What was that light? It was bright and direct, but not nearly as warm as the sun
And was that burning smell candles? They smelled so...artificial
He knew how proper candles smelled, and those were most definitely not of the same caliber he was used to
He reached his hands up to rub his eyes, robes shifting around his lithe frame as he did
As his vision cleared, he raised a hand up to block the light, sending shadows cascading over his pale face
Peering outwards he saw a figure standing just beyond the light, not moving, simply watching
Well, at least that part of things was right, he SHOULD be treated with respect, though this had a more ominous feeling to it
After all, he shouldn't be here
Last he recalled, he was in his study, researching some way to fix the latest issue befouling the land
And now he was here
Well, he'd soon find out just what was going on and who to punish for dragging him away at such an important time
Lowering his hand, a simple thought was enough to extinguish the strange torch
At least, it should have been
As bizarre as it seemed, he couldn't seem to use his power on it
Confused, he reached a hand out, trying to grasp the mysterious figure with his magic and pull them in close, but again, he was blocked
No, that wasn't quite right, it was more like something was...compelling him not to use his magic
That was a worrying thought, but he could play along for now
Before he could talk though, the figure stepped forward, letting him see...her
She was surprisingly large, looking at her, and definitely female, though her outfit was bizarre to him
Long, floppy ears stuck up from her head, while the nose at the end of her muzzle wiggled, the girl looking rather in awe of the sight before her
A bunny
He'd been summoned by a bunny
What sort of sick joke was this?
That feeling was only made worse when she grabbed him, hoisting him up into the air in some attempt to make him sick of crush him, twirling around while his face was squashed against her bust
What kind of hell had he been dragged into?!

Oh my gosh
It worked!
She hadn't believed it, but it had worked!
Okay, maybe she believed it a little, but even so!
How could she have assumed it would?
It made no sense that she'd be able to summon a pet but, well, there they were!
And they were in..robes, or something?
What was going on? This was all so strange!
She watched the Human look around, squinting in the light of the torch, confused and unsure
She just had to hug them!
She laughed happily, twirling on the spot, squeezing the Human against her!
Wait, actually, they were HER Human now!
Oh my gosh!
Ohh, she had to think up a name and get them a bed and toys and plenty of food to eat because oh my goodness they felt thin and-
Wait, what was that noise?

Unhand me, you wretch! Damnable beast, let go of me NOW!

He shouted into her chest, his hands pressing up against her belly and arms, trying to pry himself free
She seemed to anticipate his movements though, arms and hands catching him right before he managed to wriggle away
So not only was she large and strong, but fast as well? What a nightmare
As soon as he could, he'd find her owner and bind them together for letting this thing off its leash!

"Are you okay little guy?"

Came a feminine voice from above him, somewhat hard to hear due to his current position, but thankfully it also brought a looser grip
He couldn't believe he's found one that had started gaining sentience
Maybe he should just raze the building now
Stepping back, he glared at her, and raised a hand above his head

Enjoy your final moments, beast.

Was all he said before he brought his hand down, and with it, a torrent of fire
Except...where was the fire?
Where was his magic in general?
And what was that thing around his throat?
He reached up and grasped it, realizing almost instantaneously what it was
A collar
No no no, this could not be happening

What have you done to me?!

Oh dear, he looked so angry!
Had she done something wrong? Should she not have hugged them?
Wait...did they just...

"You can speak?"

She said, crouching down and moving in close so they were nearly face to face
They might have been small, but they had such a fury about them!
It was odd seeing that, as normally Humans were adorable bundles of cuddles and love
She guessed this one was special like she'd been told he would be
Still, she hadn't expected him to be this different! Talking, a weird outfit, what was next?

Yes I still can, despite all the best efforts, so it seems. Now I have two questions for you! First, how did this get on me?

He said, yes urging to the dollar wrapped around his throat

The other, is, why is my magic being blocked?

It was weird to hear actual words coming out of a human's mouth
But, then again, she HAD apparently magically summoned him, so she supposed she'd just have to deal with it
Thinking about it, this was kind of similar to some of the fantasy novels she'd read in the past
Maybe this would be something like that!

"The collar? Well I guess that kind of answers both of questions. When I read the book and used the crystal, it appeared, and then so did you inside it. Now that it's on you, it marks you as my pet, and that you have to obey my commands."

She said, looking down at him

Obey you? As if I'd ever-

He dropped down onto all fours, sitting there on the ground
He was so shocked and humiliated, he forgot how angry he was
She, on the other paw, was elated

"Roll over~!"

