Created with RimPy Mod Manager v. (database: 28094334)
Mod list was created for game version: 1.5.4297 rev1078

Local mods that were not found in the database are marked as yellow labels with packageId in brackets [unknown mods in the list: 5]

Mod list length: 401

  1. Prepatcher
  2. Harmony
  3. Fishery - Modding Library

4. Core {packageId: ludeon.rimworld}

  1. Performance Fish

6. Royalty [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.royalty}

7. Ideology [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.ideology}

8. Biotech [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.biotech}

9. Anomaly [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.anomaly}

  1. HugsLib
  2. SRTS Expanded
  3. Transport Shuttle 1.4 and 1.5
  4. Cherry Picker
  5. Vanilla Expanded Framework
  6. Vanilla Factions Expanded - Empire
  7. (SRTS) Transport Shuttle Retexture - VFE-E Empire shuttle texture
  8. Graphics Settings+
  9. JecsTools
  10. XML Extensions
  11. Humanoid Alien Races
  12. Tabula Rasa
  13. Achtung!
  14. Advanced Power Plus
  15. Adaptive Storage Framework
  16. Adaptive Primitive Storage
  17. Vanilla Psycasts Expanded
  18. Alpha Animals
  19. Vanilla Fishing Expanded
  20. Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures
  21. Alpha Memes
  22. All Specialists Can Work
  23. Allow Tool
  24. Almostthere1.5
  25. Alpha Biomes
  26. Alpha Genes
  27. Alpha Mythology
  28. Vehicle Framework
  29. Vanilla Vehicles Expanded
  30. Alpha Vehicles - Age of Sail
  31. Alpha Vehicles - Neolithic
  32. Ancient Armory
  33. Anima Gear
  34. Anima Bionics - Forked
  35. Anomaly BodyMastery Trait Eyes Patch
  36. AnthroGenes
  37. Anthrosonae
  38. Apparel Tainted Only When Corpse Rots
  39. Archotech Weaponry (Continued)
  40. Auto links
  41. Auto-Cut Blight
  42. Automatic Night Owl
  43. Backstory Constructor
  44. Bed Rest For Food Poisoning
  45. Better Traders
  46. Better Workbench Management
  47. RimFridge: Now with Shelves!
  48. LWM's Deep Storage
  49. AI Upscaled Textures - Core
  50. ReGrowth: Core
  51. Vanilla Textures Expanded
  52. ReGrowth: ReTextures
  53. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect
  54. [SYR] Processor Framework
  55. Medieval Overhaul
  56. Big Little Mod Patch
  57. Bioferrite Torchlight Belt
  58. Geological Landforms
  59. Biome Transitions
  60. Bionic icons
  61. Biotech Expansion - Core
  62. Biotech Expansion - Insectoid
  63. Biotech Expansion - Mammalia
  64. Biotech Expansion - Mythic
  65. Biotech xenotype expanded - Rotfish
  66. Biotech: Reptilian Humanoids 1.5
  67. Build From Inventory
  68. Buildable Terrain v1
  69. Bunk Beds
  70. Buyable Quest Rewards
  71. Call A Trader
  72. Castle Walls Reborn
  73. Ceiling and Floor Lamps[continued]
  74. Character Editor
  75. Character Editor Retextured
  76. Clean Pathfinding 2
  77. Outland - Terrain
  78. ReGrowth: Aspen
  79. Vanilla Plants Expanded
  80. Clean Textures
  81. Colored deep resources
  82. Compact Hediffs
  83. Compressed Raid
  84. Float Sub-Menus
  85. Craft with Color
  86. Craftable Animus Stone
  87. Craftable Glitterworld Medicine
  88. Craftable Plasteel 1.5
  89. Craftable Psylink Neuroformers
  90. Craftable Royalty Weapons (Continued)
  91. Custom Playstyle Presets
  92. Dark Ages : Crypts and Tombs
  93. Defensive Positions
  94. Denim
  95. Designator Shapes
  96. Disable Automatically Select Travel Supplies
  97. Divine Order
  98. Doormats
  99. Doors Expanded
  100. DragSelect
  101. Dress for the Weather
  102. Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Anima Theme
  103. Dryads & Gauranlen Trees Reworked
  104. Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Dryads
  105. Dryads & Gauranlen Trees Rework + Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Dryads: Compatibility - Greater Dryads
  106. Dark Ages : Medieval Tools
  107. Common Sense
  108. Dubs Break Mod
  109. Dubs Mint Menus
  110. Dubs Performance Analyzer
  111. EasyIdeoSwitching
  112. Edge of Descension - Monoblades
  113. Edo Themed Expansion
  114. Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded
  115. T's Samurai Faction
  116. Edo Themed Expansion/T's Samurai Faction redundancy patch
  117. Enable Oversized Weapons
  118. Epitaph
  119. Erin's Cottage Collection
  120. Erin's Decorations
  121. Erin's Final Fantasy Animals
  122. Erin's Hairstyles - Redux
  123. Erin's Hairstyles 2
  124. Erin's Valheim Creatures
  125. Fahrenheit and Celsius
  126. Fallout - Nuka Cola Collection
  127. Fallout Stimpak (Continued)
  128. Carry Capacity Fixed (Continued)
