->**Compiled by a Humble Scribe**<-
->*written and maintained /∞/ representative !XcNdwMsONs*<-
>a tribe of nomadic Takeshis settle down on the northeastern island off the shore of the Empire
>begin to worship fantasies of sex the Warden of Time, calling her the Kroniissiah and dubbing themselves Kronies
>over time they write myths these fantasies down and compile them into a library
>the settlement is attacked by raiders who were never identified, with the library burning down
>the settlement is rebuilt and named New London
>a Takeshi hailing from /ggg/ builds his own library, compiling even more works and calling it the Grand Archive
>having learned from the raid, the Kronies venture into north into snowy plains and form a military outpost
>New London grows, attracting citizens of other Council and Myth nations
>the northern outpost is further secured into a fortress now named Fort Infinity
>a Gosling scribe begins to create his many great romantic works in praise of the Kroniisiah, earning his own hall in the Grand Archive
>Infinitopia is peacefully made a vassal of the Holo Global Empire - though the Kronies think poorly of the Imperials they pay their tributes responsibly
>the Kroniisiah stops answering as many prayers, becoming distant from her clingyronie followers
>a scribe descended from the Takeshis, who previously wrote works depicting the goddess as a vampiric dominatrix, begins to create great works where she is instead depicted as a helpless cuckquean
>the cuckquean works are incredibly popular with the disgruntled Kronies who feel abandoned by the Kroniissiah and begin to write more and more works of this nature, where the Kroniissiah is a cuck to all the other Holos in the pantheon - the writer is granted his own hall in the Grand Archive
>the chief archivist hires an assistant and they greatly renovate the Archive, attracting more readers and writers as well as outsiders
>an exiled sapling settles into the city and becomes infamous for his works depicting the Kroniissiah, and later the entire pantheon, as sadistic, domineering hermaphrodites
>the Gosling scribe from before is revealed to be a degenerate who also writes works depicting deicide and cannibalism, and becomes a public enemy to most Kronies
>more and more writers join the ranks, and for a long time, things are good
>then, with little warning, the Kroniissiah returns, and as a peace offering to her loyal followers, hosted a divine karaoke
>so great was her SOVL, that many Kronies became weeping Goslings at just the first few notes
>the Kroniisiah was found to be no cuckquean, no dominatrix, not a even a symbol of sex - but a goddess of unrequited love
>many Takeshis were lost, having lost their faith, converting into Goslings
>thus ends the Golden Age... written in the blood (and cum) of the Takeshis
>in the absence of the Takeshis, and under the spell of the karaoke, a sort of reformation took place amongst the Kronies
>no longer did the Kronies worship the act of sex with the Kroniissiah, nor with her fellow goddesses in an act of revenge
>the Kronies reformed into a cult, worshipping the Kroniissiah herself as the surpreme being above all other gods and goddesses, above all other pantheons
>the Kronies believed that flesh was weak, and so they sought to become flawless like machines, grafting unto their bodies clockwork to be closer to their goddess
>machinecraft was seen as a holy act, and Kronies would create magnificent clocks and other machinery as a sign of piety
>the government of Infinitopia was quick to adapt to this change, adopting a stricter and more religious approach to power over their constituents
>this increased the Kronie's isolation from the rest of the empire, making many believe it to be an even stranger land than before, and less pro-Unity as well
>and yet the nation flourished economically for a time, selling machines to the highest bidders in all the Empire - though, only machines deemed simple were allowed to be sold to outsiders, with the zealous Kronies believing other peoples were not worthy of their finest works
>though crime ran rampant and many Kronies has poor living conditions, life resumed in Infinitopia, as did their worship
>the Kroniissiah trapped herself in the the realm of Minecraft, refusing to leave even as her followers begged for her return
>different wealthy citizens begin to send tithes in hopes of swaying their goddess, including the degenerate merchant and the chief archivist among others
>Londoners, driven mad by their goddess' absence, begin to run amok in New London, with the military forces of Fort Infinity repeatedly and routinely having to perform purges in the city
>more and more depressing fiction is written and added to the archive
>the goddess makes a few unannounced appearances with other goddesses of the Imperial pantheon, leading many Kronies to believe she hated her followers
>just as it appears to be at its worst, the Kroniissiah goes on a one week break - a dark age is on the horizon, one of infinite timeloops and the breakdown of all Kronie society
>when all seemed lost, the Kroniissiah returned to her believers - thousands of schizos are round up and imprisoned
>because of the overly populated prisons, a massive fortune is spent to build a manmade island north of Fort Infinity
>the island is made a prison colony and dubbed Schizotraz, with the schizos being exiled there to fend for themselves