The moment she said that, he obeyed, practically diving to the side to roll onto his back, robes shifting about as he flopped into position

"Oh my gosh~!"

She squeaked, dropping down beside him to rub his belly
That brought him out of his bewilderment, and he started swatting at her arm

Gah! Get off of me, beast!
"Haha, sorry, I just couldn't resist, you looked sooooo cute~!"

She said, still looking down at him even when she was kneeling, though he was laying back.

I am not cute! I could crush you in an instant!
"Uh huh~?"

She replied, scratching his belly again

Get off!

This continued for the next ten or fifteen minutes

This was exhausting
When was the last time he did this much physical activity?
This damned she-beast, she was going to pay for this humiliating treatment when he got out of here
The question was, how?
As much as he might loathe admitting it, physically, she was stronger than him
Without his power, he was at risk
Thinking about it, he came to a singular conclusion
He'd have to be nice to her at least until he could get away

Wai-Wait, hold on a moment..

He said, holding his arms up to block her grasping paws

"Huh? What's wrong?"
I just..want to get some fresh air, is all. We've been in this room for a while now and, well, wouldn't it be better to play in the sunlight?

Her eyes lit up at his suggestion, and he soon found himself in another back-breaking squeeze

"Ooh of course~! I knew you'd warm up to me! Come on~!"

She quickly guided him down some stairs in the old building, got to the door, and opened it up
The moment he could, he charged through the door, dashing out of the dark building, away from his captor, free!
The bright light of the outside world hit him suddenly, practically blinding him, but he was outside and he was running
He could come back to this place for revenge later on when he had his powers
For now, it was better to abandon dignity and escape
As he ran, the ground beneath his feet shifted, dropping down by half a foot
He might have wondered what that was if it wasn't for the louder roaring that distracted him
He only got a glimpse of some massive, shiny beast baring down on him before it hit him with an amazing amount of strength
He hit the ground hard, and with a few crunching noises, the world starting to go black
The last things he heard was a woman's scream, and the sound of voices gathering around him, and then the world went black


The next time he woke up, he felt something warm and soft stroking his head
He tried to move, but even just a little movement made him since and grit his teeth
It felt like a tree had landed on him or something, his body was aching
Had that gleaming monster really done this to him?
Hearing voices, he strained to listen in, hoping to catch something important that might help him

"ernal organs were badly damaged. The safe..."
"lease, there has to be a way..."
"ones already pierced one of his..."

He couldn't tell who the man was that was talking, but it sounded like the damn rabbit had brought him there!
He hated the idea of her having saved him, but, well she had been the one who caused all these issues to happen, after all
Still, unless she had brought him to some kind of amazing healer he knew nothing about, it was going to be too late for him
He could feel his energy draining away the longer he laid there, so he took a risk, gesturing as best he could for her to lean in close
When she was close enough that he thought she'd be able to hear him, he asked for her help, in a way

Let...Let me..use..my magic t-to heal myself...

He only just barely managed to get it out, and when he winced and looked up, it almost looked like she was...crying?
So overly emotional, but it would work for the moment
She nodded and leaned in closer, law still stroking his head in an oddly tender way
She hadn't really started caring about him already, had she? Gods above, he neither wanted, nor needed, that

"O-Okay, you can heal yourself j-just please, don't die!"

He felt a sort of mental wall lifting away and, as his fingers twitched, he could feel power coursing though them
This was going to leave him drained, but alive, and maybe, if she did insist on carrying him around, she could at least watch over him while he rested

She tried to hold back her tears but they just wouldn't stop flowing
It wasn't fair, they'd only just met and now...
She could barely handle leaning in when he gestured to her, the site of him in so much pain, suffering so much, it broke her heart
She had no clue if he could follow through on his claim, but, well, she was desperate to believe anyone that said they could save him
She watched him struggle to move after that and she almost wanted to leave the room, but then something amazing happened
The tips of his fingers started to glow, a light, green shine encompassing them, slowly rising up over his hands, then his arms, and soon enough it was spreading over every inch of him!
She looked around for the vet but he had stepped out of the room moments ago to talk to someone in the staff about
Actually, thinking about it, she didn't have a name for him!
It wasn't like she hadn't had one in mind, but he was so..so..well, he was hard to describe!
A pet like him deserved some kind of really special name!
Speaking of which, her attention was drawn less to the edge of the glow that was surrounding her pet's body, but to the twisted places it had already covered
Watching closely, she saw the mangled bits of his body reshaping themselves, shifting in place until the glow silhouetting him looked more normal!
Enraptured by the sight, she watched his body put itself back together
When it was finally done, the glowing green sunk inside of him, and a minute or so later on, he opened his eyes
That was when she hugged him again
A little more tenderly this time