  129. Fallout Traits Continued
  130. Fences And No Floors
  131. Fish Traps
  132. Fishing Boats (Continued)
  133. ATH's Styleable Framework
  134. ATH's style Draconic
  135. ATH's style Gothic and Bloody Gothic
  136. ATH's styles Norse
  137. Flak Dusters
  138. Flintolcks Extended
  139. Floors Are (Almost) Worthless
  140. Outland - Genetics
  141. Forgotten Realms - Biotech Edition
  142. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
  143. Fortifications - Industrial
  144. Fortifications - Medieval
  145. Fortifications - Neolithic
  146. Fueled Smelter + Crematorium(continued)
  147. Gain Skill Passions
  148. Gene Tools - Forked
  149. Get Out Of My Chair!
  150. Geyser Deconstruct patch
  151. Vanilla Furniture Expanded
  152. GloomyFurniture
  153. Gloomy Furniture Fix
  154. Gloomy Furniture Upscale
  155. Go the Fork to Sleep
  156. Grimstone : Beasts
  157. Outland - More Floors
  158. Gulden Biome
  159. Hidden Eyes
  160. Holsters
  161. RimFantasy: Medieval Overhaul Edition
  162. House Van Illa
  163. Ideo Roles Don't Forbid Work
  164. Ideoligion Icon as Faction Icon
  165. Ignorance Is Bliss 1.5
  166. Incident Tweaker
  167. Integrated Genes
  168. Integrated Xenotypes
  169. Just Put It Over There
  170. Keep Bed Ownership
  171. Keep On Linking
  172. Less Stupid Romance Attempt (Continued)
  173. Letter Permanent Injury
  174. Level Up!
  175. Vanilla Apparel Expanded
  176. Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories
  177. Vanilla Armour Expanded
  178. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module
  179. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
  180. Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers
  181. Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Coilguns
  182. Vanilla Weapons Expanded
  183. Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser
  184. Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Quickdraw
  185. Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Frontier
  186. Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Makeshift
  187. Machinists - A Faction Expansion
  188. RimHUD
  189. Vanilla Skills Expanded
  190. Mad Skills
  191. Make Anything Craftable
  192. Map Designer
  193. Map Preview
  194. Master of Crafting
  195. Mechs Don't Create Wastepacks
  196. Medical Tab - Forked
  197. More Vanilla Textures
  198. Medieval Fantasy Themed Quest Rewards
  199. Medieval Fantasy Quest Rewards Retexture
  200. Medieval Fantasy Themed Rare Resources
  201. Det's Xenotypes - Stoneborn
  202. Medieval Medicines Medieval Overhaul Edition
  203. Medieval Melee Sounds
  204. Medieval Overhaul : LWM's Deep Storage Patches
  205. Medieval Overhaul Deep Vein Mining
  206. Medieval Overhaul Extra Signs
  207. Medieval Overhaul: Air Vehicles
  208. Medieval Overhaul: Barbarians
  209. Medieval Overhaul: House Roxmont
  210. Medieval Overhaul: Toggleable Stuff
  211. Medieval Prosthetics
  212. Performance Optimizer
  213. Melee Animation
  214. Mineable Bioferrite Ore
  215. Misc. Training
  216. Misc. Training Medieval Retexture
  217. Misophonia Be Gone
  218. Mod Manager (Continued)
  219. More Genes
  220. Vanilla Traits Expanded
  221. More Ritual Rewards
  222. More Thrumbos (Continued)
  223. More Thrumbos (Retextured)
  224. MoreGloomyWalls 1.5
  225. Move Your Monolith
  226. Nephilim Xenotype
  227. No Burn Metal
  228. No Disabled Factions In Quests
  229. No Job Authors
  230. No Random Apparel on Ideology Edit
  231. No Random Relations
  232. No Starting Research
  233. Not My Fault
  234. Numbers
  235. OgreStack
  236. Out of Combat Move Speed Boost
  237. Vanilla Fishing Expanded - Fishing Treasures AddOn
  238. Outland - Core
  239. Outland - Eastborn Empire
  240. Outland - Furniture & Decor
  241. Outland - Motz Coalition
  242. Outland - Redburn Pact
  243. Outland - Vathun Nobles
  244. Paintable Royal Buildings
  245. PawnTargetFix
  246. Persona 5 Hairstyles
  247. Possessed Weapons
  248. Power Armor Refit
  249. Priority Treatment Ressurected
  250. Quality Colors 1.5 - Forked
  251. RT Solar Flare Shield
  252. Ragdoll Physics
  253. Raise specialist limit
  254. Range Finder
  255. ReGrowth: Arid
  256. ReGrowth: Boreal
  257. ReGrowth: Expanded World Generation (Continued)
  258. ReGrowth: Swamp
  259. ReGrowth: Temperate
  260. ReGrowth: Tropical
  261. ReGrowth: Tundra
  262. Red's Performance Fixes (aka. Comp EggLayer Fix)
  263. Relevant Stats In Description
  264. Repair Items
  265. Armor Racks
  266. More grouped buildings
  267. Replace Stuff
