waster
- Vanilla Temperature Expanded
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power
- Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Bioferrite
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Grenades
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Non-Lethal
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Tribal
- Vanometric Tech (Continued)
- Wall Vitals Monitor (Continued)
- WanderJoinsPlus
- What's Missing? 1.5 temp
- What's That Mod
- Pick Up And Haul
- While You're Up (with add-on for PUAH)
- Wololoo - Better Conversion and Recruitment
- Won hair_men
- Won Hair Men Retextured
- Won hair_women
- Won Hair Women Retextured
- Work Tab
- Xenotype Spawn Control
- Gunplay
- Yayo's Animation (Continued)
- Yayo's Caravan (Continued)
- Yayo's Combat 3 (Continued)
- [1.5][KV] Save Storage, Outfit, Crafting, Drug, & Operation Settings
- [CAT] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats
- [CF] Better Looking Plants
- [FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time
- [GMT] Trading Spot
- [LC] Selectable Sculpture Graphic
- [LTO] Colony Groups
- [LTS]Furnishing
- [SR]Factional War Continued
- pphhyy's Lightless Empyrean
- ↁ House Sanguin [Continued]
- RocketMan - Performance Mod