Not another hug!
He tried to get away, but with how tired that spell had left him, as well as her already...powerful physical abilities, she was able to snatch him up with ease
He struggled in her grasp, but it just seemed to make her but harder
At least it wasn't as crushing as it had been before
Soon though his mind was drawn to other things
The first being where the hell he was
The walls were smooth, white, and clean, while finely made cabinets and counters ran around two of the walls of the room
On the counters were tools and vials of what looked to be surprisingly high-quality make
One of the walls had some sort of frameless window through which he could see a human dangling from a tree yet, despite their predicament, they weren't budging an inch!
In fact, they looked almost frozen in place and time
Whoever it was that owned this place, they must either be powerful, wealthy, or both
Maybe they somehow had this rabbit employed? It was bizarre and highly unorthodox, but if it worked for them, he supposed he could understand it
He felt her hold loosening and she lifted him up into the air
He didn't mind it so much, probably mainly because it left him looking down at her

"oh my gosh, I just realized,what are we going to tell the vet?"
What are you going on about now?
"Well I mean, you were hurt really badly right before he left, so when he gets back, he's going to be really confused!"
how confused could he be? I'll just talk to him. I'm sure he'll value my words over that of an animal's.
"But you shouldn't be able to talk! He's not going to understand what's going on."

He tilted his head, glaring down at her

Why shouldn't I?
"Because Humans CAN'T talk! They're not that smart!"
What do you mean Humans aren't-

She cut him off, a silhouette appearing in the window of the door

"He's coming back! Don't speak!"

He went to demand an answer to his question, but found, much like with his magic before, he was cut off

She squeezed her little Human in close, despite his squirming, as the vet walked in
Before the old Cat could get a word in though, she bounced forwards, shook his hand, and rattled off a quick apology for wasting his time and how her Human was 'Sooooooo much better' now before nearly running out of the offices
She hoped she wouldn't get in trouble for this but, well, what were they going to say?
Her Human magically healed himself in the span of a few minutes?
Would Magi be a could name?
Obviously it'd be an odd one for people to get, as most reading it probably wouldn't realize it was supposed to be pronounced 'Mah-jai'
Still, it was definitely a unique name, right? Plus, it suited him, since he could do magic!
She hoped he'd like it
Feeling his squirming slow down, she looked at him, noticing the way his chest was rising and falling
He looked exhausted!

"Don't you worry, Magi, we'll be home soon~"

He didn't respond, though whether that was because she'd said he couldn't, or because he feeling grumpy, she wasn't quite sure
Still, holding his little body in her arms, squeezing him against her as she walked home
It felt so right
It felt so good

The doctor had been an animal
This world looked nothing like his and every where he'd looked when they'd gotten outside
Were animals
But not just animals in Human clothing
There were Humans too
Humans on leashes, running in gardens, tied to poles, being walked by animals
And they looked so...
Then, he passed out


Anon awoke to the smell of cooking food wafting through the air, seemingly determined to wake him
Grumbling, he got up, his eyes widening as he felt the bed he was sitting in
It was so soft and cozy! It felt like something royalty might have!
Where was he?
Not only that, but looking around the room showed him quite a bit!
This place was incredible!
The walls were smooth and had elegantly simple designs of flowers running over them
Soft curtains were shut against a part of the wall where he imagined a window would be, while on the side was a dresser, and a door
He slowly got out of bed, only to realize he was wearing some kind of odd, miniature pants! They were snug around his waist, and the tiny legs were large and wide, ending midway down his calves
Hooking a thumb into the waistband of his...short pants, he went to pull them off, only for it to stretch before getting dragged down
Fascinated, he tugged on the band again, eyes widening as it stretched even further than before!
He wondered just how far they could stretch though, when he let go of the band for a moment, they snapped back to their original size!


Now, form fitting clothes he could make
But, unless it was extremely subtle, these didn't seem to have any magical elements to them at all
Then, as he thought about it, it was like his waking mind slapped him, informing him that the only thing he was wearing were these strange short pants, and that, therefor, someone had stripped him down to the buff
He pulled them off, placing them down on the bed warily
From there, he started looking around the room for his robes
He opened the dresser up and looked through the clothing inside and, while he saw long, flowing outfits mixed with somewhat more conservative fare, he didn't see his robes anywhere
He glanced back to the bed and the short pants