  268. Simple Utilities: Wall
  269. Replace Stuff Mod Compatibility
  270. RescueeJoinsPlus
  271. Research Tab Colors
  272. Research Whatever
  273. RimDead Redemption
  274. RimPy Mod Manager Database
  275. RimTraits: General Traits
  276. RimTraits: Medieval Talents
  277. Rimsenal - Hair pack
  278. Rimsenal Hair Retextured
  279. Rimworld Westernization Project (Continued)
  280. Roles Can Wait
  281. Roles untied to memes
  282. Romance On The Rim
  283. Roo's Minotaur Xenotype
  284. Roo's Minotaur Xenotype Expanded
  285. Roo's Faun Xenotype
  286. Roo's Satyr Xenotype
  287. Royal Thrumbos (Continued)
  288. Royalty Tweaks
  289. RunAndGun
  290. Scattered Flames
  291. Scattered Stones
  292. Scenario Searchbars
  293. Search and Destroy (Unofficial Update)
  294. Set Up Camp
  295. Shearable Mareep
  296. Show Me Your Hands
  297. Simple Recycling
  298. Simple sidearms
  299. SimpleCameraSetting
  300. Smart Medicine
  301. Smart Speed
  302. Smarter Construction
  303. Smarter Deconstruction and Mining (Continued)
  304. Snap Out!
  305. Standalone Hot Spring
  306. Stoneborn - Dwarven Style Pack
  307. Synthread Production
  308. T's Seal the Spirits
  309. Tainted Renaming
  310. Tech Advancing
  311. The Brotherhood Compendium "Continued"
  312. Dragons Descent
  313. [LTS]Systems
  314. The Profaned
  315. The Wild Fields - apparel and weapons
  316. Thrones plus
  317. Throwing Weapon Belt
  318. Thrumbo Extension
  319. Thrumboian Race
  320. Tilled Soil
  321. Trade Ships Drop Spot
  322. TradeHelper
  323. Trait and Backstory Icons
  324. Tribal Backstories
  325. Tribal Crib
  326. Tribal Tattoos
  327. Tribal Warrior Set!
  328. Ultimate Storyteller [1.4-1.5]
  329. Undraft After Tucking
  330. VPE Self-Cast This!
  331. Vanilla Backstories Expanded
  332. Vanilla Factions Expanded - Classical
  333. Erin's Japanese Furniture
  334. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art
  335. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming
  336. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor
  337. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module
  338. Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Hats and Rags
  339. Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Icons and Symbols
  340. Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artifacts
  341. Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Sophian Style
  342. Vanilla Pawns Retextured
  343. Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Hemosage
  344. Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Puppeteer
  345. Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Runesmith
  346. Vanilla Races Expanded - Archon
  347. Vanilla Races Expanded - Custom Icons
  348. Vanilla Races Expanded - Genie
  349. Vanilla Races Expanded - Highmate
  350. Vanilla Races Expanded - Hussar
  351. Vanilla Races Expanded - Phytokin
  352. Vanilla Races Expanded - Pigskin
  353. Vanilla Races Expanded - Sanguophage
  354. Vanilla Races Expanded - Saurid
  355. Vanilla Races Expanded - Waster
  356. Vanilla Temperature Expanded
  357. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power
  358. Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations
  359. Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Bioferrite
  360. Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Grenades
  361. Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Non-Lethal
  362. Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Tribal
  363. Vanometric Tech (Continued)
  364. Wall Vitals Monitor (Continued)
  365. WanderJoinsPlus
  366. What's Missing? 1.5 temp
  367. What's That Mod
  368. Pick Up And Haul
  369. While You're Up (with add-on for PUAH)
  370. Wololoo - Better Conversion and Recruitment
  371. Won hair_men
  372. Won Hair Men Retextured
  373. Won hair_women
  374. Won Hair Women Retextured
  375. Work Tab
  376. Xenotype Spawn Control
  377. Gunplay
  378. Yayo's Animation (Continued)
  379. Yayo's Caravan (Continued)
  380. Yayo's Combat 3 (Continued)
  381. [1.5][KV] Save Storage, Outfit, Crafting, Drug, & Operation Settings
  382. [CAT] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats
  383. [CF] Better Looking Plants
  384. [FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time
  385. [GMT] Trading Spot
  386. [LC] Selectable Sculpture Graphic
  387. [LTO] Colony Groups
  388. [LTS]Furnishing
  389. [SR]Factional War Continued
  390. pphhyy's Lightless Empyrean
  391. ↁ House Sanguin [Continued]
  392. RocketMan - Performance Mod
Edit Report
Pub: 17 Mar 2025 16:53 UTC
Views: 14