Alm’s Rumor Chart:



“A young woman. Supposedly with great potential. Those who endure in this City are neither the strongest nor the most prodigious ones, but the ones who know where and when to stay in line, avoiding watch dogs.”

“The flames who burn the brightest burn the fastest”. She saw Kali rise and vanish without a single word. Those with great potential end up dead, forgotten, or worse. She expects the same ending to happen to Mirra. No one with so much “potential” will live long in the CIty.

Ji Jeong:

”Egoists… not my type of problem to deal with. He can have them all. Supposedly wields EGO of Abnormalities of the fallen L-Corp. It is impressive that someone so small has reached my eyes and ears.”

Sees great potential in Ji. She knows that people who appear too much die and those who do not climb towards the light live in misery. As far as she is aware, he is on the right path to become a successful fixer, like her, standing in the Penumbra, even if he is not aware of this fact.


”She can’t compare to the previous black. Someone like her is not cut for the job of a Color. Sadly, she cannot run away from this prediction. The nail who sticks out is the one who gets hammered.”

Shiina isn’t cut for the job in her vision and is a pitiful creature stuck in a veiled death sentence. She also had a soft spot for the previous Black Color, being rather amicable for a color and not insane like most of them.
Her opinion of Shiina is not high but if she is forced to, she would recruit her for a mission if their associations are not at each other’s throat.


“Scarlet shines more than red, yet I would have it dead.”

Sees Scarlet as an unstable individual, like the Blue Color on his final days as a fixer. She does not trust nor wants to be around him, a loose cannon will hit any and everyone indiscriminately, besides the ever present danger of him becoming a distortion.
Lacking the Nobility of Kali and the self control of someone like Iori, he is an insane individual who causes a red wake in his path. As far as she knows, he is a massacre or a district wide incident waiting to happen.


“Another Zwei. A grade 2. Not bad. Apparently part of her office as well. But that arm… Hmph.”

Sees Natalie as the brat of a Color and is mildly disturbed at her bloody relic. Due to both of them being part of the Zwei, she has zero qualms about summoning her to one mission, be damned what she is doing right now.



“A small syndicate leader located in the wretched district 23.”

Does not have interest in the doings of a small syndicate. The most she heard out of her syndicates is that their leader has an EGO.



”Rats climbing out of the gutter are not rare. Rare are those rats with potential to achieve more, to live a dignified life. Potential by itself in this City, more rare are those with prodigious crafting skills. Makers of singularity come and go, changing every decade and so on but the relics made by a great Meister may endure the passage of eras and the ravages of time. I’m truly curious about your path.”

Sees great potential in Millo and wonders what he may create in the future. His path is safe-ish than most, she hopes he may live a long and good life.



“Enforcers are not a trustworthy kind. Like the Wings they work for, they are shrouded in mystery and the fact that they reached this rank means that their hands are more than stained with blood and destruction. Although they are not on the same level as the Head’s own agents, they are not a threat to be scoffed at either. They are never a challenge worth taking.”



“The rumors remind me of the time of the Smoke War… abominations will always roam this cursed place.”
Despite the fact he is just a rumor for now, she is not willing to face down this type of distortion, leaving it to Iori and her merry band of sociopaths or the LCB.

The Shadow Queen:

”The rumors regarding this one are… interesting. People developing shadow guardians in a pit of hell like the backstreet of district 23 was unheard of until this moment. All of them came in contact with this individual. It is worth taking a glance at it.”

She wants to capture this distortion and give it to artificers to study. If it becomes possible to control how people awaken the little shadowy creatures, the plan is to monopolize it and create her own private army of people with shadows.

Edit Report
Pub: 19 May 2023 00:40 UTC
Edit: 19 May 2023 00:40 UTC
Views: 500