>a political scandal arises as it is revealed that the renovation of the Grand Archive, much of the tithes sent earlier, and the construction of Schizotraz were funded by the chief archivist using money embezzled from what should've been Imperial tributes - the chief archivist escapes and goes into hiding, leaving the Grand Archive to his assistant
>despite the Kroniisiah's return, her schedules would remain bare according to the harsh critics amongst the Kronies, leading to feelings of resentment amongst many of them
>some Kronies, with memories of Minecraft fresh on their minds, were still critical of both the Kroniissiah and her schedules
>what's more, the recent scandal regarding the Grand Archive called into question if writing works were still pious
>this was compounded by the Grand Archive becoming harder and harder to maintain as it kept growing without the illegal funding prior, despite the new chief archivist hiring more assistants
>even with the final archivist, an esteemed contributor of fluff works, worked tirelessly to archive more works, the library soon fell into disrepair, garnering harsh criticism from Kronies
>this general resentment of Infinitopia's culture culminated in a gang of dissidents publicly decrying the Kroniissiah as lazy and wasting her potential
>they further criticized the culture of the Kronies for their writefagging, namefagging, and socializing, things they believed were a direct insult to our anonymous ancestors
>the schizos would elude enforcers for months, showing up in numbers everyday in different parts of New London to spew their beliefs
>the Kronies attempted to scare off the dissidents by being overly friendly, even homoerotic with them - though this greatly confused and offended the rebels, but they'd return immune to such depravity
>over time these public debates and gayposting became less and less about the Kroniissiah and more and more about the Kronies
>a popular artist created a depiction of the leader of the gang as a cute, feminine young man, upsetting the schizos at first but soon coming to accept it
>eventually, this more pacifist approach converted most of them back into the belief, with all involved becoming more hopeful and steadfast in believing in the Kroniisiah
>the Kronies rejoiced having converted the heretics, and the government of Infinitopia took notice... and saw an opportunity
>despite the small triumph, the Kroniissiah was still distant to her followers, with some clingryronies becoming parasocial with the each other and the named Kronies instead of their goddess
>the tithes never stopped, and soon an underground competition was made of who could get more of the Kroniisiah's attention with as little spending as possible - Kronies would often fly into a rage if their goddess liked a comment or replied to a Tweet other then their own
>the perceived negligence from the Kroniissiah turned more and more Kronies into schizos
>one such schizo harshly critiqued the styles of every major contributor to the archive, stifling interest in writing amongst many Kronies for fear of being so harshly scrutinized
>the ever present debate between Kromei worshippers and Kronies who hated Kromei led to multiple schizos who'd war for territory in New London, increasing the rate of crime that Enforcers struggled to deal with
>Infinitopia became even more infamous with travelers hailing from the Empire for its almost alien culture and high rate of schizos
>intrigued with the successful conversation of the potential gang, the government set forth a plan for mass conversion and "correction" of schizos
>first, they commissioned art depicting some of the most prolific writers of the old Archive as cute girls, a move that may have been controversial, but was definitely profitable
>using this new wealth, the government funded the creation of the Department of Corrections, and the construction of the Correction Facility on Schizotraz
>with increased funding, the Enforcers were able to round up most of the schizos in New London and Schizotraz and drop them into the Correction Facility
>there, performed brutal experiments were performed on prisoners, before deeming them "corrected" and reintegrating them into society as cute girls dependent on Kronies for affection
>Corrections grew in power and the Facility grew in size over time, soon encompassing all of Schizotraz, allowing for the imprisonment of more schizos, and in turn more corrections to take place
>some Kronies, desperate for reassurance in the absence of their goddess, began worshipping the false idols of the cute girls made in the image of famous Kronies and corrected schizos
>this only served to further stigmatize Infinitopia in the eyes of the Empire, which only emboldened the Kronies
>the Archive's main hall was repurposed into a Hall of Heroes depicting the false goddesses, which was seen as a great blasphemy by more traditional Kronies
>to this day many Kronies argue that Infinitopia is set on a dark path, worshiping false goddesses before the Kroniissiah... but they are often deemed schizos themselves, and dragged off to Schizotraz for correcting...
In recent times, the Kroniissiah has returned, opening up more to her worshippers. The Archive has slowly began rebuilding as well. New works of high quality are being made once more. Perhaps there is hope yet for this once illustrious civilization. If the corruption within our society will be cleansed, and if the blasphemy in our Goddess' temple will be purged... Only time will tell.