Farm Owner by writer number six

Anon is in his mid 20's, owns a farm, given by his father temporarily
it's only been about a month since he's taken over
the work it's hard, bit it puts food on the table
all of the workers are anthros
one of them is helping you out, Andy
a tall stallion, around 45, a father figure for some, a source of leadership and respect, and for the young horse men that work with him, the blueprint
muscles, deep voice, a true country man, he had worked on this ranch since anon's grandpa owned the place, the being school friends with anon's dad
although, he's still second banana, which wasn't a problem when anons father owned the place, but it's of precedence now, seeing as he was just another worker here like, a few weeks ago
the vibe is off-kilter, but everyone started calling you "boss" after Andy did, a week or so after you were officially in charge
I mean, not like he wouldn't
he likes anon, considering anon rearranges Andy's guts every day after work
did I forget to mention they're lovers?
it all started one winter night, Andy stayed for dinner at the ranch, it was late when they were done talking, playing cards, drinking, so Andy stayed in the guest house, which is also where Anon lived, it was near the edge of the ranch
anon's grandpa really hated guests, so he put the house out of site, but the location was great for anon
there was a quiet silent atmosphere about the small cabin on the edge of the woods
Andy first offered to sleep on the couch, which was to small, then anon offered to give Andy his bed, Andy refused
they went back and forth, anon saying he wanted Andy to be comfortable, and Andy saying he couldn't take his bed and give him the couch
they, both drunk, decided to sleep on the same bed
night routines were done, clothes fell off, till the men were in their underwear
there were a few problems:
anon and Andy were too lazy and tired to turn on the heat, and too drunk to start a fire
it's November in the rural North and cold as balls outside
the men are in there underwear
Anon has only one blanket
weather by subconscious horny desire, or stupidity, or drunkedness, these men had taken all the steps to end up snugling next to each other for body heat
so they did, anon, bing the jetpack, getting most of the blanket because he produced less body heat than the stallion.
anon had his arm around Andy, hugging close to his back
anon's crotch was right up against the stallions muscled behind
his dick decided it was a good time to sprout
"seriously?" the horse said, slightly annoyed but not pulling away
"oh! uh, sorry..."
"no, it's fine anon, i don't mind," the horses words took on a warm caramel tone, like sweet, sugary notes of desire...
or at least, that how anon remembers the drunk hookup
the rest is blurry, anon finally turns on the heating
he sees a horse cock for the first time
he has the best sex of his life
he slams and rams his new obsession, making a man twice his size scream his name
in the morning anon realizes why an attractive, sexy man like him was still single in his 40s, and why he himself was never interested in women...
he wakes up to the sound of pans clatering
Andy is cooking for anon it seems
anon gets to see a softer side of him he never even saw at times like dinner last night
Andy rubs a beat up non-stick pan
"look at what they've done to you, you don't deserve such treatment"
"made a new friend?" anon asks
"maybe invest in some plastic for your teflon shit?" he says without missing a beat
Andy insisted on making breakfast, but they ended up at a dinner
of course Andy wanted to pay, but anon convinced him to go dutch
they had the day off, it being Sunday and all, so they sorta stayed along side eachother, inside and away from the cold
anon would cherish this memory for the rest of his life...
almost too much...
fast forward to summer, 3 years later, when anon is given the ranch, his father had gone on vacation, and would be out of commission for the next few months
anon was appointed farm "owner" for the time being, which was a controversial decision among the workers who thought Andy would obviously be given the role
his father said making anon leader would give him experience for when he actually did own the farm
this still did not quell the workers grumbles about anon "being our new boss"
still, with Andy behind him, the rest fell in line
"i don't know what in the hell you did to make him call you 'boss', but if your good enough to pull off that, hell I'll call you boss" one horse would comment to anon in private
but something in Andy would change
in public he wouldn't acknowledge any sort of relationship with anon
it didn't bother anon too much, he was more of a lover in private
but now he wouldn't return a smile from anon in public anymore
and he was more private and to himself in general
this really distressed anon
he thought Andy was jealous of his new position
he would decline to go on the date nights and say he had "business" to attend to
anon thought he might be cheating, that he didn't want to be seen with him
he needed a definitive thing to show the world they were together, that Andy was HIS
anon had a devious plan, and he set it in motion
he told Andy he wanted to have a nice night in, stake, wine, some fun after
Andy couldn't refuse, he really seemed into it, into him for once
Anon cooked a beautiful medium rare steak for his man, and one for himself
bought the most expensive wine he could find at the small local mart
rose petals from the door to the table
the house and table all candle lit
Andy's smile was beaming as he walked in, they shared a long, sensual kiss before dining, anon couldn't stop smiling, knowing what would come next, the psychopath
Andy was impressed, and stunned, he thought anon would be mad at him for not being able to meet up with him for dates often, if only he knew
they ate, talked, laughed...
then Andy sipped his wine, almost dowing it
he needed to act quick
luckily they were both done with dinner so he could inact step two
he downed his wine, less "concentrated" then Andy's, after all, a horse would need more
"hey" anon said, "i have a surprise for you in the barn..."
"oh?" Andy was enticed by the prospect of a surprise, having one of his own
when they got there, anon presented a bed of hay covered in a blanket, surrounded by candles
they both undressed knowing the drill by now, they kissed with full tongue and lots of passion
they're hands traveling all over eachother, toutching the places they know the other likes, a finger in there, a mouth or hand there
then, after enough foreplay anon knew it was time
he licked and slobbered on the donut, warming it up for his cock
he lubed the horse up with some he had placed next to the blanket earlier when preparing for the night of love
"stick it in already boss!"
he loved it when he called him this, he pushed his cock in, feeling the warm hole wrap around his cock
it didn't matter how many times he's done this, it always felt luxurious
he worked, slapping his balls against Andy's
"oh fuck boss, you know how to handle a horse
"you know it!" anon said, drilling his horse holding his tail
he enjoyed every moment of this time they had together, he knew Andy was his and he was Andy's in these moments
he was close, and so was Andy, it was time for the end of the show, the grand finale, he blasted hot ropes of cum into him, the horse wined and yelped in pleasure and came too.
he lays down to snuggle next to Andy,
"I'm kinda tired, more than usual" said Andy
anon responded with "well it makes sense, full stomach, all that liquor, you worked a lot today"
"i mean i guess i did..." Andy closed his eyes, sleeping, he would not wake up, and neither would anon after he dosed off.
the candles in the barn and cabin would all go out by morning
they wouldn't hear the opening of the barn door, and anon would never see the ring box in the pants Andy took off, having searched for the perfect ring for a few weekends now, in new territory emotionally, he accidentally pushed away anon
such is love, such is paranoia.
the end.

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Pub: 12 Nov 2021 09:06 UTC
Views: 1775