Belle was cooking in the kitchen when she'd decided to go check on Magi
Setting the food to a low heat, she snuck over to the door of her bedroom as quietly as she could, and peeked inside
Her eyes quickly found Magi, and she watched as he looked around
Still, the best part was when he was looking at his boxers
He was sooo cute! He kept pulling on them and looking at them, holding them in his hands and examining them
She resisted the urge to let out a noise or rush in their to hug him
She'd read books about this sort of thing before
She just needed to give him some space so he could get acclimated to his new life
She snuck back to the kitchen and continued cooking. She quickly picked up on when he left her room, bare feet padding along the wooden floor
As he was about to step into the room, she practically bounced over to the table and set their food down, eggs and bacon and fruit with yogurt to mix them in!
Then, she poured them two glasses of orange juice, setting the pans back down, turning around just in time to see him entering the room, standing on the other side of the table.
Ohhh, he looked so cuuute!
He paused in the doorway, looking surprised to see her
Then he looked around, as if he was trying to find something before looking back to her

You live here?

He asked, and she smiled and nodded, ears bouncing up and down on her head

"Mhm, and so do you, now~! Come on, I made us some food!"

He looked a little more wary than before when she said that, and he walked over to the table slowly, head and shoulders peeking up over the edge of the table so he could examine the food

She'd made this?
What was in it
There was no way she'd set up all this just for him
All that strange, colorful fruit and...what was that, yogurt?
Not to mention the bacon and eggs

Let me examine it.
Let me use my magic to examine it.
"Why do you need to examine it? It's just breakfast you know. I'm not going to hurt you, Magi~!"
What did you call me?
"Oh! Your name! Do you like it? I guess most people don't get to ask their pets what they think.

He didn't say anything for a moment or two, eventually looking down to the ground, then back up to his food.
A name?
She couldn't really think of him as a pet, right?
That had to be the most laughable part of it all
Should he tell her his actual name?
No, he'd stick with the one she'd given him for now
It'd make things easier, and in the off chance that he winds up stuck here, it might be best that no one knows his real name so they could use it against him
Still, he wasn't about to give her the satisfaction of acknowledging it, and so

Can I examine my food now?
"Alright, but you're not going to find anything weird in it!"

She said in that frustratingly cheerful tone of hers
Still, it felt good to feel his magic being freed up if even just a little
Focusing on the food, his eyes started glowing and in his vision, words appeared above the food, letting him know the make up of it all, that there were no known poisons or drugs inside it, or anything of the sort
It didn't tell him everything about the food, as it was simply different than what he was knew, but from what he could see, none of it seemed inherently deadly or criminal
His stomach growled embarrasingly, and he glared at the damned Rabbit when she giggled
Slowly, he sat down though, as he looked at the food, he realized he was lacking in the cutlery department
The Rabbit had hers, though, and she was happily eating away
Was this some sort of insult?
Wait, wait, no, he had to think like a...
He didn't really want to say the word, so he decided to skip ahead and just ask her for the answer

Okay, she didn't like to toot her own horn about things, but she felt she did a pretty good job with breakfast!
It seemed plenty tasty to her, and was nice and varied to boot!
Though, looking over at Magi, she realized he wasn't eating!

"Something wrong, Magi?"

He gave her one of those cute frowns he liked doing when she asked that
So adorable~

Where's my cutlery?
"Why would you have any, silly? They're dangerous, you know!"
I can handle myself well enough.
"Are you sure?"
Yes, I'm quite 'sure' I can handle a fork and a knife.
"Alright, I'll go grab you them then!"

He shook his head before giving his collar a light tug

Allow me.
"Hmm, okay, but only because it's fun watching you do this stuff~"

She set her own fork and knife down to watch Magi work
Casually he raised his hand, spoke a strange-sounding word, and then, the cutlery drawer opened up, and out flew a lightly-glowing fork and knife!
She watched the drift over and into his grasp, though she giggle again when he took hold of them
He looked like a child holding their parent's things!
He was so tiny, it just melted her heart~
He seemed to notice her staring, and frowned at her, before daintily eating his food
Heck, looking at him, he might have been better at it than she was!
Wherever he was from, he had been quite well-trained
She was so lucky to have him as her pet~


With breakfast done, and Magi's robes, as he called them, back on him, it was time to go out for a walk!
He didn't make it easy, though!
He refused to wear his leash and insisted about how it would be 'so embarrassing' to be seen like this by other people
She informed him it would sort of look like she had dressed him up to cosplay some non-existant character, though the idea was lost on him
A bit of coaxing and hugging later and she was walking out the door, with Magi following behind her
She had to go shopping for things for him, after all!

Pub: 02 Sep 2024 07:29 UTC
Views: 141